Chapter 2
I was gonna write chapter 1 Bens POV as well but my writing style really only fits Lilly's Character.
Lilly's POV Ben's POV
"Hello?" We said. We walked away from each other.
It was my agent.
It was my agent.
"Hey Ben I just called to congratulate you, on Race!"
No way.
"Hey Lilly, you got Katherine!"
No way.
"You want the part right?"
"That is the craziest thing you've ever asked me."
Holy shit this is happening.
"You do accept right?"
"Are you crazy?! Of course!"
I can't believe it!
"Great I'll send you the information later today."
"I'll send you the information later today."
"Thank you so much! Bye!"
I hung up, trying to calm down.
"Thank you so much! See ya!"
"I-" We both started.
"You go first,"I said blushing.
"No you!" He replied, also blushing.
Is this feeling of attraction mutual?
"I GOT THE PART!" We both yelled at the same time!
We continued to speak in unison.
"You did? Oh my gosh!"
I pulled him into hug and squeezed him tight. Did I just do that?
He looked at me with sweetest face. He was about to say something but I quickly changed the subject.
"Give me my keys."
"Never!" He yelled and ran to my car.
"Hey!" I yelled chasing after him.
I got to the passengers side and frowned.
He started driving.
"You know my middle name." I said.
"So tell me yours."
"Fitting." I looked at the gas tank. Benjamin Tyler Cook. I like it.
"We should stop for gas."
Ben pulled into the nearest gas station and got out of the car. He left the keys in. Perfect.
I quickly slid into the drivers seat and locked the car. He didn't notice at all.
Later on Ben tried to get back in and watching him struggle was really cute. I opened the window.
"Damn." He replied. With a pout Ben got into the passengers seat.
"So your callback wasn't that bad after all." He said smirking.
"Yeah, Yeah."
I pulled into a parking lot of a local diner.
"Hungry?" I asked
"Was it that obvious?"
I was already out of the car at this point. I pulled his door open and pulled him out. "C'mon"
"How many in your party Miss?"
"Two." I replied.
We followed her to a little corner booth.
"So Lilly Brown," Ben started," tel me about yourself."
"I'm pretty boring, Benjamin Cook."
"I don't believe you because the last 3 and 1/2 hours have been pretty exciting."
"Oh well. I guess you'll have to wait to learn about me." I smirked.
"How old are you?"
"Not answering." I'm pretty stubborn.
"Pretty please?"
"I'm 20" Well not that stubborn.
"Me too." He smiled.
I wonder why
"I win." He has the biggest grin in his face.
"Why is that?"
"Because I learned something about you."
I gasped.
"How dare you?!" I said as dramatically as I could.
We laughed for a little bit, followed by more silence.
"My turn!" I said, a little louder than I should've. I think I startled Ben. Oops.
"Sorry..... When's your birthday?"
"I shall never tell!"
"You have to! I told you something!"
"But then I said me too. you learned something so it's my turn." He said smugly.
"Damn you Benjamin."
"When's your birthday?"
"I actually hate you right now."
Obviously I don't.
"June 4th........"
"That's soon!"
"I guess.....My turn! When's your birthday?"
"December 11th."
"Ha! I'm older!" I teased.
"May I take your order?" The waitress walked up to us.
"Hmmmm.... I'll have penne with butter and parmesan cheese."
"And you sir?"
"I'll have the chicken sandwich."
"Do you want fries or coleslaw?"
"Fries please."
"Alrighty! I'll get that order in for you two."
"Penne with butter and cheese? Wow you really are boring!"
"Told you!" We laughed.
I was blushing a lot during this just didn't want to mention it. Too embarrassing.
Our food arrive really quickly, and when Ben wasn't looking I stole some of his fries. He saw at the last moment though...
"How dare you!?"
He decided to act overly dramatic and I mean how can you not be attracted to the guy?
I learned some more things about him and then I stood up to go to the counter to pay for our food.
Ben shot out of his seat and blocked me.
"I will not let you pay!"
"Look it's the director!" I pointed somewhere to the right. Ben freaked out and went to go see. I then made a break for it and quickly gave the hostess a $50.
"Keep the change! And do not let that man pay for anything! I'm paying for him." I pointed at Ben.
"Lilly I don't see any- " And he ran to the counter.
"Miss please don't accept money this girl gave you."
"Let's go Benjamin." I grabbed his hand. Oh shit. I can't believe I just did that. I looked down at our hands.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
And I was blushing super hard.
A few second later I let go and ran to the car. Ben followed me.
She held my hand. The most beautiful girl in the world held my hand. But she looked really upset.
((I'd like to mention that throughout random parts of the story Ben will be narrating things. Only for a few sentences though.))
"Is something wrong?"
"No uh everything's fine. It's almost 7 pm, Let me drive you home. Where do you live?"
Awkward moment avoided. I think.
"( Insert random address here)"
"Oh hey, that's my street!" I plugged in the aux cord.
"Any requests?"
"Yeah sure!" I hit Santa Fe and almost cried. I saw Ben look over at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I sniffled, "this song is so emotional. It always makes me sad." He held up a box of Star Wars tissues at a red light.
"You stole them?" I half cry, half laugh.
A little while later I stopped at a driveway.
"Is this yours?"
"Yup. Thanks for the ride, and meal Lilly. Don't fall asleep." Then he kissed me.
Holy crap
Holy crap
I can't believe he did that
I can't believe I did that
I guess the feelings mutual
Is the feeling mutual?
It ended, and then he got out of the car and ran to his house. He fumbled with his keys and quickly slammed the door.
My heart was pounding as I drove home. I had the biggest smile plastered on my face. That smile turned into a frown when I realized, I didn't have his number.
Ahhhhh cliff hangers! But not really😂 Thanks for reading!
Love you all! 💕
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