Male leads
Sanskar maheshwari
Laksh maheshwari
Female leads
Swara gadodia
Ragini gadodia
Other characters
Scene 1
Girl:i can't believe it... I'm going to marry
Boy: obviously...one day this has to be happened .. thre is no other in ths world who loves me like u do swara
Swara: yes my besty lucky... you are m world nooo universe... no one love us ... only we love each othr
Lucky: who care about those
Sanky: so... i have no problem to marry you. I mean i know u frm childhood
Ragini: yeah yeah....blaa blaaa....uff i don't want to get married i mean m only 22
Scene 2
Swara Ragini in bride's desses and get married wth their soulmates sanskar nd Laksh
Scene 3
Swra is numb nd sit beside bed...she is fully wounded by nails of an angry man
Sanskar see her nd get faint agian
Othr side
Raglak room
Rgini: why Why Laksh ?? Papa and dadi was right both of you are the cheap jerks You Don't match our standards
Lux: ragini listen my that's all your misundersting... we r jst friends
In Maheshwari house
Ragini sanskar crying badly
Nd in hotel room
Swara laksh are numb with red eyes
Lux: Maheshwari's i'll destroy u alll...evry single prson..
He break the mirror
Ps... Guys are ok with bilingual or you want only english because for that I have edit starting parts plz let me know what you want..
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