Part 20 (HS)
Highschool (grade 10)
Three months had pass since the events that took place at the dance. Jungkook and Tae haven't spoke all summer.
Jungkook still thought Tae had set him up the entire time, and needless to say he was still mad at him. Jimin had told him that Tae admit to the plan being his idea, but Jimin didn't know the entire story and took it the wrong way.
Unfortunately for Tae, that meant Jungkook didn't want anything to do with him. Jungkook hadn't even given Tae a chance to explain himself like he had attempted to the day of graduation.
On top of that, the two were unaware Jina and Hojin were talking about marriage and moving in together...and much sooner than they could imagined. They were kind of hesitant to tell Jungkook and Taehyung, knowing things were rocky between them. Though they did not know exactly why. But either way, they were going to do it whether Jungkook and Tae wanted them to or not.
First day of school
Jungkook and Jimin were walking down the the hallway when Jungkook gasped. Jimin looks over, says~ "What's wrong??"
Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him behind a group of people. Jungkook says~ "Keep your head down." Jimin did as Jungkook said, even though he didn't know what he was talking about.
Taehyung, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin were walking down the hall. Luckily for Jungkook, they didn't notice them. Jungkook let out a groan when the guys passes, he says~ "Crap...I swear wherever I go, whatever I do I always end up having to deal with Taehyung one way or another."
JM: "You have some serious bad luck."
JK: "It's like we were bound together by fate or something."
JM: "That...or he is one of those obsessed stalkers who knows your every location and spends every waking moment trying to figure out out how he can include himself into your daily life. But I highly doubt that's the case."
Jungkook looked over at Jimin and says sarcastic~ "Thanks Jiminie. You've always known how to ease my worries."
JM: "That's what friends are for."
The two look back, the guys all turned into the office. Jungkook couldn't help but to notice how much Taehyung had changed in the short three months.
Before, Taehyung always tried to make himself look "bad ass" by wearing expensive shoes, and jackets along with his school uniform. Even going as far as wearing a bandana headband once. But that didn't sit with the teachers too well...he was lucky he got away with wearing what he did.
Now Taehyung dressed respectful like the rest of the students did, not making any changes to his school uniform. He was actually followed the rules for once.
JK: "...did you notice how handsome Taehyung looked?"
Jimin elbowed Jungkook, says~ "Don't start. We talked about this..."
JK: "Don't start what?"
JM: "Falling for him again."
JK: "I just thought he changed a lot in 3 months. That's all."
JM: "Yes...I agree he does look handsome, but I'm sure he's still the same jerk as he was in middle school."
JK: "I guess we'll find out soon enough...oh and did you notice Min Yoongi wasn't with them?"
JM: "Yeah that's strange. I wonder if he went to a different highschool."
JK: "I hope so. The less of them, the better."
JM: "You can say that again. I wonder if they feel remorseful after what they did to you."
The two looked at each other, Jimin says~ "Psh...what am I saying? That's a joke."
After getting done what they need to do in the office, the guys walked out and headed back down the hall.
NJ: "We are so lucky! I still can't believe we all got put in the same classroom...well except Yoongi."
HS: "Yeah, where is he anyways?" Yoongi was supposed to meet them in the front of the school, but he never show up.
Tae: "I don't know...and honestly don't really care."
Jin: "What happened between you two anyways? You still never told us why you two were arguing."
Tae: "Let's just say...I regret ever calling him my friend."
HS: "The last time I talked to him I heard he wasn't doing good at all. I think he took it pretty hard after finding out Jungkook's mom was dead. I think he felt pretty bad."
The guys were silent after Hoseok said that. The guys had felt pretty guilty about it too, and after Hoseok said it brought back that guilt. The guys spent the rest of the walk to their class in silence.
JK: "Well I'll see you at lunch then." Jungkook and Jimin waved goodbye. Much to their disappointment, they didn't get put in the same class this time.
The first thing Jungkook noticed when he walked in the classroom was, unlike at the other school, there weren't individual desks. Instead there were bigger desks that were to be share by two people. Jungkook thinking~ " I have to share a desk with someone?"
Jungkooks walks in, the teacher was standing by the door. The two greet each other with a bow, she says with a smile~ "Name please?"
After Jungkook gave her his name, she points over to a desk in the back. Says~ "Please be seated in the desk over there."
Jungkook thanked her and walked off towards his desk. He was pleased to have a desk in the back, it kind of made up for having to share it with someone.
Jungkook sat down at his desk. He let out a sigh as he was taking his things out of his bag and stacking them on the table. A day didn't go by that he didn't think about Tae. Strangely, even thinking that Tae was behind it all he still missed him. He was mad, yes but his feelings for him were still there. Admittedly though, there still was not a good reason for it.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a familiar voice say something that made his heart drop~ "Kim Taehyung."
Jungkook slowly looked over and noticed Taehyung and the guys were standing by the doorway. Jungkook thinking~ "Shit!!" He frantically grabs onto a book and shoved his face into it. A couple seconds later, he peeked over and noticed the teacher pointing in his direction.
When he seen Tae was coming his way he hid his face again, not wanting Tae to notice him. Even though he would eventually, he felt the need to hide from him in that moment.
Jungkook's whole body cringed when he heard the seat next to him slide out from the table.
Taehyung sat down in the seat next to what he didn't realize quite yet, Jungkook. He glanced over at Jungkook who's face was completely burry into an upside down book. Tae thinking~ "Oh goody...I get to sit by a weirdo."
Jungkook held his breath as he heard stuff being tossed onto the desk. Unlike Jungkook who neatly place his stuff on the table, Tae tossed his into a messy pile.
The sound of a pencil could be heard rolling across the table, getting closer to Jungkook's side. Jungkook quickly looked down from under the book when he felt Tae's pencil had falling into his lap.
Tae looked over and noticed his pencil, says~ "Um. My pencil..."
Jungkook used one of his hands to grab the pencil, his other still holding the book to his face. He couldn't see where Tae was so he just held the pencil in his general direction.
Tae reached over and grabbed the pencil, giving him a strange look. Thinking~ "Wow, this guy must have some serious social issues."
Jungkook sat there, his heart beating fast for a few more minutes until the rest of the students came in. The teacher says~ "Ok, everyone. Eyes up here...that including you Jungkook."
Tae perked up when he heard his name, says quietly "Jungkook?" He part his mouth and looked over at Jungkook who was removing the book from his face, he looked distressed.
Jungkook looked over and noticed Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin were all looking around until they seen him. The guys stared at him for awhile, Jungkook trying hard not to make any eye contact with either of them.
Tae stared at the side of Jungkook's face for several seconds before he look back forward towards the teacher. The two sat there awkwardly, the tension in the room was so thick you could feel it.
Class went on this way until lunch.
*bell rings*
Jungkook hurries out of the seat, pushing past people to get to the door first. As he was walking quickly down the hall, he cringed when he hears~ "Jungkook! Wait!"
He glanced back and noticed the guys were all coming toward him. Jungkook turned the corner quickly, wanting to get as far away from them as possible. Tae stopped, he says~ "Wait. We're never going to catch him this way." The guys stood there thinking for a sec.
Tae remembered something when he had come for the orientation. There was another way that he could go, if he got there quick enough he could cut him off. Tae motions for the guys to follow, says~ "This way."
Tae, followed by the guys, turned around and hauled towards the opposite way where there was another hall that joined the one Jungkook was heading down. Tae sped up his pace, practically running down the hall. He was much further than the rest of the guys.
JK thinking as he walked down the hall~ "No, no, no..! Why did I have to get stuck with all of them??"
Jungkook and Tae were hurrying down the halls at the same speed, getting closer and closer until Tae turned the corner and...
Jungkook and Tae stumbled backward after bumping harshly into each other. Tae caught himself on a wall, but unfortunately for Jungkook he fell all the way down, landing on his butt.
The guys came up behind Tae, breathing heavy.
Tae quickly goes over to Jungkook, says~ "...are you ok?" He went to grab his hand to help him, but Jungkook smack it away.
JK: "Don't touch me." Jungkook stood up and pushed past him towards the cafeteria, Tae follows quick beside him, the guys following behind.
Tae: "We need to talk Jungkook. All of us have something we want to say to you."
Jungkook winced and rubbed his butt, says~ "Well too bad because I don't have anything to say to you guys."
Tae glanced down, leans over to Jungkook's ear says~ "How about we talk alone while I give your ass a nice massage?"
Jungkook's face got red~ "What?? No!"
Tae sighs and says~ "Fine but there's more to this if you would just stop and listen to me for one second."
The guys called out, "We're sorry Jungkook!" Hoseok says~ "We didn't know your mom was dead!"
Jungkook abruptly stops, the guys bumping into him. Jungkook turned around and says~ "How do you know that?"
Tae: "I went looking for you after what happened. I seen you at the cemetery with..." He stopped for a second before he continue when he thought about the kiss. "...Jimin."
Jungkook turned back around and continued walking, says~ "It doesn't matter. It still should have never happened."
Tae: "You don't understand Jungkook. It was-" he stopped. He knew he couldn't say anything about how Yoongi blackmailed him in front of the guys. "Trust me. If we can talk alone I will explain everything." He grabbed onto Jungkook's wrist.
Jungkook harshly pulled his arm away, says~ "No. I'm done listening to you. I don't trust you."
Tae: "Please Jungkook..!"
Jungkook stopped once more and says to Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin~ "I think you guys are jerks. But I know you were just going along with his plan...I don't forgive you for that, but I know you didn't know my mom died. I won't hold that against you." He looked at Taehyung. "Or you. But that doesn't mean I will ever trust you. And it certainly doesn't mean I forgive you entirely because it was a really shitty thing to do."
Jungkook turned back around and walked off to the cafeteria. The guys stood there, in silence until Hoseok says~ " that mean we're off the hook?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes and started walking to the cafeteria. Hoseok says~ "What...? Did I say something wrong?" Namjoon and Jin shrug their shoulders.
Tae put his hands in his pockets and continued walking down the hall. A lot of feelings came back when he seen Jungkook, some not so great. He just knew if Jungkook was here, Jimin was here too. And he didn't know if he was ready to see them together since now he thinking they were in a relationship.
With time, Tae thought he could get Jungkook to talk to him, but now he wasn't so sure.
Taehyung came into the cafeteria not too long after. He noticed Jungkook and Jimin walking towards the lunch line. Tae thinking~ "Of course.." He kept a safe distance away, close enough where he could see them though. He wanted to see how they acted towards each other and if it was obvious they were in a relationship. It was hard though because the two had always been weirdly close for friends, and he could not just go up and ask.
Not seeing anything extremely obvious yet, he looked away from them and took a look around the cafeteria. There were quite a few people he recognize from his other school, including Tzuyu who was sitting with her usual friends. Tzuyu had never told him about what Yoongi said, so he still didn't understand why she kissed him.
As he was examining everyone in the cafeteria, he heard Namjoon says~ "Is that...Yoongi?"
Taehyung looked over at seen Yoongi sitting at a table by himself. The dark circles under his eyes were so obvious they could see them all the way from the lunch line. Yoongi didn't look good, his head was resting in his hand that was propped on the table and he wasn't eating the food in front of him.
Tae recognized Yoongi's demeanor. He remembered seeing it once after a girlfriend broke up with him. It usually meant he was really depressed.
Still, Tae didn't feel bad. Not after what Yoongi did to him and Jungkook.
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