Chapter 24
Moonbeam's POV
I stood at the front of all the wolves and vampires. The woman and children that were staying behind sobbing and cried. The men and woman that were fighting stood strong and tall. Initiating the war cry, I howled into the moonlight. Everyone followed my lead, the howls and hisses full of sorrow, regret, determination and anger.
Team one, take your places.
They spread out around the territory and hid in the trees. Their job was to stay and protect the pack and coven members that were staying behind. They all howled and hissed signaling that they were in position.
The rest of you, let's head out. Be as quiet as you can but don't fall behind. We will be stopping at the Red River, just three miles from where Ryker's scent is. Move out.
We sprinted into the forest, bobbing and weaving to avoid trees, branches and sticks. The wind flew through my fur and I was hyper aware of my surroundings due to the moonlight. The 30 mile journey to the river only took 20 minutes to run. Once we were close, I slowed down and used my powers to check if there were any rouges roaming around. I then connected everyone's minds so that the vampires could also mind-link temporarily.
Okay. I'm going to mask your scents to everyone outside the pack. We will be able to smell each other so that we won't accidentally attack someone in the pack. Got it?
Everyone nodded and waited for me to do my magic. I shifted into my human form and began masking our scents.
"Luna dea invenietis in proelium pergit. Absit a nobis cognosci deliqui lupos. Donec ut nisi a nobis ignota odorem nostrum. (Moon Goddess, please bless us as we go into battle. Let us not be known to the wolves that have done wrong by us. Please make our scents unknown to only our opponents.)" A blue light enveloped each wolf and vampire and swirled around them.
Once the blue light dissipated, I shifted back and nodded at everyone. We then ran the rest of the way to where Ryker was being held. When we got there, I shifted to my human form. I was expecting a bunch of tents and a few wolves but it was just the opposite. Their camp was in the Werewolf Kingdom's castle and there were a lot of wolves. However, we still outnumbered them. There were enough of us to go two on one. I looked at all of my wolves and vampires.
Okay. There are 634 wolves in and around the castle. Use the mind-link if you need any help or if anything comes up. Team two, I want you to surround the premises and make sure no one escapes. Team three, I want you to attack from above using the bow and arrows we brought. After you run out of arrows, I want each of you to team up with someone and take every last one of these mutts down. Team four, I'm going to go get Ryker and kill the bastard that took him. I'll need you to cover me. This is a team effort and I need everyone to act like it. Thank you for everything you have done for this pack or coven.
I looked at each and every individual, grateful to have such dedicated and supportive people behind me. They all bowed in respect and, even though it is out of the ordinary, I bowed back. They deserved every bit of my respect and more.
Okay team, take your positions and wait for my howl.
Once I knew everyone was in position, I got my head in the game and focused on getting to Ryker. My howl rang through the cold, brittle air, full of rage and anguish. Everything became a bloody mess after that. Rogues were everywhere in five seconds flat and everyone attacked as planned. I ran right through the middle with my team covering me.
When I got inside, I tried to sense Ryker. It was difficult at first with everything that was going on but I finally found Ryker in the lowest prisoner block in the castle. I ran through the halls, mentally throwing anyone that tried to stop me. I was only a few steps away from the door that led to the cells when I was hit from the side.
I turned to find Tyler at the end of the hall. He was uninjured from what I could tell and I smiled at him.
"Tyler! Where were you? Did they hurt you? What happened? Everyone was so worried about you!" He smirked at me and shook his head slowly.
"Tsk, tsk. What a foolish girl you have been." He laughed but it sounded forced, like nails against a chalkboard.
After that, everything began to click and before he could do anything else, I shifted and threw him against the wall. He didn't even struggle as he was being held up, mentally, three feet above the ground.
"This is boring. You really think that you are stronger than me? You may have more powers but you don't know how to use them to their full potential. I've trained my whole life and you've trained, what, a couple weeks?" It was my turn to smirk at him as I moved closer and closer to where he was.
"Then go ahead. Get yourself out if you are so powerful." He smirked and stared at me. His smirk slowly became a frown as he realized he was still being held up against the wall.
"How the hell is this possible!" I shook my head and smiled cynically.
"Oh my foolish brother. If you were even remotely smart, you would know that I casted a spell over this whole place a few days before we came. It prevented any with powers to use them against me and my people. So, why don't you hang out for a bit while I save my mate and kick everyone's asses."
I walked backward to the cell door making sure to keep my eye on Tyler and walked down the steps to the cells. I made sure that the sound of my feet hitting the concrete floor didn't alert anyone. Once I was at the end of the cells, I opened the door to the lowest level of cells. The concrete staircase wound around and around with, what felt like, no end. Finally, I got to the door to the cells and I threw it open.
I ran down the hallway and found a small four-step staircase. I hopped down to the door instead of taking the stairs and opened the door. I gasped when I saw Ryker laying on the floor. I ran to him and knelt down next to him.
"Ryker? Ryker! RYKER!" I shook him lightly trying to wake him up. He groaned and his eyes slowly opened.
"Moon? What are you doing here?" I smiled softly at him.
"Saving you, you stupid jerk." He tried to laugh but it came out dry and raspy.
"Don't go to sleep, okay? Stay awake while I take you back to the Vampire kingdom."
"I'll try." I nodded at him and then whispered,
"Heal." The blue mist came and lifted him into the air. It wrapped around his body and glowed. Black liquid floated out of his mouth and fell onto the floor. I growled when the scent of the liquid filled the room.
"He injected you with wolfsbane?! That little-"
"Hey. It's fine. I'm fine. Let's just go." He was set down once the blue mist dissipated and I sighed.
"Okay, fine." We walked out of the cells and Tyler was still where I left him. I kept him paralyzed but dragged him with us.
We got outside and everyone was still fighting. I looked around trying to make sure everything was okay but I stopped breathing when I came across someone lying on the ground covered in blood.
I ran over to him and fell next to his still body. I moved his head to the side to confirm what I thought and I was right, it was Jake.
Oh gosh. It's been so long since I uploaded. Sorry about that.
This book is almost finished!
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