Kaden accepted the plastic cup of coffee Skylar offered him as she slid into the empty space beside him. He would have thanked her on a normal day but right now,he couldn't bring himself to.
Cassie's betrayal shocked and rocked him to the core. He had been thinking that he would keep her as his and was even planning to introduce her to his parents and all this while she had been plotting his downfall. Which meant that everything she did from the beginning was part of her plan. Seducing him until he fell into bed with her,while she carried out her evil plans.
He had doubted that she could do it,until they arrived at the pent house. Every of Cassie's things were gone. Her dress,bags shoes,everything was all gone.
They had gone to her downtown house,it was locked and empty too. Their neighbour's said that her mother had left since last night and had not return since. A trip to Ella's place and working place confirmed his suspicions.
Cassie had vanished into the thin air without a trace. The police had asked that all cars be searched and all the people who were at the airport be searched thoroughly. Because not only was she a suspect,but now she was a murderer. When they went back to the hospital,they found one of the security guards dead beside the dumpster.
Cassie was a criminal on the run.
Kaden called the bank to freeze her account but was informed that she had withdrawn all the money in her account. This only made him more angry and hurt.
How could she do this to him? Even if she was angry with him, couldn't she have hurt only him instead? Why did she have to involve his family in this?
Maybe she didn't realise it yet,but she had just made the biggest mistake of her life by attacking his family,most especially Annie. Kaden would see that she's brought to justice. He would make sure that she see the inside of a prison yard and never return. He would make sure that he ruin her life and destroy her until she had nothing left.
"Oh my ghee,Kade,you just hurt yourself." Skylar exclaimed from beside him.
"Don't call me that." Kaden stared down at his hand to see that he had crushed the plastic cup,thereby spilling hot coffee all over his body and arm. He was surprised that he didn't feel the pain. He tossed the crushed cup into the nearest bin basket.
"Does it hurt?" Skylar gently probed the back of his hand.
"I'm fine." He shrugged her off.
"William's here." She announced.
Kaden got to his feet when William and his parents stopped in front of him looking worried and angry.
"What happened?" Steven questioned him,his jaw working furiously.
"We found who Annie's attacker is." Skylar supplied.
"Where's the bastard?" William thundered,looking more angry than Kaden had ever seen him. "I'll kill him first."
"It's a she." Skylar said again.
"You mean a woman did that to my Annie?" Arabella gasped.
"Yes." Kaden swallowed as his gaze met William's. "It's Cassie."
All the anger melted away from William's face. The anger was replaced by confusion.
"Cassie?" William shook his head. "She wouldn't do such a thing."
"I thought so at first but it's out there in the open." Kaden raked his fingers through his hair. "The evidence is there. Not only did she kill a man, she also absconded with the only evidence to catch Annie's attacker."
"Cassie can't do that." William repeated. "Where's she? Did you ask her yet?"
"I would if I know where she is."
"What do you mean?" Steven inquired.
"She's gone." Skylar said. "By the time we got to her house,she had disappeared, pohhf, into the thin air. No traces left behind."
"But she was with you on the day Annie was attacked." William argued. "She couldn't possibly leave without you knowing."
"Of course. She's smart." Kaden sighed. "She distracted me while, her friend did the dirty job. I can't believe that she would use the fire extinguisher for that effect."
"A fire what?" Arabella whimpered. "A fire extinguisher? Annie could have died."
"I'll go and speak to the police. I want that girl found." Steven excused himself.
Arabella followed him without a word,leaving the three of them in the police station hall way.
"That purple haired girl hurt Annie?" William asked as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I still doubt that she would do this. Cassie's not like that." William shook his head. "I can't believe you think she would."
"You're saying that because you love her." Kaden snapped,irritated by his brother's faith in Cassie. "then who did it? She stole the evidence, packed all her bags and her friend and her mother are gone. She even went as far as to withdraw the money in her account. What would you have me believe?"
"And the hospital CCTV?"
"Blank. It was dark in the hallway,so we couldn't really make out happened."
William frowned. "If she's truly behind this then I won't spare her."
Kaden groaned. "Good to know that we agree on something."
"I'm with you." Skylar chipped in.
Kaden ignored the little voice at the back of his mind that told him that there was more to Cassie's disappearance but he refused to believe it.
Unless she appear right now with the evidence and tell him that it was all a prank. Then she was guilty.
"Wakey, wakey." Sarah tapped the side of Cassie's head with her hand.
She leaned back and waited for Cassie to open her eyes,when she did Sarah grinned at her.
"Albert,look who has decided to come back from the land of the dead." She called to Albert who was sitting down on a chair behind her.
"Welcome back,Cinderella or should I say beauty?" Albert joined Sarah.
"I know right." Sarah laughed. "Beauty and the beast. Poor beauty,who had so much brain that it led her right into trouble."
Sarah laughed when she saw Cassie's eyes widen in recognition before she began to struggle against the duct tape which secured her hand to the back of the chair she was sitting on. She began to talk but because of the duct tape over her mouth,she couldn't get a word out.
"What's this,heh?" Albert leaned forward until his head was few inches from Cassie's face. "Sarah,is she trying to say something or what?"
Sarah pretended to be thinking about it. "Huh,No?"
"Do you hear that noise?"
"Sounds like a fly to me."
They both teared up at that. When they have had their fill of laughter , Albert removed the tape from Cassie's mouth.
"You bastards!" She spat at them. "Kaden would come for me. He will haunt you down and kill you."
"Oohh,I'm so scared." Albert faked a shiver. "Hear that Sarah? Prince charming is coming for us."
Sarah played along. "Where would we hide? We're so dead. I'm so scared Albert. So very Scared!" Her words ended with a snarl.
"Listen, beauty. In this fairy tale,prince charming is not coming for you. Your happy ending is far fetched because your supposed prince charming does not think you are worthy of saving."
"You want proof right?" Albert smirked. "Sarah. Turn the TV on please."
"Right away."
Sarah moved to the plasma TV on the wall and switched it on. They were showing news and Kaden was standing beside the broadcaster who look quite pleased with herself. Sarah glanced at Cassie and saw the smirk playing on her face,she smirked back. The bitch does not know yet.
"Increase the volume will you?" Albert frowned at Sarah.
Sarah did as he asked. Kaden was speaking when she leaned against the wall to watch the look on Cassie's face. She smirked when she saw the smug smile wipe off Cassie's face.
"Whoever knows where Cassandra Milton is would be rewarded greatly. Not only did she hurt my sister,she also stole the evidence, killed a security guard of Fairchild Hospital and went into hiding. If you ever see her,please call the numbers showing below your screen. Anyone who see's her first would receive a reward of twenty-five million naira. She needs to be brought to justice. I can't believe I let her use me,she's just a cold hearted bitch. I won't spare her when I catch her."
"And not only that, Sarah,next channel please."
Sarah willingly complied. She watched tears fill Cassie's eyes as she watched what was once her flower shop,burning away. An angry mob stood in front of the shop shouting and screaming for justice to be brought on the wicked and heartless Cassandra Milton.
"Turn it off." Albert ordered. He stepped into Cassie's line of vision. He ran a hand across her cheek. And laughed when she turned her head the other way to avoid his hand. "Do you see that people can not be trusted? the minute you disappeared, he blamed you. That's why he must be punished."
"You are one twisted son of a bitch." Cassie spat.
"You'll get used to it babes." Albert leaned closer to her until his lips was few inches from hers.
"Screw. You." She spat in his face.
Albert straightened and wiped her spit off his face with his handkerchief. Sarah stepped forward,her eyes darkening dangerously.
"No wait,Sarah." He held a hand up,which made Sarah retreat back to the doorway. "She's new,so we'd just pardon her for today." To Cassie. "There's nothing you do that do not have any consequence. I should punish you for spitting at me,but I'll pardon you. If you dare talk back at me or try anything stupid,I won't hesitate to deal with you."
"Is that a threat? because it sounds like junk to me." Cassie goaded him. "And what will you do? Kill me? Hit me?"
"You'll be shocked to find out about what I can do." He shrugged. "As much as I love to banter with you, I don't have the time."
He produced a new duct tape from his back pocket,cut a long portion from it and placed it over her mouth.
"See you later." He swaggered out of the room.
Sarah threw Cassie one last menacing look before following Albert out.
The picture of Albert's house Above.
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