Hey there! So in Dear Sydney, I have a chapter called "FAQ's" so that people can understand what's going on with this kind of different writing! I decided to do the same chapter for Love, Aria because it can be a stand-alone book and I don't want people who haven't read Dear Sydney to be confused! So here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions! I will update this list as I receive more questions that I think a lot of people might have! A lot of these are repeat questions from Dear Sydney, but some are new and specifically for Love, Aria! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!!
Q: Are the Twitter/Facebook profiles real people?
A: Nope! I created fake profiles for all the characters on various websites! None of the posts happening are actually occurring in real life.
Q: Are the text messages real? Do you use your phone and text yourself?
A: Nope! Again, I use a website to create fake messages! Some people told me when I just started the idea for this book that I could always text myself and delete every other text to make it look like a conversation, but honestly, the website makes it so much faster.
Q: Wait, they're fake profiles? How did you make them?
A: The websites I use are super easy and self-explanatory when you visit them...otherwise I wouldn't be smart enough to figure them out!
Q: What websites do you use to make the fake profiles?
A: I use different websites for each of the different kinds of social media/text messages!
Twitter: http://simitator.com/generator/twitter/tweet
Facebook: http://simitator.com/
Facebook Messaging: http://simitator.com/generator/facebook/chat
Text Messages: http://iphonefaketext.com
Q: When is the next update?
A: I update every Sunday and Wednesday! My upload schedule will be a little weird as I get the book up and going, but it will remain pretty steady after the September 4th upload of the first chapter! I love when people ask this question, because it lets me know that you're not bored of the idea!
Q: Do I have to read Dear Sydney before I read this?
A: Nope! Love, Aria can stand on it's own!
Q: Why did you add a cast to the story? It's all in letters.
A: The profile pictures of all the people's social media are pictures of the person I "cast" as them! So you have a way to see the cast of the book!
Q: Why did my comment get deleted?
A: I delete all comments that have the f-bomb in them. I'm not big on cussing and don't particularly want that on my stories, but please don't take this to mean I do not appreciate your comments!! I love them all and read them all, but I simply am not comfortable with having that word on my page, it is not meant to offend anyone!
Q: Why are the updates so far apart?
A: I have to upload only twice a week because it takes a lot of time to make the social media posts and text messages, and I still have school and extracurricular activities and my writing for The Odyssey website that I have to submit every week! I just can't devote a TON of time to the book alone, but I figured two updates a week should be good! Thank you guys so much for wanting more and for enjoying the book so much, and I hope the time in between updates won't make you want to stop!
Q: Can I follow the characters on Twitter?
A: Unfortunately, not from this book! BUT, the following characters from Dear Sydney are on Twitter: Connor Hall (Aria's older brother), Sydney Porter, Delaney Cross, Kevin Long, & Ashley Yates! You can check out their Twitter handles in the Author's Notes of Dear Sydney!
Q: Will Connor and Sydney be in Love, Aria?
A: Yes! Connor and Sydney will both make appearances in Aria's chapters of Love, Aria, along with a few scattered appearances from Hannah Hall, Trey Greaver, and Ashley Yates!
Q: When does this take place?
A: Love, Aria takes place a little over two years after the end of the actual Dear Sydney chapters, and a little over a year after the Dear Sydney epilogues, making Connor and Sydney from the first book sophomores in college, and Aria a senior in high school. Brenden is a freshman in college.
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