First day on the job!
Your pov:
Today we finally show the world that heroes do exist.
We met at the gym as always.
"Thank you (y/n)." Adam says.
"For what?" I asked confused,
"You got me laid last night"
"Wooah tmi! But your welcome i told you you would thank me."
"So did alesa."
" ok adumbass ready to see your new suit?"
"Hell yea!!"
I focus and make the suits teleport to from my house to our current location.
"Woah! This is sick!!"
Adam's suit:
Except its everything is red apart from his abdomen.
"I told you i was working hard on it." I say.
"How did you!?!"
"I may have had to teleprt and steal some materials from a nearby military base but nobody noticed."
"Youre never gonna hear this from me again so listen closely..,you are badass!"
"Thank you thank you!"
"Wheres your suit."
"Oh im gonna get dressed so should you."
"Ok whats our first mission?"
"What superman would consider a walk in the park bank robbery."
"Oh god."
Adam gets dressed and so do i.
Your suit:
Then my combat boots
I make sure my outfit is in place.
"Sis whats taking soo long!!"
"Give me a second!!"
"Always hogging the bathroom!"
"Its not like you arent already dressed idiot!!"
"Shut up you!!.......poopy face!!"
"Immature little brat!"
Yup we are truly brother and sister
Or should i say.
Bother and sister
After our small feud i walk out of the bathroom.
"Great lets get going."
"Wait you need this."
I hand him his face mask.
(Except its in black.)
"Are you serious?" Adam says flatly.
"Ive always wanted to try one of these on this is soo cool!!"
I role my eyes and put on my mask.
"Hey adam." I say making a gun appear in my hand.
"What?" He replied,
"Think fast!!"
I aim at his suit and shoot.
But of course i knew the suit was bullet proof.
Adam jumped. "What the fuck (y/n)?!"
"Just showing you the suit is bullet proof. So dont let bullets or anything startle you,"
"Well thanks i guess"
"Lets go!" I say.
Then we both fly off.
And boy oh boy was the view amazing!
"Adam!!" I yell over the wind.
"Scan over the city and the mask will show you our destination!"
"What?!woah!! This is sick!!"
"I follow him as he flies toward the bank we land softly in front of cops.
Who in alarm start shooting at us.
Our voice moderators flip on.
"Hold your fire we are not your enemy!" I say. Holding up my hand in surrender,
They stop.
"Whats this status?" I asked.
"60 hostages, three armed robbers, and a detonator deal."
"We can handle this." I say smirking. I grab adams arm and teleport ourselves into the bank.
Within a flash of light adam took down the men and had them in cuffs but little did we know that there was a fourth guy who held the bomb trigger,
"Stop it right there freaks!!!!" He yelled scared. "Make one more move and they will be cleaning up hostages off the floor with a mop!!!"
"Ok look i dont know your motives but dont put these people in the middle of it what do you want what will it take for you too let those people go?"
Adam asked. But he didnt sound like adam cause of the voice modifier.
"I want you two to put all the money in the bag and fly me out of here!!"
"Mmm we cant do that."
"Then im not letting them go."
"Alright then Crescent edge i guess we have to do it." I say to adam.
We walk back into the volt and put money into the bags.
When he turned his back.
We ambushed him adam took the bomb trigger out of his hand. I
Knocked him out and had hi cuffed.
Now it was time to play how to kill the kill switch.
"Ok do you know how to do this?" Adam whispered.
"I looked over to see the scared hostages staring at us with fear in their eyes.
"Worry not citizens we are here to help you." Adam says.
I rolled my eyes.
And took a blade out of my back pocket and tried to guess what wore to cut.
And luckily i cut the right one.
"Alright everyone you are safe to leave." I say.
Everyone ran out of the building as fast as they could i used my powers to carry he robbers with us we walked out of the build with the robbers cuffed levitating over our head knocked out.
I laid them before the cops and then we took off.
Me and adam turned off our voice moderators.
And then landed at our usual space.
"That was awesome!!!!" Adam said,
"I know right!"
We are both very pumped.
After a bit of thrilled rambling we went home to see our 'faces' on the news
"Today there was a hostage situation at wellson bank and two super human beings saved the day here is love footage." The anchor said,
I smiled as i watched the video.
"We did it (y/n)" adam brain waved me.
"Yes we did."
After happiness came sadness once i remembered i no longer have anyone to tell my thrill to.
I feel a tear fall down my face as i find myself watching maxs videos soon full on crying my eyes out, as i realize how much i love him and miss him.
Why cant i let go?
A/n: huuuge thanks to @Snowwolfrouge
I hope i didnt speel it wrong for the super hero name crescentedge it was still in need of a name for the you the reader. So please please please put down your suggestions for that!
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