Chapter 5
Moonbeam's POV
I ran and ran and ran. All that was going through my head was that I had to get away. I had gotten more powers, as Bracken said I would, on my 16th birthday two days ago. I don't know how to control all of them yet but I'm slowly learning. I never stopped to practice though. The only time I stopped was when I would drink from a river or lake that I found. That was only for a few minutes before I would continue running. I think I've been running for about three days and I'm getting extremely tired. In fact, I couldn't go any longer.
My knees crumbled and I fell to the ground. My snout on my paws and legs stretched out, I just laid there. I couldn't move. All I did was pant heavily. I was exhausted, my body was exhausted, my wolf was exhausted.
I could feel my eyelids getting heavier. And then, all of a sudden, I felt snouts prod at me. They were probably checking to see if I was alive or not.
I saw, through blurry vision, one of the wolves shift and walk over to me. They were saying something but I didn't know what this man was trying to say. All I knew was that here and now, they would probably kill me for trespassing on their land, and I was happy. I'm a danger to everyone and I need to be killed.
"K-killl....mee....pleaaase. " I pleaded into the universal mind link shakily before everything faded into nothing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I woke up with a pounding in my head and groaned. I looked around me with my groggy vision and all I knew was that I was in a cell. The bars that were stopping me from leaving looked to be silver, but I wasn't sure.
I sat up off the dirty floor slowly and stood up. I looked down to see that I had shifted with my clothes on? That's strange. I have the same clothes on that I had on when I shifted at the pack house but I'm not sure how. Usually, your clothes shred to bits when you shift into your wolf. It must be another power that I have.
I sighed and shook my head at that. Powers? More like curses.
I couldn't get my pack's screams out of my head. All of the terrified girls running away from me. My heart pounding in my chest, feet slapping against the ground as I ran away. The echoes of my name being called. The adrenaline running through my veins.
I shook my head to rid myself of all these thoughts but no matter what I did, I still got flashes of the past couple of days.
I felt tears fall slowly down my cheeks, trailing down my chin and heard them hit the cold, stone floor. I buried my head in my knees and covered my head with my hands. I didn't want to be like this.
Why me? Why did I have to be the freak with weird powers? I hope that whatever pack this is kills me for trespassing, then I won't have to worry about endangering my family, my friends, my pack, or anyone else for that matter.
I heard 2 voices come closer to my cell and their keys began to jangle as they unlocked my cell. I stayed still, not caring what they did to me.
I got a kick to the side and I flinched away, bringing my head out of my knees. I soon felt a stinging in my cheek and held my cold hands on it to soothe the burning.
"Get up, rouge." One of the two men demanded, but I didn't move.
I got another kick but this time it was to my stomach. My head whipped to the right as the other man punched me in the face.
"You dare disobey an order from this pack's Beta, rouge?!" He grabbed my hair and dragged me out of my cell.
Next thing I knew, I was slumped against the brick wall, trying to recover from being thrown into it.
"When a higher ranking wolf gives you orders, you obey!" The other man said, by his smell I could tell he was a Delta.
I looked up with hatred in my eyes and a snarl on my lips.
"You don't outrank me, pup! So if you want to defend your Beta from a 'lower ranking' wolf, you'll have to find one first!" With that I stood up and punched the Delta in the face with all of my strength. His head whipped to the side as I heard a satisfying crack.
I turned to the Beta and got in a fighting position. I probably don't smell like a Beta to them because I ran away from my pack but these guys are still idiots and deserve a beat down. I also have an advantage here because along with my Beta blood from dad, I also have Alpha blood running through my veins thanks to mom.
"You dare challenge the Beta of this pack? A pack in which you have trespassed into and therefore pose a threat to?!" The Beta looked infuriated.
"Yes! I dare! I dare to put a douche bag in his place! No matter what rank they are, you have no right in treating a rouge in such a way without hearing their story and giving them a chance to explain to the Alpha!" With that I jumped into the air and did a spin kick right to his cheek.
He was a little shocked but not as affected by the kick as I had hoped he'd be. He ran towards me and jumped up to grab my throat but I ducked under him and gave him a punch to his stomach. He landed on his face on the cold, hard floor and didn't get up for a few seconds but when he did, he was even angrier. He looked as if he was about to shift but before he could a voice broke our concentration.
"What is going on here?!" I turned to see a tall man, about 40 years old, brown hair, green eyes, and carrying the scent of an Alpha.
I bowed my head to show respect for him before standing up straight again. He looked a bit shocked that I showed him respect but the expression was gone as soon as it came. His face was now a mask of anger and slight confusion.
"Alpha, this rouge would not listen to the orders I was giving it. I tried to bring it up to you but the rouge refused to move on its own." The Beta said. The Delta, who had been sitting off to the side healing, nodded his head in agreement.
The Alpha turned to me and studied me for a while before speaking.
"Come with me, rouge. You must explain why you have trespassed before I decide what to do with you." I nodded my head and the Beta and Delta seemed surprised at my easy agreement. I stuck my tongue out at them and followed the Alpha out of what I assumed was the dungeon.
We went through a door and up a flight of stairs before getting to what I believed was the first floor. We passed a TV room, kitchen and a small game room. Each had pack members that glared at me and put their children behind them to shelter them from the possible danger that I posed.
I shrugged off all the looks as we went down a hallway that smelled slightly different from the rest of the pack's house. I didn't understand why it smelt like this and I couldn't ask Gleam because she was resting and recovering from the long trip that we had.
We walked into an office and the smell was extremely strong. I lifted my nose and sniffed all around. I couldn't pinpoint what that smell was and it was frustrating me.
"What are you sniffing out, rouge? Trying to find a way to escape because if you try to hurt this pack I wi-" The Beta didn't get to finish as I snapped my head to the right to look at him.
"Shut it, pup! I don't have time for your accusations. I am here to talk to your Alpha so if you could keep your pitiful threats to yourself, yeah, that would be great. " I turned away from him to see that the Alpha was giving me a calculating stare. It didn't unnerve me like it should have and I think it had something to do with my new powers.
"Sit here, please. " The Alpha waved his hands towards the leather chairs that sat in front of his desk. Once I sat down, I waited for the Alpha to speak.
"First and foremost, do you know where you are?" He asked.
"No, sir. I do not know where I am. I was not even aware that a pack was in this area. " I explained and he nodded his head.
"Bullsh-" the Beta began but the Alpha gave a sharp glare that silenced him.
"Well, I am Alpha Derrick of the Blue Moon pack. Are you familiar with the pack?" I could see that he expected me to be scared and unaware of his packs ranking.
"I am indeed aware, Alpha Derrick of the second strongest/largest pack in the world. But I am not afraid of you or your pack. " I stated. I wasn't taunting or anything. I simply stated what I felt.
He was shocked and surprised as was his 2nd and 3rd in command that still stood in the room.
"And why is that, rouge?" The Alpha asked, sounding intrigued.
"I have only been a rouge for a couple of days, but I have lived in a pack for my whole life. " I shrugged simply.
"Is that so? Then tell me this, rouge, why are you not with your pack? Why have you chosen isolation over protection? Why have you left the only home that you have known?" The Alpha asked.
"Simply because-" the door banged open, stopping me in the middle of my explanation.
I didn't mind though because the smell that was in the room before became 20x stronger. I kept my back to the door, afraid of what I would find. I knew that whoever had entered the room was my mate but I didn't want a mate right now.
I have dreamt of meeting my mate my whole life but now that I know the truth about myself, that I am a danger to everyone and everything, I don't want another person in my life that I will eventually hurt with this curse that has been put upon me, especially someone as important as my mate.
"Where is she?" My mate asked.
"The rouge?" Alpha Derrick asked.
"No, my mate." After that, all hell broke loose.
(A pic of Moonbeam on the side)
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