Life without Love..
Bayley's P-O-V
The world sang and danced around my head, sometimes zooming into my face or sometimes getting thin into the air. I guess that's quite normal after few pecs of Bacardi, especially when it's just your second time. First one owes to a bullying and ragging incident in my freshmen years. I remember how they forced me how I cried but it's something new today and I feel pretty good. It's so light of your weight roaming in this little club, not bothering what they do or think especially when you are alone all by yourself after your boyfriend dumped you..oops! He was never my boyfriend...just..t a bestttt friend and he did not dump me for he is not my boyfriend, he is just a friend, my besttt friend. He is Cathy's boyfriend and not her just friend, not her best friend. Oh man! Friend! Best friend ! Boyfriend! This is getting me nuts! I walked around the hall, smiling at few unknown faces crushed into one another, dresses ripped apart. wow! Life is cool. I saw a couple making out in front of me. Hey! Are they Finn and Cathy? I walked nearer. NO they aren't. The isn't half as good looking as Finn. My head bobbed and I was about to trip but a stranger held me. He was a big black guy.
I was leaning on his body as I saw him smirk.
'Hey there sexy ass!' he grinned at me. I frowned my eyes struggling. Nobody has called me that before!
'Who are you? How can you call me that?' I asked trying to stand on my feet but faltered again in his arms.
'My name's Ron and I've seen you on Tv. But, how can anyone not talk about your perfect round ass?' he said trying to trace his hand down my back but just as it reached my lower back I slapped his hand away.
I released myself off him.
'Get away your perverted soul.' I shouted trying to walk away. But, he grabbed my wrist.
'Not so fast babe. I'm starving for a company and it seems you're alone too.' he said making his grip on my wrist stronger. Fear sensed over me. I wish I could call Finn! Hell! He has a girlsfriend now.
'Let me go.' I said punching him with the other hand but his grip was too strong. I started kicking him and finally it loosened. I took the opportunity to bit his hand and release myself. I rand fast.
'You little bitch! You think you can run away?' he shouted after me, clearly running after me. I ran brushing into others not knowing where to go..I was getting dizzy and my consciousness was giving up too. But, what if he gets hold of me! He would beat me, assault me, rape me or even do worse. Panic crossed my lungs and I struggled to breathe. My limbs were tired and I slipped off bumping on the guy who had his back turned. The sudden bump startled him and he turned around. His eyes frowned as he saw me.
'Bayley!' he said surprised.
I could not hold myself longer.
'Baron.' I said almost in a whisper and collapsed on him.
Baron's P-O-V
It completely fucked up today. After a rigorous training session with Bayley, I decided to cal up that red headed prostitute Julia. I knew she could take it. So, I blind folded her, tied her hands to the ropes hooked in the ceiling and started whipping her roughly. It was going good till I got on my knees and inserted the new needle vibrator into her pussy. I could see her clench in pain and that brought smile on my lips. It inserted it further back and forth, to and fro following no pattern on her interior flesh. She squirmed in pain. I did it faster. I saw blood dripping out of her pussy into the ground. wow! What a satisfying sight!
She screamed for mercy and pleaded for release. But, I wasn't finished! 'Let me go.. I'm gonna faint now.' she shouted. Fuck! Was that her resilience? But, she seemed cool when I signed the B on her lower abdomen, with the sharpest blade available, that being her most sensitive region. Yes. I do that to every girl I be with to claim my authority on her body. I stopped and took out the needle out of her, then releasing her off the ties. She was crying putting her hand over her vagina. I kind of liked it. But, I think she should definitely be discounted off her payments due to this early surrender. Let's give her 50% of the negotiated amount. After I proposed this, she started a brawl. That brought Harry, the manager into the picture and he too sided with her in terms of money and even accused me of going too extreme. Aren't they already informed that I want the girls as a submissive slave surrendering to my bonded dominance? These were already in the terms. Fucking Cheaters! I had to pay the full amount though both of them promised to make things up the next time. I was frustrated after such incompleteness and decided to get some drink at the bar. May be that'll loosen things up a bit.
They club was all smoky with couples making out and stripping naked along the bits of loud music. I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. But, just then, I felt something springing on my back. I turned immediately to see a familiar though least expected face.
'Bayley!' I said being surprised over her visibly drunken state. I mean she was barely able to stand. She looked at me with a certain hope in her eyes.
'Baron!' she whispered and collapsed on my body. I was startled but quickly held her with my right arm.
'Hey girl..don't you dare think you found someone else..' I saw a big black guy walking towards us. I didn't know him; so, it must be Bayley! I think he was chasing after her when she bumped on me. The guy walked closer.
'Hey! Give that chick to me. She's my prey.' he said.
Prey! What is he gonna do with her? Force her to please him, may be! Well, I've got nothing to do with that. Let him have his prey. This Bayley had been a real headache for me recently though I admit she is a good learner... obedient and considering and a kind hearted soul..and.. I felt the guy grabbing her hand and trying to get her off me.
'Come to Daddy little one.' he smirked pulling her towards him.
'Uhhhhhhhh.....nnnnmmnno.' she groaned in her incapable state trying to clung to my jacket.
He pulled her again almost releasing her off me but she cried out louder and then for some not-so-obvious reasons, changed my mind. Within a giffy, I pulled back Bayley to myself. The guy looked at me in disbelief. Anger evident in his expressions.
'Try your luck somewhere else, big guy.' I said firmly, gripping Bayley to myself.
'You..who do you think you are, huh?' the guy screamed grabbing hold of my shoulders and making me look at him. I looked at him with the most fierce look as I eyed his hands on my shoulders.
I slowly placed Bayley on the empty chair beside us and started eyeing him, walking with my fists clenched.
'What! You think you can scare me?' he said taunting. 'Cool down young man.' he said slamming his hands playfully on my chest. I looked at his hands and gave him a little smirk before punching his face very hard. He fell on the bar. Many heads turned towards us and I heard chatters, few even approaching the scene. I picked up a bottle from the bar and waited. Just as he lifted his head up, I smashed the bottle on his head, earning a lot of gasps. The guy was bleeding and could barely stand. I hope he would never pick a fight in the bar again. I saw a suited guy coming to his aid.
'What have you done to him?' he said. 'And what if the police comes to my bar?' he said. So, this guy is the bar owner. I looked at him with annoyance, took out my wallet from the pockets of my jeans and let out few bucks. I stooped down and placed them in the owner's hand.
'That'll take the dues.' I said, turning to leave, when my eyes fell on Bayley. Ugh! She's the reason it started! Should I leave her or drop her to her house? I started walking out of the club.
'Baron..' I heard a faint call and I saw Bayley trying to sit up on the chair. Fuck! I sighed and went back to the chair, carefully placing one of her hands around my neck and aiding her to stand, though she tripped. I somehow managed to walk her out of the club as the gathering faded.
It was fresher out here but damn! I couldn't have my drink and moreover, there lies a few pounds of trouble around me. I looked at Bayley again. She must be brought to sense now or how can she manage to go to her house?
I walked her to the public washroom attached to the club.
She tripped again. So, I held her completely on my own strength. I took her to the sink and turned the water on to splash some water on her face. Some more again. Then I heard her breathing and also saw her opening her eyes. wow!
'Bayley, you're okay?' I asked. She was looking at me blank but it seemed she wanted to say something. Her face expressions changed and suddenly she leaned on to the sink and threw out. Ewwwe! See where I'm trapped. I was about to release her at this yaaakss moment but somehow held her shoulders from behind as she threw. After a minute, she straightened and I knew she was over. I quickly lifted her a bit landing her in front of the adjacent sink, avoiding the greasy one. I turned the tap on and splashed some more water on her face, cleaning her up. Ugh! I never ever thought I'd have to do this. I aided her out as I felt her getting a bit stronger. Oh fuck! I brought my bike today and there's no way she could sit there stable.
We walked to my bike. She was leaning on me, playing with the zip of my jacket pulling it up and then down. No wonder she's out!
'Well Bayley, I'll get you to your place. Just tell me the address.' I said straightening her by her shoulders and making her face me.
She looked up at me and smiled. What!
I cupped her face. 'Address, where you live.' I said trying to make her understand.
She still smiled.
'Address!' she said clenching her forehead, stroking her head with her index finger, as if she was trying to remember.
'Any address, house number, lane number anything.' I said desperately.
'Hmm..Lane number..number lane..uhm..' she closed her eyes trying to remember something.
'Yes..One lane..or two....Two lane Blacktop.' she said chuckling out suddenly. I raised an eyebrow. Isn't that the name of a movie? Shit! What do I do with her now?
I saw her tracing her fingers on the seat of my bike. She was smiling too. I sighed for she left me no other choice.
'Bayley! Just try to sit behind me.' I said to her. She sat on the back immediately. But, what if she falls during the ride?
I took off my jacket and sat in front of her, adjusting myself with the drunk lady I'm riding with. Carefully I spread the hands of my jacket and wrapped it around Bayley, tying it around my waist. I guess that would do it. I started my bike.
A ten minutes ride and here I am in front of my house. Yes. I had to bring her here. I stopped my bike and untied the wrap. I felt Bayley leaning completely against my body. Probably, she's out. I tapped her arms a few times and then she came to senses.
'Get off. We're home.' I whispered and she opened her innocent baby-like eyes.
'Home..' she said trying to look around. Oh no! But, I was relived when I saw her get down from the bike and standing in front of my house. I went to park my bike. After I returned, she was still inspecting my house. I went closer to her and wrapped my arm around her.
'Let's inside.' I said and took the keys out to unlock the door.
We were finally inside.
'That isn't home.' she said looking at the unfamiliar surroundings.
'Well since you didn't know yours, I had to bring you to mine.' I said.
'O...I got it.' she said. 'Now I've got three homes.' she smiled.
She took out three fingers of her right hand and started counting something.
'Daddy's home..Bob home and Baron home.' she giggled. What was that? I ignored what she said and walked her to the guest room. I guess she would be cool there.
'There. Settle here for tonight.' I said taking her near the bed. She looked on and crawled into it immediately.
'Wow! I like purple beds, you know.' she said spreading her hands over the bed sheet.
'Cool. Now you should have some sleep.' I said pulling her head on the pillow and pulling the covers on her. 'I'll get you some water.' I said and walked to the kitchen. When I saw her running her fingers on the designs of the covers. She looked up and smiled just as she saw me.
'Here have some water.' I said handing her over the bottle. She was about to take it but then moved her hand away. I raised an eyebrow.
'No. I'm tired and it's not good to drink water when you're tired.' she said presenting a sad face. Holly Molly! What is she relating to?
'..or Baron's gonna scold me again.' she said murmuring to herself looking away from me. What! She really thinks I would scold her for drinking water!
'No I won't. Drink it Bayley.' I said and I don't know why am I even trying to persuade her!
'Really!' she said excited and I nodded, faking a smile. Ugh! that's killing me. What am I doing? Why am I doing?
She took the bottle from me and jerked it, watching the bubbles move to and fro. She smiled and looked at me.
'You're right. You aren't gonna scold me. You're nice. A nice inhuman brute. And today this inhuman brute saved me from another inhuman brute.' she said giggling. I looked at her in surprise. Is that what she thinks of me? She isn't wrong but it definitely doesn't feel good knowing this. Fuck it! I'm Baron Corbin and I don't care.
'I'm leaving Bayley.' I said trying to leave but soon I felt Bayley grabbing my wrist.
'I'll spill it.' she said holding the bottle. 'Can you help me to drink?' she said with puppy dog eyes. What the fuck is going on? No way I'm gonna I'm serving her this way!
'Please.' she said giving multiple blinks. Okay fine! I sat beside her, opened the bottle cap and shoved the bottle in her mouth. She drank fast. I removed the bottle. I let out a sigh of disgust and saw Bayley looking at me keenly. I realized she was having a different look today. She actually brushed her hair down but as I looked at her eyes, I saw liners and mascaras melting away with tears. Did she cry? Why?
'I annoy you so much, right Baron?' she asked all of a sudden. Well, a lot actually.
' should..' I tried to placing something.
'I know I do.' she said giving a serious face. 'I..I annoy everyone Baron.' she said with a cracked voice.
'No body likes me.' she said burying her hands on her folded knees.
'It..It's nothing like that.' I said hesitatingly placing my hand on her head.
'IT IS LIKE THAT.' she looked up shouting, breathing heavily.
I was surprised to see this side of Bayley.
'Bayley..Just try to..'I started but was cut off.
'Just try to what? smart!..I've been trying that since my school days Baron, I failed. They..' she paused, 'they said I was a nerd. They bullied me. You know Baron', her voice quivered, perhaps, tears were started to form..'when I was in mid school, I had a crush one of my classmates Phil and he was really being nice to me but later I realized he was just playing around a bet with his friends. He brought me a gift and there were cockroaches all around and....' tears filled her eyes. Oh! That wasn't that horrible. Even I pranked a lot of kids this way in mid school.That was kind of fun!
She continued, 'And then it was my dream to be in wwe. I knew I wasn't perfect but still I believed it because he believed it. I..I fell in love with him. Finn, my best friend.' she said. Ugh! Don't tell me she's gonna share her little love story with me now especially considering the fact that I fucking hate Balor.
' best friend, my only hope....lost.' tears rolled off her eyes. 'He doesn't love me. He loves her. Cathy Kelley.' she said bursting into tears. So, that's why she drank. Finn chose Cathy over her. Well, any sane person would have done the same thing though I feel that journalist a little too smiley to be true, kind of fakely coated over her face. But, the thing is even I thought Finn and Bayley were pretty close.
'Well! Can't blame him though..' she said rubbing her tears. 'Look at her, smart and beautiful, and look at me. Bright colorful childlike clothes, easy going personality and this...' she collected her hairs in a hand and tightened it at the side of top pf her head, 'Worn out doll.' she chuckled louder and then her laughter turned to sobs. 'I'm a loser Baron, a non sense.' she said shooking her head.
To be honest, at this point, I realized how much my words had affected her and I kind of felt b... No way! she's just drunk.
'All I wanted since my childhood was to be a wwe superstar and I even suck in it and even brought you into my miseries.' she said chuckling within her tears.
'D..Don't worry Bayley. Everything's gonna be fine' I said placing a hand on her shoulders. Something inside me didn't want her to shed more tears.
She looked at me with her tearfed eyes.
'Promise..' she asked like a child. Ugh no! Back to kindergarten! I nodded with a smile. I need not to force it much though.
She smiled. 'Now let's get some sleep.' I whispered getting near her, slowly getting her to the sleeping position. 'Good night Baron.' she said in a whisper.
'Good night Bayley.' I said, caressing her hairs a bit. She closed her eyes and soon rifted to sleep. I walked to my room.
Bayley's P-O-V
...Our faces shadowing each other's...I felt his hands run down to my back, down to my waist pulling me closer to his body. I gasped as our bodies pressed against each other.
'Finn..!' I whispered looking into his blue green orbs. He leaned in further and now our noses touched. Our lips were meeting and I closed my eyes to feel nothing. I opened them abruptly. He kissed the girl with the mic attached to her ears, right in front of me. I stumbled. How? Why her? I tried to walk to him but he moved away with her... I walked faster to catch him. They were moving more fast. They were laughing at me, all were.
'Finn..' I shouted smashing my hands and my hands landed on a soft cushion, a mattress!
I tried to feel it and slowly opened my eyes. Yes, this is a mattress and I had been dreaming! I tried to lift myself up a bit and open my eyes wide. A cringy pain sustained in my head. Did I drink? Images of last night flashed through my mind. I went to Finn's place and experienced the most dreadful moment of my life. Finn has found someone. He can never be mine now. My life was vain. I did what losers like me do. I went to a bar and ordered a number of drinks and then..I walked and walked..rounded..a big black guy and I ran..a fight, glass broken....
I clenched my eyes open as the ache disrupted my memories. I looked around the surroundings. Hey! That isn't my house! Where am I? Did the guy took me to his place and...oh no! I panicked and then realized I was still fully clothed. So, no worry about that. But, where am I and I actually seemed to spend the whole night here.
I looked at the beside. It had a bottle of water and beside it laid a strip of aspirin! The person knew I was drunk!
I tried to crawl off the bed but my soon my head went dizzy and I tripped on to the table, leading to a destructive noise. Before I could look up, I found foot steps approaching, soon greeting me.
'Bayley, you're okay?' he asked with a tone of concern. I looked up to see my trainer Baron Corbin. What is he doing here? Wait! Is it his house? Did he bring me here? I looked at him blank and he bent in to place grab my shoulders and wrists aiding me to stand up. I looked at him quite surprised. What is he doing here? I remember being chased my a big black guy who wanted me and I ran and ran and bumped on to someone who smashed a bottle on the guys's head and...It was Baron! Oh freak! I remember..he saved me last night.
He made me sit on the bed.
'It seems you're still weak! When did you get up?' he asked.
'I..uhm..just now.' I said.
'Yeah and did you see those?' he said pointing towards the strip of aspirin. 'This might help you a bit.' he said.
I felt quite embarrassing! Baron must've seen me drunk and now he's offering his aid. Ugh!
'Okay and thanks.' I said unable to make out a thing. Baron gave me a strange look at licked his lips.
'Fine..have them and get fresh..' he said pointing towards the attached washroom in the right. 'I'll wait for you in the dining.' he said. I nodded. But, i was still not sure about thinks and I need to know things better. Baron started walking out.
'Uhm..Baron!' I called making him torn and look.
'Yes Bayley.' he said.
'Did you bring me here from the club?' I asked nervously. 'And is this your house?'
Baron threw me a look of surprise which gradually turned to a look of disgust he often provided me with.
'No. The President found you in the club and right now you're in the White House.' he said seriously. What! What does that mean? My question wasn't that silly. It's just that I don't remember! But, I guess it has to be Baron who saved me and it's his house where I am right now. I saw Baron walking out.
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