Birthday Time!
Finn's P-O-V
Cathy was, as usual, busy with her works in wwe studios. I felt bored alone in the house, counting hours to midnight. My heart beat faster with every second passing like every year. Sadly, I had to wait for nothing this year. I would, perhaps, get a good sleep or smoke a cigar or even have sex with Cathy. I'm actually happy that I've got nothing to plan, nothing to do, nobody to meet tonight...or that I should be happy about it. I called Seth for a company and he was there with Becky, Sasha and Nattie in an hour. Wow! That would be enough of a destruction!
'Awwe! my boy's getting leaner than usual. Doesn't his girl get him enough to eat?' Seth said throwing a wink. I smiled rolling my eyes at his insinuation.
The girls awwweeeeed at my reaction.
'Stop it Seth.. I know I'm fit enough to make you jealous.' I said. Seth raised an eyebrow to my challenge.
'Stop it guys. You guys are acting like high school buds now.' Becky, one of my long time acquaintances said.
'..and Seth you should congratulate Finn for his girlfriend's recruitment in the Smackdown roaster rather than teasing his ass!' she said motioning to Seth.
Wait! What? the Smackdown roaster but..I specifically asked Stephanie to get her in raw...and she said that won't be before a month..but what is Becky saying?
'Ehmm...excuse me Becks! I think you're mistaken. Cathy is not yet a part of any of the two main roasters.' I said. Becky frowned her eyes.
'What? Are you sure?' she asked confused.
'C'mon it's his girlfriend, not yours. He must know, right?' Seth suggested but Becky still wondered.
'Yes Becks, I'm absolutely sure.' I said.
'Th..That's funny!' she said trailing off.
'I mean I saw her and even exchanged smiles once..but yeah..!..' she raised her voice suddenly, 'I didn't see her interviewing or doing any segment, however!' she added.
'Oh c'mon Becks! She must've been there as a correspondence for once.' Sasha suggested. I nodded but something inside me doubted otherwise.
'Ehm..well,' Nattie, who was silently listening to us, cleared her throat, 'Becky isn't fully wrong. Even I saw her on Smackdown a couple of weeks and she even saw her in the lobby of our hotel last week, though I doubt if she saw me.' she said. My mind was getting blurred now. What is happening. Smackdown, last Tuesday night..Hey! She said she would be in Vegas with her cousin, but...What would she lie to me? I felt everyone looking at one another and nodding.
'So, Finn, I'm really hungry now. Shall we order some food?' Seth suggested, to turn the topic.
'Huh!' I looked at confuse. 'Oh. Yes..yeah, I'm hungry too.' I forced a smile on my lips just to make them think I wasn't thinking much.
'Great! No order. I'll cook something for you all.' Becky stated.
We looked wondered at her.
'Becks, can you really cook?' Sasha asked, swallowing the shock.
'Well, don't you dare underestimate my cooking. I can make the best Dublin Coddle you'll ever taste.' Becky claimed walking towards the kitchen. Well, I sort of doubt that!
'Oh well! Just book a seat for me in the hospital already.' Seth said making a scared expression. Me, Nattie and Sasha burst into laughter.
'May be two, I guess I'll be joining you too.' Nattie said high-fiving Seth. Becky threw them an angry look as the two put their index fingers on their lips.
'Hey! Tell if you don't find things.' I yelled as Becky walked to the kitchen.
'No worry! We'll help her.' Seth said jumping off the sofa and walking towards the kitchen.
'..yeah, and we'll help turning it to something eatable.' Nattie said following him. I showed them a thumbs up as me and Sasha chuckled, the only two left in the room.
'Can you believe Becky making a coddle?' I said scoffing. She nodded.
'Yeah, I mean she was never the one in the group who would go for the cooking. It was always B..' she stopped suddenly looking at my face. Woah! Is my discomfort that evident in my face?
'It's okay Sasha..I..I'm fine.' I said scratching my forehead. Sasha looked blank at me.
'Well, I never asked you Finn! But, your answer suggests you aren't.' she said looking concerned.
I faked a chuckle. 'What..What the hell you're talking about Sasha. I was just..' I tried to fit words.
'You miss her right?' she asked. A gush of waves triggered my body and I tried not to look at Sasha's eyes.
'Who..Who are you talking about?' I said looking down at the glass pot that Bayley once brought me.
Sasha sighed in annoyance shifting to the sit beside me. She placed her hand on my shoulder, making me face her.
'You know I'm not talking about Cathy, right?' she said. My body went numb not knowing the way to react to my senses. 'Bayley. Do you miss her? Your best friend?' he asked softly. I shrugged off and jumped off sofa.
'Sasha, I told you once, she isn't even in the list of my acquaintances for a month, let alone best friend. No. I don't miss her. I don't.' I said gritting my teeth, shoving off the delicate material on the table, breaking the glasspot into pieces. Soon, Sasha stood beside me too.
'Then what's bothering you Finn?' she said moving in front of me. 'Why are you so upset that she ignored you for a month and a half?' she asked authoritatively.
'I'm not upset about her.' I said hissing. 'She is just another bad memory of my life who I want to forget.' I said.
'But, Finn..Bay isn't the type of..' Sasha tried to defend her friend but I was in no mood to hear.
'Type!' I chuckled. 'Don't teach me her type Sasha. She is a deceptor, a witch who would play the sweet tune along with you and desert you when she's done composing. She is a cheater' I said angrily. I body shaking in anger.
To my surprise, Sasha chuckled. I looked at her surprised.
'Seriously Finn! You think she is a deceptor, a witch who cheated on you because she didn't want to speak to you when you finally decided to call her?' she asked. I raised an eyebrow. Finally, decided to call her!
'C'mon Sasha! Don't be so stupidly biased. You know I had always been the one to save and guard and cherish our relationship and it was her who deserted me.' I spat. Sasha's eyes frowned all of a sudden.
'Wait! Wait! Relationship!' she asked chuckling. What did I say again?
'Oh Finn! That's your problem. You are being too seriously insecured and possessive about a girl, who is your best friend and not your girl friend! I mean, just think about it, Cathy had been going out several times a month, lying or not-lying to you and even when you got a doubt, you didn't even react with one-forth of the aggression that you're showing now. Neither did her loving words registered to your brain when you were sick last month. All you talked to me after coming in senses was that Bayley didn't care about you. Why should she, Finn, when you've already got a girlfriend? Is she meant to be that obligated to you?' she said. Her words reached my brain but my tongue stuck inside because my thoughts could not process to the facts, she was stating. All I knew was I was breathing too restlessly.
'Sasha, I ..I need to go.' I said trying to avoid the scenario, but Sasha grabbed my wrist soon.
'It's okay Finn.' she said looking at me with a matured look. 'I'm sorry for what I told.' she said side-hugging me to her tiny frame. I sighed.
'I know. I'm sorry too, girl.' I said forcing a smile. She smiled too.
'I was just mis...' No way! No way! I'm not. I'm NOT. A smile crossed Sasha's lips.
'I understand Finn!' she said. 'Now, what day is tomorrow?' she asked breaking the hug.
Bayley's P-O-V
'Oh c'mon! Bay! Try it for once at least!' Sasha urged me for the tenth time now. She was asking me to go clubbing with her. But, that was not at all my types. I went for a club for the first time in my Sophomore year and that was the night the thugs of the class got me drunk and made me dance like an idiot in the middle of the floor. Everyone laughed, joked and some even threw money at me. I cried horribly when I realized, the next time was when I joined NXT for the first time and yes, it was the same Sasha who forced me to join her. Everything was going well. I took a seat at the corner, having soft drinks and Finn sat beside me as a warm and cheerful company but then, without any intimation, my periods were on. Besides the irritation, it even stained my flax colored new dress. I tried to call Sasha but she was too busy dancing with strangers, Becky and Charlotte too were having fun with selfies and updates. Finally, it was Finn who realized something was wrong with me. Ugh! I felt so embarrassed when he wrapped his jacket around my waist to hide the stains. And of course, the third time, I went there all by myself to get over Finn, got drunk and that big groper..Ugh! Thank Heavens, Baron came on time and took care of my drunk self.
'No way Saa.. I have many worth forgetting memories of clubs. No way, I'm gonna get the first toll of my 27th birthday in such places. Sasha looked at me with puppydog eyes.
'As you wish, my baby..but..That would've made me really happy, you know!' she said sheepisly. Such a drama queen!
'Okay fine!' I said surrendering. She smiled so big as if she just won the Oscars!
Chill Bay! You look hotter a dream ever in this dress!' Sasha said as I kept on nagging my discomfort in the dress she brought me. It was too.. you know.. not my types!
'But, I don't want to look hot. I'm just being good being cool.' I argued.
' for school.' Sasha said mocking.
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
Sasha had a victorious smirk.
'Now, let me do a little touch up.' she said getting near my perfect face with the makeup kit she carries in her purse. I tried to dodge but Sasha flashed me an annoyed look. Okay.. I give up!
'There!' she said finishing the torture. 'Now give me a smile hottie lady.'
I gave her the fakes to I could give.
Sasha chuckled.
'That will work.' she said tried to pull my hand but I resisted.
Sasha gave me a what now look.
I looked down to the low cut strapless and barely thigh-length dress I was wearing. If the dress slips a little, it would reveal the B above my breasts. I pulled it a little up.
'Are you sure Saa?' I asked helplessly, picking a jeans jacket in my hand.
She frowned her eyes and sighed.
'Just come with me, if you don't believe.' she said dragging me out of the room. Gosh! Where is she taking me?
Oops! The living room! Barron's watching TV there.
'Leave it Sasha. I trust you.' I said to avoid any trouble. But, she sushed me with her eyes.
'Hey Corbin!' she yelled towards Baron who had his back turned on us. He turned his head off the sofa as he heard her and that was when his eyes fell on me,slowly gazing down my body. I tried to cover myself with my hands. My cheeks must be burning red right now.
Ugh! Relax Pam! He has seen you way more naked than that. Woah! That fact did the worse to my cheeks.
'So, how does she look?' Sasha asked Baron. Seriously! In the whole world it was him who she decided to ask. She should have at least waited for 5 minutes till Becky arrives!
Something seemed to snap into Baron as he looked away from me to Sasha.
'Ehm..well, she looks.. different.' he said in his husky voice. 'Not bad.' he added before quickly turning back to the TV screen.
A smile flashed on Sasha's face. 'A not bad from this guy means you look great.' Sasha said whispering in my ears with a thumbs up. I felt quite.. I don't know what.
But, then the door burst open, turning our attention to the guest.
'Woah lass! You look like a hot iron!' Becky said frowning her eyes at me as she entered through the already open door.
'Th..Thank you.' I said nervously.
'Told you.' Sasha said looking at me. 'And Becks, I'll take the compliment too.' she added, making us laugh.
'Okay now, we must get out now.' Becky said letting Baron turn to us.
'Where are you going?' he asked straight looking at me. For some reason, I just didn't want him to know that I was going to the club. What if he thinks low of me? But, someone like him would never think clubbing as something low, it's just a nerd like me who thinks so. Ugh! why do I even care about what he thinks? May be I do that about every one.
'J..Just a little girly hangout.' I said biting my lip.
'Hmm.' he nodded. 'And when do you plan to return?' he asked.
I didn't know that so I looked at Sasha and Becky for assistance.
'We'll be back as soon as we can.' Sasha answered. Baron nodded but his eyes lingered on me for quite some time before I decided to talk
'So, are you staying at home?' I asked him.
'No. I'll probably be out with Cory.' he said. I nodded.
'Well, shall we go now?' Becky asked impatiently.
'Yeah,sure' I said walking towards the door.
'Bye Baron!' I said waving him a little.
'See yah.' he said. I smiled.
I looked at the passing trees, walls and people through the glass of the passenger seat of Becky's car. Considering Becky's sudden turning into a crazy lass and picking races with random cars, Sasha decided to drive us to the club while Becky took the back seat.
'So, how's it going at home, huh?' Becky asked me suddenly.
'Home. Uh! What's to be going on with that? It's as usual, lonely as hell.' I said chuckling at the end.
'But, today it didn't feel like you feel too lonely out there.' she said.
'What do you mean, Becks?' I said not understanding what she said.
'Well, I'm talking about Where are you going, When do you plan to return, Are you staying home, Seeya.. stuffs?' she explained. 'I mean you two really seemed really like a couple there.' she said with a teasing tone.
What does she mean? Me and Baron! Ugh! How can she even picture that? He barely thinks me as a friend and I'm still scared to talk to him sometimes, even though... never mind.
I faked a chuckle to get rid of it.
'It's nothing like that Becks. We are just friends and we don't see each other like that.' I tried to clear things up.
'But, I saw the way he was looking at you today. I mean, he didn't even acknowledge the two of us standing.' Becky said, making Sasha chuckle as well.
I rolled my eyes, a laugh forming within me too. Seriously, he didn't even bothered to look at them.
'But, yes Bay! even I saw him staring at your ass when you were going out.' Sasha remarked this time and the two roared into laughter. What? He didn't do that!
'Stop it guys! He wasn't.' I said.
Becky contained her laugh.
'Oh Bay! Why are you getting so serious? It's not wrong if a guys eyes a girl and yes, Baron's definitely hot.' she said in her Irish accent.
'I don't know how you guys resisted being in the same house?' she asked. Only if she knew!
I shook my head with a subtle smile forming for no apparent reason.
'But, Bayley don't tell me you guys didn't even kiss?' Becky asked triggering my inner veins a bit. Kiss!
'Oh Becks! Stop pulling her legs.' Sasha said to Becky. 'And relax Bay, she's just playing with you. Of course, we know there's nothing like that.' Sasha said looking at me now.
'But I only asked about the kiss..' Becky tried to explain the driver.
'We didn't kiss.' I said abruptly not looking at anyone, facing a weird truth.
Becky slapped her head and Sasha chuckled.
The car stopped at the club parking. It was the same high sounding music and lots of teenagers in the most revealing clothes all over. Thankfully, it's still to dusk and the surrounding wasn't that contaminated with alcohols.
'Let's go.' Sasha said holding my hands. I put the jacket over my dress quickly hesitating the alien. Sasha sighed out of frustration as Becky shifted our attention to something else.
'Hey guys! Look there he is!' she said pointing towards the lobby of the club. Sasha smiled wide and I looked at the direction too.
I froze in shock at the person I saw.
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