Surprises a plenty.
Your pov:
Its been a few days since then my new powers include:
And all my old powers have grown stronger i can now lift and control more than 20 thing at a time with my mind. I can still reads people mind but i just prefer not to. And now me and adam can mentally talk to each other. Like he doesnt even need to call me now he can just send a message threw his mind to me no matter how far we are from each other. Its soo cool!
Lately we have been going to crime investigations trying to figure out why the crime rate has gone up so much so fast in our spare time. We can tell that there is a link but we cant tell what it is.most of the super hero action takes place at my house so alesa doesnt know. I continue to tell adam he needs to tell her about his powers but he keeps saying when the time is right.
Max finally told adam he wanted to fly solo of course adan seen it coming and was perfectly fine with it i watch his channel when i get the chance. Hes doing good and im really proud of him.
Here we are in the offices im playing my new super villan household sims series i started which consist of Harley Quinn and the joker living together its so much fun!
"Hello my lovelies it me (yt/n)! And welcome back to super villan- *ring ring* god dammit hold on guys." I answer my phone,
Y: you
M: Mark
Y: hello?
M: hey (y/n)!
Y: hey Marki whats up!?
M: im actually in washington still visiting bob and my flight keeps getting set back and well im gonna be stuck here for two more days and i dont wanna bug bob so i was wondering if i could drop by to see you?!
Y: oh my gosh of course i didnt know bob lived here! Ill send you the address to the offices right now!
M: great cant wait to see you!
Y: i know see you soon!
M: ok bye!
*end call*
I send mark the address and then continue my gameplay i cut t shorter than normal and apologize i edit the video and post it.
"Goddammit dont 'scream at me!!"
"Sorry look i have a friend coming by the offices and i just wanted to let you know."
"Ok cool i dont care as long as its not a crazy fan."
"Hes not a fan hes also a youtuber you may know him."
"Him?! No! You and max have a thing dont ruin my ship!!"
"Adam shut up we are just friends!! And yes its a he we are just friends as well he has a girlfriend already."
"Ok good well. Want to meet him when he gets here."
"You will."
Ok now adam is aware great.
Mark calls again.
M: hey (y/n) i think im here but im unsure do you mind coming outside?
Y: yea sure hold on im coming.
*end of call.*
I go outside and see mark inside a rental car i wave at him.
And he smiles and gets out of the car.
I run and give him the biggest hug he spins me around and i squeal.
"Oh my gosh its been forever!!" I say,
"I know this is where you work?!"
"Yep with my brother adam wait let me get him"
"Hey adam my friends here come meet him!"
" coming,"
"Why arent you moving?" Mark asked,
"Our powers grew."
"Thats cool show me what you can do!!"
"Later i promise."
Adam comes out of the offices doors.
"Hey adam this is Mark aka Markiplier." I say smiling.
He looked star struck. "Dude you are amazing! I love your videos!!"
"Thanks man its nice to meet you." Mark says shaking Adams hand.
"Now lets get inside so i can gives you a tour of the offices." I say.
"Ok great." Mark says smiling.
We get inside and i show Mark around then go inside my office.
"So mark hows it been going?!"
"Great did a livestream with bob,"
"Wish you wouldve told me i totally wouldve came and supported the livestream somehow!"
"I was going to but then it slipped my mind sorry."
"Wow you forget to atleast notify your best friend through text that you were livestreaming some friend you are!!"
"I said i was sorry!" He playfully yelled,
"Its ok i was busy anyways have you talked to amy lately?"
"No...everytime i try callinf or contacting her shes rather busy or wont come to the phone."
"She will cone around soon."
"I hope so cause now i just feel like im nothing to her like she was using me then when she was done she dropped me."
"Thats not true!"
"I know i just feel like it. What about you any guys your are interested in?"
"Well....i mean i guess there is one...."
"Well im not the type to get gitty about relationships but i say go for it."
"Thanks Mark."
Adam came bursting into the office door.
"Hey (y/n) we need to talk about the crime-" adam realized mark was here with me and stopped.
"Its ok adam he knows about our powers."
"Whyd you tell him?!
"He was helping me move when he caught me using my powers."
"You always were lazy"
"Hey so were you!!"
"You guys act like children!" Mark joked playfully
"You do too!!" Adam and i said at the same time
"You two are totally twins."
Adam and i discussed some more crimes while Mark stood intrigued.
Mark and i went to my house and i showed him my new powers he was really impressed. Afterwards he went to bobs apartment and i went to sleep.
3 months...
Ive had a long day at the offices adam made me do the smoothie challenge for offices antics. I did a 2 hour livestream where i sung songs of fans choice. I had to edit a crap ton of videos since some of the editors took the day off i am just plain exhausted right now.
I would watch max but im just too tired.
I take a nice shower to wash away the stress. After that i just put on some short shorts and my sports bra.
I fell on my bed and went to sleep.
A few hours later around 4 am i hear someone knocking on my door.
I didnt wanna get up so i decided to try to tune into whoever was knocking on my door head.
I hope she doesnt think im crazy for waking her up at this time i had no other option.
I hope she doesnt mind.
It sounds like a fan.
I go downstairs to answer the door ready to give the 'please respect my privacy speech,'
I open the door.
"Look i know youre a fan i appreciate tha-" i realized it was not who i thought it would be.....
A/n: i heard that adam and alesa are no longer together but im not sure but if he has im sorry to hear that it wont stop me from writing though its just so upsetting to hear they were an amazing couple.
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