Part 33
Hand in hand, Jungkook and Tae walked down the path enjoying a few more minutes to themselves before they decided to join the others. They got a few strange looks, but it didn't really matter to them. Taehyung was far too happy to have the opportunity to hold Jungkook's hand that a few judgemental looks weren't going to make him uncomfortable enough to let go.
Hour and a half passes
After having eaten and joked around, the 7 decided to go over to the nearby park for awhile before they headed home.
Tae, Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin plopped down under a tree while the others were messing around in the children's park equipment.
Jimin cross his legs, and says while watching, "If they think they are all going to fit in that thing, they have another thing coming to them."
The four cock their heads to the side as they watched the three squeezed into the castle. Yoongi says, "Hm...I guess it's bigger than it looks."
Jimin snickers, says, "What if they get stuck in there?"
Tae: "Easy. We'll just get a couple of buckets with soap and water, pour it on them and.." he makes a popping sound with his lips, "They'll slide right out."
JK: "I don't know...don't you think we should tell them to get out of there before some parents come by and call the cops because three "men" are crammed into children's play equipment?"
YG: "We'll give them a couple minutes heads up before the cops come. That should give them enough time to get out of there." The four chuckled.
Jimin looks over at Jungkook who was resting his head on Tae's shoulder. He looks down and notices the two were holding hands, their fingers intertwined with each other.
Jimin and Taehyung made eye contact after Tae had noticed Jimin looking. Tae was expecting Jimin to say something, or pull their hands away, but to his surprise, Jimin just looked back over at the kid's castle without saying a word, or even giving a dirty look.
Hoseok was using the light on his phone to check out scribbles and drawings on the walls inside the castle, he says, "Kids are talented nowadays. Look at this drawing of a spider, it looks soo realistic!"
Jin and Namjoon lean in and squint their eyes, Jin says, "Uh, Hoseok...are you positive that's a drawing?"
Hoseok tilts his head side to side, says, "I hasn't moved at all so yeah it must be."
NJ: "So what? Maybe it's dead. Let's just get out of legs are cramping up." He winced and tried stretching his leg out in the tiny space that was left between the three.
Jin and Hoseok leaned a bit closer, Jin says, "Poke it.."
HS: "No..! You poke it!
Namjoon takes another peek at it, says, "Unless that was drawn with a 3D pen, I'd watch out if I were you."
Ignoring Namjoon, Jin swallow his saliva and slowly inches his finger towards the spider.
The four were resting their eyes when they heard a scream. Their eyes shot open and went straight to the direction of the screaming.
The four watched in awe when the castle started moving as the boys were frantically trying to get out of it first. After a few seconds of desperation, Hoseok kicks the door to the castle open and hurls himself out of it, followed by Jin and Namjoon who were frantically trying to pulling their clothes off.
YG: "Should we stop them...?"
JK: "Getting naked at a park? Uh, yeah." The four got up and hurried over to the others as they were getting ready to take their pants off.
After everything settled down and the spider was placed safely on a nearby tree, the 7 spent an embarrassing walk to Jin's car filled with stares and head shaking by passerbys who noticed the ordeal.
After getting back into the car, Namjoon says, "Remind me to never get into a kid's castle with you two again. I could have died."
Jin: "You?? I was the one the spider just decided to make its home on!!"
HS: "Let's just be happy we got out of there alive."
Tae, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi all started laughing at the three's overreaction. Hoseok looks at them, says, "What?? It was scary! Did you see how big that thing was?"
NJ: "I think the biggest thing here is Jungkook's balls."
Jungkook rubbed his neck and looked away, feeling a bit awkward. Jin says, "Yeah. The way you just picked up that spider like nothing was awesome!"
Jungkook cleared his throat and says, "Spiders are living creatures too. I couldn't let you three trample it to death."
Jimin reaches over and pats Jungkook's leg, says, "My caring Kookie."
HS: "Spiders are ugly though.."
JK: "It's not nice to kill something just because they are ugly."
NJ: "What if it was poisonous?"
JK: "Then screaming and flailing around wouldn't have been the smartest idea."
NJ: "Hey, maybe the spider will send you a thank you card for sparing it's life."
Jimin reached to the front and flicked Namjoon on the shoulder, says, "You're not allowed to be sarcastic to him."
Namjoon grabs his arm where Jimin flicked him and rubbed it.
Jin: "So Jungkook, what's your address?"
Jungkook and Tae looked over at each other, having forgotten they never told the others about the whole step brother thing. Jungkook looked at him and whispers, "What do I say?"
Tae whispers back, "Just tell them the address. I'll think of something."
Jungkook clears his throat and gives Jin the address of the new place.
When Jin pulled to the new house Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon all say simultaneously, "Whoa!"
Jin: "Your house is huge. Is your dad like rich or something??"
JK: "Um, it was passed down to his, um...father."
NJ: "So lucky!! You don't have any siblings right?"
Jungkook shook his head no. Hoseok says, "Wow. You have that whole place to yourself when your dad's at work? Amazing!!"
JK: "Yep. It's great.." He rotated himself around and opened the car door. Before he steps out, Jimin says, "You better call me later Jungkookie!"
Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok all say goodbye as well. Hoseok says, "See you on Monday."
Jungkook waves and closes the door. He looked over at Tae through the window then head into the house.
Jin: "Next up, Taehyung."
Tae: "Actually Jin, you know that bakery we passed...? Can you just drop me off at it?"
Jin: "Bakery? Feeling snacky tonight or something? "
Tae: "I have to pick something up."
Jin: "Alright. Bakery it is."
As he was looking through the glass at all the different cakes as he waited for an employee to notice him, he hears someone say, "Taehyung?"
Tae looks over and sees Tzuyu standing there, wiping her hands with a cloth. He says, "Oh...Tzuyu? What are you doing here?"
Tzuyu looks around then back at him, says, "Um...what does it look like? I work here."
Tae: "Wow...what a coincidence." He looked down at her hands and apron that were covered in flour, says, "Looks like you had a bit of an accident."
TY: "It happens. So, what do you want?" She went over to the counter and crossed her arms.
Tae: "Well, I ordered a cake yesterday. So I'm here to pick it up."
TY: "What's your order number?"
Tae reached in his pocket, pulled his wallet out and took out a slip with a number on it and handed it to her. She looks at it and says, "Alright. I'll be right back."
After a couple minutes, Tzuyu came walking out with a box and a piping bag full of white frosting. She sets the box down and lifts the lid, says, "What do you want on it?"
Tae: "I guess a heart...? I don't know...oh and put "Happy birthday" on it too."
As she held the piping bag over the cake, she looks up at him and says, "That's all? No name?"
Tae: "Do I need to put a name?"
TY: "Well, it helps personalize it. So I would say, yes."
Tae rubbed the side of his arm, thinking about it. He says, "Um, Jungkook.."
TY: "You have to speak up."
Tae: "Jungkook. Happy Birthday Jungkook."
TY: "Jungkook? and Jungkook are like besties now. Which is funny because you two "hated" each other so much."
Tae: "We uh, settled our differences."
She says as she started piped his name, "You know...I asked Ara (a/n: I hope that was the name lol) if she had a nickname.."
Tae looked up at her with wide eyes, says, "You actually messaged her..?"
TY: "Mhmm...and she doesn't have that nickname." She set the piping bag down. " to explain?"
Tae: "I don't have to explain anything to you.."
TY: "Just tell me Taehyung. I know something is going on between you two, the sudden friendship, the jealousy back in Middle school...the long session in an empty classroom.."
Tae swallowed his saliva, says, "H-how did you know about the classroom?"
TY: "I was coming out of the restroom when I seen you two go in."
Tae: "We were just...doing homework."
Tzuyu crossed her arms again and raised her brow, she says, "You really expect me to believe that?"
Tae tossed some money on the counter and says, "Just give me the cake.."
As he was reached over to grab it, Tzuyu quickly picked up the cake and held it away. She says, "I'll give you the cake after you admit something is going on between you and Jungkook."
Tae: "Why? So you can blackmail me? News alert, that has already been done."
TY: "I'm not going to blackmail you. I just want to know the truth..." She set the cake down, sighs and says, "I liked you, Taehyung. And you lead me on. And not only that, but Jungkook sabotaged my dress to a once in a lifetime, I think I deserve an answer."
Tae: "I..."
As Tzuyu stood there waiting for an answer, Tae looks past her, points and says, "What's that??"
When Tzuyu turned her head, Tae quickly grabbed the cake and hauled towards the door. Tzuyu turned back around and watched as Tae scrambled to opened the door, but instead of running out, he abruptly stops.
Tae looks down and turns back around, he says while looking at the ground, "I'm sorry I lead you on. And I'm sure Jungkook feels bad about the dress.." He looks up at her and says, "And... I'm sorry I used you to make Jungkook jealous. I wasn't thinking about your feelings...and you didn't deserve that."
Tzuyu rubbed the side of her arm and nods slightly. She says in a softer tone, " and Jungkook are a couple now...?"
Tae put his hand in his pocket and shook his head 'no' while looking down at the box of cake. He says quietly, "I wish we were though.."
TY: "Well...I forgive you...and tell Jungkook I forgive him as well. He's a nice person, so I know he probably feels guilty about it."
Tae nods and says, "I will.."
TY: "...I hope things work out for you two. After all the drama you guys put me through, it all better not have been for nothing." A half smile appeared over her lips.
Tae smiled a bit as well, says, "I'll make sure it wasn't in vain when you wore that God awful dress."
TY: "I'm holding you to that."
The two stood there in silence for a few moments, slightly smiling. Tae clears his throat when someone came up to the entrance, he says, "Excuse me.." He looked back to Tzuyu and gave her a head tilt before quickly walking out of the bakery.
Jungkook was sitting in the living room when he heard the front door open. He looks over and says, "There you are. Where'd you end up getting dropped off at?" He chuckles.
Tae, who was hiding the box with his school uniform blazer, says, "Oh, just a few blocks away."
JK: "Ahh. Well, your mom wanted me to tell you that she is going to be gone to your Aunt's for the night and that she'll see you tomorrow at the wedding. Apparently your aunt made her wedding dress and she wants her over there to do last minute adjustments before tomorrow morning."
Tae: "Ugh...I can't believe tomorrow is the wedding." He let out a sigh.
JK: "I's weird."
Tae: "Oh well. Guess we're just going to have to get used to it."
Jungkook followed as Tae went into the kitchen. Tae starts to lift his blazer off the cake box when he looked over and noticed Jungkook was beside him. Jungkook says, "What you got there?"
Tae: "Nothing that concerns you." He smirked.
JK: "I want to see.."
When he reached over to peek under the blazer, Tae quickly grabs his hand and says, "Ah, ah, ah. No peeking."
JK: "Not even a little peek?"
Tae shook his head 'no.' He says, "Nope. Now shoo." He shooed him out of the kitchen.
Jungkook frowned and walked out of the kitchen. After a few minutes, Tae came out empty handed and sat next to Jungkook who was sitting on the couch.
JK: "You know, you have allll that space on the couch to sit, yet you choose to sit right by me."
Tae scoots away from him a bit, says, "Oh...sorry."
Jungkook scoots over and resumes his spot right next to him, says, "It's OK. I don't mind.." He lifted up Tae's arm and wrapped it around himself.
Tae squeezed Jungkook and looked over at the TV.
Hour passes
At a commercial break, Tae ask, "So, I was wondering...did you sabotage Tzuyu's dress..?"
JK: "What makes you bring that up..?"
Tae: "I seen her at the place I went to and we talked a bit...she wanted me to tell you that she forgives you."
Jungkook sat there silently for a few minutes, Tae says, "So...did you?"
Jungkook nodded his head slowly. Tae says, "Why?"
Jungkook twiddled his fingers, says, "I was jealous that you asked her to the, I was selfish and sabotaged her dress. I didn't want you to see how beautiful she looked in the one she originally picked out because...I thought you would fall for her."
Tae went quiet for a moment before he replies, "Wow...I didn't think you were capable of doing something like that."
JK: "I felt really bad, believe me.."
Tae: "Not bad enough to stop her though." He chuckles. "You do have an evil side."
JK: "I wouldn't say evil..."
Tae: " about...naughty?"
JK: "I can be naughty sometimes, yeah."
Tae: "I know. I've seen it." He bit his lip.
Jungkook, while still twiddling his fingers, looked over at him and says, " when I'm naughty?"
Tae almost choked on his saliva at Jungkook's reply, but tried keeping his cool. He feels himself start to get a bit warm, says, "Your naughty side is one of my favorites."
Jungkook says, making Tae go quiet, "Maybe I need to be naughty more often then.." He smirks when he seen Tae's flushed cheeks. He lifts his hand up and pushes Tae's jaw shut that was hanging open slightly. He says, "I'm just messing with you."
Tae cleared his throat, says, "Yeah...I knew that.."
Jungkook patted Tae's leg and stood up from the couch. He says, "Well, I think I'm going to go to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow."
Tae: "O-oh. Um, OK."
As Jungkook walks up the stairs he says, "Good night. Sleep tight."
Tae: "Yeah...night." After Jungkook turns the corner, Tae scramble to get his phone from his pocket.
Tae texting Yoongi
Tae: Jungkook just...teased me.
YG: So? We tease you all the time.
Tae: No, I mean he TEASED me.
YG: Oh like tease tease?
Tae: Yes. Tease tease.
YG: What did he say??
Tae: He was talking about being naughty. And the look in his eye!!
YG: Just his eye?
Tae: Eyes...whatever! So what do I do??
YG: What do you mean, what do you do?
Tae: Do you think he is hinting at me that he wants know?
YG: Unless he flat out asks you, then no. Don't risk it. Maybe he was just trying to be funny.
Tae: Well I didn't think it was very funny...he's messing with my feelings.
YG: Don't get your SpongeBob panties all up in a knot. You overthink things."
Jungkook talking to Jimin over the phone
JM: "You said WHAT to Taehyung? Why would you do that? If you show interest in him, he'll stop taking this whole friend thing seriously!"
JK: "It's only a day until I end this stupid thing. I know he's going to why not? And besides I told him it was a joke."
JM: "But was it a joke?"
JK: "...yes."
JM: "Jungkook."
JK: "..partly.."
JM: "Bad Jungkook.."
JK: "I know it was bad of me. But...I just got the urge to. And it was kind of fun to be honest.."
Tae: What if he's playing me and Jae..?
YG: Dude. Reread that message you just sent because you sound ridiculous. I don't even think Jungkook knows how to play people.
Tae: Yeah I guess you're right. But damn he got me excited.
YG: Just remember: Don't. Over. Think. Things.
Tae: I won't.
YG: You better not. You're doing well my you better not fuck it up.
Tae: Yeah. I got this.
YG: Good. Now leave me alone so I can sleep.
Tae: OK. See ya.
YG: Peace.
/end texts.
JK: "Pst. Taehyung.."
Tae groaned, half way asleep. "Hmm..??"
JK: "I had another nightmare.."
Tae's eyes still closed, he lifted his sheet up, signaling Jungkook to get in. Tae opens his eyes when he felt Jungkook cuddling up close to him.
He looked down at Jungkook who was just several inches away from him. Jungkook whispers, "Sorry, am I too close?"
Tae: " fact, you're not close enough. Get over here..!" He smirks and pulls him even closer, holding him tight.
Jungkook chuckles and says, "I can't breathe..!"
Tae loosened his hold on Jungkook and smiles, says, "Sorry."
JK: "I forgive you."
Tae lifts his hands up and gently moves the hair from Jungkook's eyes, says, "Happy Birthday."
Jungkook smiled, says, "You actually remembered."
Tae: "Of course I did...if Jimin found out I didn't, he would have probably come at me with a butcher knife. And Jimin with a butcher knife would be a scary sight indeed." He smirks and says, "Wait a second, since I'm the first to tell you Happy birthday...that means I beat Jimin!"
JK: "Actually..." He lifts his phone up to Tae's face, showing Jimin's message:
JK: "He beat you by 4 minutes."
Tae: "Damnit..."
JK: "It's ok. All that matters to me is that you remembered."
Tae: "Buuttt, I should technically win since I said it in person, don't you think...?"
JK: " have a good point." He smiles and says, "OK, you win."
Tae: "Aha!" He lifts Jungkook's phone up to his face, says at the screen, "Take that Jimin!"
Jungkook chuckles, says, "Okay, we should definitely be going to bed now. I'm fine now, so sorry for waking you up again."
As Jungkook was about to get up, Tae pulled him back down and says, "Sleep in here. I like your company."
JK: "You sure? I tend to hog the blankets.."
Tae: "You can hog my blankets all you want."
JK: "Well...if you say so." He smiles and lays back down.
After Tae flipped onto his back and lifted his arm, Jungkook scooted close and allowed Tae to wrap his arm around him. Despite it being a bit too warm to be that close, the two laid in that position all night long, feeling at ease with each other's presence.
Saturday Morning
Hojin says jolly as he opens Jungkook's door, "Good mor-" He stops and looks around after seeing Jungkook's empty bed. He steps out of the room and goes over to Tae's door and knocks, but there was no response.
He rubbed his chin and walks downstairs. After smelling something sweet, he follows the scent into the kitchen and sees Tae and Jungkook standing at the counter, face away from him giggling.
HJ: "Boys, what are you making?"
The two looked over their shoulders to him. After seeing Jungkook's nose that had whipped cream on the tip, and Tae who had a whipped cream mustache, Hojin says, "Whoa, what's going on in here?"
Tae and Jungkook wiped their faces off. Jungkook says, "Oh, morning dad. Taehyung and I were attempting waffles. didn't work out very well."
Tae: "Yeah...we thought we could make waffles without a waffle iron...but..." He shows him the pan that had the waffle batter burned to the bottom of it. "It didn't work out so well."
JK: "We probably should have went with the pancakes."
Tae: "Yeah but waffles look so much better."
HJ: "How did you get whipped cream all over your faces...?" He shook his head, says, "Nevermind. But you two should really be getting ready. Wedding rehearsal is in an hour."
JK: "We will, we will. Don't worry." He pushed Hojin towards the door. "Now, get going."
HJ: "No crazy hair styles. Make sure your hair is nice and sleek."
JK: "Got it."
HJ: "Oh and make sure to iron your suits!"
JK: "We will. See you in a few. " Before he could shut the door, Hojin puts his foot in the way and says, "Wait, there's one more thing."
Jungkook opened the door a bit more, says, "What now?"
Hojin give him a pat on the shoulder and says, "Happy birthday son."
JK: "Yeah...thanks dad."
HJ: "There's something in the closet in my room that I got for you. You can open it whenever you want." He gave him one more pat and turns around, walks off. He waves and says as he walked down the driveway to his car, "Remember, one hour!"
When Jungkook shut the door, Tae came out of the kitchen eating some strawberries from a bowl. Tae says, "I know strawberries are supposed to be healthy and all, but..." He spray some whipped cream from the can all over the strawberries. "...they're so much better with whipped cream."
Jungkook walked over and picked a strawberry out from the bowl. He kept eye contact with Tae as he wrapped his lips around the strawberry and slowly pulled the whipped cream off of it.
As Tae was frozen still, watching him, Jungkook leaned in and kissed the excess whipped cream off the top of Tae's lip that he missed while wiping his face earlier. He says in almost a whisper as he slowly pulled away, "You missed a spot."
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