Part 19
a/n: Ok, so this part is like twice the length of the usual parts. I probably could have split the parts in two but I wanted to get this MS parts done before part 20. Hope you don't mind~
Taehyung and Jungkook were both unaware that each other has been threaten by Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook had been walking on eggshells around each other. They didn't want the other to know what was going on, not wanting to say anything to each other in fear of causing more problems. So instead, they were listen to what Yoongi told them to do.
Jungkook didn't want to say anything to Taehyung about it in fear of causing more problems. In his mind, Taehyung had no clue what was going on. And knowing Taehyung had some anger issues, Jungkook figure Tae might do something he regret. And to Jungkook, whatever Yoongi's plan was couldn't be any worse than embarrassing Taehyung. He didn't even care what happen, as long as nothing happened to Tae.
On the other hand, Taehyung didn't want to say anything to Jungkook because in his mind, he ruined Yoongi's plan. All he had to do was make it a few more months until middle school was over. Yoongi was sure to forget about it over the summer, and even if he didn't and told people at least he would have summer vacation away from school.
A few months went on this way until the end of the year. Oh and Jimin? He was just blissfully unaware of anything. Well actually he was still a bit leery about Tae, so that is not entire true.
Jungkook and Tae had not really done anything besides a kiss here and there during the past few months. Tae had convinced Jungkook that it was better to wait until school was out for them to continue on with their relationship. After all, the guys were only pretending to be ok with him going to the dance with Jungkook for the sake of the plan. They didn't actually know about their secret relationship, and probably wouldn't be ok with if if they did know. So Tae didn't want them suspect anything real was going on between them.
School | Lunch
Jungkook and Jimin were getting something in the vending machine when Jungkook look over and noticed Yoongi was leaned up against the wall nearby. Yoongi motion Jungkook to go over. Jungkook made sure Jimin was busy with the vending machine before he walked over.
YG: "Hey. It's been awhile since we spoke, but I wanted to make sure you are going to agree to Tae's offer to the dance."
Jungkook nods, Yoongi says~ "I mean it. Tomorrow is the dance."
JK: "I will alright?"
Yoongi shooed Jungkook away. Jungkook walked back just in time, Jimin had turn around as he was walked back.
JM: "They didn't have the ones with nuts in them."
JK: "It's ok. You're nutty enough." He patted Jimin's head.
The two walked into the cafeteria, Jungkook and Jimin sitting down. Jungkook says~ "Oh, I have to tell you something. I've decided to go to the dance with you might want to find someone else to go with."
JM: "What? Why wait until last minute to decide this?"
JK: "I was thinking about it and maybe it will be fun.."
JM: "Well fine but I'm still going with you. All three of us can go together...I am not about to give you and Taehyung any chance to be alone. He still is on my list of people to watch out for...who knows, he could be planning something big. It seems like a Taehyung thing to do."
JK: "You really think Tae has gone through all this trouble to make me feel comfortable for months just to do something dumb at the dance? Is that what you are getting at?"
JM: "I would not put it pass him."
JK: "You are just paranoid Jimin."
JM: "No, I'm protective. Therefore, I will go with you to make sure I am there if something does go wrong."
Jungkook looked over and noticed Taehyung was sitting down at his table. He decided it was best to tell him and get it over with. He had already waited long enough. JK says~ "I'll be right back."
Jungkook stood up and went over to Tae's table, Jungkook says~ "Um, Taehyung can I talk to you for a second?"
Tae went to stand up, but Yoongi grabbed his arm. Yoongi says~ "You can talk here."
Tae slowly sat back down and looked at Jungkook, says~ "What is it?"
JK: "Since I heard you and Tzuyu aren't going to the dance together...I've decided I will go with you."
Tae was feeling confident up until now. He couldn't believe Jungkook was say this, says~ "What...? But why? I thought you said you didn't want to go." Tae gave Jungkook a "what are you doing?" look.
Jungkook noticed Tae's look, but he acted like he didn't and says~ "Well, I change my I hope you have a suit for tomorrow."
Tae: "Don't you want to think about this first??" He started feeling nervous. Even though he thought he ruined Yoongi's plan, he would not put it passed him to figure something else out.
JK: "I have. For almost 3 months...the guys told me you wanted to make up to me after everything you have done.'s your chance."
Tae sat there thinking about it~ "The dance is only a hour and a half...I'm sure we can get through it. If worse comes to worst, I can always sneak Jungkook out if I suspect anything."
Tae: "...Ok."
Before Jungkook walked back he says~ "Oh, and Jimin is coming with us."
Taehyung looked over at Yoongi, inspecting his face. He whispers while the other guys were busy talking to each other~ "You better not have threatened Jungkook."
YG: "Why would I threaten Jungkook? You're the one I am mad at." He whisper back.
Tae: "Just tell me why you are mad at me in the first place. I don't even know what I did."
YG: "You should know, so I'm not telling you. That's a cheap way out."
Tae: "Well, whatever it is I am sorry ok? Just please don't do anything at the least nothing to Jungkook because he doesn't deserve it."
Yoongi went back to eating, not saying anything and not giving much emotion. Inside he was starting to think that maybe he should back out of the plan since it was true, Jungkook was innocent in all this. But...then his anger start coming back when he remembered what Tae did to him. And he knew if he did something to Jungkook, it would hurt Taehyung. And that's what he wanted to do, since Tae had hurt him.
Yoongi thinking~ "Sorry Jungkook."
Next Day
It was the night of the dance, and Graduation was in a few days. Jungkook was at Jimin's house, putting on their clothes that they had got a few months ago. Jungkook was feeling down, it was the anniversary of his mother's death. He thought that if he went to the dance it would help get his mind off of it, but now he was not in the mood at all. Nothing he could do now though.
JM: "How you doing buddy..?" He rubbed Jungkook's shoulder.
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and says~ "Certainly not good, but I am trying to make it through." He gave a sad smile.
Jimin gave him a tight hug to comfort. He says~ "You can stay here tonight. My mom said it was ok, since she knows. I am proud of you for not closing yourself in your room this time."
JK: "Thanks Jiminie."
JM: "I swear if Taehyung does anything to you tonight..."
JK: "He won't."
JM: "He better not...does he know about your mom?"
JK: "All he knows is that she isn't in the picture. I don't think he knows she died. And it probably better off that he doesn't know."
JM: "I hope you aren't blaming yourself anymore Jungkook."
Jungkook was quiet for a moment then says to change the subject~ " how do I look?" He turned around to show Jimin.
JM: "Very nice. But what's up with that hair??" He went over and ruffle it, fluffing it all up.
JK: "Hey...! I spent time smoothing it out."
JM: "You look so nice with fluffy hair though."
Jungkook went to fix it, but Jimin grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room before the could. The two went downstairs, Jimin's mom waiting for them.
Mom: "You boys look so handsome!" She motioned for them to stand side by side, snapped a photo.
JM: "Mom..."
JM: "I'm sorry. I had to! You boys can go now. Have fun!"
Before they left, Jimin's mom gave Jungkook a hug. She says~ "Remember, if you start to feeling sad you do not have to stay at the dance."
JK: "Thank you ma'am. I know." Jungkook gave her a smile. Even before his mom passed away, Jimin's mom always made sure he was treated as her own. He respected her a lot for that.
The boys said goodbye and walked out of the house.
Meanwhile, Tae had snuck out of the house after he got all dressed. As far as his mom knew, he wasn't going. He didn't tell her because he knew she would have a lot of questions for him. Especially after what happen with him and Tzuyu.
School | Dance
When Tae arrived he took a look around to see if Jungkook was there, but he had not gotten there yet. He walked through the gymnasium looking around to see if he spotted the others. Namjoon and Jin were over by the food bar, already stuffing their faces.
Tae walked over to them, covering his eyes from the obnoxious lights that were flashing. He says,~ "Aigoo...the first dance has not even started yet and you are already filling up on junk."
Jin looked over at Tae with a mouth full of food, says~ "I only came here for the food." Namjoon nods in agreement.
Tae: "Where's Yoongi and Hoseok?"
YG: "So, you push this button when I text you, got it?"
HS: "Maann. Why am I the one who has to be stuck back here while everyone gets to dance and eat?"
YG: "It isn't like you are going to be stuck here all night. Half hour tops."
HS: "You owe me."
YG: "Yeah yeah." He walked out from the back room into the gymnasium.
Yoongi looked around and noticed Tae. He walked over to him nonchalant, says~ "So...where's your date?"
Tae: "I don't know. We agree to meet up here, but he hasn't-" Tae stopped when he noticed Jungkook and Jimin was coming through the door.
Time seemed to have slowed down when he seen Jungkook. It's not that Jungkook was wearing anything extravagant, it's just...something was different this time.
Jungkook looked over and noticed Tae. He waved to him and motioned him over.
Tae walked over and stood in front of Jungkook. He stares at him and says~ " look great."
Jungkook blushed. Tae says~ "I love your hair.." He went to touch it but Jimin blocked Tae's hand, says~ "Ah ah ah. No touching. Not when you're around me...I still don't trust you."
JK: "'s ok. Why don't you go get us some drinks? Please?"
Jimin reluctantly agrees, he gives Tae a look before he walks off. Points to his eyes, then to Tae.
Tae rubbed the back of his neck, says~ "Wow...Jimin is being extra protective over you."
JK: "Don't mind him. He has in his mind that you're going to do something."
Tae: "I suppose it is only to be expected. Since you know.."
Jungkook nodded, the two stood there awkwardly for a couple seconds when something caught their eyes. They looked over, their eyes went straight to a big neon pink dress. JK thinking~ "Oh my god.." He had forgotten the awful thing he did to Tzuyu.
A disgusted look came over Tae's face, says~ "What the heck is Tzuyu wearing...? Did she seriously pick that out for the dance?"
Jungkook look away from Tzuyu, he was feeling embarrassed for her. At the same time, guilty.
Tae: "'s a good thing I didn't go with her. That would have been embarrassing..."
Tzuyu looked around, noticed the looks. She says to her friends~ "Why are people looking at me like that?" She looked over at her friends who weren't saying anything, obviously hold something back.
TY: "'s my dress isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have trusted Jungkook.."
Jimin came back with some drinks, the whole time walking over he was staring at Tzuyu's dress. Says~ "Wow. Did she not look in the mirror before she bought that..?"
After he said that, music started playing. Someone at the mic told everyone to grab their dates and head to the dance floor. Before Tae was able to make any move, Jimin shoves the drinks into Tae's hands and grabs Jungkook, says~ "Hope you don't mind me and Jungkook having the first dance." He pulls JK to the dance floor.
Tae stood there with drinks in his hands. He watched as everyone started dancing, didn't see Yoongi walk up beside him.
YG: "Must suck seeing Jungkook and Jimin as close as they are. I wish I had a friend like that."
Tae nodded slowly, and not taking his eyes off of Jungkook. Yoongi says~ "So, you really don't think anything is going on between them?"
The two were looking over at Jungkook and Jimin who were smiling, and laughing. They were having a good time, dancing goofy.
Tae: "They're just friends. How many times do I have to tell you that?"
YG: "Do you know that for sure?"
Tae: "Quit trying to get into my head. it isn't going to work."
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, says~ "Alright. Well, I'm gonna"
Taehyung ignored , he was too focused on watching Jungkook and Jimin still. He felt himself get a little bit jealous.
Yoongi walked over to Tzuyu who was dancing with her friends. He tapped on her shoulder says~ "Care to talk?"
Tzuyu nodded and went over to the side with Yoongi. Yoongi says~ "So, remember what I told you a few months ago?"
YG: "Want to know a secret?"
TY: "Ok.."
YG: "You know how you told me why Tae and you weren't going to the dance? Well...I heard from Tae's girlfriend that she was going to surprise him and make it to the dance afterall. So...if you want to get back at him...I have a plan."
/end flashback
Tzuyu looked at Tae, grit teeth and says~ "Yes...that jerk."
YG: "Well...there's his girlfriend." He pointed to a random girl that was walking into the gymnasium by herself.
TY: "I don't know if I should do it or not."
YG: "Believe me...if you want to get back at him, this is the best way to do it. If you do it, she will break up with him in a heartbeat. But I'll leave you to think about it...and I suggest you make your mind up quick before they notice each other is here."
Yoongi put his hands in his pockets and walked off. Tzuyu stood there, debating.
Some time passes and the next song started playing, Taehyung set the drinks down. He was about to walk over to Jungkook, but he felt a hand grab his arm.
He looked over and seen that it was Tzuyu, says~ "What do you want Tzuyu?"
TY: "I forgive let's dance." She said through gritted her teeth.
Before Tae was able to respond, she pulled him into the crowd. Tae says~ "Tzuyu, I-"
TY: "Shut up and dance." She grabbed Tae's hands and put them on her waist.
Jungkook looked over and noticed the two, he says~ "What is Taehyung doing with her...?"
JM: "I don't know but it can't be good." The two kept close eye on them.
Yoongi noticed Jungkook was looking and gave Tzuyu the signal. Tzuyu thinking he signalled her because his "girlfriend" was watching.
Tae: "I don't want to da-"
Before he could say anything, Tzuyu smashed her lips to Tae's. Tae was frozen in shock.
Jungkook's let his arms drop to the side. He felt a painful sharp feeling in his heart when he seen them kissing. It was like everything around him disappeared in that moment.
Jimin felt a rage inside him, he says~ "That's it. I knew he was up to no good!" He went to walk towards Tae and Tzuyu but something happened.
The music stopped abruptly, Tzuyu pulled away from Tae's lips. A big projector screen popped out from the top of the gymnasium. Everyone's attention went to the projector screen, except for Jungkook who was staring at Taehyung. He still in shock after what had happen.
Namjoon and Jin came up from the side and pointed a projector at the screen.
The sound of laughing brought Jungkook back to reality, he looked over and noticed a bunch of embarrassing photos popped up.
JM: "Hey!!" Jimin ran over and went to block the projector, but Jin grabbed him and pulled him away.
When Tae seen the pictures, he shook his head, forgetting about the kiss. The only thing that mattered now was getting the photos down. Tae quickly walked over to them and says~ "Take those off right now!!" He said through gritted teeth.
NJ: "Why? It was your idea wasn't it?"
Jimin overhears what Namjoon says, he says~ "I knew you were going to do something but I didn't think you would sink this low!!"
Tae was going to explain himself, but he remembered Jungkook and looked over at him. Jungkook didn't have much emotion on his face. He was just staring at the photos.
Tae went to walk over to Jungkook so he could take him out of there, but Yoongi walked up and stopped him.
Jungkook was more upset about the kiss than he was at the photos. But then there was a photo that popped up that made the painful feeling in his heart even worse.
The photo was a regular photo. It wasn't embarrassing or anything. The photo was of him and his mom, smiling.
NJ: "So, has anyone ever wondered where Jungkook got that nose from??"
Jin: "Well, there's your answer!"
a/n; they do not know what happen to JK's mom. They are just being asses.
Jimin parted his mouth, even he was speechless. Tae had no clue that Jungkook's mom passed away, so he didn't quite catch how hard that hit Jungkook. But even so he says to Yoongi~ "That's it. I'm tired of your shit.." He lifted his arm to punch Yoongi, but stopped when he noticed the look on Jungkook's face.
Jungkook felt an overwhelmed sadness come over him. He tried hard not to cry, but there was no holding it back. Not between the kiss and now the photo.
Jungkook burst into tears and ran out of the gymnasium, the laughter getting quieter as he grew farther away from everyone.
Jimin ripped his arms away from Jin, Jimin grabs Taehyung who was about to run after Jungkook. He says~ "I cannot believe you would do this! Do you realize what you just did?!"
Tae: "Jimin, I didn't do any of this...I-"
YG: "Ahem. Let me stop you right there. Don't act like you had no part in was your idea to show these photos of Jungkook in the first place...wasn't it?"
Tae: "Well...yeah, but-
YG: "So don't blame this all on us. We just helped you do it."
Tae: "No! I told you I didn't want to do it!"
JM: "You're unbelievable...out of everything you have done...this is by far the worst."
Jimin let go of Tae and ran out of the gym to find Jungkook.
Tae looked over at Yoongi, says~ "Why did you do that!? Jungkook's mom left! Who knows how long Jungkook hasn't seen her!"
YG: "How do you know Jungkook's mom left?"
Tae: "Well...I don't exactly know how ok! I just-" Tae groaned out of annoyance. He was fed up with everything. He looks at Tzuyu says~ "Why the hell did you kiss me in front of..." He knew he couldn't say Jungkook's name. Instead he stopped there.
TY: "Because I wanted her to see what a douchebag you are for leading other girls on!"
Tae was confused~ "What are you talking about?"
TY: "You know exactly what I am talking about!" She pointed to the girl Yoongi pointed to earlier.
Jimin looked everywhere but he could not find Jungkook. He was panicking, grabbed his phone to text him. When he did, he heard Jungkook's phone going off. He looked around, but stopped in place when he noticed Jungkook's phone was on the ground. It had fallen out of his pocket.
Jungkook was running down the sidewalk, crying. JK thinking~ "How can he do this to me?! I thought he changed..." Jungkook running until he reached his destination.
Jungkook slowed down, walked down the path with his head down. He was drenched from the rain, but at this point he didn't really care. He walked a ways down the path until he came up to a grave.
He sat down in front of it, wiped off the leaves and dirt from it. Says in a shaky voice~ "I'm sorry I didn't visit earlier.."
Taehyung and Yoongi were arguing in the hall, Tae says~ "Why? Why did you do this to Jungkook?? He didn't deserve any of this!"
YG: "Maybe not, but you did! I knew if I did this to him, it'd be getting you too!"
Taehyung was almost in tears at this point, he knew Jimin and Jungkook thought this was all his idea. But he holds them back and says~ "Well I hope you're happy with yourself! You brought an innocent person into this because of a stupid grudge you have against me!"
YG: "Stupid?" Yoongi couldn't hold it in any longer. "You completely shattered my confidence for being a rapper!"
Tae remembered what he was talking about now, but still he didn't think it was a good reasons. Says~ "Are you serious? That is why you did this? Over a stupid comment I made when we were kids?!"
YG: "After you embarrassed me in front of all those kids, I didn't want to try anymore! All these years I could have been doing something, but you made me so self conscience about it I didn't even try!"
The guys walked out into the hallway when they heard their arguing.
Tae: "Well I'm sorry for what I said, ok? But it's your fault for letting dumb comments get to you! It doesn't give you a good reason to have done any of this!"
YG: "All your life you have hurt people with your words. It was about time someone hurt you!"
Tae: "You are all the same! All of us treated people badly!"
YG: "Not like you. Out of all of us, you are by far the worst!"
Tae's hands were shaking he was getting so angry. He let out a groan of anger and walked off, huffy. He didn't want to deal with them anymore.
Tae was cussing to himself when he looked over and noticed Jimin was standing there with his arms crossed, thinking.
Tae: "Jimin.."
Jimin looked over at him and put his hand up~ "Don't come any closer or I'll do something I regret."
Tae: "Listen I-" he stopped, he figured Jimin wouldn't believe him anyways so he says~ "Where's Jungkook.."
Jimin stood there thinking about it. It finally click, he says~ "Of course!" Without saying a word, Jimin went running out of the school.
Taehyung decided to follow, he followed behind, but far back enough not to be noticed.
Some time passes. Jungkook was still sitting at the grave, crying. He says~ "I guess it was my fault for trusting him. You always told me I trusted people too easily and that it would hurt me one were right." He wiped his nose.
Jungkook jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over, it was Jimin. Jungkook wiped the tears from his eyes as Jimin was sitting down beside him.
Jimin knew words wouldn't comfort Jungkook, so instead he wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and pulled him close.
Tae who had just gotten there peeked around the tree he was hiding behind over to them. He watched as Jimin held Jungkook's face, leaned forward and gave him a long kiss.
Yoongi's words echo through his head~ "Must suck seeing Jungkook and Jimin as close as they are..."
a/n: all could have been avoided if one of them just said something...but that would have been too simple 😏 (oh and don't worry this is not turning into a Jikook ff. Just wanted to set up a lil drama for the HS parts ^^ there will be a lot more vkook action in future parts~)
Wow, did not expect the MS parts to go on for as long as they did, I know some parts were unnecessary, was too much fun writing haha. Also I know this last couple part have been all over the place, but honestly this ending to the MS parts was not what I originally planned. I kind of had to work with what I ended up writing. Like I said from the beginning, it seem whatever I plan just does not turn out the way I expecting haha. I tried to answer everything in this part, but if I forgot something let me know.
Oh! And there is going to be a somewhat of a special part after this one (before the HS parts) It is not that long, but do look forward to it~ kind of sad though. It explains a question I did not answer deliberate in this part, and it also shows a bit what happens after Tae sees the kiss.
But anyways, next up HS! Not sure what I am going to do, but I'm gonna write and see where my fingers take me this time ^^
P.S. thought of a couple question someone might have.
Q: What was Yoongi's part of the plan?
A: Yoongi had lied to Taehyung about his original plan, made up a fake one. Tae had no clue Yoongi was actually going to use Tae's original plan to show the embarassing photos, or even Tzuyu kiss (which was Yoongi's idea). Therefore Taehyung could not use the excuse that it was all Yoongi's idea. The kiss and the photos was the plan Yoongi had told the other boys so yes, the guys were in on it too.
Q: Is Yoongi ever going to be good in this ff ?
A: Probably.
Q: Why is this part so depressing?
A: Because that is how I write if you couldn't tell by now. I do not just write happy go lucky stuff...I am big on adding drama. Personally to me that makes a story interesting and it is just what I enjoy writing. Sorry if it isn't your cup of tea.
Q: What is MS and HS?
A; Middle School, High School.
Q: Why are Jimin and JK kissing?
A: believe it or not, it's going to play into more vkook action in the future, so yeah. I know it's weird and some people prob aren't happy with it, but just wait. 😌
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