Part 12
JK's dad: "Ahh, the first kiss is always the most memorable."
Tae's mom: "He seemed kind of upset about it. He says he doesn't like the girl, but I know he does."
JK's dad: "My son still hasn't had his first kiss. Well not that he has told that I think about it, I don't recall him ever having a crush on someone before."
Tae's mom: "Some teens take a bit longer to get into the dating scene."
JK's dad: "Yeah, and I hate to say this but my son is a little bit of a scaredy cat." He laughed.
Tae's mom laughed too~ "My son acts like he's big and bad, but inside he's actually really sweet and goofy boy. But when his father left he started acting up. Don't get me wrong, he is still a sweet boy... he just has some anger issues now. And he doesn't hardly tell me anything at all about his school life."
JK's dad: "It sounds like he needs a father figure in his life."
Tae's mom: "And it sounds like your son needs a mother figure in his."
The two looked at each other and gave a slight smile.
Tae looked out the window to see if his mom was home yet. When he seen that she wasn't, he decided to do something. He picked his phone up and text Yoongi.
Tae: "So...Yoongi. Mind if I come over?"
YG: "Right now? It's 10 and a school night."
Tae: "So what? Don't tell me you're afraid of getting in trouble."
YG: "I'm not. But won't your mom get mad?"
Tae: "She left and said she probably won't be back for awhile."
YG: "Why do you want to come over?"
Tae: "Hang out."
YG: "Well you can come over if you want...just be quiet when you do. My parents are asleep."
Tae: "What's your address?"
JM: "Well...I should probably get going back home before my mom finds out."
JK: "You can stay if you want."
JM: "I don't have my uniform with me. Or my backpack. Plus mom would freak out if I am not there in the morning."
JK: "You live so close. You can sneak back in before she wakes up."
JM: "Yeah...that's true. Ok why not?" He took his jacket off and got comfortable.
JK: "You just have to hide when my dad gets here in case he comes up to my room."
JM: "I'll just hide in the where is he anyways?"
JK: "I don't know. Probably with that woman."
JM: "Has he told you anything else about her?"
JK: "Nope.'s really starting to bug me."
JM: "I wonder why he is being so secretive."
JK: "He says it's because he wants to make sure everything works out...but, I can already tell it is serious. Going to France with someone is a huge step in a relationship."
JM: "Yeah...sounds like they must really like each other. How do you feel about it?"
JK: "I'm a little upset...obvious. But not knowing anything about her makes it a thousand times worse. If I just knew her personality I think I would be more at ease."
JM: "Maybe she is an undercover FBI agent and your dad can't tell you anything about her until he proves to her you guys are trustworthy."
Jungkook looked over at Jimin with a "are you crazy" look.
Taehyung put his jacket on snuck out of the house. He hop onto the bus and road to Yoongi's house.
Tae got out of the when he arrived at Yoongi's. He took a look at the house across the street. Thinking: "So...that's where the loser lives?"
Taehyung stood in the yard and looked up at the windows hoping to see anything.
YG: "Psst!"
Taehyung turned around and looked up. Yoongi stuck his head out the window and threw down a key. Taehyung caught it and unlocking the front door quietly. He snuck upstairs and went over to Yoongi who was standing in his bedroom doorway.
Yoongi pulled him in and shut the door behind him. ~ "How long are you planning on staying?"
Tae went immediately over to the window and peeked out the curtains towards the windows of Jungkook's house.
Tae: "No hello?"
YG: "Hi." He said unenthusiastic. "Now answer my question."
Tae: "As long as I have to...hey do you have any binoculars?" He looked over at Yoongi.
YG: "Binoculars? Why? So you can spy on Jungkook and his boyfriend?"
Tae: "Yes."
Yoongi was surprised Tae just flat out admit it. He shrugged his shoulders and pointed over to his desk drawer.
Taehyung grabbed the binoculars and went to put them up to his eyes but he stopped ~ "...why do you have binoculars?"
YG: "Um...birdwatching."
Tae: "I'll take your word for it. Oh...and Jimin isn't his boyfriend." He put the binoculars up to his eyes and looked at the windows again.
Tae could see the upper half of Jungkook and Jimin sitting on the bed. He zoomed in close.
Jimin noticed Jungkook was rubbing his leg ~ "What's wrong?"
JK: "Oh nothing. I just bumped my leg."
Jimin lifted up Jungkook's pant leg and seen a big bruise~ "That bruise did not just come from a bump."
JK: "...ok. You caught me. Taehyung kicked me."
JM: "But, I didn't hear you yell out in pain when you two were in the locker room."
JK: "It was after detention. He wanted to get back at me for punching him."
JM: "But...I thought that was the whole point he locked you in the locker room. To get back at you for that."
JK: "It was.."
JM: "Then what happened in there that made you weird? He wasn't even in there that long..." Jimin grabbed Jungkook's face with both of his hands and leaned close to him~ "Tell. Me."
"Jiminie, you need to stop worrying about it. I am not going to tell you... and I never will. Sometimes you seriously sound like a broken record."
Taehyung grit his teeth when he seen Jimin grab Jungkooks's face. Thinking: "Get your hands off of him.."
YG: "Anything interesting going on? Are they kissing? Or did they go straight know."
Taehyung slowly looked back at Yoongi~ "Seriously Yoongi? Did you have to put that image in my brain?"
Tae shook his head and looked back towards the window.
JM: "Ok...that's the last time I will ever ask you." He let go of his face.
JK: "Thank you. Now let's watch a movie then we have to go to bed."
The two sit there for a bit watching stuff on Jungkook's laptop. On the movie they were watching, there was a kiss scene right from the start. Jimin and Jungkook glanced over at each other, feeling a little bit awkward.
Tae: "They're not doing anything. See, I knew they aren't with each other." He remove the binoculars from his face.
YG: "You realize couples don't constantly have to be kissing or doing something sexual...right?"
Tae: "Well...yeah. But you would think if they were alone they would take that opportunity to do something."
Jimin: "You know..." Jimin pause on the movie. "We both haven't had our first kisses yet, correct?"
JK: "Nope. These lips have never touched any other lips before." He laughed nervous.
JM: "I hope you don't think I am weird, but I was thinking...maybe we should be each other's first kiss."
Jungkook looked over at him, surprised.
JM: "Because then when we kiss someone else, we at least would have a little more experience. And since we are friends...we know we won't judge each other."
JK: "I-I don't know Jiminie. I think you...I mean we, should wait to kiss someone we like."
JM: "We do like each other."
JK: "You know what I mean. And besides...I don't think my lips are even capable of kissing you."
JM: "Can we at least just try?"
Jungkook sat there for a moment thinking. Thinking: "Maybe if me and Jiminie kissed, I would forget about Taehyung."
Taehyung decided to take one more look before he was going to head off. So he put the binoculars back up to his eyes and looked into the window.
JK: "Well..."
Before Jungkook could reply, Jimin quickly gave him a peck on the lips. Jungkook covered his mouth, he was caught off guard. He did not expect Jimin to do it so quickly.
JM: "You didn't think I mean full make out...did you?" He laughed.
Jungkook shook his head and chuckled.
Taehyung slowly lowered the binoculars from his eyes. Yoongi noticed the look on his face and went over to him.
YG: "What happened? Let me see." He grabbed the binoculars.
Before he could even put them to his eyes, Taehyung started walked out of the room huffy. Yoongi dropped the binoculars and quickly follows.
YG: "Hey what's wrong with you? Where are you going?" He whisper to him.
Taehyung ignored him. He felt a lot of anger building back up. He walked out of the house and across the street.
YG: "Tae! What the hell are you doing?!"
Yoongi went up to him and grabbed his arm to stop him but Taehyung just pulled his arm away.
YG: "Well...I don't want to get in trouble. I don't know what you're going to do, but I don't want to be apart of this." He called out and walk back into his house.
Taehyung knocked loudly on Jungkook's door. He didn't even care if his parents were home, he was so mad.
Jungkook looked over at Jimin~ "Probably my dad. I'll be right back."
Jungkook went downstairs and peeked out the window before he opened it. Thinking: "What the hell..? How did he find my house?"
When he seen Taehyung.
He opened the door~ "How did-"
He stopped when he noticed his dad's car coming up the street. He gasped and quickly pulled Taehyung into the house.
Tae: "Let go of me."
JK: "Shut up!" He pushed Taehyung over to a closet. "Get in."
Tae: "No."
JK: "If my dad sees you, he will think I am having friends over while he is gone. I'm not about to get in trouble!"
Tae: "But it's ok if your boy-"
Jungkook shoved him into the closet and shut the door. ~ "And you have explaining to do when you get out!"
Jungkook quickly turned around when his dad opened the door. Jungkook's heart beating fast, thinking: "Please stay in there. Please stay in there."
JK: "Hi was your time?"
Dad: "Wow, you are actually talking to me? I thought you would still be mad."
JK thinking: "Hell yes I am.."
JK: "No...of course not. So what did you do? You went out with that woman didn't you?"
Dad: "Yes." He went over and put his hands on Jungkook's shoulders. "We both decided that everyone will meet each other tomorrow."
JK: "...what do you mean by everyone?" Thinking: "Don't tell me she has kids.."
Dad: "You'll see. Now, I'm going to head up to my room and get some sleep. You should too, school's tomorrow and I expect you to work extra hard to make up for you being late and not paying attention."
JK: "Yes dad.."
His dad gave him a pat on the shoulder and went upstairs to his room. Jungkook waited a few before he open the closet door to make sure he was actually gone. Before he could get to the closet to open it, Tae flung the door open.
JK: "Now. How did you-"
Out of nowhere, Taehyung grabbed Jungkook and started kissing him intensely. Jungkook almost froze again, but he stopped himself. He wasn't going to miss out on kissing back this time.
Jungkook closed his eyes and kissed Taehyung back with just as much desire. Taehyung was kissing him so intensely that Jungkook stumbled back into the wall causing a thud. Jungkook's hands drifted down, he started to slip his hands up Taehyung's shirt but he stopped himself.
Taehyung pulled his lips away from Jungkook's. Both of their cheeks were really pink.
Tae: "I really hate you for making me feel this way.."
JK: "I really like you for making me feel this way."
Taehyung started kissing Jungkook again. The two were engage in a kiss for a couple more seconds until they heard a door open from upstairs. The two pulled away from each other, Jungkook shove Taehyung back into the closet.
Jungkook stood there blushing. His dad walked to the top of the stairs~ "I heard a noise."
JK: "I accidentally knocked something over.."
Dad: "Alright...but get to bed. I'm serious."
JK: "I will."
When Jungkook's dad went back to his room, Jungkook grabbed Tae from the closet and started pushing him out towards the door.
Tae: "You're not going to tell anyone about this are you?"
Jungkook gave him one kiss and shoved him out the door, closed it behind. Jungkook turned around and slid down the door.
Tae stood there for a second trying to process why he kissed Jungkook again. He was not planning to do it, something took over him again.
He sighed and looked down at his phone to check the time. The buses were no longer in route. He put his hands in his pockets and started walking
Tae: "This is going to be one long and confusing walk home.."
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