Face Off!
It was like the worst day of my life. I got to find and talk with the brute himself for the sake of my job. I don't even know where is his locker! Let's finish watching Finn's debut, may then I can try.
After wandering in vain for 10 minutes, I came to the catering. My heart found a zeal as I saw Finn standing there.
'Hey Finn!' I said walking towards him. He smiled as he saw me.
'Bay! What a pleasant surprise!' Finn exclaimed.
'Yeah... just...had to come..btw, I saw your debut and you were awesome Finn.' I said grinning like a kid. Yeah! I become a kid everytime he's around.
'wow! Really! Thanks!' Finn said scratching the back of his neck.
I blushed without any apparent reason. This happens around him, don't worry.
'So, why are here? And, you seemed to search something, anything wrong Bay?' Finn asked being concerned.
I looked at him helpless for a second.
'Well.. actually Yes. There are many things wrong. Hunter and Steph name Baron Corbin as my trainer and I've never talked to that evil brute before and now I got no other option. I have to talk to him but I don't know his locker or anything about him.' I said sadly.
'What! Baron Corbin!' Finn said shocked. 'Couldn't they find anyone better?' he exclaimed.
'I mean no sane human would like to get near him and it's you... I won't let you anywhere near him Bay.' Finn said firmly.
I know he cared about me but this time I actually got no other option.
'I know Finn. But they left me no other option. If I need to save my job, I've to listen to them.' I sighed.
Finn looked at me blank for a while and then looked away.
'Alright. He's locker is towards the end of the lobby, sixth from left.' Finn said. 'But if he does anything gross, just give me a missed call, I'll understand.' Finn said.
'Awee! His words of concern melted me. As long as I've got him, I'm not scared of anything, be alone Baron!'
I nodded with a smile
'Hey Finn! It's almost time.' I heard a female voice from behind us. I turned around to see Cathy Kelley again!
'Yeah Cathy, I'm coming.' Finn said with a tender smile. I saw Cathy smiling too. As I studied their body language, insecurities filled me again.
'Well Bay..I just have an interview with Cathy or else I would have loved to accompany you.' he said sorrily. 'I'm sorry. I have to go now.' he said.
'It's okay Finn. Go get it done.' I said forcing a smile, though I would have loved to have Finn around me. But good that Cathy called him just for an interview.
There it is! The room Finn said. I took a deep breath and tried to let the nervousness off me. I am going to talk to him.
I knocked the door tenderly, no response. It had to be louder. I knocked it once again, louder this time. Still, no response!
I stood there silent for a while when suddenly I felt the door open from inside. I stood straight bringing my agility back.
The door opened revealing Baron himself dressed in a black leather jacket and leather pants. He wore a beanie cap on his head. Perhaps, he was about to leave. Phew! Just on time!
I saw Baron examining me without saying a word or any greet.
I forced a smile onto my face.
'H..Hello.. I'm Bayley.' I said nervously.
Baron gave me an indifferent look, not at all concerned.
'..and how can I help you?' he asked finally.
'Did Hunter and Steph speak to you about the training thing?' I asked the cold species in front of me.
He looked at me thinking something making me feel more uncomfortable.
'Hmm..get inside.' he said opening the door wider, though not moving himself. I had to somehow slid inside to his room, carefully avoiding any touch with his body.
As I went inside, Baron closed the door. I stood still at a corner around the table.
Baron grabbed a bottle of water and started sipping in carelessly ignoring me. A botch in the name of gentle man!
'Uhm...so, when do we start training?' I asked clearing my throat.
'Depends on my mood.' he said not looking at me.
What does he mean by that? He's given a duty and I'm on probation, for God's sake.
'But, I really need to know and I need to start as early as possible...' I tried to say.
'Ugh! Stop it chick! I'm not in mood to talk about it right now.' he said harshly.
I was trapped. Why did Hunter and Steph do that do me? This guy is damn stubborn and even crazy. He's not at all taking things seriously!
I sighed.
'Fine! Can I get your number then. May be I...' I tried an attempt to talk him in a better mood.
Baron looked straight in my eyes. He is definitely a cross between a vampire and a wore wolf! His eyes were cold and had no love or pity or any feelings.
'Give me your number then.. I'll call you once I get in mood.' he finally said relieving me a bit. So, there's still a chance to work out.
'Sure..' I said.
After giving Corbin my number, I got out of his room without any bye or formalities. But, finally I was out of hell. What a sigh of relief!
5 days later
I've been waiting for this day for long. It's Finn's birthday tomorrow. 2 days ago, the company confirmed that they are gonna give Finn a title reign, probably, an inaugural championship for raw since Ambrose is rumoured to carry the WWE world heavyweight championship to SmackDown. I'm really happy for him. He deserved it all along.
But, tonight, I'm gonna do the same thing I've been doing for two years. I'm gonna head to his place with cakes and candles. And we're gonna blow them together as the clock would struck twelve.
Hmm.. good idea. But, I'm sure, he's already expecting this. So, let's give him a surprise! I'm gonna go to his house in the evening and without him knowing, I'm gonna hide the cakes and candles somewhere so that he thinks I didn't carry them this time and I would go on to surprise him later. I've an idea for this execution. I took my phone. It's already eight in the evening. No calls from Baron yet. I sighed. I guess, my career's got no hope from him. I'll wait for one day more and then report the things to Hunter and Stephanie.
I messaged Finn.
Bayley: Hey Finn.
(A second later)
Finn: Hey Bay. What's up?
Bayley: Nothing much. I was wondering if you're home, so that I can just come over to your place.
Finn: Oh yes. I'm very much home Bay. I'll be waiting for you.
Bayley: That's great. I'll be there in an hour. Bye.
Finn: Bye Bay.
After a lot of trials and tribulations, I decided to go for a dark brown dress ending little above my knees. It has a medium cut. I combed my hairs straight letting them fall over my shoulders. I picked a black hair band and that will do. Nervously, I applied a little lip gloss. Should I do a little makeup thing? I mean it's for Finn and I want to look different. But, what if that makes me look more horrible. Let's drop the idea.
I picked up the cake and candles on my way and headed towards his place. I asked the driver to get inside the house after two minutes and place the things in the cupboard. I'll make sure the door and the cupboard remains open and I can hell take care of Finn. Can't wait to surprise him. I giggled as I thought of that. I so love him.
I pressed the calling bell of Finn's house nervously. The cab driver is carrying the stuffs I'll just message him when it's time.
I took a deep breath and pressed the bell again.
'Coming..' I heard a voice faintly.
The door opened. And there he was with a smile plastered on his lips. He was in a grey stringer and a pair of black track pants. As usual, he looked stunning.
But now, I actually felt him eyeing me head to toe. Wow! Did he like my changes in style?
I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes, which caught him off-guard.
'Ehm...Hey Bay.. I'm sorry for letting you stand out side..ehm...You actually..ehm...I thought you looked...ehm... different today.' he said scratching the back of his neck. I blushed biting my lip.
'Well...ehhh! Get inside..' he said, opening the door wider.
I walked behind him to the hall. Just then, I remembered something!
'Uhm...Finn.. I'm hungry..can we make omelette?' I asked making a puppy dog face.
Finn smiled.
'C'mon.. it's not the first time you're in this house. You know the kitchen. You can make anything in the kitchen and have it.' he said. Awwww! That's so sweet of him.
'Well Finn..I actually.. wanted you to help me make it.' I said playing with my hairs like a child.
Finn frowned his eyes.
'Well.. that won't be a problem..but, any special reason for that?' he asked giving a questioning look.
Oh no! Is he suspecting something?
'Not a reason. I just want to have some fun.' I said dragging him to the kitchen.
'Stop Bay..are you that hungry, huh!' he asked chuckling a bit.
'Yeah..quite a bit..' I said holding my stomach. 'Well Finn..you go to the kitchen. I'll just message my landlady.' I said.
'Well o..kay.' he said and walked towards the kitchen.
Yes! Done! I messaged the cab driver to finish things quick. I followed Finn soon after.
'Hmm...pretty cool with corriender.' Finn said as he took the last bite of the omelette. I used a new recipe in it and I'm glad he likes it.
'Really! Thanks!' I said.
'So, Bay..Uhm.. what about your training? Has he called?' Finn asked on serious note. I sighed.
'No. I'll wait till tomorrow and if he doesn't call, I'm gonna consult the authority to change my trainer.' I said.
Finn nodded.
'Don't worry Bay.. it's gonna be okay.' Finn said wrapping his right arm around me.
'I wish. Hope it's not the end of my career in wwe.' I said with a sigh.
'No..No way.' Finn said with a shocked expression, pulling me closer into a hug. I love when he shows his concern.
'It can't be..it..it.. won't be..as long as I'm there.' he said whispering very close to my face, making my cheeks hotter.
'Th.. Thanks Finn.' I said looking into his blue-green eyes. They had a passionate spark in them which was actually piercing through my heart, making it jump.
But, my heart won the race when I saw him getting more closer. He was leaning towards my face. Is he gonna...? My body shivered on the thought. I haven't had my first kiss yet and ever since, I met Finn..I wanted his lips to be the one to be first. Before, I knew, I could feel his hot breathe fanning my face. I stared as his eyes blank. As I saw his lips moving, I closed my eyes to feel the eternity.
Finally, it came..I shivered as I felt the touch of Finn's lips...on my... forehead. I opened my eyes immediately. I saw Finn backing away with a smile.
'You don't know how special you are to my Bayley. I can never let your dreams crush this way.' he said caressing my hairs. Well, you already let it crush just now. I sighed. Nevermind! I'm gonna wait.
We broke the hug and smiled at each other. I blushed a little and Finn smiled.
'Now, let's forget this nonsense and watch a movie.' Finn suggested.
'Hmm..The Notebook ' I said but Finn cut me off.
'I know that's your favorite movie Bay. But, we've like watched it hundred times already plus, I don't want you to cry again. So, let's something more fun' he suggested. I was kind of sad but Finn said, so, let's give it a go.
'The Dictator. Perfect to cheer your mood.' Finn said and I grinned cheerfully.
3 hours later
I held my stomach tight in laughter as the movie ended. Plus, me and Finn are specialists in post movie discussions.
For next 15 minutes, we laughed our asses off. Suddenly, Finn went serious.
'So, Bay..did you forget something today? Or about something?' Finn said and I knew what he meant. How can I? It's your birthday!
'Ehm.. what?' I said pretending a confusion.
'Nothing Bay!' Finn said with a sigh.
Awee! Sorry for that my love. Just wait two more minutes.
Ding Dong
We were shocked to hear the door bell at midnight. Who could it be?
'I'll get it.' Finn said lazily. I nodded. But, then I had other thoughts and decided to follow him.
Finn opened the door.
'Surprise!' she said and there stood Cathy carrying a flower bouquet along with a wrapped gift box.
'Wow! Cathy! You remembered?' Finn asked visibly amazed.
'Of course, it's your birthday Finn and you don't know how special you are to me.' she said hammering my heart. 'How can I forget that?' she said.
Finn was...Was he blushing? My heart pained. Why didn't I bring my stuffs before her.
'Well..come in Cathy.' he said walking her inside. That's when she saw me. I could see her smile fading a little bit. Wasn't she expecting me? I guess, she wanted to wish Finn alone.
'Hey Bayley!' she said smiling forcibly.
'Hey Cathy.' I said forcing a smile too.
'Yes.. that's Cathy for you. The first and only person to remember my birthday this year.' Finn said throwing her a smile. I could see her blush.
The first and only! Does he know how long I've been waiting for this day? That would be even before Cathy came into the picture. My heart felt being stung.
'Anything for you Finn.' Cathy said and the two hugged, more passionately then usual.
Tears were forming in my eyes. How could I be so dumb and stupid? I could have wished him right away. But, dumb me and my surprises.
'So, mind unwrapping?' Cathy said pointing towards the box.
'Can't wait..' Finn said trying to get the ribbon off and tearing the wrap off, Cathy helping him in it.
The box opened to reveal a beautiful love photo frame. Finn smiled big looking at Cathy as he saw the gift.
'It's beautiful Cathy.' I couldn't help saying.
'Th.. That's the loveliest gift anyone ever gave me Cathy.' Finn said.
'Thanks a lot Finn. After a lot of thinking, I felt you would like this.' she said.
'How couldn't I?' Finn said tracing his fingers on the frame.
'That means a lot for me Finn.' Cathy said placing a hand on her heart.
The two smiled looking at each other, completely ignoring me.
I can't take it anymore. I'm gonna cry. But, I don't want to do it in front of them.
'I..I'm leaving guys.' I said.
The two looked at me all of sudden.
'Uhm... you're sure?' Finn asked and I nodded.
'Well then..go safe.' he said.
I tried to walk out of the door.
'Bye Bayley.' Cathy said and I waved gave her a smile cause a word would lead my tears to fall.
I came out of his house and broke down on the street. He didn't even try to stop me once. Atleast, I would have felt a little batter. Luckily, I got a cab. I took my seat and sobbed the whole way. I bet the driver saw that too but, I was too weak to resist my tears.
I was having a shower. The water droplets were like the little sprinkles on my skin, making me realize various facts.
He would never like you Bayley..never. You lack beautiful face and body. You are not glamorous. You dress like cartoons. No guy would ever fall for a ugly and crazy girl like you. You aren't even smart enough to wish him on his birthday. It was even better to message a birthday wish than to end up this way. What was my fault? Where was my fault? I prepared it all and then she came.
And look at Cathy, she is beautiful, smart and sexy. She dresses classy and gorgeous and she was the first person to wish Finn on his birthday. He likes her. He would definitely like her. Few tears fell off my eyes as I thought. I went on to pick my towel and then...I felt like someone was watching me through the ventilators. I covered myself with the towel immediately.
'Who.. who's there?' I asked gathering some courage.
I felt someone jump and move. It was so real. A human movement. I was really scared. I quickly slipped on my bra and panties. I took my oversized white T-shirt and a pair of black pj pants. I quickly opened the door and Oh no! Did I leave the door open when I entered?!! Can't remember actually...
I rushed out of the room to catch a trace of the intruder. Just then, I saw a shadow pass by. I followed the direction. I saw him...yes, it is a guy... taking the left turn..I ran to follow him. I hid in the corner trying to hear the movements but just as I tried to take the turn, I bumped into someone.
'Hey Bob!' I said as my landlord looked at me shocked. He is a chain smoker and I guess that's what he was doing here. Yukks! I hate cigarettes.
I coughed a bit as I felt the smoke on my nostrils
'Ehhm...sorry for that Bayley' he said a bit embarrassed. 'But, what are you doing here at this time. It's way late for night walk and way late for morning walk.' Bob said a bit surprised.
'Well I .. actually..Bob, did you someone run this way?' I asked curiously.
'Now!?' he frowned his eyes. 'Not at all.' he said.
'Oh..but I clearly felt someone peeping in my room and even saw him running this way.' I said trying to look past Bob.
'You must be mistaken Bayley. I was there for last 15 minutes. Even Merryl was there few minutes ago to get me to sleep. Nobody saw nothing.' he clarified.
I was puzzled. Was there really no one? Was I hallucinating? But, it's not the first time I felt something like this. But, today by peeping into my bathroom, it crossed the line.
'Bayley!' Bob's voice brought me back to conscious. I looked at him.
He came forward and put his palm on my shoulders.
'Don't think about it. Go to sleep now. I'll have a look at the matter tomorrow.' he assured with a smile.
I nodded.
Finn's P-O-V
'Bye Cathy.' I waved with smile as her car started.
I walked back to my house after she left. It was fun with Cathy. She brought me gifts and bouquets. We chatted about a probable celebration tomorrow. Then, I went on to show her my family album. She was happy too. We've become really close friends in these few days. I kind of like her. She's nice. I mean, she was the first one to wish me this year. A smile came across my face as I thought so.
But, somewhere, someway, I expected someone else to wish me the first. Yes, Bayley. Don't blame my expectation, she had been the one to do so since I came to know her. How could she forget it tonight, specially, when she met me tonight? I sighed sitting on the sofa.
I wish she was there when Cathy and I decided the time and place for my birthday bash tomorrow! But, she wanted to go and after hearing the kind of unwanted presence she'd been feeling in her place at night, it wasn't wise to make her stay for long. So, I let her go.
I saw the photo frame Cathy gifted me lying on the table. Pretty cool, actually. I picked it up and put in in the box. I carried it with me and opened the cupboard. Whoa!! What is this? Cakes, candles and foams! These weren't there the last time I checked this evening! Who brought this?....................... Bayley!!
She was the only one who came after that. But when? I never saw her opening the cupboard. Oh! Kitchen! Omelette! Calling the landlady! That must've been her plan to surprise me! But, why didn't she tell me about it? Oops! May be because, Cathy came in at the very moment she wanted to wish! And... then, she felt being ignored...!! No, it isn't like that. I didn't ignore her. I can never ignore her. She should have known that!
I must call her but she must've been sleeping now. I'll have to wait till morning.
I changed to my nightwear and crawled to my bed. I took my phone. Wow! So many messages and wishes in the social media! I love my fans.
I opened the contacts and that's when her picture came to my eyes.
'Sorry Bay.' I whispered before rolling on to sleep.
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