Part 23
A couple hours pass
After the two left school and picking out suits, Jungkook and Taehyung went to the burger place Taehyung had mentioned. When they were done ordering, Tae says~ "I know of a quiet place we can eat that's not too far from here."
JK: "You don't want to just eat here?"
Tae: "No. Trust me, you'll like the place I have in mind."
The two walk a couple blocks to a park. Tae leads Jungkook down a side path through some thick bushes and trees. Jungkook says as he was knocking branches and leaves out of his way~ "I came to eat burgers. Not to get a tick."
Tae: "It's not much farther."
The two walked for a bit more until they reached a quiet section of the park that no one else was in. Tae lead Jungkook over to a spot that was cleared from all the shrubbery, next to a small stream.
JK: "Ooo. Look at the frogs!"
Tae: "I know. I love watching them."
JK: "How did you find this nice area? It seems pretty hidden from the rest of the park." Him and Taehyung sat in the grass.
Tae: "When I was little, my friend was having a birthday party at this park and I got mad because he got a toy that I really wanted. He kept rubbed it in my face so I ran off crying and eventually found my way here. Ever since then I come here a lot if one day I feel like being alone. Strangely nobody ever seems to be here."
JK: "Yeah I have a place that I go to as well...sometimes it's nice just to get away from everyone for awhile." Jungkook's mind started drift to his mom, but he quickly waves it from his mind and continues,~ "So, you cried huh?"
Tae: "Yeah...I was kind of a little bitch back then." He laughed. "Plus, my parents didn't really have a lot of money so, yeah I got jealous and upset because I knew I was never going to be able to get it."
JK: "That makes me sad." He frowned.
Tae said through a laugh~ "It's ok. Everything worked out."
The two sat there and talked a bit about their childhood, then Jungkook asks~ "So, can I ask why you were so mean to me?"
Tae was quiet for a moment before he reply~ "...let's just forget about the past and focus on the future."
JK: "My future wasn't going to involve you." He took a bite of his burger.
Tae looked over at Jungkook, JK continues~ "But now that our parents are getting married, that would be pretty impossible. Plus I was thinking last night that maybe it wouldn't hurt if we were friends."
Tae: "Friends...? Yeah," Tae was a bit hurt by Jungkook's words, since he wanted to be more than just friends. But inside he knew he was lucky that Jungkook was even giving him a chance, considering everything that had happened between them. Even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted.
The two continued eating their burgers in silence, watching the frogs jump around in the stream until Jungkook says~ "So, what happened to your dad? Where'd he go?"
Tae: "My dad left awhile ago. My mom never told me why, but I suspect he ran off with a woman he was cheating on her with."
JK: "Did you ever see him with another woman?"
Tae: "Yeah. Once. He told me never to tell my mother."
JK: "Did you?"
Tae: "No. I always had my dad's back. I know it wasn't right to not tell my mom...but I didn't want him to get mad at me. He was my best friend."
JK: "It's too bad a parent has to make their kid feel that way. So...when did he leave?"
Tae: "A few years ago. He went to work one day and then just never came home. He left a letter in my room telling me that he loved me and that he was sorry but he never told me why he left."
Jungkook scooting closer to Tae and patted his shoulder~ "I know how you feel. I miss my mom too."
Tae: "What happened to her?"
JK: "She got into a car accident."
Tae: "Wow...I'm really sorry."
JK: "It's ok...let's talk about something happy, you remembered 2nd grade huh?"
Tae laughed and says~ "Yeah, of course. How could I forget...the cheeseburger you made out of papier-mâché was so funny."
Jungkook pushed Tae playfully, says~ "I remember you accidentally knocked it over and started crying because you felt so bad."
Tae covered his face in embarrassment, says~ "How could I forget...once again I'm sorry about that." He laughed.
JK: "It's ok...honestly looked the same before it fell and after it fell." He continues excited~ "Oh! Oh! And the time I fell off the swing and you came rushing over to help me."
Tae: "Oh yeah. Hoseok and I were competing to see who could hold onto the money bars the longest. I lost because of you." He chuckled.
JK: "Well, thank you for letting your pride go for one second to see if I was ok."
Tae: "It's ok. I beat Hoseok the next day, you helped me get down the stairs after I sprained my ankle. So I kind of owed it to you."
The two talked about a couple other good memories they had until they were done eating. Jungkook and Tae laughed after they remember a funny one.
Tae: "I can't believe you let that hamster out of its cage!"
JK: "It didn't want to be in there anymore though."
Tae: "Oh so you were a hamster whisperer when you were 7?"
JK: "It told me with it's eyes." He chuckle before he continues~ "Remember when it jumped out at Mrs. Ahn when she opened her purse and she fell backwards out of her chair?"
Tae: "The look on her face when it jumped out!"
The two fell backwards laughing really hard, holding onto their stomachs. They laid there for awhile laughing.
Tae wiped a tear from his eye from laughing so hard. He let out a sigh, says~ "Oh my gosh. Isn't it weird how something so long ago sticks with us?"
JK: "Those are great memories, so of course they would."
Tae: "I am glad though that we had a couple good memories before...well you know."
The two laid there in silence and stared up at the stars for awhile, finally calmed down. Jungkook glanced over at Taehyung who's eyes were closed, he was smile to himself slightly.
Jungkook propped himself on his elbow and leaned to Taehyung, hovering over him. Tae sensed Jungkook was above him so he opened his eyes. Jungkook says~ "I think I understand now.."
Tae: "Understand what?"
Without saying any more, Jungkook leaned down and kissed Tae gently. Tae put his hand on Jungkook's side and kissed him back.
Jungkook moved his leg to the other side of Tae, straddling him. Tae repositioned his hands on Jungkook's waist as the two were engaged in a slow and passionate kiss for several more seconds. Their moment was abruptly cut short when they both opened their eyes after hearing some movement in the bushes.
The two looked over quickly, Jungkook throwing himself off of Tae. They sat there, hearts racing just waiting for someone to pop out of the bushes...
*squirrel scurries out*
Jungkook and Tae let out a sigh of relief. Tae says~ "I swear...first it was your dad, then it was the teacher and now a freaking squirrel. Am I ever going to get to home base? Hell, even third base would be nice.."
JK: "It's ok. We probably shouldn't have gone much farther than that anyways."
Tae moved his hand over to Jungkook's leg, says~ "I'd say otherwise." His hand drifted up to Jungkook's shirt, starting to slip his hand underneath it but Jungkook stopped him.
JK: "I don't feel like losing my virginity by a stream full of frogs and now that squirrel." He chuckled softly.
Tae leaned over and started kissing his neck, says~ "Why not? They might get a thrill out of it."
Jungkook closed his eyes, starting to feel himself giving in. But he knew they shouldn't, so he force himself to say~ "Sorry but I don't think it works like that." He gently pushed him away.
Tae pointe over at the squirrel says~ "Thanks a better watch your back!" *squirrel scurries off*
Jungkook says through a laugh~ "Wow, good job. You really taught that squirrel."
Tae says jokingly while shaking his head~ "You would think its parents would have taught it better manners than that."
JK: "Oh yes. Squirrel parents have always been known to lack proper parenting skills." He chuckles while he standing up, he grabbed his jacket and says~ "Well, we both should probably get back home."
Tae stood up and wiped the dirt from his pants, says~ "I'll walk you home."
The two walked to Jungkook's house, talking about how good the burgers were and other things like the wedding, or whatever popping into their mind. Half way there, Tae threw his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and pulled him close as they walked down the sidewalk.
When they arrived Tae removed his arm from Jungkook's shoulder. While Jungkook search for his key, Tae says~ "I had a nice time with you tonight."
JK: "I told you this was going to turn into a date."
Tae: "We can just call extra friendly get together."
JK: "That works. Well...Thank you for the burgers and walking me home."
Tae: "Thanks for giving me another chance."
JK: "To be fair, you kind of put me on the spot...but it's ok. I had a good time."
Tae: "It was nice, wasn't it? Lots of laughing, smiling..." Tae continues, not able to hold back his pervertedness~ "...but it would have been even better if we fu-"
*door opens, cutting Tae off*
Taehyung cleared his throat as Jungkook says~ "Oh hi dad."
HJ: "You're late Jungkook." He looked over at Taehyung, the two gave each other a head bow.
JK: "Taehyung and I grabbed something to eat and it took a bit longer than I anticipated."
HJ: "It's fine. I'm glad to see you two are friends again."
Taehyung threw his arm around Jungkook again, says~ "Yep. We worked things out a lot faster than I thought...but hey even better." Jungkook looked over at Tae, Tae gives him a wink.
HJ: "Isn't that nice. I hope you two become even closer."
Tae: "Oh we will."
Jungkook blushed and moved Tae's arm from over his shoulder. Jungkook says~ "Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school."
Tae: "I look forward to it."
Jungkook went inside and closed the door behind him. Hojin says~ "I would appreciate it if you would call me if you are going to be late."
JK: "It completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry."
Hojin patted his back, says~ "I just worry about you. You're my only son, if something happened to you...well I don't even want to think about it."
JK: "Nothing is going to happen to me, dad. Taehyung made sure I got back safe. And trust me, I could hold my own if I needed to."
HJ: "All I ask is that you be careful, ok?"
JK: "I will dad. I'm going to go to bed now."
The two said good night, Jungkook went upstairs to his room. He went into his room, shut the door and turned on the light.
JK: "What the hell Jimin?? What are you doing here??"
Jimin was sitting in Jungkook's bed with his arms and legs cross. Jimin says~ "You didn't answer my calls and I was worried." He frowned.
JK: "I swear I leave for a few hours and everyone thinks I'm dead."
Jimin stood up from the bed, says~ "So how were the "burgers"."
JK: "Big and juicy."
Jimin cringed, says~ "I hope you are talking about actual burgers."
JK: "Of course I am. What else would I be talking about?" He says innocently.
Jimin went over to him, says~ "You didn't have sex with him, did you?" He got in his face, watching his reaction close to see if he was going to lie or not.
Jungkook says with a straight face~ "No. We did not have sex." Jimin gave him "the look." Jungkook still didn't crack a smile.
JM: "Hmm...I guess you're telling the truth. Did you two do anything else then? You only ate burgers?"
JK: "I kissed him."
Jimin face palmed himself, says~ "Kookie...I swear you never learn. It's only been like two days since you've seen him and you are already falling for him again."
JK: "I couldn't help it.." He went over and plopped down onto the bed. Continues~ "It's just we were talking about good memories in 2nd grade and...I think I know why I like him now."
Jimin sat beside him, says~ "Because of a couple memories in second grade?? You're joking right?"
JK: "No Jiminie."
JM: "You and him hardly have any, when you and I have tons of good memories. Yet, we aren't in a relationship and never will be."
JK: "But it was so sweet that he remember those stuff. And it was so nice to actually laugh and joke with's been so long since we've done that.."
JM: "I remember stuff a long time ago too, it just means he has good memory. Nothing else."
Jungkook sat there quietly, he started second guessing himself again. Jimin says~ "Just remember that those good memories you two have are nothing compared to all the bad ones. The bad ones completely outweigh all the good ones."
JK: "But I kissed him again already. It's too late to take it back."
JM: "No it isn't. If you want, I will talk to him."
JK: "That's an awful idea. You're too harsh."
JM: "Don't worry. I have your back. I will talk to him ok?"
JK: "Did you just not hear a word I said?"
JM: "Trust me. I got this." Before Jungkook could reply, Jimin went over to the window, says~ "Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow." He climbed out of the window.
Jungkook plopped backwards onto the bed, lets out a stressful sigh. He reached over and grabbed his journal he had under his mattress. He hadn't written in it for awhile now but he felt stressed again and decided it would help relax him.
Entry #? (a/n can't remember how many entries and not about to go back and look lol)
This sucks. First, I didn't understand why I liked Taehyung. Then I think I do, then Jimin completely shot that down. Now I'm back to how I was feeling before.
How can I like someone that treated me so bad? Even if he is nice now...aigoo do I really have that low of standards? Then again...maybe Jimin has too high of standards for me and I shouldn't listen to him. What the hell do I do?!
Jungkook kept writing for awhile longer, but it didn't matter how much he wrote, the feeling of stress didn't go away. The only thing that made him feel somewhat at ease was looking back on the memories of him and Taehyung.
Meanwhile, Taehyung was also remembering back at one of the memories as he was walking home~
Tae drops off of the monkey bars after seeing Jungkook hurling to the ground after a failed jump from the swing.
HS: "Haha you lost!!"
Tae ran over to Jungkook who was laying in the bark. Tae got down on his knees next to Jungkook, says~ " Jungkook!! Are you ok??" Tae shook Jungkook who was unconscious after having the air knock from him.
Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and coughed. Tae ran over to his bag and grabbed a bottle of juice from it, ran back and tipped it to Jungkook's mouth. He accidentally tipped a little too much and ended up pouring a bunch into Jungkook's mouth which made him cough even more.
Tae gasped and used his shirt to wipe Jungkook's face off. Jungkook caught his breath and slowly sat up, says~ "I-I'm ok."
Tae: "I thought you were going to die!!"
JK: "Me too.."
Taehyung sat by him for awhile, picking bark from his hair and clothes. He wanted to make sure he was going to be ok.
Tae: "That would have sucked if you died."
JK: "I know...then I wouldn't have ever gotten to eat cheeseburgers again." He shuddered at the thought.
a/n: sorry I published a little late, been super busy. I made this part a little bit longer to make up for it though. ^^ sorry in advance if next update is a little late as well, but I will definitely try and publish within 2, days, but if not you know why. oh, and sorry if it was a bit slow, I wanted to make a calm, cute one haha
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