Coping up....
After a little...nay..lot splashes on my face and a little clean up, I walked out of the bathroom. My hairs were all disheveled and I needed a brush immediately. I did as much as I could with my fingers but..let's say it was okay. I took the aspirin Baron left for me and I nervously walked out of the room. Just as I walked out, I felt completely lost. It was a big house where you expect greets and instructions but to my disbelief I saw no one around. I walked a few steps and then I saw something on the right which seemed like the dining. Yes it is. It had the kitchen attached not so far and as I closed up, I saw the most unbelievable thing in the world. Baron Corbin jamming the toasts! What a wonder! He seemed too absorbed to notice me.
'Good Morning Baron!' I said from a couple of feet behind him. I had a nervous smile on my face.
He turned his head around a bit. 'Hey!' he said coldly in his morning husky voice and went back to his work. I stood their awkwardly not knowing if I should even have a seat around the dining table.
'Have a seat.' I heard Baron say though he didn't bother turning around. I took a seat and inspected my surroundings. The walls were designed in a vintage, dark style and their were bull skulls and deer skulls hanging as a part of the decor. What a taste! A sound on the table brought me back and I saw Baron placing a plate of jammed toasts in front of me. Is that my breakfast...?...being served by him..? The I saw him pouring some hot water into two cups, one of which he placed in front of me.
'Green tea?' he asked lifting his head at me for once. I nodded and he handed me a dip pouch. I took it hesitantly. Well, first of all this guy was out of my head and I'm really embarrassed about how much I annoyed him last night and more shockingly this brute was serving me breakfasts and I was too nervous to thank him.
'Well..Thank you..' I said dipping the pouch into my cup.
'Hmm.' he said just lifting his eyes for a moment.
An uncomfortable silence passed by as we finished our breakfasts.
I saw Baron lifting his plates and placing them on the kitchen sink. But, why did he do it by himself? I mean, he has his own house, must have a family, friend or at least some servants. I didn't see his girlfriend from other day either. After a lot of inner debates, I too picked up my plates and followed him. He saw me placing them, he looked surprised but never showed it or even didn't stop me.
I returned to the dining chair. I saw Baron sitting in his chair too, doing something with his phone but I needed to talk. I'm a talker.
'Uhm..nice house.' I said looking around a bit. 'Is it your own place?'
Baron left the phone and placed his hands on the table. He sighed and looked at me as if it was the last option he had.
'Thanks and yes.' he said. What a bore!
'Wow! But, you leave here alone?' I asked. 'I mean no servant, no butler, no maid!' I asked in a lighter tone, trying to cheer the situation but I saw Baron looking at me with the same indifferent look.
'No. I prefer it alone.' he said. Alone! In this big house! Who does that? I stay alone as a paying guest in Bob and Meryll's place and yes, I feel damn scared! I have servants though!
'Well Baron..ehm..thank you for everything. I mean I really had it gone last night.' I said sheepishly. Baron looked at me keenly for a moment and licked his lips.
'Not a problem Bayley.' he said. Really! That was a nice formality. But, there was something I really needed to know since I know people spill a lot when they are drunk hard.
'Baron, I needed to ask you something about last night...' I said nervously biting my lip. Baron gave me a questioning look.
'What did I say to you when I was drunk?' I asked bluntly, gaining a quirked reaction from Baron. 'I mean I heard people talk a lot of trash when they'
Baron eyed me for a moment and I felt him debating something within.
'Nothing of my concern.' he said seemingly not at all affected. Ugh! What a guy? Couldn't he be a bit more descriptive and communicative? I hope I didn't spill the gusts of my frustrated love life in front of this guy! That would be horrible!
That reminds me that I was now dusted like my hopes and Finn and Cathy were together. I know I should be happy for my best friend but what did I do to deserve this? I couldn't even speak my heart to Finn before she came. But, I feared being turned down by him. Hell me! I'm a total loser.
My train of thoughts stopped as I felt Baron snapping his fingers in front of my face.
'Do you remember your house now?' he asked. Of course I do. How can I forget that? But why did he say 'now'? Oh no!
'Yeah.. I..I do remember that and I...I'll leave now.' I said pushing the chair off and standing up in a giffy. I don't want to recall more embarrassments. I started to walk before remembering..where was my purse? It wasn't there where I slept, meaning..I lost it with money and all other stuffs. how do I go home now? Oh god! Please show me a path.
'Bayley!' Baron called and I looked back. 'Are you in a rush?' he asked raising his brows.
I didn't know what to say. I do want to reach home fast but I got no money. I swallowed the lump on my throat and searched for answers.
'Well..actua..' I was cut off.
'If you're not, you can wait up bec...' he paused and looked away from my eyes for a moment, 'I'm heading out and may take a ride.' he finished. I was frozen. Did he really say he would give me a ride? Car or bike? I swear i won't be comfortable but hey, I got no money and this mind be the path god showed me. Wow!
'I...I..can wait for that.' I said biting my lip. Baron seemed quite surprised and no wonder! But, then I saw a slight smirk develop on his face.
'Cool..Just give me a minute.' he said.
I waited beside the porch as this was where I preferred to wait. It has been few minutes now. Baron said he was gonna take out the bike. Hell! I'm scared of them and somebody even toldme the guy was a rough rider. As I paced around panicking, I heard horns and I saw the most thrilling bike I ever saw slowly stopping near me.

It was a Harley Davidson Road King and I guess Baron added more features to its exotic look. He had a good taste in this case. But, the thought of sitting behind him, pretty close was kind of letting an unease in my mind.
'We're getting late girl.' he said breaking my delusions. I nodded and sat behind him, trying to avoid undesirable touches. 'Now tell me your address.' he said turning his neck a bit. I nodded.
My tears merged with the water droplets running from the hot shower. It has been a day and I still feel it was a bad dream I saw. Finn was taken. My love unrequited and lost in the thin air. He was hers. It has been one hour in the shower and I don't even feel any physical sensation. After Baron dropped me to my place this morning, I went through my diary and the poems I wrote for Finn. They seem so meaningless and hollow now. I understood that a woman's persuation for love towards a man is utterly nonsensical if she is short of the charms man seek. Thus, a woman is never meant to initiate the phenomenon. I remembered when Sasha said Finn and I were already together. Damn! I believed it! I cried and cried the whole day. Food seemed tasteless and thirst was gone. Finally, I was taking my third shower of the day trying to rinse off few dust.
I turned off the shower and dried myself slipping into the pjs. I walked out of the bathroom and dried my hair. I laid flat on my bed and fell flat on my back. I didn't know when I fell asleep.
My slumber broke as I felt a ticklish sensation around my stomach. Can't be rats, right? But what I felt then raised my hairs in fear. Human fingers inside my pj shirt, crawling up to my stomach. I panicked high. What should I do? It's the stalker again. That's when the wrestler Bayley woke up. Hmm, I got to keep my knee straight and I kicked someone hard with my knee. I heard a thud sound meaning he fell down. The lights were off. May be he did it. I jumped off the bed and tried to catch hold of the escaping person.
'Wait! Tell me who you are!' I said running after him but he opened the door and rushed out. Yakks! there were cigarette smokes everywhere. May be Bob was here. I followed him and finally caught hold of something, yeah, a hoodie. I felt him grab my hand and yank it off him. He pushed me and I fell into the ground.
'Help!' I shouted.
'Someone broke in.' I yelled.
I heard footsteps and there stood Meryll.
'Oh! Bayley!' What's wrong dear?' she said seeing me down on the floor. Meryll helped me to stand and switched on the lights.
I was breathing hard.
'Meryll. I told you there was a stalker. He came tonight too.' I said.
Meryll frowned her eyes. I 've told them enough but neither Bob nor Meryll believed a word I said. They thought it was an illusion or my phobia.
'You're sure?' she asked with a concerned voice.
'Yes and have a look.' I showed him the hand marks the stalker gave me while grabbing and yanking off my hand.
Meryll gasped. 'Oh no! Even Bob's out tonight. Come sleep in my bedroom Bayley. You aren't safe alone.' she said. Finally she understood.
'No thanks Meryll. I guess he won't come tonight. I'm safe for the time being. You go sleep.' I said showing some courage. I don't know why I felt I should let her go.
'But Bayley..' she said.
'I'll be fine Meryll.' I assured and she walked away. I looked outside the room carefully. No one. I was about to close the door when my eyes fell on something. I leaned and picked up the glittering silver colored thing that looks like a lighter! A cigarette lighter! But, Meryll said Bob wasn't there. Who then? I took the thing to my room.
2 days later
'Way to go Bayley!' Baron cheered as I performed the cobra clutch back breaker on Mandy. I've already learnt few hard kicks and two backbreaking maneuvers. Wow! I feel proud. Baron hasn't mentioned much of that night and that actually came to my ease. I was getting back to normal in front of him. Regardless of a inhuman brute, he is a good...nay..great trainer I must say.
Mandy was down when I waited for her to recover. She slowly stood up and I connected the B2B keeping my knees straight. Mandy was down and out.
I went for the covers. The referee counted one..two..three. I won!
I stood up jumping and felt like the queen of the world, with no king of course. I haven't heard from Finn since that night. It's only that there were tons of pictures of Finn and Cathy in social media, together, dining, walking hand in hand and in charity events. They were almost officiated as a couple. I can't believe it had been three days and I haven't called or messaged him. He didn't do either. Never mind! Why would he even care?
'The referee raised my hands and I hugged him tight. I saw Baron walking inside the ring, a smile on his face. He seems to be happy for me. He walked in and gave me an encouraging nod. I smiled at him, unconsciously biting my lip.
'OHH my god Pam! you almost killed me.' Mandy said in a struggling yet happy voice. I giggled and hugged her tight.
'Okay that's enough Pam and I'm really happy for you.' Mandy said breaking the hug. 'If if you permit..' she looked at me and then Baron, 'I got to go change and go out shopping.' she said.
'Ahh..sure Mandy and thanks again.' said Baron in his husky voice. Baron invited her here for my sake and now he was thanking her too. I feel so grateful!
'Yeah, thanks a lot.' I said.
Mandy smiled. 'Not a problem Pam.' she said and walked to the dressing room.
With her gone, I looked at Baron who also looked at me at the same time.
'So, you are getting things real quick. I must say I'm impressed.' he said with a cocky half smile.
I smiled chewing my lip. 'Thanks Baron and all thanks to you.' I said.
Baron stayed silent for a while and chuckled. Why? 'You really think it happened for me?' he asked within his chuckle.
I looked at him not knowing what he was saying.
'No wonder they say you are a child.' he said walking away. What! Did he call me a child too? And how can he say that? This 'child' thing had been perturbing me since mid school and even when I entered Pro-wrestling and may be that's the reason, Finn chose her...Ugh! Stop thinking about that Bayley. Baron just called you a child!
I followed him.
He sat on the bench and was uncapping a bottle when I interrupted.
'Hey! Did you just call me a child?' I asked getting near him. He just looked up at me and started sipping into the bottle, completely ignoring me.
'Hey! Aren't you listening to me?' I said louder. 'I said did you call me a child?'
He still ignored and went on sipping. I was pissed. what does he think of himself?
'Are you just ignoring me like that? What do you think I...' I was cut off by Baron who just stood up with the bottle in his hand.
'Chill Bayley! Why are you so eager in proving us right?' he asked loosening up a bit. I gave him a annoyed look but what I was about to say stopped when I saw saw him hiding a chuckle.
'Baron I..' he cut me off again.
'Here have some water. You need it. You're all stressed out.' he said extending the bottle towards me. What is going on? He seems quite...I don't know...different. I damn well needed water but I hesitated taking it from him.
Baron examined me for a while and then a smirk came across his face.
'Take it Bayley..and don't worry i won't scold you.' he said. Wtf!
I took the water and took few sips.I saw Baron shaking his head with a sigh through the corner of my eye.
'Hey Pam! I'm leaving.' I heard Mandy who just came changed.
'Oh..okay fine.' I said. 'Bye.'
'Bye Pam and bye Baron.' she said rushing out of the door.
'She must be in a rush.' Baron said looking at the door. I nodded with a smile.
Now, I got to go change. I picked my bag up and walked to the dressing room. It took ten minutes and I got ready to leave in my formals. I saw Baron putting his beanie cap on his head with the jacket on. He must be leaving too.
I started walking towards the exit, when his eyes fell on me.
'Hey, you're leaving.' he said more than asked.
'Yeah..bye.' I said trying to walk away. I started walking out of the center when my eyes fell on the cafeteria. I remembered the days me and Finn sat there, talking, jeering, having fun. Oh! How how I cherished those moments! But, now those would only be memories. They would never come back. I sighed walking past it.
'Hey Bayley!' I heard a call from behind and I knew the voice belonged to my trainer. I turned around to see Baron walking towards me.
'Bayley! There you are!' he said with a sigh of relief. ' left your phone on the bench.' he said giving me my phone back. '..and I..I guess you have a call too.' he said sounding a bit hesitant.
'Ahh..thanks Baron.' I said. I'm so stupid. How can I even forget that?
'Hmm..' he said with a nod and walking towards the bike parking. My eyes followed him and I saw the same red haired lady standing near his bike. That must be his girlfriend! I wonder how she deals with someone like him! God bless her.
I walked straight for a cab, checking my phone. Baron said I had a call.
And yes indeed! I had a missed call and the name tickled every nerve in my heard. A missed call from Finn!
All the way, I could not decide whether or not to call back Finn. I mean it's not that I don't want to; in fact, I'm dying to hear his Irish accent but it will only churning memories and remind me of how much I still love him. Ugh! I wish I left the phone in the training centre and Baron didn't bring that to me! It will only hurt me now. Now I'm home and I've had a quick replenishing shower and gained some confidence. Let's call him.
I dialled Finn's number.
Finn: Hello.
Bayley: Hello Finn. (nervous)
Finn: Bayley! (surprised and excited)
Bayley: called.
Finn: Yes, of course but I can't believe this has to be the reason you called me after three days. I mean what's up with you recently?
Bayley: I..I was busy, that's it.
Finn: Busy! Busy enough for me too!
Baron: Yeah..the trainings and weariness.. that's it.
Finn: (sighs) I got it. But, your voice seems so weak. Is that Corbin tasking you too much?
Bayley: No Finn. Not at all. In fact, he's being a great trainer but...ehm...why did you call me?
Finn: (silent) really want to know why I called? (Surprised) I mean I didn't know I was that restricted or you wanted to avoid me that much..!!
Bayley: It's not like that Finn. I was just..
Finn: Whatever! (Frustrated) Anyway, it's Sasha's wedding in two days and I need to pick a wedding gift for her. So, I was wondering if you would be free tomorrow to help me out.
Bayley: (chuckles satirically) Really Finn! You need me to help you pick it?
Finn: (surprised) Yes, I mean who else would. It was always you who helped me.
Bayley: Hmm..but I guess things are different now. (Sighs). You don't need me for that.
Finn: What!?
Bayley: (pretending cheerfulness) I mean you've got Cathy, your girlfriend who has a way better taste than I do and she would definitely help you out.
Finn: words)
Bayley: Yep and moreover, you guys are going together, I guess!! So, I'm sure I'm not needed for this thing. (Pretending a smily voice)
Finn: (breathes)
Bayley: Finn, are you listening.
Finn: Yes, I listened to every fucking thing Bay (angrily) and you could have straight way said me that you were too busy for me. You know what, I'll manage it myself.
Bayley: Fi..
He disconnected the call angrily. I guess he misunderstood me as world's most selfish friend. I wish I could say him the truth! I wish he understood me and my feelings! I wish he knew why I didn't want to go out with him, for it would only give me chances of vague hope and heart break. I hope Cathy chooses something good. Oh! That reminds me, it's Sasha's wedding and I'm gonna be the maid of honour. I should get prepared. Not for the ceremony, but to face Finn and Cathy together again....
Finn's P-O-V
I disconnected the call with all fury, throwing the phone roughly into the bed. How could she say this? How can my best friend Bayley say 'no' to me? What or who else has been more important for her than hanging out with me? I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists.
I know that Cathy is my girlfriend and a big part of my life now. But, that doesn't mean Bay should try to escape from her responsibilities!
I mean the person who used to enquire about every piece of meal I had just ignored called me for three days and that's fucking 72 hours! How? Why? And today she had no problem defying me like that! What does she think of herself.
I...hate her now. I slammed my feast on the table in front. But, hey! If she thinks, she's gonna escape from me this way, she's wrong....
I shoved off the water bottle on the table off into the floor angrily as I breathed heavily.
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