Fight for it...
I just got the call from Baron. I was to reach in 40 minutes, he demands. I quickly took a shower and dressed to this:
I brushed my hairs and did the same pony I usually do. I packed my bag and here I go...
Once again, I took a deep breath and entered the room.
Baron was sitting on the desk with a laptop when he saw me.
'In here.' he said pointing towards the laptop. I walked towards him and he motioned me to look into the laptop screen.
And that's what I saw.
(Female wwe superstar)
Poor knee movements
Slow movement in left shoulder
Mid section weakness
Overweight around thighs
Lack of forbearance
Low confidence level
What are those about? I mean how can he make stats about me without even asking me? Yes, I've lack of forbearing capacities and may be a little...okay, a lot of lack in confidence but my left shoulder or knee or midsection weaknesses! How can he be so certain in just a day? And, overweight around the thighs! I don't think so...but, he was damn looking at my ass. Okay..may be to help me out but still, that's rude to point out!
'How can you say that?' I asked him defending.
'While I saw saw you move last time.' he said not even moving his eyes away from the laptop screen.
'But, that were just squats and crunches...' I tried to object.
'Enough for me to know you.' he said still not looking.
I sighed.
'Whatever!' I said seeming a little annoyed.
Baron looked at me now and gave me a look of confusion.
'Bayley, do you want to see yourself doing better?' he asked.
'Of course I do and that's why I'm here.' I said motioning my hands.
'Then, do as I say.' he said.
Ugh! Why do I have to listen to him? What if his assessment goes wrong?
But, I guess, he's my trainer and differing with him would only cause problems. I sighed.
'So, what do I do now?' I ask him nonchalantly.
He gave me a look of surprise.
'As for now...' he eyed me head to toe and licked his lips; '....go get changed.' he said.
Freak! How can I be so dumb? I was still in my casuals. My cheeks redenned a bit.
I quickly took my bag and headed towards the dressing room. I changed to my knee length tracks and my sports bra and headed towards the ring. I saw Baron with a dummy. He was actually trying to piledrive the thing...and oops! he did as the ring throbbed a bit.
As he saw me, he stood up, carrying the dummy by him.
'Ahh! Would I practice with this?' I asked pointing towards the dummy.
Baron looked at the dummy for a moment and then looked at me.
'Not yet.' he said. 'For now, get warmed up with some stretches. Neck, shoulders, arms, back, waist, knees, elbows..I would like to see everything stretched.' he said.
What! No way, I'm gonna do these with him standing so close and watching!
I shrugged a bit.
'What?' he asked and I mouthed a little 'no'.
' get started.' he said and sat up on the top turn buckle.
'Cool. You can stop now.' My trainer said and I stopped.
I tried grabbing the bottle of water since I felt tired.
'It's not healthy to drink water while you are gasping and panting, you know.' he said all of a sudden.
I looked at him shocked. Is that the reason he snatched the bottle away from me the last time, may be, may be not.
I left the bottle and went to the middle of the ring, obeying him.
'Now catch that.' he said throwing the dummy towards me.
Ouch! It felt like a frog splash. I forgot that it weighed around 100 pounds.
'What was that?' I asked him offended.
'I was just testing your dodged skills, you seem horrible Bayley.' he said from the top turn buckle.
I rolled my eyes away.
2 days later
Baron scheduled the session today. He had been continuously sending me videos of Chris Jericho performing the lion tamer. Weird enough! Is he bringing Jericho today!?
'Did you look at the videos?' he asked just as I entered the room.
'Yeah.. it's Jericho's the Lion Tamer.' I said confused.
'Hmm..' Baron walked towards me. 'And I guess we'll get a new Bayley's Lion Tamer.' he said smirking a bit.
What! No! I'm not into submissions. I hate choking and locking and clutching. I'm good with my own things.
'I'm afraid I can't go for submission holds Baron.' I stated firmly.
He seemed shocked and then annoyed.
'And why is that?' he asked raising his eyebrows.
I turned my back and walked a few steps away from him.
'Baron..I I'm just good with my own moves. If possible, show me some slams.' I said debating a lot.
'Ahh!' I gasped as I feel a big hand placed roughly on my shoulder, making me turn back towards him. His hands grabbed my arms roughly and Baron moved closer to me, an angry look surfacing on his face.
I panicked, swallowing the lump formed in my throat. Those eyes were of an werewolf, cold and pitiless.
'Your own moves, huh, little Bayley..that disgrace to the belly to belly suplex that you do..' he said clutching his fingers deeper into my skin, 'You know what, that's rubbish, a bunch of bullshit.' he shouted getting more closer to my face. I could feel his hot enraged breathe on my face.
Tears formed in my eyes. He gritted his teeth badly.
'Slams, huh! Don't you understand, you aren't strong enough for that? You are week Bayley, you are vulnerable and you are a fucking disgrace.' he shouted roughly releasing me causing me to trip. But, O somehow balanced.
'You see Charlotte, Becky or Sasha..all of them knows how to lock it good. But you..' he chuckled satirically, ' you aren't even trying to get close.' he said pacing around the room.
'You know girl,..' he stopped near the desk, 'I have a set of 21 specialist maneuvers...And here I am... asked to waste my time with a silly worn out doll like you. What a disgrace to me!' he spat slamming the laptop of the desk, breaking it completely.
I gasped in fear. My body trembled and tears rolled on to my cheeks. I couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the room crying.
I'm done with this training. I'm done with Corbin
I rolled over the bed lazily as the door bell rang. Imprints of last night's tears still surviving in my face. I could barely close my eyes last night. All I remembered was Baron's beastly attitude and his venomous curses for me. I'm a simple, friendly, fun loving girl. I can never imagine behaving like that and even can't take someone behaving like that. Most of my friends are really caring and soft worded. I've always stayed away from mean people and that's what I think of doing now too.
The doorbell rang again. Ugh! I got to get up now. I rubbed my eyes and sat on the bed. I was still wearing yesterday's clothes. I couldn't even eat after I returned.
The third door bell.
'Coming...' I said and walked to open the door.
'Hey Bay.' Sasha said.
'Hey Sasha..come..get inside' I yawned rubbing my eyes.
Sasha frowned her eyes and walked past me.
'Bay! You're okay? Don't tell me you woke up right now! It's already lunch time girl.' she said.
'I know but I just couldn't sleep last night. So...ahhh..' I yawned again.
Sasha slapped her forehead hard.
'Here you are yawning and there I thought you would accompany me to shopping today.' she said sitting at the edge of my bed.
'Shopping! Why? There weren't any plans, were there?' I asked picking up my clothes for the bathroom.
' plans but it's urgent.' she said playing with my covers and pillows.
'And why is that?' I said trying to get inside the bathroom.
Sasha bit her lip and gave a shy smile.
'Actually Sarath proposed me last night...and we are thinking of getting married in two weeks.' she said.
I was shocked. A wide grin came to my face and I ran to hug my friend Sasha.
'O..Saa! I'm so so so happy for you my boss.' I said shaking her within the hug.
She chuckled.
'Well. Thank you Bay.' she said chuckling.
I released her and gave her a questioning look.
'But, Saa..why all of a sudden..?' I asked.
Sasha sighed crossing her legs.
'Well Sarath is an unpredictable guy to say the least but..' she said, 'I like it.' she winked at the last words.
Wow! Sasha is a lucky girl. Sarath loves her and last night must've been the best time of her life while for me, it was the worst. I sighed getting up.
'Hey Bay! You said you didn't have a good sleep last night and it seemed, you were not in a good mood either.' she said gesturing towards my tearfed face and clothes.
I shook my head.
'It's a good day for you. Let's not talk about this Saa.' I said but Sasha got up and stood facing me.
'What happened Bay?' she asked with a concerned look.
'You had your training last afternoon, didn't you! Did Corbin...' she guessed the thing right but that stung me.
'I don't even want to hear his name Saa.' I said looking away in frustration.
'So, he is the problem, huh!' she said placing her hand on my shoulder carefully making me face her.
'You know Bay. You are so good and for this, you expect people around you to be the same as you. But that's always not the thing. Different types of people live in this world and they would treat with differently, my girl.' she said.
I looked up a her.
'But, nobody's talked like that to me before Sasha.' I said. 'He..He called me a disgrace and a nonsense worn out doll.' I said as tears foamed my eyes.
Sasha gave me a sympathetic look.
'You know you're not, right. So, it doesn't matter what he says.' she tried to console me.
'I don't want to see him again.' I said breaking down in her shoulders. She pulled me into a consoling hug.
'You're sure it's the last bag.' I asked Sasha as she loaded it in the trunk.
'Damn sure. I counted it were 12.' she said. I must say she's an enthusiastic shopper.
We got inside the car as it started.
Sasha was fighting for the Women's Championship recently. She's so relaxed. She's got an attitude, good moves and a guy who loves her a lot. While me.. I'm still struggling to tell Finn what I feel for him. I'm an idiot stuck in a stupid training trying to build my career in wwe and then, there came Baron, the villain of the story. Are they gonna fire me if I don't get along with him? Well, it's not that. I just need to learn some wrestling moves. May be...
'Uhm..Sasha! Can I ask you a favour?' I asked nervously to the girl sitting beside me.
'Go ahead Bay.' she said.
'Well..what are you doing tomorrow afternoon?' I asked. She looked at me and eyed me for a moment.
'I guess..' she smiled, 'I'm free for you.' she said and I smiled.
'But, why Bay?' she asked curiously.
'I was thinking, would you mind train a little with me.. practice and all..' I said shrugging my body.
'Let me see..' Sasha looked up wondering something. Oh no! She's my last hope. 'Okay.' she said smiling at me.
I smiled wide.
'Thanks a lot Saa.' I said.
'Not a problem Bay.' she said cheerfully.
'Okay do we start?' Sasha said sitting on the edge of the ring crossing her legs in a giffy.
'Hmm..can we start with punches and body slams?' I suggest sitting beside her. I felt like crossing my legs like her and..I did wasn't at much ease like Sasha's. I looked at her. She doesn't even seem to feel like she's doing something! Whereas me...uhm.. Looking at both, it's really evident that Baron was right when he said I had a little more weight in the thigh region than needed. Oh man!
Sasha snapped her fingers at me, making me look at her out of the training of thoughts.
'Shall we then..?' Sasha said pointing towards the ring and I nodded with a smile.
We were going for chops. Sasha laid one on my chest using her left hand. Ouch! That hurts!
I went for one now with my right hand. Good connected Bay.
Sasha went for the other overy right shoulder, I lifted my left one now. But just as I went for it, she dodged it well, laying another big chop.
I wanted to resist but alas! I was too slow! My left shoulder was too slow! The screen of Baron's laptop flashed in front of my eyes. Was he right about me?
Yes! Sasha was facing me closer. I held her waist and tried a Bayley to Belly but before I could land her, she rolled me over into a Bank Statement!
'Aaaah!' I cried immediately and started tapping. Within 3 seconds of the hold, I collapsed!
Sasha stood up and help me stand.
'Thanks.' I mumbled still holding my back.
'Ehm.. I'm sorry Bay. I didn't know that would hurt you that much.' she said with puppy dog eyes.
'It's okay Saa.' I said waving my hand while forcing a smile on to my face. I sat down in the ring.
Sasha set beside me. She had a camera recording us on the top turn buckle.
'Here you go Bay. Have a look.' she handed me over the camera. I pressed the play button.
......there, I was going for the B2B and then...gosh!
I played it again..I had it almost executed and then Sasha rolled me over. How could I get rolled over?
I played it again, in slow motion. I picked her up my her waist. Bellies were connected and then...ouch! Did I just bent my knees forward? Yes, I did... Subconsciously..but, I did and that killed the momentum. Sasha got be flexibled and rolled me up. Oh no! I must have done it many other times, Even when I ended on a winning note.
People must've seen it. Authorities must have seen it. My opponents must've felt it. I'm such a dumb! I couldn't even held my own knees!
Knees! Poor knee movements! That's what Baron said! Did he understand that too? But, he just saw those crunches and push ups and squats! How can he...But, he was damn right.
A strange hot air blew around me. I looked at the video and saw me tapping on the Bank Statement, rolling with my hand over my back and upper abdomen, it still pained. Is the Bank Statement my weakness or is it just my midsection?
Too much of debating within brought sweats on my forehead.
'Hey! We've had enough for today. Shall we go now?' Sasha asked standing up.
'Huh..hmm...Yes..' I said trying to stand up, registering my thoughts. I walked to the dressing room and changed to a blue T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Sasha, who changed on the adjacent dresser came soon after.
She smiled and I followed her to the exit.
We took a cab. Sasha would drop me by my home and then go to hers. Sasha was busy texting the whole way while I introspect things. Was Baron right about me? Was a really a good trainer for me?
I changed to my Pjs and went to the bed. Through out the night, I kept on rolling over, not knowing what to do. I decided to walk to the adjacent terrace and have a view of the stars.
'... sixteen.. seventeen... eighteen..' oops! I lost the course again. Counting the stars is one of my favourite impossible hobbies. I smiled as I thought.
But, soon, I felt a presence behind me. Then, there was an eerie air blowing my hairs. I had fearful goosebumps as I felt a touch on my back.
'Who's it?' I turned over to see no one.
I inspected the terrace. No one was there.
I walked to my room, carefully shutting every door. My hear paced fast. I slowly slid under the covers on my bed. Is the room haunted?
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