Chapter 01 - Unknown
Written by AruArshi
Khushi got shocked after seeing the man again unconscious in front of her. She checked his breathing and got relief to know that he is still alive but saw his blood spreading over her and on road too. She checked him once again and concluded with herself "Hey Devi Maiya ...he is bleeding too much and need immediate treatment" after a pause "but hospital is far away...what if something happened to him during the journey ...?? No No No... I can't take risk... I have to take him my home" deciding with herself she tried to get him in her car... but alas he is heavy... "Hey Bhagwaan... how much does he eat ?...must be from wrestler background...or wrestler himself...? But no Khushi you have to do have to save him ...common pull him...aaahhh...and...get to the caarr..." Khushi kept chanting her Devi maiya name and finally she was able to put him carefully in her car making sure his wounds don't squeeze too much and strapped him well so that he doesn't move.
During the few minutes of drive to her home she just prayed for him to be able to pull through this...unknowingly she kept her hand on his as if assuring him that she will save him...seeing his condition was making her feel terrible from inside as if she will lose something important from her life...she don't have answers to her these sudden feelings but every time his eyes pulled her to him if talking to her..asking help from her and something more which she don't know...
She parked the car and brought the man inside her house with she was alone and it was good. She don't want anyone to see her bringing him like this and was succeeded in it without getting noticed.
She carefully put the man on the bed and decided to get everything ready for his immediate treatment. She started examining his wounds which were all over the body making her wonder the intensity of situation he might have faced. She slowly discarded his cloths which were blood stained. For the first time khushi felt hesitant to do so "what happened to you Khushi ??" she questioned herself "why are you feeling soo conscious about this ?" while discarding his cloths she came across very strange things which made her question about the person's identity... The eyes she saw and now this mark on his chest. She thought, why someone will have this thing on chest and that too like hiding it? Its soo weird type of mark. She was all time debating and questioning with herself started dressing his wounds which made him flinch in pain even in his unconscious state. And she was feeling his pain...every time the man flinched or made sound of discomfort it hurt her and she tried her best so that he didn't feel pain and made him as comfortable as she could. She know nothing about him but still feel something very different and something connecting with this man. She remembered his eyes which held pain, hope and a trust which made her so concerned for him all of a sudden.
Once she completed his dressing and making him wear lose outfit she gave him some injections of painkillers and attached a drip for him. She was debating within herself again I have done everything and I hope he doesn't have internal injuries...but what if he encounters some other problem which is not visible now ? she decided something and went to other room and brought something with her.. "I should take his blood sample for check up later and tomorrow I can get it checked for all the possibilities of his health issues and even get him checked properly in hospital" she draw the blood in vile and kept it in her other room safely and returned back to him.
Khushi talking to herself in whispers "don't know who is he? Why he got soo badly hurt? And who was he fighting with ?? and what might have happened?? Seeing him like this its confirmed that it was a fight and he survived all these injuries... what if someone wanted to kill him??" she gasped "oh no what if he wanted to kill someone ?? or may be he is the bad person...hey devi maiya ...I hope he doesn't kill me after getting well like I have seen in movies... No.. no .. why he will kill me ?? I ... I .. helped him haina ??... so he should thank me not kill me...oh no ..i hope I didn't do anything wrong... but ..but.. what to do devi maiya... I couldn't help it .. its my duty to save people and he needed me..and ..and his eyes..." khushi again got lost in the that moment when the man looked at her... "No devi maiya he is good person ...his eyes were soo innocent...and he was asking my help ... I don't think he is bad guy... he might have been the victim...haan I am right ...he is good person and wanted me to help him" and khushi finally smiled again after all her thoughts come to end...
It was around midnight when she thought to left the man after checking him properly and sleep on couch nearby so that she will be able to keep watch on his condition but as soon she thought to leave she saw man flinching and whimpering in pain again ..and she immediately came close to him to ease his pain and without her more thoughts she did what she felt and started to caress him by her hands in his hairs and her other hand was caught by his hand in tight grip which she let him to ease out his pain and in return she too gripped his hand more firmly as if to assure him that she is with him and won't leave her...not knowing that this is somewhat connecting them unknowingly in bond much stronger than this.
She could easily guess that along with pain he is having nightmares...may be about what happened with him and she didn't stopped soothing him out and immediately as if her hands did magic on him he was calmed down but he didn't leave her hand and she didn't have heart to pull her hand out ...amazed and shocked by her this reaction she let it be and slept like that sitting by his side on chair with her head near him on bed and her hand in his grip while other hand in his hairs...khushi don't know what is happening with her ..what is all this ..but all she does know that she have to help him anyhow...
Somewhere far in huge mansion a man with huge muscular built was looking like mad man...his eyes enraged and spitting fire ...his face wasn't visible through the mask he was wearing...he looked as he would kill everyone and destroy everything right that moment. such was the fury in his eyes and his stance... In front of him there was other man on his knees ...totally frightened with his boss anger and his own fate after all this... Boss came forward to the man and banged the huge vase near that shivering man with such impact that it broke in million pieces ...
The man roared “አምልል?? እንዴት ማምለጥ ይችላል? በሕይወት ነውን?” ("He escaped ?? how can he escape ?? ...and he is alive...??")
Man shivering at his loud voice " አዎን ጌታዪ” ("y..yesss sir ..")
“እንዴት በግዴለሽነት እንዴት ትታያለሽ? በማንኛውም ዋጋ በሕይወት መኖር የለበትም ብዬ ነግሬአችኋለሁ… እንዴት ሁላችሁም አመለጠ? እሱ በሕይወት እንደማይኖር እርግጠኛ ነኝ ... እናም ሁሉም ሞሮronዎች በ ur መስክ ውስጥ ምርጥ እንደሆኑ ይታመናል … አሁን ምን ማድረግ እንደፈለግኩ ያውቃሉ? ዕቅዴን ለማስፈፀም በሚቻል ሁኔታ በጣም ሁሉንም የዩቪ ፈንጂዎችን ማጥፋት እፈልጋለሁ”
(" how can you be so careless? I told you he should not be alive at any did he escaped all of you ?? I made sure that he won't live ...and you all morons are believed to be best in your field.. even then you cant kill him ?? you know what I want to do now ? I just bloody want to destroy all of you idiots in worst way possible for foiling my plan")
Man fearing his fate tried to calms his boss " ጌታችን የቻልነውን ያህል ሞክረን ነበር… ..ወዲያ ..እዚህ በጣም ተጎድቶ ነበር" ("Sir we tried our best ..and ..and ..he was badly hurt and was almost dead")
"ሊሞቱ ነው ?? ግን እሱ ሞኝ ሞኝ አይደለም ... የሞተውን አካሉን እፈልጋለሁ" ("almost dead ?? but he is not dead u fool ...I told u ..i want his dead body") boss thundered.
“ግን ጌታዬ ቢተርፍ እንኳን በሕይወት አይቆይም .. እሱ መንቀሳቀስ በማይችል መጠን በእኛ በጣም ተጎድቶ ነበር ... ግን ..” ("but sir even if he escaped he wont be alive ..he was badly hurt by us to an extent that he can't move...but ..but..")
"ግን ምን ?? እርሱ በሆነ መንገድ ሁሉንም በማታለል አምልጦ በሕይወት ሊተርፍ ይችላል ... ምንም ዓይነት ምክንያቶች እንዲኖሩ አልፈልግም ... በፊቱ እንዲሠቃይና እንዲሞት እፈልጋለሁ ፡፡ ... ቀኝ?"
("but what ?? he escaped somehow fooling all of u and might survive too...I don't want any reasons of might be...I wanted him tortured and dead before me...and you know well what I will do to all of you ... right ?")
Man fearing for his life seeing his boss behaviour started begging “ጌታ ሆይ አትግደለን… እባክህን አትግደለን… ጌታዬ እባክህን አትግደለን… እባክህን አትግደለን… እኔ እና መላው ቡድኔ በሚደበቅበት ቦታ ፈልገን አግኝተነው እንደፈለግነው ወደ እርስዎ እናመጣዋለን.. እባክዎን ይህንን እድል ይስጡን ... በዚህ ጊዜ ማንኛውም ስህተት እንዲከሰት አንፈቅድም ... እባክዎ”
("sir plss don't kill us ...plss don't kill us... Me and my whole team will find him out wherever he is hiding and bring him back to u as u wished sir...plsss give us this chance...we won't let any mistake happen this time...plsss")
He just stopped near that man grabbed his neck in his tight grip to make that man scream in pain “አንድ ዕድል.. አንድ እድል ብቻ እኔና ደም አፍቃሪ ወንዶችዎን እሰጣችኋለሁ.. እና እኔ አሁን የፈለግኩትን ካላጠናቀቁ ታዲያ በጣም መጥፎ ቅmaት ውስጥም እንኳን ማንም በጭራሽ የማይገምተው መንገድ ለ መጨረሻዎ ዝግጁ ይሁኑ ... ያግኙ ?? እሱ እንዲሞት እፈልጋለሁ እናም እዚህ ከፊት ለፊቴ ወይም የተሻለ ... ይጠብቁ… እኔንም እራሴን መግደል እችላለሁ… ይህ በጣም የሚያረካ ነው… ፊቴን ከፊት ለፊቴ በጥቂቱ ሲሞት ማየት… አሁን ሂድና ወደ እኔ አምጣ… በህያው… እና እሱን አየዋለሁ ከፊት ለፊቴ መሞቴ ..”
("one chance ...only one chance I will give you and your bloody men ...and if this time you didn't finished what I want then be ready for your end in a way which no one would have even imagined in their worst nightmares...get it ?? ... I want him dead and here in front of me...or better...wait." and then smiling more evil ..."I can kill him myself too...which will be soo much satisfying...seeing him dying bit by bit in front of go and bring him to me...alive...and I will see him dying in front of me..")
With that he pushed that man soo hard that he hit the wall of that lavish room...
" አዎን ጌታ ሆይ ቶሎ ወደ አንተ እናመጣለን..." ("yes sir we will bring him to you very soon...") with that he hurried out of the room...
He turned towards the window from where he could see the whole city... an evil smile playing on his lips and removing his mask he started to envision near future which according him was very near now... “ድሃው .. ምንም እንኳን በዚህ ጊዜ ምን እንደደበደበው አታውቅም… ሁሉንም ነገር ያገኛል ብሎ ያሰበው…? አይ… አሁንም እዚህ በጣም… እና በቅርቡ… በጣም በቅርቡ በጣም ውድ እርስዎ ይህንን ተወዳጅ ዓለምዎን በእጆቼ ውስጥ ያዩታል ... እና ከአንዱ በስተቀር ምንም ነገር ማድረግ አይችሉም ፡፡ ያ ማለት ነው መሞቴ… እና አሁን እኔ እራሴ ያንን አደርጋለሁ… እናም የእርስዎ ዓለም ለዘላለም የእኔ ይሆናል… የእኔ ብቻ… የእኔ ብቻ… ”
("tsk tsk poor him...he even don't know what hit him this time...what he thought he will get everything...? Noo...i am still very much here...and soon... very soon dear you will see your this beloved world in my hands...and you will not be able to do anything except one .. that is to die ...and now I will myself do that...and your world will be mine forever...only mine...only mine...")
With that he started laugh like maniac...his evil laugh was vibrating in the whole mansion..and waiting for worst to come in near future...
Follow AruArshi to read the whole story.
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