Part 18
Tae was standing in Yoongi's driveway feeling confused. He didn't understand what Yoongi meant. He did know one thing though, that it must have been a long time ago since he didn't remember it. He figure whatever he did was not worth being blackmailed over, thinking Yoongi was just a baby for holding whatever it is against him.
Tae was again starting to regret kissing Jungkook, but then he remember how much he enjoyed the feeling when they kissed. Tae thinking~ "But is being blackmailed worth it?" Tae looked over at Jungkook's house. He says loudly~ "Yes it was worth it!"
Jungkook was already home in his room, he looked up from his book. He thought he heard something but he just shrugs it off.
Taehyung looked around, luckily no one was in the area to hear it. He already thought he was crazy enough, he didn't want strangers thinking he was too.
Then he proceeds to walked back home, having a long conversation with himself.
(a/n: doing a fantastic job at seeming completely sane I might add.)
He says~ "What the hell was Yoongi doing peeking in Jungkook room in the first place? I mean, yeah I did too but it was for a reason."
When Taehyung was walking up the street, he noticed someone standing at his door. Thinking~ "What the hell?!"
He ran the rest of the way over, says~ "Tzuyu, what are you doing here??"
Tzuyu turns around, says~ "Oh, hi! Sorry for coming without warning, but Yoongi gave me your address and I realized we do not live that far from each other. Just want to stop by since we didn't talk to each other today."
Tae gritted his teeth, thinking~ "Dammit Yoongi..."
Tzuyu poked his stomach, says~ "I'm starting to think you are purposely trying to avoid me."
Tae: "Listen Tzuyu, I need to tell you something about the dance.."
Before their conversation could go anywhere, Jina opened the door. Says~ "Oh, hi! I thought I heard talking." She look over at Tzuyu~ "Who's this?"
TY: "Hi, my name is Tzuyu." She gave her a bow. "I am your son's date to the dance."
Tae cringed when she said that. He was just about to tell her that he didn't want to go anymore. Jina gasped, says~ "Oh my gosh! My son was telling me about you! Please come in!"
Tae had never spoken to his mom about Tzuyu before. He knew she was thinking Tzuyu was "Kookie." He started to panic. But before he could make up an excuse for Tzuyu to leave, Jina pulled them both inside.
The three sat down on the sofa and started talking. Tzuyu telling Jina about how Tae had asked her to the dance, and everything he got for her.
JN: "I always knew my little Tae was a sweetheart." She patted Tae's shoulder.
Tae gave an insincere smile. Tzuyu says~ "Yeah, I was surprised because Tae acts all tough." She giggled.
Tzuyu and Jina kept talking, Tae sitting there not amused. He tried blocking out their conversation, but something caught his attention. He quickly look over when Jina says~ "So, I'm glad to know what you real name is. Tae was only giving me your nickname."
Tae's eyes widen, thinking~ "Please just go along with it, please just go along with it."
Tzuyu looked over at Tae with a confused expression, says~ "Nickname? I don't have a nickname."
JN: "Wait, you're not Kookie...?"
Tzuyu shook her head no, says~ "No.." Jina gave Tae a look of disapproval. Tae thinking~ " she thinks I'm a player."
TY: "Um...who is Kookie?"
Taehyung thinking~ "Wait...this could work." He knew he could mess up Yoongi's plan with this, so, using this to his advantage he says~ "Oh shoot..." He snapped his fingers, says insincerely~ " caught me."
TY: "...what do you mean?"
Tae: "Kookie...she's my girlfriend."
TY: "What?! Girlfriend?!" She stood up, says~ "Why did you ask me to the dance if you had a girlfriend?!"
Tae: " is going to be gone during the dance. And I wanted to go with someone...didn't want to look like a loser and go by myself."
Jina stood up~ "Taehyung is this true..?"
Tae: "I didn't want to make her feel bad. I'm sorry Tzuyu."
TY: "Wow...I knew you could be a jerk but I didn't think you were a big liar too. Well you can forget about going to the dance with me then." Tzuyu storms out of the house, infuriated.
Jina put her hands on her hips, says~ "I'm very disappointed in you. This is not how I raised you."
Tae: "I never once told Tzuyu I wanted to be with her. All I asked was that she went to the dance with me." Inside Tae felt guilty for treating Tzuyu like that, after all she was just an innocent bystander.
JN: "It doesn't matter. I am extremely ashamed of you. Go to your room."
Tae: "Yes ma'am.." Tae went upstairs. He felt bad, but at the same time he was happy. Now he didn't have to worry about Yoongi's plan.
Little did he know Yoongi hadn't given him the entire plan, he saved that information just for the rest of the guys.
Jungkook was walking down the hall when he was snatched to the side where no one was. Jungkook grab his heart, looks over and says~ "When are you going to stop doing that? It scare me every time."
Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist, says~ "I'm sorry." He gives him a long kiss before he pulls away. Jungkook, says with a slight smile~ "Ok I forgive you."
Jungkook says while messing with Tae's tie~ "I like this sweet side of you. I was beginning to think you didn't have one."
Tae: "Yeah well...I don't show many people it. So consider yourself lucky."
JK: "I do...anyways what was going on with you? You were acting strange."
Tae: "It really isn't that important. But I want to tell you, if I do anything mean to you I want to apologize in advance. I just..."
JK: "I already know. You don't want anyone suspecting that something is going on between us."
Tae: "Exactly. Especially my friends."
JK: "Oh, that reminds me...your friends came up to me yesterday and-"
Tae: "They didn't hurt you did they?? What's this mark on your face??"
Jungkook touched where Tae was talking about, he was caught off guard by Tae's sudden freak out~ "It's just a scar."
Tae: "...oh. Go on."
JK: "Well, they told me that you wanted to go to the dance with me, but I-"
Tae got a message on his phone, it was Yoongi. Tae says~ "Hold that thought." Tae looks at his message, it read~
YG: "We need to talk before class starts. Now."
Tae: "Shit..." He mumbled to himself.
JK: "What's wrong?"
Tae let go of Jungkook and says~ "I have to go to class. We can talk later ok?"
Tae went to run around the corner, but he stopped. He quickly says~ "Oh, I don't have time to explain, but when I ask you to the dance at lunch today... say no." Jungkook watched as Tae ran off.
Tae made it to class a few minutes before the bell rang. Yoongi was leaned against the wall, waiting. Yoongi says~ "There you are."
Tae: "What do you want now?"
YG: "I heard from Tzuyu that you two aren't going to the dance anymore."
Tae: "Yeah, well we just...didn't click."
Yoongi says quietly so no one else in the classroom could hear~ "I know what you're doing. You're not going to ruin my plan."
Tae: "There was nothing I could do. She told me herself she didn't want to go."
YG: "I'm not stupid like you think I am. You're going to that dance, even if Tzuyu isn't going with you."
Tae: "Then I guess I just will have to go by myself."
YG: "You still have to ask Jungkook."
Tae: "Fine." Tae walked away to his desk, confident. He was satisfied that he ruined Yoongi's plan.
Yoongi sat in class, thinking about what to do. He figured this might happen.
JK: "I don't know Jiminie...but I think something weird is going on. Taehyung has been acting awfully weird."
JM: "I've told you before and I'll tell you again. He's no good. I don't trust that weasel..."
JK: "You need to learn to see the good in people."
JM: "How can I when I haven't seen an ounce of good in him myself?"
The two walked towards the cafeteria, talking. When they came up to the doorway, Tae and his friends were waiting outside of the cafeteria. The guys motioned them over.
Jungkook and Jimin walked over to them, Yoongi says~ "Hey Jungkook. Tae has something he wants to say to you."
Jungkook looked over at Tae. Tae says while Yoongi was standing right there, watching him closely~ "Oh um. I was wonder if you wanted to go to the dance with me."
Yoongi gritted his teeth. Without any warning, Jimin grabbing Tae's shirt and says~ "I don't know what your plan is, but I'm watching you buddy." He gave him some crazy eyes~ "Like a hawk.."
Tae widen his eyes, not expecting it. Jungkook grabbed Jimin and pulled him away, he says~ "No...why would I want to go with you?"
Tae tried holding back a smile. He was happy Jungkook listened to him. Meanwhile, Yoongi was gritting his teeth.
Tae: "See I told you he wouldn't go with me." Tae went to walk off. The guys followed behind him.
Yoongi grabbed Hoseok who was behind the rest of them and whispers~ "Keep Jimin occupied." Hoseok was confused but he did what Yoongi said. As Jimin and Jungkook were walking into the cafeteria, Hoseok threw his arm around Jimin's shoulder, he says~ "Hey."
As Jimin was distracted by Hoseok, Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled him back out into the hallway before he was able to go through the doorway.
Jungkook looked at him, surprise he says~ "What the-"
YG: "I know what going on between you and Taehyung."
JK: "W-what are you talking about?"
YG: "Don't play dumb. I seen you two kissing."
Jungkook's heart dropped, says~ "You must have seen wrong.."
YG: "I have proof something is going on between you. So I suggest you do what I say or I'm going to tell everyone about it."
JK: "I don't care. Say what you want about me."
YG: "You might not care what people think of you...but I know for a fact Tae cares about what people think of him. So, do you really want to embarrass him?"
JK: "...what do you want me to do?"
YG: "I want you to tell Taehyung that you want to go to the dance with him."
Jungkook didn't understand, but he didn't want anything to happen that would embarrass Taehyung. So he says~ "Fine...just let me go."
After Yoongi let him go, Jungkook rubbed his arm and hurried into the cafeteria. Yoongi went in not long after.
When Hoseok seen Jungkook coming in he let go of Jimin and walked off, not saying anything. Jimin shook his head and looked over at Jungkook who was walking up to him, says~ "Sorry, Hoseok was being weird."
JK: "It's ok...I had to do something anyways."
Jimin noticing something was off about Jungkook, he says~ "You ok?"
JK: "Yeah. I'm just hungry...let's go get our food."
Taehyung was walked to the table with his food, completely oblivious about what had just happened between Yoongi and Jungkook. He was actually feeling pretty happy.
Yoongi looked over and noticed Tae had a slight smile on his face, Yoongi whispers~ "Don't think you've gotten yourself out of this. Because you haven't."
Tae looked away and rolled his eyes. He wasn't worried.
After Lunch
As everyone was getting up to go back to class, Yoongi spotted Tzuyu walking out of the lunchroom. He snuck away from the other guys and went over to her, says~ "Hey, Tzuyu. Heard what happened between you and Taehyung."
TY: "Yeah, that jerk...I should have known."
YG: "I'm sorry to hear that...can I talk to you for a second?" He put his hand on her shoulder and slowed down, she slowed down as well.
TY: "If Taehyung told you to come and apologize for him, I don't accept."
YG: "No, no...but it is about Taehyung."
Tzuyu looked over at him, curious says~ "What is it..?"
YG: " you want to know a little secret?"
a/n: sorry if this part was confusing, it will all come together in the next part hopefully. Also feeling something coming on, think it's a freaking cold so I apologize if this wasn't very good. I tried my best getting everything I was trying to do in this chapter with a stupid headache. Also I am pretty sure the next part will be the last ms parts.
Side note; I have nothing against Yoongi. I love him to pieces along with all the others. He just so happened to be the chosen one for some drama haha
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