Chapter 16
Aria was worried. After discovering Jim and Langley together, she couldn't help but think that they were planning to steal the blueprints soon. But she couldn't watch both of them at the same time. Especially since it might tip off Jim that she was on to him. Ideally, she should be going straight to Kaiba to tell him what she had witnessed. At least he would be able to implement some measures that would keep Langley in his crosshairs. However, Aria didn't want to look foolish running to Kaiba in hysterics, telling him he needed to apprehend Jim and Langley immediately. He'd probably laugh in her face.
Although it was certainly suspicious to see two people have a private conversation in a secluded hallway, it was by no means concrete evidence. And Aria still had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she could be wrong about Langley. She found it difficult picturing him as a criminal mastermind. But she could definitely see him being the lackey of one. He certainly knew how to suck up to Kaiba.
So when Aria finally left the stairwell, she went back to her desk instead of up to Kaiba's office. Staring at her screen, she found it difficult to muster up the motivation to finish the seven-layer program she had worked so hard on. What was the point when it might end up in someone else's hands? Aria no longer felt she was working to help complete the next biggest advancement in duel monsters. Instead, it felt like she was helping some selfish thief exploit a technology that he had no hand in making. The mere thought made Aria's anger rise. She knew she couldn't sit back and do nothing. Not when she had the knowledge that could possibly prevent the plans from being stolen.
A thought came to Aria. Maybe she could set up a meeting with Kaiba. That way she would look much more rational and not so accusatorial. She picked up the phone to page Kaiba's secretary. Was it presumptuous of her to ask for a meeting with the CEO? Probably. But at the moment Aria didn't care. When the secretary's cool collected voice came over the receiver, Aria suddenly realized how curious this action may seem. "Hi Mrs. Davidson, it's Aria Ito."
"Oh hello Miss Ito, what can I help you with?"
Aria licked her dry lips. "I was just wondering if Mr. Kaiba was available today for a quick meeting."
"I'm sorry Miss Ito but Mr. Kaiba just left on a business affair and won't be back till late tomorrow."
"Oh," Aria said, "I'll try to catch him another time then."
"I'll let him know you're looking for him," she replied sweetly.
After hanging up the phone, Aria wondered if the secretary knew more than she was letting on. Did everyone in the office know that her relationship with the President wasn't entirely platonic? Aria humphed at having failed to keep their interactions underwraps. So much for not appearing involved with her boss during her internship. At least it seemed his secretary didn't have a problem with it.
Frustrated and relieved at the same time, Aria resolved herself to completing her assignment. At least tomorrow she could use the excuse of needing to see Kaiba to go over her final draft. Aria couldn't help but pause at the thought of how they're going to now act around each other after their last encounter. Aria knew that ever since telling him about the blackmail, an invisible wall had been removed between them, allowing them to drift closer. But she wasn't expecting things to move this fast.
Aria inwardly cringed, knowing that she was partly to blame for becoming so close with Kaiba. She had gone to him frightened and vulnerable. She wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly out of pity that he embraced her. She probably looked like a lost little puppy, having no one to turn to. But the even greater offense was how much she accepted his embrace. Having had no emotional connection with her stepfather for the past five years, receiving a simple hug of comfort was like a deer panting for water.
Aria didn't know how to define what she and Kaiba were anymore. Through this whole ordeal, they had created a connection. She just didn't know how strong it was or if it would last. But she knew she couldn't focus on that now. As much as Aria wanted to know what she was to Kaiba, if anything, finding the threat against herself and Kaiba Corp was the higher priority.
Aria worked another late night, finally finishing her seven-layer project. She felt immense pride in her work, almost not believing that she was helping create a technological phenomenon. She would dedicate tomorrow to going over it with a fine comb to make sure there were no errors or discrepancies.
Fortunately Joey didn't say anything when Aria walked through the door after ten p.m. It seemed the Chinese food had pacified him for the time being.
Aria went into work the next morning feeling like a nervous wreck. It didn't help that she had trouble sleeping through the night. Constant dreams about approaching Kaiba with her finished assignment, only to have him laugh in her face and tell her she had to completely redo it in one day plagued her. But the real nightmare began when she had to wake up and go in for work. What if there was another threat? What if the insider went beyond just a handwritten note? And this time Kaiba wouldn't be around to save her. Aria did however remember Kaiba's words of not letting the insider intimidate her. And so she walked onto the 29th floor, head held high, trying to appear as calm as ever, even if she felt completely far from it. Hiro and Daniel sat in their offices, but Jim was nowhere in sight. Aria didn't know if she should have felt relief or worry at his absence.
Opening the door, Aria hesitated at the threshold of her office. Looking quickly around first to see if anything was out of place, she went and sat down behind her desk. Knowing she couldn't act the scaredy-cat forever, she pushed aside her anxiety and got to work.
The day passed uneventfully. Aria kept an eye on Jim the whole day but he hardly left his office except to run to the kitchenette for more coffee.
Aria stayed late into the evening, waiting until the last programmer had left for the night. Tenzin was the last to leave at 6:30. Aria waited an additional half an hour before leaving to go up to Kaiba's office. She wasn't entirely sure he would be there, but if he was gone from the office for an extended period, Aria knew the probability would be high that Kaiba would be up there playing catch up.
Taking the stairs, Aria took her time, feeling antsy at the thought of going to Kaiba's office unannounced and uninvited. No wonder he was seen as the most ruthless CEO in all of Domino City. Entering the board room, it was eerily silent, appearing as if everyone had gone home for the night. Approaching Kaiba's door, Aria slowly peeked in. Finding his secretary absent, Aria breathed in relief. At least she wouldn't have to explain to anyone why she was creeping around the president's office late in the evening.
As Aria walked the length of the room, she began to hear what sounded like music notes from Kaiba's office. It was then she saw that the door had been left open a crack, allowing a stream of light to shine through. By the time she had reached the door, the music had become more clearer, revealing the soft tune of a piano. Aria pressed her eye against the crack in the door, for she had to see if it was who she thought was playing so beautifully.
Even though she half expected it, Aria almost let out a gasp when her eye focused on the white grand piano. She watched in awe as Kaiba played a slow, almost melancholy piece. His eyes closed, she could see that he was totally lost in the melody of the notes.
Aria leaned into the door, hoping to get a better view, when the door slid open a few inches with a loud creak. Kaiba immediately stopped playing, his eyes snapping open and focusing on the door. Knowing she had been spotted, Aria slowly opened the door all the way. "I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't mean to spy on you."
Kaiba's shoulders visibly relaxed. He stared down at the piano but didn't continue playing.
"Would you play a little more?" Aria asked, coming to stand from across the piano. "It was very beautiful."
Kaiba stared at her, his face void of expression as always. "Sit," he said.
Aria made her way around and sat down on the edge of the bench beside Kaiba. He didn't move over to make room for her, so her whole left side was almost pressed up against him. Their knees brushed together, bringing a blush to her cheeks.
Kaiba placed his hands back on the keys and resumed the piece he had been playing. This time Aria closed her eyes as she let the music wash over her. "Where did you learn to play like this?" she asked, keeping her eyes closed.
"It was one thing Gozaburo allowed me to learn, much to his chagrin. He always thought that if knowledge didn't benefit the company, it was useless."
A small smile appeared on Aria's lips. "Well I'm glad he let you learn. I could listen to this all night."
"Stay in my office all night? Miss Ito, what would the employees think?"
Aria's eyes snapped open at his insinuation. "You know that's not what I meant," giving him a playful shove with her shoulder.
Kaiba nudged her back a little more forcefully, but since Aria was already sitting precariously on the edge of the seat, she started to lose her balance and could feel herself begin to fall backwards. Once Kaiba realized what was happening, he reached out to grab her. Aria clung to his arms but instead of pulling herself back up onto the bench, she pulled Kaiba down with her.
It wasn't the feeling of the hard floor that had Aria's attention, but the feeling of another body pressing down on top of her. She gasped when two very blue eyes locked into hers only inches away. Aria had seen many types of emotion reflected in Kaiba's eyes. Anger, arrogance, indifference. But this time was different, this time Aria saw a new emotion, and it was desire. Her mouth felt dry. In nervousness she gripped his forearms tighter. Interpreting her nervousness for eagerness, Kaiba's eyes flickered to her lips.
"Kaiba..." she weakly protested, when she saw what he was thinking.
"Don't you think it's about time you called me Seto?" he whispered huskily.
Aria's senses had gone into overload. She couldn't think. Kaiba was everywhere, invading every inch of her space, but she couldn't bring herself to push him off. "Seto..." she whispered weakly in protest.
Before his name was off her lips, Kaiba captured them in his. Aria had never had a proper kiss before, but she knew that this was perfection. Lying down on the floor, a piano bench overturned, none of it mattered. All she could focus on was how perfectly her lips molded to his.
Kaiba kept his kisses sweet and slow, which surprised her, but part of her was also grateful for his chivalry. When Kaiba finally pulled back, Aria was at a loss for words and so just silently stared up at him.
"Maybe I should get off now and let you breathe," he said with a smirk.
Aria only nodded, allowing Kaiba to pull her back onto her feet.
Kaiba didn't know what happened. One minute he was sitting snugly side by side with Aria at the piano, and the next thing he's lying on top of her down on the floor. Kaiba had always prided himself on keeping his actions and emotions under strict control. Even in all of his other encounters with Aria, his feelings were never out in the open. He always made sure to keep them close and guarded.
Except this one time. When Aria opened her eyes and locked her gaze with his, Kaiba knew she saw the raw desire reflected in them. Even at that point, Kaiba still had some reign on his senses. Then all came loose when she whispered his name. He could get used to that.
Kaiba helped Aria back onto her feet, but didn't allow her to step away. He wasn't ready to let her go just yet. Keeping his hands on her elbows, he relished the feeling of having her in his arms. Screw the internship and their work relationship. Kaiba didn't think he could wait another few weeks to make her officially his. He was about to say so when she spoke first.
"I did have a reason for coming to see you," Aria said, letting her head rest softly on his chest.
"You mean coming up here to kiss me wasn't the reason? Shame."
Aria chuckled dryly. "I believe you kissed me."
"Moot point when we were both such willing participants." Kaiba swore he could feel the heat burning up her face on that one. "Okay, what was it you needed to see me about?"
Aria sadly sighed and stepped out of Kaiba's arms. "I saw Jim and Langley yesterday have some sort of secret rendezvous on the 10th floor."
Kaiba immediately switched into business mode. "Secret? How?"
"I found them together down a deserted corridor, speaking quietly to one another."
Kaiba rubbed his chin in concentration. "I find it hard to imagine Langley being a part of this espionage. He's been a loyal employee for years."
"I just can't imagine what Jim would be seeking him out for," Aria said, "All the programmers seemed to be in fear of him."
"I'll have Roland look into it, he'll know how to handle it."
Aria gave him a small smile. "Well, since I've said what I came to say, I better head home."
A pang of disappointment hit Kaiba. "Why don't you stay a little longer?" He brushed his fingers down Aria's face, but instead of melting under his touch, Kaiba saw her body stiffen. He frowned. He could see the rational part of her mind working again meaning she'll want to distance herself. Again. The thought almost made him swear under his breath. Must they do this dance every time? Back and forth, round and round. But then Kaiba tried to put himself in her shoes. He was her boss, her stepfather was blackmailing her and she didn't know if she would have a future doing the thing she loved after all of this was done. Maybe he was pushing things too fast. In just a few more weeks, all of this will be over and they could finally focus on them. Although excited at the idea of being with Aria, it also made his stomach clench in nervousness.
Kaiba took a step back, giving Aria some space. "Do you need a ride home?"
Aria shook her head. "I'm fine. I finished the seven-layer program for the holographic projection. Maybe we can review it tomorrow if you have time?"
"That's fine."
"Until next time then," Aria said with a slight bow. Heading towards the door, Aria paused with her hand on the handle. Turning her head back, she looked at Kaiba with soft green eyes. "Goodnight...Seto." And left his office.
Kaiba went through the next few days in a haze. Everyday was business as usual, except for the times he was working alongside Aria. Every time he was in her presence, all he could think about was the kiss they shared, and how he very badly wanted a repeat. Fortunately he was able to better manage his conduct, and kept a safe distance at all times.
One small consolation was when Kaiba and Aria would be working on something together behind closed doors and she would offhandedly call him Seto. Each time brought a smirk to his face.
The following week Kaiba sat in his office reviewing the progress on the Duel Monsters Online project. He was happy to see that the groundwork was almost complete. By the end of the year, they should be able to move on to stage 2. Kaiba grinned knowing Aria would be upset having to hop off the project in the fall. He knew that she was just as passionate about this project as he was.
While immersed in his work, Kaiba was abruptly interrupted by his office door banging open. Preparing to scowl at who rudely barged into his office, Kaiba was surprised to see that it was Roland, and he was panting heavily as if he just ran all thirty flights of stairs to reach him. "What's wrong?" he asked, seeing right away that something was amiss.
"Sir," Roland gasped, "Someone is trying to hack into the Kaiba Corp's mainframe. I wouldn't have been as concerned but our firewalls are falling like dominoes."
Now Kaiba was on high alert. No one messed with his company, not unless someone had a death wish. "Let's go down to the mainframe. I'll deal with this personally." He left his office with Roland hot on his heels.
Going into the elevator, Kaiba hit the button for the basement level where his supercomputer that managed all of Kaiba Corp's information sat. As the doors closed, a thought struck Kaiba and quickly also pressed the button for the 29th floor. Roland gave him a quizzical look. "There's something I need to check first."
Exiting onto the floor, Kaiba quickly did an inventory of all the programmers that were present. He saw that all six offices were occupied. As he turned to leave, he gave a quick glance into Aria's office but saw that it was empty. His brow furrowed at the coincidence of her being gone at this very moment. He didn't think she ever left her office unless it was to see him. An alarm went off in the back of his mind but he mentally shut it off. He'll find out where she went later. For now, he had a bigger problem to worry about.
Aria was in deep water. She knew it the moment Kaiba kissed her. They finally crossed the line in which there was no return. She was surprised Kaiba let her distance herself, again, from him. There was only so much temptation a man could take. And Kaiba was a man who was used to getting what he wanted.
Luckily, she and Kaiba were able to fall into a sort of closeness as the days went by. They worked amiably together side by side. He never pressed her about their relationship and she didn't retreat further away. The one allowance she allowed herself was in calling him Seto when no one else was around. It came much more naturally to Aria, which she still found hard to believe.
One major complication that Aria didn't factor in was her need for a referral for her scholarship application. With only two weeks of summer left, Aria needed to have it submitted by sometime next week. Although she was sure Kaiba would be willing to give her one, what if the school found out that she was involved with him during her internship? Would they revoke it on the grounds of conflict of interest? Probably. And she didn't know anyone else within the company whom she could ask.
But that seemed the least of Aria's worries at the moment. If they don't find this insider soon, they won't be able to discover who's the mastermind behind it all. Which meant that Aria's stepfather was going to come looking for her when she didn't come up with the plans by the end of summer. If only there was more that she could do to smoke this ferret out of his hole!
These thoughts constantly flitted in and out of Aria's mind, never seeming to settle on an answer. Then one day, another opportunity presented itself. During the morning, Aria caught sight of Jim answering his office phone. Normally this wouldn't raise a red flag, except that Jim appeared to be talking in a heated manner. After setting the phone forcefully down, Jim left his office and onto an awaiting elevator.
Knowing she couldn't let the moment pass by, Aria waited for the elevator doors to close before springing from her seat and going to catch the next one. Riding down to level 11 and then taking the stairwell down the last floor. Peeking out and seeing the hallway empty, Aria slowly started walking down the hall, figuring Langley and Jim must be meeting in the same place as last time. But before she had gone ten steps, she watched in horror as Langley stepped out of the programming lab. Praying he wouldn't see her and go in the opposite direction, Aria's stomach dropped when he walked towards her instead.
When Langley noticed her standing there, his eyes instantly narrowed, his footsteps becoming more purposeful towards her. "Ito, what brings you down here to us lowly programmers?" he sneered.
Aria glared back. Now that she was caught, maybe it was time to add some smoke, making this ferret come out of hiding. She crossed her arms in defiance. "I saw Jim Roberts come down here the other week and was wondering what he could possibly have to do with you lowly programmers."
"That is none of your concern. You always did have a problem with sticking your nose into where it doesn't belong," he said in disgust.
Aria bristled in anger. "Maybe you're the one who's sticking his nose in the wrong places, Langley."
Langley's face began to change color. "I don't know what you're implying little lady but I will not have Kaiba's lap dog biting at my heels!"
Aria wanted to slap him silly for that comment, but she knew it was time to back down. She didn't want to find out what Langley was capable of. "Just make sure you know where your loyalties lie," she said quietly before turning on her heel and heading back to the elevators. When the doors closed behind her, Aria let out a gasp of air, covering her face in both hands. What was she thinking? Too soon the doors opened onto the 29th floor. Knowing she wasn't ready to go back into her office, Aria headed off for the ladies washroom.
Splashing cold water on her face, Aria began to feel like she could breathe normally again. Did she just blow everything? Would her stepfather find out through Langley that she had sided with Kaiba? Against her will, tears began to seep out down her face. She just wanted it all to be over. But maybe the question was not when it was going to end, but how.
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