Part 13
As much as Taehyung wanted to sneak in and continue kissing Jungkook, he knew his mom was going to freak out if she found out he was gone. So he started walking home.
Taehyung was confused as to why whenever he looked at Jungkook today, all he wanted to do was kiss him. Then he started to realize that his mom was in fact right. He did like Jungkook whether he wanted to or not.
Taehyung thinking: "This is all Jungkook's fault."
Jungkook hurried upstairs to his room where Jimin was sitting patiently on his bed. Jimin looked over and notice that Jungkook looked excited, almost happy. Jungkook quickly shut the door behind him and looked over at Jimin with a goofy smile on his face.
JM: "What's going on? What's with that smile?" Jimin couldn't help but to smile too. Jungkook's smile was contagious.
Jungkook went over and threw himself onto the bed. He says while looking up at the ceiling~ "Something amazing just happened."
JM: "Oh really? What happened??" He flipped over onto his side facing Jungkook.
Jungkook laid there debating on whether to tell Jimin what had happened or not. Thinking: "Jiminie won't judge me...I'm sure it would be ok to tell him." Jungkook flipped over and faced towards Jimin.
JK: "I just realized when I was downstairs that I really really like someone. I mean I knew I did but I didn't know how much."
JM: "Just out of nowhere? You were downstairs and it just randomly popping into your mind?"
JK: "...well, there's a little more to it. But I don't want to explain it."
Jimin had no clue Taehyung had been there but he already knew how Jungkook felt about Taehyung~ "It's Taehyung isn't it?"
Jungkook looked down at the bed sheets and messed with them. He was worried if he admitted, what if Jimin wasn't ok with it? What if he stopped being his friend because of this?
JK: "Let's say it is Taehyung...would you think it was wrong to like him? You know...because he is a boy?"
JM: "If it was Taehyung, I don't think it would be wrong because he is a boy. But I do think it is wrong because of the way he treats you. And I would be very confused why you would like him in the first place."
JK: "I don't know. I just get excited when I'm around him. And..." He burrow his face into the pillow~ "...we kissed."
Jimin's eyes widened~ "So that's what happened in the locker room.."
JK: "I was so shocked because I never in a million years thought he would do it. And oh my god I loved it."
JM: "What did he say after you two kissed?"
JK: "What kiss? The first or second.."
JM: "There were two?!" His mouth dropped. "When was the other kiss??"
Jungkook remove his face from the pillow. He couldn't hold his feelings in any longer, he had to tell someone. So he started telling Jimin about what happened.
It took awhile for Taehyung to get home. When he arrive, he seen his mom was home. He took a deep breath before he walked inside.
His mom was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands, she was still dressed up. She looked over when she heard the front door open~
Mom: "There you are! I was worried sick!" She went over to him and squeezed him tight.
Taehyung was surprised she wasn't yelling, but he was not going to question it. It was better than being yelled at~ "I'm sorry mom. I just went for a walk..."
Mom: "Don't ever leave without telling me first." She gave him lots of kisses.
Tae pinched his eyes shut~ "Mom...I'm not a baby anymore. You don't have to treat me like one."
Mom: "I'm sorry. I just worry about you so much." She smoothing his hair out.
Tae: "Well...thanks. So, how was your night?" He honestly didn't really care to hear about her date, but he wanted to get the focus off of him.
Mom: "It was nice. There is actually something I want to tell you."
She lead Taehyung over to the couch and sat him down. Tae looked at her and asked~ "What is it...? Do I even want to know?"
Mom: "You probably don't want to know, but you need to know." She placed her hand on his knee ~"I want you to meet my boyfriend and his son tomorrow."
Taehyung did not hear Jungkook's and his dad conversation when he was in the closet. So he was not able to put two and two together~
Tae: "What?? He has a son?! I don't even want to meet him let alone his son! Why didn't you tell me this?"
Mom: "Because of this...I knew your reaction would not be good. I would have told you sooner, but it was just a spur of moment decision.
Tae: "At least tell me what the son is like."
Mom: "I have not met him yet. We will all be meeting each other tomorrow."
Tae: "Well isn't this great.." He stood up.
Mom: "Don't be mad Taehyung. You were going to meet them one day anyways. If you are worried about being unprepared for meeting them, just be yourself...actually maybe be a teeny bit nicer."
Tae: "I'll meet them , but I'm not promising I'll like them."
Mom: "That's all I ask." She gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Tae: "I'm going to bed.." Taehyung wipe his forehead off and headed upstairs.
His mom call out~ "I love you!" Taehyung was angry with her, but he could not resist saying it back. So he said it in an irritated away~ "Love you too.." He walked to his room huffy and shut the door.
JM: " had your first kiss before me? Dangit.."
JK: "Sorry.." He patted Jimin's shoulder. "Technically my first kiss I didn't kiss back though."
The two looked over when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Jungkook gasped and pushed Jimin off the side of the bed. Jungkook let out a couple coughs masking the sound of the thud and the grunt from Jimin.
The door opened, it was his dad~ "Who are you talking to Jungkook...?"
JK: "Huh? Me? Talking..? Nope you must have been hearing things." He laughed nervously.
His dad gave him a suspicious look then shrug it off~ "Well anyways, make sure and have your nice clothes ready for tomorrow. I want you to make a good impression."
JK: "I will dad. Night!" He waved.
His dad raised his eyebrow and closed the bedroom door. Jungkook crawled over to the side of the bed where he pushed Jimin off. He peeked over the side.
Jimin laid there rubbing his head~ "Thanks a lot."
Jimin snuck out early so he could get home before his mom woke up. Jungkook got ready for school and spoke with his dad a little bit while he waited for Jimin's mom to pick him up~
JK: "So...are you going to tell me anything at all before I meet her today??"
Dad: "Nope. You're just going to have to wait and see."
JK: "Fine. Be that way.." He looked over at the clock. He was feeling antsy to get to school, he wanted to see Taehyung. He started tapping his foot on the ground.
Dad: "You're excited today. What's going on? Anything good at school?"
JK: "Oh nothing." He smiled a little bit.
Dad: "Come on spit it out. I know that look."
Jungkook jumped up when he heard Jimin's mom honk the car horn~ "Got to go! See you!" Jungkook ran out the door, his dad was saying something to him but he was in too much of hurry to listen. Jungkook quickly got into the car and greeted Jimin and his mom happily.
Mom: "Someone's in a good mood this morning."
When Jungkook and Jimin got out they started walking up the path. Jungkook spotted Taehyung standing by the school entrance. Jungkook took a deep breath before him and Jimin walked by.
HS: "Hey losers."
YG: "Don't you mean...lovers?"
Jin and Namjoon started making kissy faces to them.
Taehyung smacked Jin and Namjoon on the back of the heads, stopping them. The two rubbed where he hit them.
As Jungkook walked by, him and Taehyung looked at each other but did not say anything. Jimin and Jungkook just continued walking along.
Jin: "What was that for??"
NJ: "Yeah what the hell??"
Tae: "You're embarrassing yourselves."
Taehyung looked over and watched as Jungkook walked towards the school door. His eyes couldn't help but to traveling downwards, looking at his ass.
HS: "Did you just defend them?"
Taehyung didn't hear what they said. His mind was elsewhere. Hoseok waved his hand in front of Taehyung face. Tae broke his focus from Jungkook and looked over at Hoseok~ "What?"
HS: "Did. You. Defend. Them."
Tae: "No. Why the hell would I defend them? I was only doing it to spare Namjoon's and Jin's embarrassment. They looked like idiots."
JK: "Did you see the way Taehyung stopped them??"
JM: "Whoa. I have never seen Taehyung be so...nice. And that says a lot because it wasn't even that nice."
JK: "Maybe he has changed ?"
JM: "Kookie's magic lips, turning bullies into slightly less bullies."
Jungkook laughed~ "I don't know about that...but it is true he is acting a little bit different."
JM: "We'll find out soon enough. If Taehyung is going to be a jerk, it won't take long."
Middle of class
As Jungkook was doing some work, he noticed something in the corner of his eye keep passing the classroom door. He glanced over and noticed it was Taehyung trying to get his attention.
Jungkook's heart started beating quickly when he seen Taehyung. Taehyung tilted his head to the side motioning him to leave the classroom.
Jungkook got the hint and raised his hand~ "Can I use the restroom?"
The teacher nodded, allowing him to go. Jungkook got up and hurried out of the classroom. Jimin looked over feeling curious.
Jungkook walked out into the hallway and noticed Taehyung was no longer out there. He walked down the hall, looking around a little more. A hand reached out as he walked by the supply closet and grabbed his hand, yanked him in.
*a/n: ok, warning here. The rest of this part is going to be a bit more erotic. If you find it cringey to read, skip this.
Taehyung shut the door quickly and placed something under the handle so no one could get in. He turned around and faced Jungkook. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before one of them spoke up~
JK: "How did you find my house last night?" He was nervous and it was the only thing he could think of to say to break the awkward silence.
Tae: "Really? We're alone in a room together and that is what you are worried about?"
JK: "W-well...yes. I mean no. It isn't the only thing on my mind, I-I just-"
Taehyung placed his hand over Jungkook's mouth stopping him~ "Do you want to kiss or not?"
Jungkook nodded his head yes. Taehyung removed his hand from Jungkook's mouth and grabbed onto his waist, pulled him close.
The two started kissing, but Jungkook remembered something and pull away~ " was nice of you to stop your friends from making fun of Jimin and I."
Tae: " are you going to thank me?" His hands traveled up Jungkook's sides, pushing his shirt up.
Jungkook froze after feeling his hands touching his skin~ "W-what do you mean?" He managed to say.
Tae: "I put myself at risk when I stopped them. They could have suspected don't you owe me?"
Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung. He was feeling really nervous, didn't expect Taehyung to be so sexual.
Tae: "What's your problem?"
JK: " thank you."
Tae: "No. I mean...thank me." He grabbed him by his waist again.
Jungkook thinking: "Oh god...I was hoping that wasn't what you meant.."
JK: "Um..I-I should get back to class." He went to pulled away from him, but Taehyung wasn't letting him go~
Tae: "I don't understand. Didn't you say yesterday that you liked this?"
JK: "I do. It's just..."
Taehyung ignored him and just started kissing him again. He started to slip his tongue into Jungkook's mouth. At first Jungkook deny it, but he got so into the kiss that he subconsciously parted his mouth enough for Tae's tongue to enter.
It felt weird to Jungkook when their tongues met, but it didn't take long for him to start enjoying it.
Tae: "Am I a good kisser?" He said through the kiss.
Jungkook managed to get out "mhm." He was enjoying the kiss so much, he didn't even notice his hand was up Tae's shirt rubbing up and down his stomach.
But a couple seconds later, Jungkook opened his eyes when he felt something.
Taehyung pulled his lips away and looked down at himself~ "Dammit..."
Jungkook pulled his hands out from Tae's shirt and looked down. He blushed deeper when he seen what he was talking about.
Tae: "This is all your fault."
Jungkook looked back up at Tae~ "What..? How is it my fault?"
Tae: "If it wasn't for you giving me that look in the locker room I would have never kissed you...then we wouldn't be in this situation."
JK: "What look...?"
Tae: "You know what look I am talking about. The one where your eyes are are just begging for me to kiss you."
Jungkook stared at him, not knowing what to say.
Tae: "That look right here. I can't resist it.."
JK thinking: "But that's just my regular face.."
a/n: 470 reads! Thanks so much!♡ I'm glad to see people are sticking with this. It makes me happy seeing some people are enjoying ^^
And yes, I know these MS parts definitely is not been innocent like I was trying to make it be, but it's just the way I write. I have to add a little spice into it. Hope i didn't scare anyone away ^^' Also, not sure how many more parts until I start the HS parts. I doubt it will be too long before I start them though.
Anyways...thanks again!
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