Chapter Three: Wound
A/n: Thank you to many of you who are reading my story!!! This is now the third chapter of this book. :)
Lee Hyun Woo was busy answering all of his school activities and college exams when in his surprise, he had received a call from the front office that a prosecutor and his men wanted to barge in the office building with blue boxes with them. "Don't let them inside the building until I allow them to enter."
"Why does a prosecutor suddenly want to get inside the office to do a search and seizure?" Gi Hoon asked at the same time. "They were pretty much confident that they could arrest you."
"Don't you think I was too lenient and careless about my transactions and who I talked with?" snickered Hyun Woo. "There's someone I know who might have used them, anyway. Don't worry about me. The prosecution won't find any of my faults and discover every illegal thing I did to keep my father's corporate group and his personal army."
"Your aunts and uncles would retaliate over this, too," Gi Hoon told him. "They won't let you get hurt. Ever since the death of your father, you have become the family's linchpin. All of them hope for your safety and happiness."
"Who's the prosecutor?" Hyun Woo asked him. "Do you think we could handle him?"
As the guards of the corporation were wrestling against Prosecutor Song Kang Soon's men, there were already Lee Hyun Woo's men who were quickly destroying possible evidences and files that could hurt the chairman and most of all, the corporate group.
"Let us in!" Kang Soon glared at every single guard who stood in front of them to stop them from entering the office building of LH Group. "I know that while you are delaying us, you loyal men of Lee Hyun Woo are already destroying as much evidence that you could get hold of! That's nonsense! We hold strong evidence against your chairman!"
"Show us the warrant of arrest first!" Jung In Ho demanded. "You can't get in here!"
In their surprise, Kang Soon was truly holding a warrant of arrest, making all of them look at each other if they were allowed to get inside the building or not without the approval of their head. "Now, could you let us in? We have the right to do the search and seizure!"
In Ho still wanted to stop them despite seeing the warrant of arrest and also, search and seizure but when he saw that one of the female front office workers just finished talking on phone and looked at her, he already knew that Chairman Lee Hyun Woo had allowed them to arrest him and search the whole building for more evidence against him. They were accusing him of corruption, murder, and an affiliation to a certain, secret criminal organization.
"You'll regret this, Prosecutor Kang," In Ho told him. "He'll be able to get out in forty-eight hours, after all. He's confident that he won't get hurt and you will only be disappointed."
"Let's see if your powerful, young boss will truly be able to get out of the interrogation room in forty-eight hours with the evidence that we hold!!!" Prosecutor Song Kang Soon replied to him while he directed all his men to enter the LH Group's building already with confidence. "Soon enough, all of you will be arrested when we find fault against him!"
Lee Hyun Woo could not help it but grin at the prosecutor while he was being cuffed as he never imagined that someone might have betrayed him. More so, he knew who it might be already. He watched as men enter his room and take a lot of documents that could become evidences against him.
"You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions," Song Kang Soon began to recite the Miranda Right warning to him. "If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
Gi Hoon had also reminded him that he must not say anything to them while he was being investigated.
As much as Hyun Woo accepted his fate that he must be investigated, it still hurt him when he saw the people who devised his arrest. It pained him to discover that his wife was out to get him into the hands of the prosecution. Soon enough, he was dragged out of the office with men holding him tight as if he was already convicted. He didn't care whether he had no masks to cover his face as he knew that his family would never allow him to be in jail.
"You can now go back to your real name, Kaori," Ryota told Anna while they watched Hyun Woo get dragged by Song Kang Soon. "I did what you hoped for. I did not know any police officers, but I know a prosecutor here. I am still a foreigner here, and so, I had no right to arrest a man like Hyun Woo."
Anna sighed. "I don't know if I should be relieved, sad, or happy. You told me that I can now go back as Kaori again, right? What if I cannot go back to that name? It's impossible for me to be Miyazono Kaori again."
Ryota breathed so deeply and held her hand, but Anna removed it off from him. "Why did you report him when it's obvious that you still love him?"
"I wanted to stop him and remove him from the world that I hate by force!" she cried out. "Was I right? I don't know but as far as I can see, I would hate seeing him continue to be in this dark world!"
"Was that right?" A voice boomed from behind them making them both shocked and surprised. It was then they realized that it came from Gi Hoon, Hyun Woo's secretary. At the time both of them were already staring at the slender, middle-aged man with short, black beard and black hair, both of them felt a truly intimidating aura and hatred coming out of him. "You gave him an unnecessary struggle, Anna Jang! As much as you wanted to stop him, I doubt that he will go back to the man you dreamed him to be!"
"Shut up!" cried Anna. "I don't want to hear more!"
"We hoped you would support him but instead, you are going to make his enemies happy!" Gi Hoon said to her as he walked closer to them. "Young master had already been through so much sorrow and you are adding to it. By what you have done, do you think he will go back to you as Kousei? That boy... That young man had already seen too much violence! He had no choice but to accept it!"
Ryota was very surprised when he learned from the very mouth of Gi Hoon that Lee Hyun Woo was once Kousei. "Did you say... Once again... Did you say that Lee Hyun Woo was Kousei?"
Gi Hoon snickered. "You were clueless after all. It's true. Lee Hyun Woo was once Kousei but that name never truly existed. You can imagine him as a shadow passing through you."
"Kousei never existed?" Ryota did not want to believe it. "He was a friend!"
"That name was never in the official records!" laughed Gi Hoon. "You can check all of his records and documents. Yes! Even in his records in Japan. He had always been Korean."
"How can that be?" shouted Ryota. "What you say is all a lie, wasn't it? It can't all be true!"
Anna placed her right hand over Ryota's shoulder. "I'm sorry for not telling you. Hyun Woo is Kousei."
"If that man is Kousei," Ryota breathed slowly as he tried to compose himself. "Why is he acting as if he doesn't know me?"
Gi Hoon and Anna both had their mouths shut which made it obvious that both of them were hiding something.
"Why can't you tell me about what happened to Kousei?" Ryota asked again. "It's obvious that he doesn't know me!"
"It's not your business anymore, Ryota!" Anna screamed. "It's better that you don't know anything about why he doesn't know you already."
"If you don't tell me, I will ask him myself!" Ryota said to them after glaring at them. "I will find it out eventually."
A/n: Thank you everyone for reading my story! Hoping that you liked this chapter!
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