Say Hello
Morning Time
In a small two room set apartment ...
Swara:lucky yrr....please today can you make breakfast
Laksh:Wow... okk get ready for omlet baby Yeheii Jump in excitement
Swra:ufff no not omlet please give me bread and milk only
Laksh: shut up and you are sick .. so take a Chill pill
Swra:ohh God please save my tummy...
After 30 min
Swra: Laksh do you need Dinasour's Egg for omlet ...I'm hungry
Laksh: Omlet is readyyy only for my shona
Swra:smell like yummmm
But lookz like DAMN
Laksh:Ohhh you know...I have done sooo much hard work
Swra: Ohhh Cry Baby please I can't see this I'll adjust with this Now Go you are getting late for work
Swara: Yeah( While eating )
Laksh: chachi Calls me ...again she want i give my shares to Sanskar
Swra:NO A BIG NO...Laksh don't do that i mean that's your property
Laksh: i don't know what to do... she said dad want this...he don't want any relation with me
Swra:because of me right
Laksh:leave we'll talk later about this bye
Swra:bye take care
(Swara is sad an thinking about their past)
In Delhi
There is a big mention with full of luxurious items.
Sujju: Jijji where are you listen Jijji he is going crazy now I can't believe what he said
(She is moving from here to there)
Ap: What happened to you Chill take a deep breath
Sujju: Jijji Laksh deny to come back to us N cut the call to say he don't want to see us
Ap: but why?? He say anything else to you
Sujju: Noo... Now What I'm saying jijji let's show him we can live without him and Make Sanskar the only owner of the Maheshwari Empire
Ap: I Don't know about these You and Ram decide this
Sujju: ok Jijji (Evil Smile)
Small but a beautiful House Named Gadodia Mention
Ragini:maa papa dadi ...where are you all
Shekher: yes my princess what happened
Ragni:You said you guyz will take my shona back huh??
hekher: Please Ragini stay away from her you are a model and its not gud for your carreer that u...(interrupted)
Janki: show evryone your sister is a CRIMINAL..
Ragni:just shut up maa...she is not criminal she was just 11 and she get her punishment for her mistake...
Dadi: Ragini listen You have to stay away from her n Just focus on Sanskar I think he likes you
Ragini: Ugghhhh .... you guys are sick...specially you dadi bye...I'm going with Freinds See Ya
In Office of Maheshwari Empire
Where everyone busy in their work
Soon Meeting is over...
Sanskar: So everyone know new book is published in market FREINDSHIP by your junior boss
A girl :sir many of us already buy because we all know you always suggest us laksh sir books to read passionately
Sanskar:So great and thank You all
Sanskar is alone in his cabin and watching a photo frame (with smile )
Sanskar : what was the time laksh swara i miss both of you so much
lets call laksh(in mind)
On call
Sanskr:lucky my Junior
Laksh:ohh You?listen dude if you are talking about my shares so we'll talk later about this
Sanskar:What about shares
Laksh:ohh again innocent drama
Snskar: laksh please try to understand come back please bade papa really needs you here
Laksh:he need me woowww...for what like your badi maa needs me before
Sanskar: Why are you stuck at the same place...please just forgot everythng
Laksh:its not easy sanskar please and don't call me again understand
Sanskar(reminds his mother's 's dramas): ughhhh why the hell my elders r so mean
Ragni:not your ...say our
Sanskar:ohh ragini come in...what happened are you ok
Ragni:noo... again my parents and dadi create idiotc drama about my shona
Sanskar:here my mothr planning make me only owner of this company
Snskar: i mean I'm not sure but after talking to lucky i think so
Ragini:you know what I'm thinking. Lets go to shimla
Sanskar:wow good idea
Rgini:ye Ye ye Ye
(She starts dancing)
Sanskar : Here her Monkey dance started
In shimla
Swara:lucky come on dinner is ready
Laksh: I'm not in mood to eat I'm going to sleep
Swra:what happened
Laksh(with teary eyes): i hate my life Swara just wanna to die
Swra:your life seriously???...you have family where evryone loves u
Swra:yeah your maa papa and Sanskar
Laksh:Swara when he send me to hostel after that i never listen my father's voice he never came to see me
Swra; they send mony and your all needy things on time Isn't better see my father never let me to call him dad because i kill her wife my own mother
Laksh:shut up...just shut up sawra do you want slap she was die bcz lack of blood at ur birth tym That's not your mistake
Swra:I'm unlucky and i know that ...sooo What about ramu kaka
Laksh look at him with guilt in his eyes
Laksh hug her
Swara I'm sorry because of me you was in jail for 1 year
Swra:because of you...no unlucky that's because I'm lucky
Swra:uff what i said so your new name is unlucky
Laksh:Stop now It's not funny let's eat
Swara:so your mood is fine
Laksh:i have a frnd like you Swara you can make me smile in any situation with your stupid jokes
wra:my jokes are not stupid you stupid
Laksh:yes thankyou so I'll make coffee for you
Swra::😱😱😱noooo you know what you make worst coffeee in world
Laksh:Aww enough for today I can't control my tears now
Thy both laugh....
Next morning
Swara murmuring in sleep nd start sweating: i didn't do anything i am not a murderer please listen i just want to save her...
Laksh is in deep sleep(in other room)
Swra wake up and scream:Ragiiiinnnnniii
Laksh wake up nd run towards her room
Swara is shivering (photofrme in her hnd)
To be continue...
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IMPORTANT Note:- Guys Let me know please if you are ok with BILINGUAL Because Before 1 year n Few months ago I was not good at writing Well I'm Okk Now So I have to Edit sooo much If you are not ok with BILINGUAL
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