Chapter 10 - New Wolves
Moonbeam's POV
I woke up abruptly. I looked around and tried to get up but something wasn't letting me. I looked down at my body to find myself chained to a metal chair within an empty, concrete room. My hands were covered in blood, my arms were full of deep cuts and scars, and my clothes had holes and rips everywhere I looked. I looked down at the floor around me to see a pool of-what I assumed to be my own-blood.
I examined the room once again trying to see if there was an escape. I hadn't been awake for long but I knew that I was in for hell and more. I studied every crevice, crack, and bump in the walls. I searched for any door, window, or hole that would help me escape. However, no matter how hard I looked, all I saw was a steel door, four walls, and a dirty concrete floor. The walls were splattered with dark red flecks, the floor was covered with dirt and grime and the door had a bloody hand print on it.
I was thoroughly creeped out and no matter how many times I told myself that there was nothing to be afraid of, I could feel my fear growing every second I was in here. I knew that lying to myself wasn't going to help at all but I didn't want to face the reality that I was most likely going to die in this room.
I heard about five locks come undone before the steel door swung open. The man that used to be Liam came into the dimly lit room. His dark figure came closer to me until I could see his nasty, twisted, evil smile and the wry twinkle in his eyes. My wolf snarled and growled but he couldn't hear her since she was in my head.
"Why hello there, prophecy girl. You are finally awake and so the fun will begin." He gave a dark chuckle and came closer to me yet. I didn't move because I knew there wasn't any escaping him, at least not while I was in chains...silver chains at that. He slowly drew closer, his shadow being thrown against the wall and adding to the eerie feeling in the room.
"Now, I want you to meet some people. They are the very people who hired me to kill you and led me to you. You can come in now!" His dirty smirk grew wider when he saw my eyes widen in pain and anger.
The very people who I trusted the most were the ones who had sent me to my death. My sister and her mate, my brother, my mate, and my alpha stood before me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The sinister people before me were the most important people in my life, the ones who helped me continue to live my life, and now they will be the ones to take my life.
"Why?" It came out as a rough whisper but I knew they had heard me. The man before me laughed nastily and turned towards all of the traitors.
"Go ahead. Tell her why you betrayed her." They all stared at me before my sister spoke.
" aren't normal. You are the reason our parents died and I hate you for it. My hatred for you multiplied when I found out who and what you really are. Sister? Never. You were never my sister. Not back then and definitely not now." She took out a knife, walked right in front of me and slowly slid the knife down my bare arms.
"It hurts doesn't it? It feels like acid is burning away your skin, does it not? Want to know why? I soaked this knife in wolf's bane. The deadliest liquid that a werewolf could ever come in contact with. The feeling of acid? That's the wolf's bane slowing down your werewolf healing. If I'm lucky, this cut will scar, forever reminding you that you belong no where, that is, if you live that long." She let out a laugh, a deep, darkened laugh.
"I don't understand. What did I do?" I couldn't fathom anything that was bad enough to deserve this. Bane then stepped forward.
"What did you do? You ruined our life. Our parents died for you, an ugly mutt that doesn't belong in this world. They died for someone who didn't have their blood." My head snapped up and my eyes widened.
"That's right. They died to fight off all the rouges that were after you when you weren't even their daughter. You are just a mutt they found in the forest while running their perimeter check. A lonely, and ugly mutt left behind by her own blood. Your parents didn't want you so I don't understand why our parents wanted you. You ruined everything. If you hadn't been born then they would still be here. If you weren't so stupid and ugly, they never would have found you and we would still have our parents!" Jasmine screamed and cut my other arm. I screamed out in pain, the pain of finding out that everything I thought I knew was a lie, that my life was a lie, that the people I loved died for me.
Alpha Derrick and Alpha Bracken stepped up. Their usually happy eyes, were dead and hollow like the man standing to the side watching everything.
"You seriously think I would just accept a rogue into my pack, even if you really were my son's mate I would have exiled you. A rogue is a rogue and you know what I do to rogues?" Alpha Derrick leaned in close, putting his mouth next to my ear.
"I exterminate them." He stepped back into the shadows while the tears welled up in my eyes.
"I may have accepted you if you had been born a different person but you weren't. You are you and I hate you for it. Do you know what you put the pack through? Just by having you, the supposed prophecy girl, in my pack, every rogue pack in the U.S. have attacked us at least once. We lost at least one wolf in every battle. That is at least 60 wolves. 60 wolves that died because of you. But you never noticed. You never noticed that every 'perimeter check' involved half the pack. You never noticed and you never cared. So now you are paying for all of those deaths. Slowly and painfully." Alpha Bracken took the knife from Jasmine and dragged it over the cuts she had already given me. I screamed and writhed in pain. My arms felt like they were on fire but I couldn't do anything to stop it.
"My turn. Now, see, I would never want a mate as weak, ugly, and useless as you. I would have rejected you if you were my actual mate but in this case I had to 'accept' you so that the plan would continue as we had all agreed. You see, Bracken is my cousin and he's like my brother. So, when he called me up three years ago and told me what his plan was, I agreed. Anyone that causes my brother pain is as good as dead. When you ended up on our territory, I wanted to kill you then and there but I restrained myself because I don't like getting blood on my hands. I've wanted to get rid of you since the first day you set foot in my territory. Did you really think someone like me didn't have a mate? You really think a future Alpha would sit around and wait for their mate to magically show up? You really are naive and stupid." Dayton chuckled darkly and shook his head. He came closer, took the knife from Bracken and cut open my wounds again. He then grabbed a bowl and poured the contents on the cuts. I yelled and screamed and begged for mercy but I didn't get any. All I got were hollow eyes and deadly smirks.
"That was pure wolf's bane. It not only slows down the healing process, but it slowly kills your wolf. Once your wolf is dead, you will follow soon after." The man that stood off to the side said.
Something in me snapped, like a twig being stepped on. I could take the hurt and betrayal but trying to take my wolf from me crossed the line. My pain faded to numbness and my aching heart became cold and hard. All I felt at that moment was anger, anger and hatred. All of my hate and anger multiplied by 100 when I saw all of their faces.
The steel door slammed shut and locked all five of the locks. The chains that bound me to the chair broke and the links flew everywhere. I stood up and stared at the six now scared, wolves. I could practically hear their wolves' whimpers of fear. I went into their minds to see that all of their wolves had been fighting them, well except for the man who kidnapped me because he was a rogue. Their wolves were begging each of them to spare me because they all knew that I was important. All of their wolves tried to stop them from going through with all of this but their humans didn't listen.
'What should we do about this, Gleam?'
I think we should strip them of their wolves and give their wolves their own body.
'Let's do it.'
I imagined that all of them were chained to a metal chair with silver chains just like I had been a few moments ago. In a matter of seconds, all of them were struggling against silver chains and trying to get out of the chairs.
"Now, let's begin shall we? I went into your minds and saw that all of your wolves except for yours, rogue, were fighting against you. Why didn't you listen to your wolves? Your wolves obviously care about me so why don't you?" I asked all of them.
"You are a stupid, ugly mutt that caused my parents to die. Why should I spare your life when all you do is kill innocent people?" Bane spat.
"Why should I care about you? You are a loser, a loner, and a freak of nature. I regret ever meeting you." Bracken snarled.
"Just because you are in some stupid prophecy doesn't mean that I should automatically love you or whatever. You are a dirty, filthy rat and I would rather kill myself than let you live." Jasmine said which caused Bracken to growl. He didn't like the thought of his mate dying.
"You are a stupid, little, naive rodent and I don't even know why my wolf is trying to protect you still." Dayton screamed.
"I simply hate you because you have power. If I kill you, the girl in the prophecy, I would be seen as the most powerful wolf in the world." Derrick said.
"Well, that's wonderful. Too bad I don't care. I just needed you all to be off guard so that I could let your wolves take over for about 10 minutes so bye, bye." I closed my eyes and forced all of their wolves to take over their humans. I opened my eyes to see everyone of their eyes close to being black.
"Now, I see that your hearts are pure and your intentions are harmless. I am sorry to see that you were cursed with such hate-filled humans and I am going to give you all a choice. Option one would be to die along with your human," They all growled and whined. "Let me finish. Or option two is that I can give you your own body in which you can still shift but you would be on your own. You would be both the human and the wolf. You would still have a mate, but you would have different mates than you do right now. Choose wisely." I waited for their decision patiently.
"I would like to be separated from my human. I have not gotten along with my human for three years now. Please bless me with my own body." Dayton's wolf decided. I nodded and used my powers to bring him out of Dayton's body and into a new body.
Dayton's wolf now stood before me with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He stood at about 6 feet and 3 inches. I produced a full body mirror and made it hang on the wall so that he, and any other wolf that wanted to separate from their human, could see what they looked like. He walked up to the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair. He smiled and showed off pearly whites. He turned to me and kneeled right in front of me.
"You have done me a great favor, one that I could only repay with my life. I wish to become one of your Satelles if you will allow me that honor." I couldn't fathom why he had an Irish accent but I thought it was cool.
'What is a Satelles?'
A Satelles is basically a bodyguard or defender. They keep you safe and are the people you can trust when you trust no one.
"Tell me, what do you call yourself?" The wolf stood up and bowed before answering my question.
"My name is Ryker."
"Well Ryker, it would be an honor if you became one of my Satelles." He looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you, My Lady. I will protect you with my life." I smiled gleefully at him, nodded, and then turned to the other wolves.
"What have the rest of you decided?"
"I would like to be separated from my human." Derrick's wolf proclaimed.
"As would I." Bane's wolf pleaded.
"Me as well, however I am hesitant because I love my mate so much." Bracken's wolf looked at Jasmine's wolf with so much love that I pitied them.
"It is okay, My Love. All I want is for you to be happy and being separated from your human will definitely make you happy. Do it as I will too but don't forget how much I love you." Jasmine's wolf said and Bracken's wolf nodded his head sadly.
'I wished there was something that I could do to help them. It breaks me to see them like that.'
Well, you actually can. I can't tell you why you are able to do this just yet because you aren't quite ready, but I can tell you that you can decide who a wolf's mate will be if they don't already have a mate.
I smiled at that and nodded. I did the same for the four wolves as I did for Ryker.
"Step forward and introduce yourselves." Jasmine's wolf was first.
"My name is Calypso and I would be honored to serve as one of your Satelles." She had raven black hair and glowing gold eyes. She stood at about 5 feet and 8 inches. I smiled at her and gave her a hug.
"Welcome Calypso, as my first female Satelles." She smiled as I pulled away from our hug. Next, was Bracken's wolf.
"My name is Catus and I would also like to be one of your Satelles." I nodded and gave him a hug too. He stood at about 6 feet and two inches with brown hair and blue eyes. He also had a British accent.
" Welcome, Catus. It is an honor."
"I am Tekkon and I would be honored to be your Satelles as well." Derrick's wolf was about 6 feet and 5 inches tall. He had green eyes and chestnut brown hair. I nodded and gave him a welcoming hug as well.
"Welcome to the family Tekkon." He gave me a stunning smile and a nod.
"I am Adis and I would also like to be a Satelles." Bane's wolf stated. I nodded and gave him a proud smile.
"Welcome Adis. It's an honor to call you my Satelles." He said a thank you before he backed up into line with the others.
"Okay. Now that you have given yourselves different names and gotten different bodies, it is time to connect you to your mates. I would like you to step up and form a circle. Join hands and close your eyes." They did as I said and once they had all closed their eyes, I looked up to the ceiling and chanted.
"Haec genus soulmates animæ eorum iterum. Benedicite coniungere cum eorum et altera. (Let these kind souls find their soul mates once again. Bless them with and connect them to their other half.)" A surge of energy, like static electricity, went through all of our hands and all of them gasped. They let go of each other's hands and stepped back.
"Mate." Catus growled.
"Mine." Calypso growled in reply. They both went to each other and hugged. They turned to me and smiled.
"How is this possible?" Catus asked.
"I guess the Fates thought that you two were perfect for each other after all." I shrugged but my smile held a secret. I may or may not have set them up as mates once again.
"Well, even if you had nothing to do with it, thank you, for everything." Calypso said. I smiled and nodded. I then turned to the rogue sitting at the end.
"Now, I understand that you actually agreed with your human but I think you deserve a second chance. I know that you were doing all this so that a wolf out there would know how it feels to lose his mate. I get it. So I'm giving you a choice, I can separate you and you can get on with your life, or you can finally join your mate in Heaven where she is waiting for you." The rogue wolf looked up at me and shook his head.
"I appreciate the offer, honestly, I do. However, I really do want to see my Annabelle. It's been a year and the pain is still raw and fresh. I choose to join my mate." I nodded and smiled.
"I had a feeling you were going to choose that. I will grant your wish but instead of killing you, I will send you to Heaven peacefully to meet your awaiting mate. She has been sitting outside the gates for you since she passed. I'm sure she will be happy to see you after so long." He looked up at me and for the first time ever, I saw his eyes light up. He looked genuinely happy to leave this Earth to meet his mate.
"Thank you." Those were his last words before I closed my eyes and sent him on his way up. I opened my eyes and stared at the six wolf-less individuals before me. They looked sad and weak.
"Now it is time for you to leave this world as well. I was going to give you the same death you wanted for me but I figure that losing your wolf is pain enough. So, I'm going to let you sit here and rot away. I know you won't be able to get out of those chains because I put a special spell on those chains. Not even a chainsaw could break those silver chains apart. I'm sorry it had to come to this." With that I walked through the steel door, my Satelles following behind me, and made my way out of the small shack.
I smelled something extremely arousing and appealing once I got outside. I turned towards the smell to see my mate sniffing the air as well. When I looked into his eyes, I felt a surge of electricity go through me.
"Mine!" Ryker growled. I smiled and ran to him. I jumped into his open arms and hugged him while he spun me around.
"Yours." I whispered in his ear and smiled.
I had finally found my mate and this time I knew for sure he was mine because I asked the Fates and they told me he was my mate.
My life just got 10 times better.
(Picture of Ryker on the side)
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