meeting the crew!
Your pov:
"Who are you?" The man asked.
"Oh um sorry im new here im Adams twin sister can you tell?"
"Not really he never really spoke much of a sister."
"We dont talk to each other much. Until now."
"Oh well um sorry i didnt know that this office was occupied i will be out of your way."
"Thanks oh wait didnt catch your name." I say.
"Oh im max im one of the editors here."
I sit my box on the desk. "Hi im (y/n)." I say holding out my hand.
We shake hands.
"It was nice meeting you if you need anything just come find me."
"I will do that thank you,"
I set up my office i put (two favorite colors) sound proof foam on the wall in a checkered pattern.
Adam's pov:
I walked over to (y/n)'s office she already had her office decked out walls covered and all. She just needed a computer. Ill get max to set that up for her later right now she needs a tour guide.
"Hey sis ready for the grand tour?"
"Great lets go." First i show her the kitchen the fan mail opening spot the place where we do our do not laughs irl and where the editors worked etc. Now its time to introduce her to people.
She met the office wiz and all the people behind the scenes now she must meet the crazy crew.
We first stopped by ross' office.
"Hey ross this is my twin sister (y/n), (y/n) ross." I say.
They shook hands and ross tipped his invisible fedora.
"M'lady." Ross said.
"M'sir." She said tipping her invisible fedora while laughing
"I like her already welcome to the offices." Ross says.
"Thank you!" She chirped.
Then we went to Barney's office. "Barney!!" I yelled playfully.
"Whats dirt!!" He said in funny accent.
"This is my sister (y/n), (y/n) this is john but we all call him Barney."
"Nice to meet you!!" She says
"Nice to meet you too that accent was just for show this is my real voice,"
"Oh i legit thought that was how you talked for a second."
"Only on camera."
"Well we better get going." I say.
We stopped by reds office. "Yo red!" I say.
"Sup, whos this?" Red asked,
"This is my sister (y/n), this is Michael but we all call him YouTube sensation redvactor oh my gosh!" I say like a crazed fan.
"Please no pictures." Red joked.
She laughed.
Next the editors.
"This is Jordan." I say pointing to Jordan.
"Hi." Jordan said,
"Sup." She replied.
"Thats tim tam! Thats cory and thats max."
They all say hi but max is lost in the music again which reminds me. Time for the surprise.
I tap on his shoulder. "Maaax!!"
"What?!!?" He playfully yelled.
"This is my sister (y/n)"
"Hi again." She says.
"Hey." Max answered. "Can i go back to work now?"
"So you do listen to my music covers?" (Y/n) said lookin at maxs computer.
"What?" He said confused
"Oh im sorry i forgot i never show my face on my music the one the only (music channel name)!!" She said in an announcer voice adding jazz hands at the end,
"Very funny adam this is possibly the worst joke you ever tried to pull theres no way your sister is (music channel name.)" Max says Sarcastically.
"I am believe or not and i can prove it adam is the piano here?"
"Yea its just upstairs" I reply
Your pov:
We go upstairs where the offices are empty for a good reason too grand pianos are loud.
I see the beautiful black piano waiting to be played. I sit on the chair,
"Give me a song any song walkng dead theme song, undertale music anything."
"Ok this is something only (music channel) can play undertale medley she created it herself."
"Sooo easy." I say
Max gawked. "Youre really her."
"I am a huge fan of your work i love your entire playlist of undertale piano covers you did they are so cool!! I especially love the medley!! Its cool how you played all the themes and incorporated them into one all your piano covers are amazing though!" Max rambled.
"Thanks and thank you for subscribing my brother told me you listen to my music almost all the time while you edit." I say smiling.
"I do and im sorry for freaking out im just a huge fan."
"Its fine."
"Well max i have to go record can you help her set up the computer?" Adam asked.
"Sure." Max says.
"Thanks man."
We all go up to the original floor and adam goes record andmax sets up my computer.
"Thanks max."
"No problem."
"So how long have you been subscribed?"
"Since around like 100,000 subs ish."
"Wow thats a long time considering how im now catching up with Mark. I mean Markiplier."
"You say his name like you know him?"
"I actually do we record together sometimes back in La."
"Thats cool! Why dont you ever show your face on your channels."
"I dont know i was never to keen on the idea of it really im open to it now though."
"Mhm well here is a flashdrive for your videos by tomorrow you should have a schedule im your editor so if you have any questions about something feel free to ask"
"Thanks and thanks for being kind."
"Hey whats on your necklace?" Max asked pointing to my chain.
"Oh." I pull the chain out of my shirt and show him the golden Z amulet. Adam got it for me back when we used to play runescape.
"I have one too!!" He took his out of his shirt.
"Well i be damned!!"
"Lunchtime!!!" Adam called.
"Oh god." Max said,
"What?" I say confused.
"Adams gonna....youll see."
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