Chapter 13
Moonbeam's POV
"Hi. Can we come in?" My parents, the King and Queen, were standing in front of me, asking to come into Eric's room and all I had to say was something sarcastic.
"I don't know, can you?" They looked taken aback by how much anger I had in my voice but I think I had a right to be angry. Why shouldn't I be angry at them? They practically rejected me and then they want to show their faces only a few hours later? That just doesn't fly with me.
"Who is it, Moon?" Eric said with a smile on his face but when he stood behind me and saw who was at the door, his smile quickly turned into a deep frown. He growled at our parents and pushed me behind him.
"What do you want?" He snarled at them and our mom gasped.
"Eric Leonardo Lupus! I know you are upset with us but you do not get to take that tone with me young man! I am still your mother and I will not stand to be treated that way by my own son!!" Eric scoffed at Mom's red face and clenched hands.
"Mother? Please. My mother is a caring, accepting, and gracious woman. Not a quick-to-judge, selfish, and closed-off woman. I don't know who you are, but you definitely aren't my mother." I blinked in surprise at what Eric had just said. I felt a bit bad that I was already causing problems within the family even though I had only gotten here today. I put my hand on Eric's shoulder and shook my head.
"Eric. You shouldn't say something like that. I might be your sister but you've only known me for a couple hours. You've known your mom for your whole life. I'm sorry that I have caused so many problems in so little time and I might be leaving pretty soon so that I can stop causing stress. However, I will not stand for you being angry with your parents because of me."
It made me kind of sad to think of the possibility of me leaving but what choice did I actually have? I didn't want to cause any more problems than I already had. Besides, I had left so many places I thought I could call home in the past couple of weeks that I should have expected this to happen. I should have known I would just mess things up, but I was hoping that I would find a home here. Maybe I could live in my other dimension...actually, I should create a new one because my current dimension had been contaminated by the Liam-want-to-be.
Eric's head snapped around so fast I was surprised he didn't break it.
"WHAT?! You just got here and now you are going to leave? Just like that?! I thought you'd be happy to be back home with us, instead you are going to disappear again and I won't be able to find you. No, I won't let you leave. I just got you back. You aren't leaving because the people who birthed you are too stupid to want you."
"Did I hear that you are leaving? Are you serious?! You are really gonna get up and leave us again?! Are you really that selfish? This is BULL!!" Tyler appeared behind me and was extremely pissed.
Ryker came and stood in between me and everybody else. He growled at all of them because he could feel how all of this was making me feel, guilty, angry, and sad.
Jake walked around Ryker and stood in front of me. He just stared at me before looking at his parents.
"She doesn't want to leave, you guys. She feels really sad because she's already left two of her homes, or what she thought were her homes, behind. She feels betrayed, angry, and insecure because she had hoped that her parents and family would accept her. That all got thrown in her face though when she was basically sentenced to her death by the very people she had hoped she could trust. Right now, the only people she trusts completely are her Satelles and Ryker. You yelling at her doesn't make her want to stay, it only makes her believe that she should leave more than she already does. Not only are you hurting her emotionally by yelling at her, telling her you are going to lock her away, or coming here to beg for her forgiveness only to fight with your son, but you are mentally hurting her and her wolf. Her wolf is becoming weak from all the betrayal and hurt. Actually, her wolf is dying and so is Moon." Everyone stood, opened mouthed and wide eyed, just taking in everything that Jake had told them before they got themselves together and looked at me.
I looked at all of them and looked at the floor. I knew something was wrong with me when I left the shack but I figured it was the Wolf's Bane. I had asked Gleam about it and she had told me we were dying. I didn't want to tell anyone because I knew there was probably nothing they could do to help me. I just wanted my last couple of weeks to be spent as if I weren't dying. I guess that's out of the window now.
"Is this true?" Eric asked.
"Of course not. My mate isn't dying. She can't be, it's not possible." Ryker looked at me to confirm what he said but I looked away.
"Lunella?" My parents asked but I didn't look at them.
"Moonbeam?" Tyler asked.
I just looked down at Jake and tilted my head in confusion.
"How did you know, bro?" Everyone except us two gasped.
"I didn't know I could read minds until now. I guess I'm getting my powers a little early huh?" I laughed at him and crouched down. I motioned him to come closer. He did and I leaned in to give him a hug. I squeezed him tight and I mentally spoke with him using my powers instead of using the mindlink.
'When I die, I want you to make sure that you use your powers only to help people, to protect people, and I want you to keep an eye on the family, especially Ryker.'
He looked at me with tears in his big, red eyes and nodded solemly. I smiled and ruffled his brown hair before standing up. I looked at all of them and took in the tears that were in all of their eyes.
"I am dying." My mother wailed at that and Ryker whimpered. He grabbed me into a tight embrace and rocked us back and forth.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Ryker's voice sounded shaky and it broke my heart. I could feel my own tears falling down my cheeks.
"I didn't want to be treated differently. I also knew there wasn't anything that could be done to stop me from dying. The Wolf's Bane that entered my system didn't help my situation either. I wanted my last couple of weeks to be full of great memories of me spending time with my family, my Satelles, and you, my mate. I didn't want to be locked away in a hospital knowing that nothing could be done but still going through a numerous amount of treatments. I love you, Ryker. I love you more than anything. But I wanted to be with my family so that I could at least know them a little before I died. That didn't go so well though so I'm just going to spend the rest of my time in my dimension, at peace. When I die, my body will return to the last place I have been in this dimension and my soul will move on. I don't like it, but there is nothing more that can be done. I'm going to die no matter what happens." Everyone cried and wailed. Tyler looked at me with anger burning in his purple eyes.
"So that's it? You are just going to sit back and die?!" I shook my head and hugged him tight.
"I'm sorry. I wish I had gotten here sooner so that I had more time with you and maybe I could have avoided all of this but I don't regret it. I got my mate out of all of this and I wouldn't go back to change anything even if I could. I wish there was something that could help me but there isn't. I'm dying and there's nothing else to it." He squeezed me tighter against his chest and buried his face into my white-blonde hair.
"How did you get the Wolf's Bane in your system?" My father said his voice cracking at the end.
"Eh. To make a long story short, I was kidnapped by this shape-shifting guy who pretended to be a little boy but ended up being 30. Then everyone I was close to came to see me die and some of them cut me with a knife soaked in Wolf's Bane." My father's eyes widened and he looked at my mother.
"What did the man look like?" My mom seemed awful worried about how he looked but I just shrugged it off and answered her question.
"Kinda tall. Lanky. Ugly brownish-yellow teeth. Dead eyes. Around 30 years old. Dark hair. Not much to tell really. He said his mate died a year back so I sent his wolf to Heaven to be with his mate. I don't know what happened to him after I left though."
My parents looked at each other and glanced at all of us.
"Send us a mental image of the man." My father said. I closed my eyes and imagined what he looked like. I then sent that image to everyone in the room and my parents gasped along with my brothers.
"That's your uncle, your mother's brother, Ian, that tried to kill you."
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Sorry it took so long and this chapter is a bit shorter than the others. The action will pick up soon I promise. ;)
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