What's Going On?
Bayley's P-O-V
My body was more that just sore. I could barely lift my head. My pussy was numb and my legs were not responsive. Worst was my ass. I could not even sit. Somehow, I crawled out of the bed to pick my top and after wrestling with its strength my arms managed to slip it on. My leggings were near too. I picked it up but it wasn't easy to put them on my legs. Finally, after a lot of struggle, the material managed to cover my ass.
I was tired and my eyes could barely stay open.
I saw Baron walking to the room with a number of bags, presumably of food.
'Here yo go Bayley!' he said placing the bags on the table beside the bed.
'Your favorite Coq au vin and Ratatouille.' he said. I gave him a questioning look.
'Well, the other day you said you liked French.. So..it would be good for you on your birthday. ' he said.
He did it for me!
I looked at him blank for a while.
'You didn't have to do that Baron.' I said in my tired voice.
'Well, I guess I had to after I didn't let you finish your burger before.' he said chuckling.
I sighed and shook my head, recalling how mad I was about that.
'Now, why don't you unwrap things as I wash my hands. I mean they went places today.' he said looking at his hands.
I blushed a little on the implication.
Baron walked into the bathroom. I wish I could do a little cleanup too but I was too sore to even walk on my feet.
I unwrapped the hot food and the aura was a killer itself. Wow! These were the food I loved but too bad, even my tongue is sore right now without doing any job.
I heard the door open and I saw Baron walking out. Water splashed on his face and neck.
'So, did you taste it? Is it good?' he asked me.
'No. I didn't. Why don't you start?' I said weakly.
Baron narrowed his brows and sat beside me.
'Are you feeling sick?' he asked.
'No. Just a little sore and tired.' I said. 'I would actually prefer a sleep.' I said.
Baron looked at me for some time and then, looked at the food.
He scooped a spoon of Ratatouille and before I knew, shoved the spoon into my mouth.
What was that? I can't believe him. But, damn! That tasted so good!
'That tastes great Baron. Thank you.' I said chewing the vegetables.
'I knew you would like it.' he said.
'But, I didn't know you would shove the spoon into my mouth this way!' I said chuckling.
Really! Who expected him to do that!
'Yeah, I guess.' he said scooping a piece from the Coq au vin now.
'I bet this would taste better Bayley.' he said letting me taste the second dish now.
'Hmm..' I nodded as my tongue secreted immediate saliva on tasting it.
'It's damn good.' I said.
'I knew this was the best French restaurant in the town.' Baron said with a smile.
After few more spoons, I was really tired and I didn't know when I went really comfortable with Baron.. well.. feeding me.
'Okay now. I guess the Birthday girl really liked the dinner.' he said, taking spoons for himself now.
'Yeah. I loved it. Thank you Baron.' I said.
'You're most welcome Bayley.' he said.
'But, now have the pain killer and the antibiotics I kept on the table.' he said.
I nodded and picked the bottle of water from beside.
'Wait!' Baron stopped me suddenly.
I looked at him surprised. He shifted himself a little closer to me and leaned in his face. The next thing I knew, he lifted his hand and touched my lips with the fingers.
I trembled at his touch.
'There was something there.' he said wiping the food particle from my lips. He went back to his position right away.
I took the pills and rested my head on the pillow.
'Now Bayley, I'll be there in your room. Take rest and call me if you need anything.' he said, pulling the covers over me and walking away.
Finn's P-O-V
'But how could you not like roses?' Bay asked me getting offended after I refused to smell the flower she just plucked from the garden.
'Roses are just flowers Bayley like Sunflower or Marigold. Why are you so obsessed with it?' I asked joking.
Bayley gave me an annoyed face.
'You would never understand. Roses define us. White for peace, Yellow for friendship and Red for...' before she could complete I started laughing.
She rolled her eyes and walked away.
'Hey wait!' I said chasing after her.
Suddenly, the sky screamed with thunder and things started shaking. I could barely stand. I couldn't even see Bayley.
'Bayley!' I shouted.
'Hey Pam, where are you?' I shouted trying to run but couldn't.
The thunderbolt struck my body and with immense shock rattled my being. I fell down and saw the current move towards.. Bayley!
'Pamela!' I shouted but the bolt was almost reaching her. I saw her smiling, still looking at the red rose she plucked as the current consumed her.
'No.. No.. This can't be Bayley!' I shouted against my breathe as I sat up.
Hell! That was just a dream! I looked around to the see the place beside me vacant. Cathy had an merchandise auction to host.
I was breathing fast and my heart beated fast. I sipped some water from the bottle beside me. It was 3 in the morning.
I heart the sound of the thunderstorm outside. It was raining heavily too. I remembered what I saw about Bayley. Is she okay? I mean, there is a thunderstorm in real!
I took my phone and decided to call her. No. I guess she's asleep. Let's message her.
Finn: Can we meet tomorrow at 10?
I didn't know why I typed that. I just didn't want her to know what a dangerous nightmare I just had. But, why did it seem like I ignored her and... Ugh! I never did that and I never will.
But why does subconscious feel that?
Before I could think, my phone beeped.
Bayley: As you know Finn, I can never say no to you. I'll see you at 10.
A relief shrouded my heart. Damn! She was fine and we'll meet soon.
I laid back and closed my eyes.
Just then I remembered, Cathy is out too. Should I call her and ask if she was fine?
But, I guess there would be many people around her. She'll be safe anyway. I drifted to a satisfying sleep.
Baron's P-O-V
I woke up with the fresh memories of last night lingering on my mind. But, yeah, I should also be ready for facing the same awkward moment that I faced last time we... well.. did it.
I walked out of the room after getting a little shower to make us the regular breakfast. But, just as I walked near the kitchen, a sumptuous aura hit my nose. What's cooking. As I went, I saw Bayley already in the kitchen serving the bowls.
She woke up before me and made the breakfast!
I cleared my throat making Bayley look at me. Her hairs were still wet. Perhaps, she had a shower too. She smiled as she saw me. Well, that was nothing the last time!
'Good Morning Baron!' she said walking towards me with the tray. She made us oatmeals.
'Good Morning!' I said giving her way to pass and place the tray on the dining table.
'Come fast. It won't taste good if it gets cold.' she said motioning to me.
Well, I must say now, I'm feeling awkward, not from last night but from her reaction this morning.
'Yeah.' I said moving towards my chair.
I took the chair and Bayley started serving. She served me mine from standing very close to me. As she leaned to garnish the dish, her breasts brushed with my arms and I moved a little bit. What surprised me was she didn't!
As far as I've known her, Bayley was really a shy and conservative girl. So, her indifference was quite unexpected.
I scooped into my bowl wondering as she took her chair across me.
She had that smile on her face as she took her first spoon.
'So, you're going out today, right?' she asked.
'Yeah, Smackdown would be in Missouri in four days and I've got two house shows to. Got to start today.' I said.
She nodded.
'Well, I'm going out too. Finn said he wanted to see me.' she said.
'Oh well.' I said with a scoff.
Something from inside itched me though.
'ehm.. Baron..' she said nervously. Now this nervous Bayley makes me more comfortable.
'yes.' I said looking at her.
'I gave it a really long thought last night and I felt it wasn't your mom's fault.' she said.
The temperature of my body went to a new level after hearing about the lady I hate most.
'Bayley I don't want to ta..' I tried to shove it away but she cut me off.
'No Baron. You need to listen or else you'll forever be running away from your past.' she said. I sighed rolling my eyes.
'Listen, your friend and your mom fell in love irrespective of their age and circumstances. And, Love can never be a sin. It's.. It's beautiful.' she said smiling in a dreamy state.
'Look Bayley. It's really easy for you to say because you aren't the one to see your mom wrapped around the body of your best friend.' I blurted angrily remembering things.
'I mean, it was me that allowed that jerk to stay in my house and he... took my mother away from me.' I said.
Bayley stood up from her chair and walked to the one beside me. She sat there looking at me.
'But, they never wanted to push you away too. The guy follows you every now and then and said your mother misses you so very much. She loves you Baron. No mother can leave their child.' she said placing her hands on my arms.
I chuckled.
'Funny that the two fuckers didn't have a problem to face me after that.' I said playing with my spoon.
'They aren't fu.. ckers or anything Baron. They were in love. If it was just for a physical intimacy, they won't be married today but the guy irrespective of the society, married your mom.' she said.
'And you think that's really a matter of pride for me?' I asked sarcastically.
'No. If I were you, I would have been mad too. But, it's you who said that your mother sacrificed her youth for you after your father left. So, if she tries to find a little happiness at her age, what's the problem?' she said.
I looked away. Perhaps, she's right. I should be happy for my mom but...
'And in the whole fucking world, it's my best friend that she found her happiness in!' I said with sarcasm.
Bayley sighed.
'Yes. What's the problem with that? They lived in the same house, spent time together and perhaps, got to know each other which made them realize they are meant to be together!' she said restlessly.
'What's with living in the same house? There's no point in that. I've seen many people living in the same house for years but..' my eyes fell on Bayley and the awkwardness in the context made her look away. Oh yeah! We live in the same house too and we... well.... did it. Though that was always her death wish.
'So... They could have at least told me things before I found it this way. ' I said turning the topic.
'As if you would stand as his best man then!' Bayley said annoyed.
'No. I would have killed them both.' I said getting up from the chair.
Bayley slammed her head on the table and looked up with me with a chuckle.
'You're just too much to talk Baron.' she commented.
'But the problem is you are only killing yourself day by day now.' she said getting up from her chair as well and walked up to me, '.. and I feel bad for that.' she said meeting my eyes.
Her eyes had a concern I've never seen from anyone in recent memories.
'Alright! I'll think about it.' I said frustrated by her trial. She smiled wide and almost jumped.
'Yes. I know you will Baron.' she said.
My car is waiting outside and I got to meet up with others in one hour but Bayley had to meet Fergal and she asked if we could leave together. As usual, her deadly charm worked with me and I said yes.
Now, the girl is taking too much of time. I knocked the door of her room.
'Bayley!' I called. No response.
I decided to walk inside. She was not there.
'Bayley!' I called again.
'Just a second Baron.' her voice came from the bathroom.
I shook my head and sat on the edge of her bed. The shelf which was ever vacant is now filled with her little stuffs. I saw a teddy bear, really! Few chick lit novels, a rose pen and a diary inside.
As I curiously ran my hands over these stuffs, the diary fell off the shelf.
Shit! I picked it up and a carcass of a red rose fell from it. Silly!
I picked the thing up to place it in the place and it was then that my eyes ran over the contents of the diary.
My love
My best friend
You live
I live
You breath
I feel
You laugh
I smile
Only you
Can make me cry
I turned the other page.
Every time I see you sleep
I wonder why you smile
You hug the bear close to you
And flow from Thames to Nile
When you turn my face beams
Do I have place in your Irish dreams?
My head throbbed as I read them.
I walked on you
You kissed her
My heart broke
You loved her
But till my heart beats
You'll be my nectar
I turned few more pages. All of them were poems written by Bayley and they were directed to only one person, Fergal, her true love.
Realization struck my whole being as I closed the diary and placed it back to its place. It was a fact well aware that seems to be a strange discovery now.
She really loves him. She never stopped loving him. She will always love him.
'Baron! You're ready?' Bayley's voice brought me back to myself.
'Yeah. Let's go.' I said standing up frantically.
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