Ch 3
The black Audi pulled up to the huge metal gates. The driver rolled down the window and talked to the security guard for a second, and soon the creaking of metal hinges being moved could be heard.
The car rolled down the driveway, decorated on each side with beautiful gardens. Even though it was dark now, Jimin could spot the peonies bushes against the far corner on each side. The sprinklers were running furiously, spraying water all over the grass, making it sparkle under the lamp lights.
They pulled up at the front door, two people dressed similarly stood there, with bright smiles, waiting to welcome them. The driver quickly got out to open the doors for everyone, and came to Jimin's side at last, as he was about to open the door Jimin waved a hand, signalling the driver to leave, who scurried off to close the other doors.
Jimin quickly sent a text to hobi -who he had been texting the whole ride- telling him he had arrived and had to go now.
'Hobi💜: good luck!!😘❤️❤️'
Jimin gave a small smile as his cheeks turned a little red, then shoved his phone into his coat pocket. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and then inhaled, mustering up the kindest smile he could.
He pushed the door open and got out. He walked around the car, finding his father shaking hands with the other man and the lady telling her sister how beautiful she looked.
The woman saw Jimin and her smile widened. "And you must be Jimin!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a huge hug.
"Good evening Mrs. Jeon." He said, pulling back. He turned to the man, his smile dropping to a more formal one. "Good evening Mr.Jeon." He bowed down a little
The man grabbed his shoulders, lightly lifting him back.
Mr. Jeon patted his back and turned to his father. "Shall we go inside then," he asked. Everyone nodded and followed the Jeons inside their home.
The interior of the home was very simplistic. Wooden floors, floor to ceiling windows that looked out onto the backyard, tall archways instead of doors, gave it a vacation home kind of vibe.
"Mrs. Jeon, if you don't mind me asking, where is Jungkook?" Ji-yong voiced out as they reached the dining room.
"Jeez, young, you haven't even met him yet, and you can't wait to see him?" Jimin mumbled, which earned him an elbow in the side from his sister.
All the elders chuckled at their behaviour, some a little more fake than others.
"Please, call me Rita darling. And there has actually been a little change in our plans, Jungkook was supposed to arrive in Korea early this morning. But his flight got delayed a few hours." She smiled at her.
"So when will he be joining us for dinner then?" Jimin's father asked.
"Oh actually, he won't. We were on the phone with him before you arrived. His flight landed just an hour ago, and he has to wrap things up at his company before he can get home. But we'll meet him after dinner." Mr. Jeon explained as he sat down in the chair at the head of the table, which was being set up by two servants.
Jimin's father sat down adjacent to him, his mother next to him. Mrs. Jeon sat on the other side of her husband, and insisted that Ji-yong sit next to her. "Oh. Well then I think it's best that we wait for him." Mr. Park suggested, looking at his family for approval. Everyone nodded, and Jimin didn't say anything as he sat down beside his sister.
"But it can take him a while. We can't possibly let you wait." Mrs. Jeon protested.
"Oh it's not a problem at all Rita. I'm sure Ji-yong too wants to wait for him, don't you Ji-yong." His mother said, eyeing Ji-yong, who simply nodded, a small smile on her face.
Mrs. Jeon quickly called the servants who picked up the food and left, instead bringing small trays of appetizers. And pouring them all a glass of wine. The parents started to discuss some random unrelated things like the wine they were drinking, the paintings that hung behind them and the ornaments that sat on artistically shaped shelves.
Jimin instantly took out his phone and started texting Hoseok below the table, only looking up to answer the occasional questions thrown at him, and ignoring the displeased glares from his father. Both of them can't spend an hour without talking or texting each other.
Not a lot of time passed, when the sound of the doorbell reached their ears, quickly followed by the muffled sound of the servants opening the door and greeting someone. The thudding sound of boots against wood made its way to the dining area.
Mrs. Jeon was about to say something when she was interrupted by a loud, tired, whine.
"Mooooooooooom. I'm fucking tired ughh, I swear if my company keeps doing this I'm going to sue-" a pause. The footsteps got closer and all eyes in the room were towards the doorway.
"I smell something grilling. DID YOU HAVE FOOD WITHOUT ME?!?!?" He screamed.
"Uuuugh. Can this day get any WORSE" the whining continued. Jimin chuckled under his breath. You jinxed it.
"Hey weren't we supposed to have dinner with the Par-'' he stopped in his tracks as he finally entered the room, his words stuck in his throat as he noticed the people sitting on the dinner table, all staring at him with various expressions.
His light brown hair fell onto his eyes, his bare face morphed into a surprised Pikachu face, his tan skin flushing a deep pink. His black hoodie almost reached past his knees, whereas his sleeves were pulled up to reveal his toned, muscular arms.
"Oh." He squeaked. Mrs. Jeon instantly got up, both of their faces a bright red from the boys previous statements. "Jungkook! You're here. Good good. Let's get you changed quickly so we can start dinner." She said. She quickly pulled the boy out into the hallway, and their voices became muffled.
Mr. Jeon turned to them with an awkward smile, before calling the servants and ordering them to bring out the food.
Jimin smirked as he nudged his elbow into his sister's side. "He's pretty hot, not gonna lie." He whispered to her, who instantly swatted his arm and gave him an annoyed look. "Shut up!" She whisper-shouted. But Jimin's grin only grew wider as he saw her face heat up and turn red. It was obvious she was trying to fight a smile.
After dinner, the party settled down in the living room, of sorts, which had large gray couches and a floor to ceiling glass wall that overlooked the hill on which the house sat.
During dinner, the older ladies had grasped at every single opportunity to tease the to-be couple. Ji-yong would turn a deep shade of red, but still answer their teasing with her own witty comebacks. Jungkook on the other hand, would just give a small smile and look away, averting his gaze at any mention of his name, joined with her's.
Everyone now had a warm cup of coffee In their hands, and were sitting on one of the many seats available in the room. Jimin chose a loveseat in the far corner of the room, near the glass window.
A mood had shifted to a little serious one by now. Both families sat on either side of the small coffee table for the serious talk.
"So." Mr. Jeon began. "Shall we talk about the reason we gathered here." All of them nodded. Jimin very quickly lost interest in the conversation, and pulled out his phone.
"I think we should give the kids some time to get to know each other, before the actual wedding." Mrs. Park suggested.
"Of course, of course. We should give them at least 2 months. And then if they want, they can extend the time later." Added Mrs.Jeon. She then turned to Ji-yong. "Is that ok with you sweetie?"
Ji-yong smiled widely and simply nodded. All eyes then turned to Jungkook. But instead of an answer, he was found looking down, fiddling with his hands.
"Actually..." He began after a few seconds. "Father can I talk to you?" He said, looking at his father with pleading eyes.
His father looked surprised, and then chuckled. "What is it Jungkook? Can't it wait till later?"
Jungkook shook his head."No. Dad it's urgent. Please." He begged but earned nothing but a glare.
"Jungkook, you can say what you want here, in front of all of us. After all, we are soon to be your family as well." Jimin's father suggested.
Jungkook pulled his bottom lip in with his teeth. His jaw clenched. He closed his eyes and drew in a sharp breath. "I can't.." he began, his voice low. "I can't marry Ji-yong."
Everyone's eyes widened. Some looked at him with worry, others with confusion. Finally, Mr. Jeon laughed. "Jungkook, what are you talking about?" He said. Thinking this was some sort of joke.
"Dad. I can't marry her because-" he looked around the room then back at his parents. "Because I… because I don't like women." He was barely audible, but somehow everyone in the room heard him, even Jimin, who finally looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow.
Once again, Mr. Jeon chuckled, this time joined by the other parents in the room. "Oh son, every young boy thinks he doesn't like women at some point, they can be a lot, I get it!" He waved his hand in a dismissive manner. His statement earned him a glare from his wife.
"No dad, that's not what i-" Jungkook began.
Jimin's father laughed. "You know boy, when I was your age I too-"
Jungkook stood up, knocking over his cup on the coffee table. "I CAN'T MARRY HER BECAUSE I'M GAY!!" He snapped.
The only sound that could be heard was Jungkook's loud breathing a second passed and suddenly Jungkook realised what he just said. He clasped a hand over his mouth. His eyes now glassy. He backed away slowly, and then turned his back on them, running as fast as he could.
I'm so sorry for the delay, but hey this chapter was ~ ᕙ (° ~ ° ~)
Also here's a little bonus.
Jimin's eyes widened as he saw the boy run out of the room. He instantly pulled out his phone, opening his texts with hobi.
Mochiᕙ( • ‿ • )ᕗ: you are not going to believe what just happened.
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