Part 21
HS: "Should we go talk to him?"
Jin: "I think we should. He looks like hell."
Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin all head over to Yoongi. Tae sighed, he didn't want to talk to Yoongi but he decided to follow the guys anyways. Plus, he was a little bit curious about what Yoongi would say.
Yoongi was sitting there looking gloomy. He didn't even acknowledge the guys when they walked up to him until Hoseok says~ "Whoa you look even worse up close."
Yoongi glanced up at them then back down at the table, not saying anything. The guys all sat down at the table, Tae sitting at the opposite side of him.
Jin: "You're so pale Yoongi. Have you not stepped foot outside at all this summer?"
NJ: "And it looks like you haven't slept at all."
Tae looked up at Yoongi from his food, inside he felt somewhat satisfied seeing him like this. Yoongi felt Tae looking at him and glanced up at him.
HS: "You don't have to feel bad anymore, Yoongi. We talked to Jungkook and he said he wasn't going to hold it against us. He knows that we didn't know that his mom died."
Yoongi put his face in his hands and let out a groan. Namjoon says~ "You need to just forget about it. It's over and done with."
YG: "Easy for you to say. You guys don't even know the half of it."
Tae sighed. Though Tae felt satisfied seeing Yoongi feeling guilty, at the same time, the two had been friends for years, and seeing him like this wasn't normal at all. Even though he tried not having sympathy for him, he knew Yoongi was only going to get worse unless they talked about it.
Tae went over to Yoongi and says~ "...come on." He grabbed his arm and pulled him up from the table.
Jungkook was telling Jimin about how he got put into the same class with the guys, and how they apologized to him. He stopped mid sentence when he noticed Tae was dragging Yoongi out of the cafeteria, he says~ "Oh there's Yoongi. I wonder what him and Tae are doing."
JM: "Probably discussing another plan to mess with you."
JK: "I doubt it...I don't think they will do anything like that again."
JM: "Yeah but...notice how they only apologized after they found out your mom was dead? I bet they wouldn't have done it if she wasn't."
JK: "I don't know...but it doesn't matter. I'm just happy they apologized to me."
JM: "Don't let one apology...that didn't even sound that great of one I might add...make you think they've changed. I don't want you to let down your guard again."
Jungkook and Jimin looked over at the guys who were looking back at them. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin gave them wave.
Jimin says to Jungkook~ "Don't give them the satisfaction and wave back. Just go back to eating."
The two looked down at their trays of food and started eating.
Tae pushed Yoongi into the restroom and crossed his arms, says~ "Feeling bad now, huh?"
YG: "I feel awful. I haven't had a good night sleep in I don't even know how long...all I can think about was the look on Jungkook's face when he seen the photo of his mom. I don't know what to do.."
Tae: "I'll tell you what to do. I want you to go up to Jungkook and apologize. Then I want you to tell him that I wasn't the one who set up the plan."
YG: "Fine.." He went to walk out but Tae stopped him.
Tae: "Your phone." He held his hand out.
Yoongi took his phone from his pocket and handed it to him. He looked through the audio and found the recording Yoongi had taken. He delete it, handed him back the phone.
Yoongi put the phone back into his pocket and walked out of the restroom, head held down. Tae followed behind him as he walked over to Jungkook's table.
Jungkook and Jimin looked up at them, Jimin says~ "If you're here to start trouble I suggest you turn around and go right back to your table."
Tae pushed Yoongi up closer to the table, crossing his arms and says~ "Yoongi has something to say to you Jungkook."
Yoongi let out a sigh, he says~ "I'm really sorry Jungkook. For everything. I let a grudge take over me and I took it out on you."
Jungkook didn't know what the grudge was, but he sat there listening anyways.
YG: "It's too long of a story to explain, but I wanted to at least tell you that Taehyung wasn't the one who set up the was his idea, yes but I'm the one who went through with it."
JK: "So this all happened over a grudge...? I just don't understand why I was the one you decided to take it out on."
YG: "Like I's a long story. But I'm extremely sorry...I should have never done it."
Jimin stood up and pushed Yoongi out of the way, roughly pokes Tae's chest and says~ "Even if it was Yoongi who set it up, it was still your idea. You're more to blame here than he is. You were the one who put it into his head...therefore you should be apologizing."
Tae: "I did apologize. And yes it was my idea but Yoongi did it."
JM: "So?? You both are scum." He pointed at Yoongi, says~ "You for doing it." Then points back at Tae, ~ "You for thinking it."
Jungkook put his hand on Jimin's shoulder says~ "Calm down Jimin. I'm not mad anymore. I'm content that they even apologized to me."
Tae dropped his arms to his side, says~ "You aren't even apart of this Jimin. Butt out and mind your own business."
JK: "Hey. Jimin is just trying to protect me."
Tae: "It doesn't matter. He's always in your business...don't you ever get tired of it??"
JM: "Get out of here. Both of you."
Tae stepped up to Jimin, says~ "No. We came to make peace, yet you are still upset with us. What more do you want??"
Jungkook stepped in front of Jimin, he was now squished between the two. Jungkook says~ "Ok. That's enough."
Tae looks at Jungkook, says~ "Tell Jimin to mind his own business and I'll stop."
JM: "I won't stop until Taehyung walks away."
Tae: "Well, looks like you won't be stopping because I'm not going to leave. I'll stand here all day if I have to."
JK: "Please you two.."
JM: "I'm not going to let him hurt you again."
Tae: "I'm not going to hurt him. I'm not like that anymore."
JM: "Even if that is true, what makes you think you can get away with treating Jungkook like you did for all those years."
Tae: "That isn't even relevant anymore."
JM: "So you're just going to ignore everything you ever did to him? Just sweep it under the rug?"
Tae looked at Jungkook, says~ "Jungkook, tell him I've changed."
JM: "It doesn't matter what Jungkook says. I'll believe it when I see it."
Taehyung was getting irritated. He wasn't going to continue to try and convince Jimin, so he says to Jungkook~ "I'm done dealing with him. Let's go to my table so we can talk without his input. You don't need someone who constantly tries to decide things for you."
Jungkook twiddle his fingers and looked down at the ground, doesn't say anything. Tae says~ "Come on Jungkook. You can't tell me you're ok with him butting into everything."
JK: "Me and Jimin have been best friends even before I met you. I trust his opinion."
Tae: "So, you're saying you are going to listen to him? You're not going to give me another chance then?"
JM: "Why should he? You pushed him, called him names, embarrassed him, threaten to hurt him. As far as I'm concerned you are not a trust worthy person."
Tae looked back at Jungkook, expecting him to say something but he didn't. So Tae says~ "Fine. I guess that's it then...come on Yoongi."
Tae and Yoongi walked back to their table. Jimin patted Jungkook's back says~ "I'm sorry I had to be harsh. I just wanted him to realize that his actions have consequences."
JK: "I know Jiminie.."
Jungkook and Jimin sat down. Jungkook was feeling a bit sad, but he knew Jimin was only looking out for him. The two ate lunch, Jimin trying to get Jungkook's mind off of it by being silly.
End of school day
As the rest of class and teacher were heading out of the room, Tae grabbed Jungkook's shirt and pulled him back before he was able to leave the room. He flipped Jungkook around and shut the door, pushed him up against it.
Tae: "Ok, cut the crap. We're alone now."
JK: "What are you talking about?"
Tae: "I know you were just saying that because Jimin was right there. But now we can do what we want." He moved down and pressed his lips to Jungkook's neck, starts kissing softly.
Jungkook instant feeling weak as soon as Tae's lips came in contact with his skin. He involuntarily tilted his head allowing for Tae better access.
JK: "W-what are you doing..?" He stutters.
Tae: "What does it look like? I'm picking up where we left off.." He said through the kisses. His hand drifted down and started caressing the side of Jungkook's thigh.
Jungkook says weakly~ "What makes you think you can just come up to me and start saying and doing perverted things to me?"
Tae looked down, he asks disregarding Jungkook's question~ "...Have you been working out?"
JK: "I've been dancing a little bit...but what does that even matter? You didn't answer my question.."
Tae: "Your thighs look amazing in those pants." He went back to kissing on his neck.
A light pink crept over Jungkook's cheeks as he felt Tae's hand drifting towards his inner thigh. Tae says~ "But I bet they would look even more amazing without them.."
The light pink over Jungkook's cheeks quickly turned a darker shade of pink. Tae's hand started creeped up to the buttons on Jungkook's pants. Tae says~ "Mm...I've been waiting for this for three months."
JK: "W-wait. We're in a classroom.."
Before Tae was able to get any further the handle on the door started to jiggle. Jungkook and Tae looked down and seen the door handle was turning. Jungkook gasped and pushed Tae off of him, moving out of the way of the door.
The teacher walked in the classroom and noticed Jungkook and Tae's cheeks were flushed. She gives them a strange look says~ "Why wasn't the door opening? And why are you two still in here?"
Jungkook grabs his bag and walks past her with his head down, Tae says~ "Sorry we were...locked out." He hurried past her to Jungkook.
The teacher peeked her head out from the door and calls out~ "Locked out? But you two were inside!"
The two walked down the hall side by side, pretending not to hear her. Tae looks over at Jungkook, says~ "I seen an empty room on the second floor we can go into.."
JK: "No...I just want to go home."
Tae: "What..? But aren't you as turned on as I am?" He subtly moved his hand over to Jungkook's ass.
JK: "You know how I get when you kiss didn't even give me a chance to say anything before you threw yourself onto me...and get your hand off of me." He pushed his hand away.
Tae: "Well...I'm not kissing you now. So go ahead."
JK: "I wanted to tell you that I don't think we should continue whatever this is."
Tae: "...what?"
JK: "I was thinking about what Jimin said. And honestly I don't even know how I can like you."
Tae: "You've got to be kidding me.."
JK: "I'm not. Jimin got me thinking...and he made me realize there is absolutely no reason why I should like you."
Tae: "Well...I like you. And it doesn't matter to me if you have a good reason or not. All that matters to me is that you like me, regardless of why."
JK: "Tell me why you like me."
Tae: "...I'm not good with words Jungkook. I've never been the lovey type. I think it's cheesy."
JK: "That sounds like an excuse."
Tae: "Well it isn't. But, if you would give me a chance..." he says quietly so no one else could hear~ "...I could physically show you how I feel about you."
Jungkook looked over at Taehyung, he wanted to start kissing him right then and there, but he restrain himself. He remembered what Jimin said: to not let his guard down.
For lack of better words, Jungkook says~ "I...don't think that's a good idea."
Tae: "Why not? We both are obviously attracted to each other."
The two walked down the hall in silence, until Jungkook says~ "I just think it would be best if we went our separate ways."
Tae: "It's because you're with Jimin, isn't it?"
Jungkook looked over at Taehyung, says~ "Why do you think that?"
Tae: "I seen you and Jimin kiss at the cemetery."
JK: "You were spying on us?"
Tae: "No. I just happened to see you two."
JK: "'s not like you and I are together, so what does it matter to you if Jimin and I kissed?"
Tae: "...forget it." Tae put his hands in his pockets, says~ "All I ask is that you don't kiss him in front of me.." He walked off, feeling upset.
Jungkook lets out a sigh and walks outside, Jimin was waiting by a tree. JM: "Finally! Slow poke."
JK: "Sorry. I got caught up with something.."
JM: "It's ok. Let's get going."
Jimin walked Jungkook home. Jungkook was thinking about Taehyung the entire way. He started to regret saying what he did, but he figured it would probably be better off if him and Tae didn't continue with whatever it was between them.
Tae was upset as he walked home, he still was holding it against Yoongi. Tae thinking~ "If Yoongi hadn't done what he did, none of this would have happened. I would be with Jungkook right now." He let out a distressed groan.
Tae walked into his house, only to see a bunch of women who were sitting on the couch. He looked around, confused. His mom came from the kitchen holding some drinks, she walk over to him says~ "Taehyung? I thought you were going to be hanging out with your friends today."
Tae: "I changed my mind...what's going on? Are you having a party or something?"
A woman comes up behind them from the front door, she says~ "Congratulations Jina!!"
Tae looked over at the lady, then back at his mom. He says~ "Why is she congratulating you?"
Jina held her hand up, showing off her ring. She says~ "Hojin proposed!"
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