Chapter 2
Moonbeam's POV
I was walking to my 4th period class by myself, just listening into conversations like I usually do (I can thank my werewolf hearing for that), and almost every conversation was about how the soon-to-be-alpha Bracken Walker turned 16 today, the age at which a male and female werewolf can tell who their mate is. If one turns 16 before the other, then the other will know as well no matter how old they are.
The unmated she-wolves were talking about how amazing it would be to be his mate. The unmated he-wolves were bragging about being a 'shoulder to cry on' for all the disappointed she-wolves.
Now, don't get me wrong. I understand that Alpha Bracken finding his mate and our future Luna is a big thing but come on people! Not all of you can be his mate!
I shook my head at the thought of all the she-wolves that would be angry or disappointed that they weren't Alpha Bracken's mate. Personally, I'm excited to see who our future Luna is going to be. I could care less about being his mate or whatnot. If it's meant to be, then it will happen. If not, then you just be glad that you have a mate that's out there and you wait for them to come along. That's my philosophy anyways.
Besides, I wouldn't want to be his mate anyways. I mean, from what I can tell, he's a player, a jerk, and an egotistical, self-centered guy. I feel bad for whoever his mate is and I hope they can change his player ways.
I shook my head of all the silly, unimportant thoughts as I got to the door of my 4th period class, which just so happens to be advanced Geometry. Oh, and Alpha Bracken is in my class.
"Yay! Another period full of talk all about the Alpha." I muttered under my breath. The sarcasm was practically dripping from my mouth.
I sat down in the back, left corner by the window like I usually do. It helps me concentrate when I'm closer to the outdoors, i.e. the forest that is just outside our school.
I looked around the classroom as the bell rang and tapped my pencil on my desk, waiting for the teacher to begin with the lesson. Although, I don't really understand anything he teaches. Maybe it's because he doesn't actually teach but gives out packets and tells us to complete it without teaching us how to complete it, or maybe it's because he is 86 years old and should have retired long ago...or maybe a mix of both (and no, I'm not exaggerating. He actually told us he is 86).
"Can you stop tapping your pencil? It's really annoying." A rude, masculine voice asked me.
I stopped my tapping and looked up into the deep green eyes of Alpha Bracken. I rolled my eyes and shook my head before tapping my pencil again. I could tell he wanted to punch me or something but he stopped himself and that made me curious. He never stopped himself from using an Alpha command (which any lower rank physically can't go against. It's literally impossible. Your wolf won't let you) or physically hurting someone that didn't listen to him. So why, I'm asking myself, did he refrain from doing one of the two to me?
That really confused me but I didn't dwell on it much. I just carried on doing my usual routine, not listening or caring about what the teacher was talking about. The bell soon rang and I casually got out of my seat and walked out of the room. I went to my 6th period class, Spanish, and actually paid attention because the teacher actually taught.
After an hour and a half in that class, the bell rang signaling lunch time. I walked to the lunch room, grabbed my lunch after paying for it, and went to the very back corner of the lunch room by the windows once again.
None of my friends have the same lunch periods as me so I always sit by myself (I use the term 'friends' loosely because my 'friends' are actually only people I talk to during class but we never hang out). I could sit with my sister, Jasmine, but I don't really mix with her crowd.
I could actually see her now, grabbing her lunch and sitting down at the tables in the middle of the room, otherwise known as the 'popular tables' or whatever. All the athletes, cheerleaders and just people high up in the social ladder sit there. I don't know how my sister, who is a year younger than me but in the same grade as me (she skipped a grade), got into that crowd but she did. Maybe it was her golden brown hair or hazel eyes. I'm not sure but I do know one thing, popularity didn't destroy her personality. She is still nice, funny, and sweet unlike some of the other populars.
Anyways, I would sit with her group but I just don't like a lot of the people over there, Alpha Bracken and his beta/my older brother, Bane Jackson, being two examples.
Wait, I must be seeing things because my sister is coming over to my table....and so is Alpha Bracken. Awe man, I guess I'm going to die today, all because of a stupid pencil. Thanks pencil.
I made a last minute decision to actually live to see another day and ran out of the lunch room. Dang, left a perfectly good sandwich back there too. Stupid Alpha making me run away before I finished my sandwich. That is when my wolf decided to intervene (mind you, every werewolf has a wolf and they are like that voice inside your head that advises you and stuff).
You shouldn't talk about him like that. He is your Alpha after all.
'Yeah, yeah. Whatever. He may be my Alpha but that doesn't mean I have to like it.'
But that does mean you should respect him. Especially because of his relationship to you.
' me? What nonsense are you talking about now Gleam?'
I got no response in return. Well, thanks a lot for the help. What good are wolves if they don't even tell you everything they know. They are supposed to be your best friend and second opinion but my wolf is keeping secrets from me. I shook my head and headed to the library. I sat down in a chair and decided to just do my homework since I have nothing better to do.
I would've done my homework too, if I hadn't been interrupted by my little sister mind-linking me.
Come back. Alpha Bracken needs to talk to you.
'Oh, he does now does he? Well, you tell him that all the fucks I give...never existed in the first place.'
I then blocked everyone out knowing I was gonna be in so much trouble for that later. Actually, I could be charged for treason against the Alpha and be sentenced to death. Ehhh, its not like it matters. I haven't gotten a mate or anything so it's all good in the hood.
Actually, maybe not. I could possibly die just because of the bad mood I was in today. I'm usually not this pissy....okay maybe just a little but not this much. I'm not sure what's going on with me or with the Alpha but I hope it passes soon. Otherwise, I'm going to have some trouble in the future to come.
(Picture of Jasmine on the side)
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