Part 3
Taehyung was going to walk past Jimin, but Jimin stopped him.
Tae: "I want to talk to Jungkook."
JM: "No way. And besides, what makes you think he wants to talk to you?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes and went to walk past Jimin, but Jimin put his hand on his chest, stopping him. Taehyung looked down at his hand~
Tae: "Get your tiny hand off me."
JM: "I'm not going to let you bother Jungkook. Haven't you done enough already?"
Tae: "Excuse me? You were the ones who tried pulling a prank on me."
JM: "A prank that you deserve."
Taehyung started getting irritated~
Tae: "Why? Because Jungkook is a little wimp and won't stand up to me more often?"
JM: "Jungkookie is a nice person. Why do you treat him so badly?"
Tae: "Get out of my way. I didn't stop eating lunch to talk to you." He pushed past him.
Jimin grabbed him~
JM: "No. Just leave him alone! Just because he won't stand up to you, doesn't mean I won't."
Taehyung looked at him and laugh~
Tae: "Are you challenging me?"
JM: "Yeah... in fact I am."
Taehyung pulled away from Jimin's hands and faced towards him~
Tae: "I was going to try and be nice, but I can see you aren't going to let me."
Jimin laugh in a sarcastic tone~
JM: "You? Nice? Ha. That's a joke."
Taehyung gritted his teeth and tightening his fist~
Tae: "Do you wanna fight me?!"
JM: "Yeah, I do!"
Taehyung grabbed Jimin by the collar of his shirt~
Tae: "Fine. Meet me after school in the field."
JM: "After school it is."
The two gave each other dirty look before Taehyung let go of Jimin. Jimin straightened his collar and Taehyung walked back to the lunch room. Jimin walked around the school, looking around for Jungkook but he couldn't find him.
After getting permission from a teacher and getting a new shirt, Jungkook went to the boys shower room and was trying to clean off the ink as best as he could. He stood in the shower and frantically trying scrubbing the ink from his face and hair. Jungkook thinking to himself: "Why did Jimin talk me into doing that..? I hate myself for listening..."
He popped in and out of the shower to check in the mirror to see if the ink was coming out. It was disappearing somewhat, but not completely. After scrubbing and scrubbing, most of the ink was gone. A few spots remain darker though. As he was drying off, the bell rang.
By the time he was dried off and was clothed, the rest of the students had already gotten to class. He hurried down the hall. When he walked into the classroom, Jimin looked over at him feeling a sense of relief.
Teacher: "Jungkook...what are you doing late to class?"
Jungkook gave him a sorrowful bow~
JK: "I'm sorry. There was an accident and I had to change my uniform. It won't happen again.."
Teacher: "What kind of accident?"
The students started laughing.
The teacher smack his desk with a ruler, quieting everyone down~
Teacher: "Go sit down. I don't want you being late to my class again. Do you understand?"
JK: "Yes, sir." He went and sat down at his desk.
Jungkook and Jimin looked over at each other. Jimin gave him a look of pity.
After School
Jimin walked over to Jungkook who was putting his things away~
JM: "I see you got cleaned up.."
JK: "Yes..a teacher let me use the shower. And luckily the office had an extra shirt, so..."
JM: "I'm really sorry that happened to you."
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and stood up from his chair~
JK: "I guess that's what happens when I try to be nice."
Jimin patted Jungkook's back, comforting him~
JM: "Maybe next time we do a prank-" Jungkook cut him off.
JK: "There won't be a next time. I am never doing something like that again...I am so humiliated."
Some students walked by Jungkook and snickered. Jungkook let out a sigh~
JK: "Come on...let's just go."
Jimin rubbed the back of his neck~
JM: "Actually...about that...I kind of accepted a fight with Taehyung.."
Jungkook turned his head towards him slowly~
JK: "You kind of? Or you did?"
JM: "I did.."
Jungkook widened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he was hearing~
JK: "You what?! Are you crazy??"
JM: "I know...but he just irritating me so much! The smug look on his face after what sent rage through me!"
JK: "You can't! He'll knock you down with one hit!"
Jimin crossed his arms~
JM: "What is that supposed to don't think I can take him?"
JK: "Oh well...I mean..." Jungkook tried to think of an excuse. He didn't want to hurt his feelings. "It's just...I'm sure Taehyung has more experience.."
JM: "Sure..." He wasn't buying Jungkook's reasoning.
Taehyung paced back and fourth, waiting for Jimin.
HS: "Do you think he chickened out?"
Tae: "I wouldn't be surprised."
Some students started coming to the field. A girl walked over to Taehyung~
Tzuyu (TY): "Hi oppa.. I hear you and Park Jimin are going to fight."
Tae: "Where did you hear that from?"
Tzuyu pointed over to Namjoon. Taehyung looked over at him, irritated.
NJ: "Sorry...I just thought it would pump you up more if people came and watched."
Taehyung rolled his eyes and looked back to Tzuyu~
Tae: "Yes, me and Park Jimin are going to fight...unless he chickened out." He looked around to see if Jimin was anywhere in sight.
TY: "Wow, I have never seen a fight in real life before." She twirl her hair.
Taehyung spotted Jimin and Jungkook walking out of the school towards them~
Tae: "Well, you're about to."
TY: "Wow this is exciting!" She gave Tae a slight smile.
Taehyung lifted his eyebrows and smiled back a little.
TY: "Well, for what it's worth...I'm rooting for you." She twiddled her fingers.
Tae: "Thanks.." He said to her as she was walking back over to the crowd of other students.
NJ/HS/Jin/YG: "Ooo." They said quietly.
HS: "She likes you."
Tae: "What..? How do you know?"
Yoongi mocked her hair twirl and finger twiddling~
YG: "I'm rooting for you." He said in a girly voice.
Tae: "Shut up, he's here.." He said quietly as Jimin and Jungkook walked up to them.
Taehyung walked over and stopped in front of them. He looked over at Jungkook~
Tae: "You look like a dalmatian." He poked a spot under his jaw where the ink didn't completely come off.
Jungkook pulled his chin up, moving away from his finger. Taehyung looked over at Jimin~
Tae: "So, you ready to fight or what?"
JK: "I'm not letting Jiminie fight you."
Tae: "Oh really? Is that right Jiminie? You're letting him make decisions for you?"
Jungkook step in front of Jimin~
JK: "This is between you and me."
Tae: "Standing up to me again...cute." He ruffle up Jungkook's hair.
A pink came across Jungkook's face and pushed Tae's hand away~
JK: "Don't."
Taehyung rolled his eyes~
Tae: "I don't have all day...let's hurry this up." He took his jacket off and tossed it over to Namjoon who was nearby.
JK: "I am not fighting you."
Tae: "But I thought you said this was between you and me. Make up your mind."
JK: "It is. And that is why I am not letting Jiminie fight my battles for me...but I never agreed to fighting you. I am just telling you, Jiminie is not involve in this."
Taehyung tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms~
Tae: "Why are you such a wimp?"
JK: "...I'm not talking to you any longer. We're leaving."
Tae: "How about this...I let you get the first punch in."
JK: "No. I don't want to punch you.."
Tae: "Why not? Are you afraid you will hurt me?" He stepped closer to him.
Jungkook looked at him, he started feeling nervous. Jimin held his arm out in front of Jungkook, stopping Taehyung from getting any closer.
Tae: "Come on...answer me. It's a simple question."
JK: "I just...don't want to fight."
Jimin went to step in front of Jungkook, but Taehyung motion for someone to get him out of the way. Hoseok and Namjoon came over and pulled Jimin aside.
Tae: "Like Jungkook said, this is between me and him." He said to Jimin then looked back at Jungkook. "Where were we..? Oh yes." He stepped even closer to Jungkook, they were just a couple inches apart. "Do you not want to hit me like me? Is that it?"
Jungkook's heart dropped when he said that~
JK: "N-no! Why would I ever like a jerk like you?"
Tae: "So then if you don't like me...why is it? You think you will lose?"
JM: "Leave him alone!" He tried wiggling out of the boy's grasp but they weren't letting him go.
Taehyung leaned close to his Jungkook's face~
Tae: "Hit me." He said, taunting him.
Jungkook held his breath. Taehyung tapped his own cheek~
Tae: "Right here. Make it a good one."
Jungkook went to turn away, but Taehyung grabbed him, stopping him~
JK: "Let go.."
Tae: "I know you want to. So, what are you waiting for? I'm giving you the opportunity!"
The students in the crowd: "Come on, man up!" "Don't be a baby!" "Hit him!"
Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung harshly. Taehyung smirked~
Tae: "Just admit it. You like me and that's why you don't want to hit me." Taehyung didn't actually think Jungkook liked him, he just knew it would get on his nerves.
Jungkook tightened his fist and looked at Taehyung who gave him a kissy face. Jungkook thinking to himself: "I'm probably going to regret this.."
Jungkook got the courage and punched Taehyung right in the jaw. Jimin's eyes widened, Taehyung's friends and the rest of the students gasp.
Taehyung stumble back and grabbed his face where he punched him. He slowly looked over at Jungkook. Jungkook swallowed his saliva. Jungkook thinking to himself: "Yep...I regret it."
Tae lifted up one of his eyebrows and moved his jaw around~
Tae: "Not bad."
Jungkook stood there, frozen. He was surprised he didn't instantly get tackled to the ground.
Tae: "But, you could do better..." He walked up to Jungkook and grabbed him harshly.
Jungkook thinking to himself: "Thought too soon.."
JM: "Stop!"
Taehyung looked over at Tzuyu who had her hand covering her mouth. He looked back at Jungkook and slammed him into the ground.
Jungkook grunted from the impact of hitting the ground. Taehyung put his leg on the other side of Jungkook and leaned down and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up a little bit.
Jimin desperately tried getting out of their grasp, the other boys came over and had to help hold him back.
Taehyung leaned close to his face and tightened his grip around Jungkook's collar. Jungkook looked up at him, his heart was beating fast. He looked scared.
Tae: "...I'm going to spare you. Because I feel like if I were to punch you, you'd break into tiny little pieces. And to be honest, I don't feel like cleaning any messes today."
Jungkook stared at him, speechless.
Tae: "So, consider yourself lucky...but that doesn't mean I won't beat the crap out of you if I have to." He let go of Jungkook's collar and stood up straight.
Jimin let out a sigh of relief after Taehyung said he wasn't going to punch him. Taehyung walked over to his friends and motion them to let go of Jimin. Jimin ran over to Jungkook who was laying on the ground, holding his chest.
Jungkook looked over and watched as Taehyung threw his arm around Tzuyu who had walked over to him. Taehyung looked over his shoulder at Jungkook, the two looked at each other for a few seconds as Tae was walking away.
Jimin leaned down, blocking Jungkook's view~
JK: "Are you okay??"
Just came across a BTS video of Taehyung talking about being bullied in the past, so sorry 😥 I hope this does not seem disrespectful. I started writing this before I watched that video. Just know I love V so much and I am not trying to disrespect at all!
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