Part 1
first things first, thanks for taking the time to check out my ff. means a lot♡♡
NEXT UP, i'd like to address something before you start reading. and that certain something has been haunting me ever since the day I realized how horrible it was...and that is....
yep. I've already gotten a handful of comments regarding '~' so I'm gonna explain it before someone reads this and decides to ask me about it. because it wont take you long to see what I'm talking about and will probably be like Wtf is this whack ass author doing with THAT..?
ok so...idek WHY I used it (like I said, you'll see what I mean upon reading). I reread like months later and I just....I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING THRU MY BRAIN OK 😂 I tried convincing myself it was for a logical reason BUT IT WASN'T. I MEAN...JUST LOOK AT IT
THERE WAS NO. STINKING. REASON. FOR THAT AND I QUESTION MYSELF ABOUT IT EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE (jk). but what scares me even more is the fact that I used it for SO. LONG. before I was like 'um what am I doing.?"
... but yeh idk what I was hoping to accomplish with ~. and I apologize for my drawn out a/n about it..
ANYWAYS I was going to go back and edit this ff when I was finished, but I found out it deletes the inline comments if you edit a paragraph and I didn't think it was worth messing with, so I'm just gonna leave it. so, sorry if there are spelling/grammar, and inconsistency errors. I started taking extra care about how I wrote much later on in the ff.
-Middle School, 9th- (korean school grades.) JK, 16\Tae, 17
** for new readers, if you are confused about the ages/grades, refer to the info part before this one if you haven't already. Tried my best to explain since some people were a bit confused with them being 16 & 17 in middle school.
For most students, lunch was an enjoyable time. It was a time you could talk to friends and just relax for awhile until class resumed...but, for Jungkook, lunch was just another stressful part of his day. As it was the time of day his bully, Kim Taehyung, liked to mess with him the most.
Jungkook walked down the hallway, wondering what Taehyung was going to do to him this time. His stomach churn as he grew closer to the cafeteria. He stopped in front of the entrance, Jungkook thinking to himself: "Don't be a wimp." He took a deep breath and walked in.
After getting his tray of food, Jungkook walked over to the table that his best friend, Jimin, was already sitting at. As Jungkook made his way over, Taehyung spotted Jungkook coming his way and whisper to his friends~
Tae: "Here comes the loser."
Taehyung stood up from his table and stepped in front of Jungkook as he walked by, blocking his way. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and sighed. Whenever Taehyung came up to him, it wasn't going to be good.
JK: "What do you want from me this time..?"
Taehyung look down at Jungkook's tray of food and pick up his carton of milk. He kept eye contact with Jungkook as he opened the milk and took a drink of it, not saying anything.
JK: "I didn't want it anyways.." He tried stepping around Taehyung, but Tae just stepped back in front of him.
Tae: "Do you want that?" He pointed to the soup on his tray.
Jungkook looked down at the soup~
JK: "What does it matter..? Regardless what my answer will be, you'll either take it or ruin it anyway."
Tae: "Come on, test your luck. Maybe today is your lucky day." A smirk came over his face.
Jungkook didn't want to give Taehyung the satisfaction by answering him... but at the same time, if there was a possibility he would spare his lunch, he wanted to take the opportunity. So, Jungkook nodded his head yes.
Taehyung put the milk carton over his tray and tip it, not enough for milk to spill though.
JK: "Don't..."
Taehyung tapped his cheek with his index finger and looked up, acting as if he was thinking~
Tae: "Hm..." He looked back at Jungkook. "Say please."
Jungkook looked at Taehyung, unamused. He let out a heavy sigh.
JK: "Please don't." He said, knowing that if he didn't, Tae would just continue to bug him.
Tae: "Good. Now...get on your knees and bow to me."
JK: "What!? No. I already said please...I am not going to bow to you." He said, feeling irritated.
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders~
Tae: "Okay then." He tipped the milk further.
Jungkook watched as Taehyung poured the milk all over his tray, saturate all the food that was on it~
JK: "You're such a jerk...I'm so sick of you ruining my lunches."
Taehyung crumple up the milk carton and dropped it on the top of the tray. Taehyung crossed his arms and smirked, his friends that were sitting at the table snickered.
Tae: "Yeah, well...what are you going to do about it?"
Jimin looked over and noticed what was going on. He got up from the table and quickly went over to Jungkook. He looked down and noticed Jungkook's food was ruin.
JM: "Seriously?? Again?" He looked up at Taehyung with an angry expression. "Why don't you just leave Jungkookie alone for once??"
Tae: "He's just too easy to mess with." He laughed.
JM: "How would you like it if someone did that to you?"
Jungkook grabbed Jimin's arm~
JK: "Come on Jiminie...let's just go."
JM: "No. He needs a taste of his own medicine." Jimin went to grab Tae's milk from his tray, but Jungkook stop him.
JK: "Please..." He said quietly.
Jimin looked over at Taehyung who smiled at him smugly. Jimin rolled his eyes and grabbed Jungkook's hand, he pulled Jungkook to their table. When the two sat down, Jungkook put his elbow on top of the table and rested his head on his hand, feeling down.
JM: "I don't understand why you let him do that kind of stuff to you."
JK: "I just don't want to make things worse...I'm hoping that maybe one day he'll stop."
JM: "He's never going to stop. You don't give him a reason to...he does this stuff to you with no consequences."
JK: "He can't be mean to me forever...soon we will be going to High school."
JM: "What if he goes to the same high school as us?"
JK: "Then I guess I will just have to deal with it...or hope he grows up by then."
JM: "You're too soft, Kookie. You can't let him keep doing this to you. You need to toughen up." He pushed his tray of food to Jungkook. "Here. We can share."
JK: "Thanks, but...I'm not hungry."
JM: "Yes you are. Now eat."
Jungkook sighed and picked at the food. As the two shared the meal, Jungkook looked over at Tae's table. Tae and his friends were looking at him, smirking. Jungkook looked back down at his food, trying to ignored them.
After School
After class ended, Jimin told Jungkook he would wait outside for him while Jungkook went over and asked the teacher some questions about a specific project.
When Jungkook was done talking to the teacher, he walked out of the classroom into the hallway. He hurried out the main entrance and could see Jimin waiting for him outside on the benches.
As Jungkook walked down the path towards Jimin, he noticed Taehyung was leaned up against a tree with his friends. Jungkook thinking to himself: "What are they still doing here..?"
Jungkook took a deep breath and held his head down, hoping they didn't notice him as he walked by.
Tae: "Hey!"
Jungkook cringe at the sound of Taehyung calling out. His grip tightened around the strap on his bag, he continued walking a little faster. He heard footsteps coming up to him and felt a hand grab his arm. Jungkook turned to look at who was holding him, of course it was Taehyung~
JK: "What now?"
Tae: "Let's talk." He started pulling Jungkook along with him.
JK: "Wait, I can't. My friend is waiting for me."
Tae: "Your boyfriend can wait."
JK: "He isn't my boyfriend.."
Taehyung pulled Jungkook over to the side of the school so Jimin couldn't see. He let go of his arm when they got to a quieter, empty area. Jungkook rubbed his arm and looked at them sheepishly.
Tae: "Me and my friends didn't finish our homework that's due tomorrow. Let us see yours."
JK: "If it's due tomorrow, why don't you just do it tonight..?"
Tae: "Because there is too much. And why would we do it if you already did." He stuck his hand out expecting Jungkook to give it to him.
Jungkook looked down at his hand and sighed. He removed the backpack from his shoulder and put it on the ground. He bent down and rummaging through it looking for the homework. "You need to toughen up.." Jimin's words echoed through his mind while he was looking.
Jungkook stopped and took his hands out of his bag, empty handed.
Tae: "What's the deal? Give us the homework!" He said with an annoyed tone.
JK: "I don't have it."
Tae: "Liar." Taehyung grabbed his bag and poured his stuff out.
JK: "No, don't! There is personal stuff in there!"
Jungkook went to stop Taehyung from going through his things, but Tae's friends grabbed him.
JK: "Why can't you just do your own work like everyone else??"
Tae: "I already told you why. Don't you listen?"
He leaned down and grabbed his binder. He pulled papers out until he found the homework.
Tae: "Aha. I knew you did it. Good little Jeon Jungkook would never not do his homework." He held out the homework to one of his friends.
Hoseok (HS): "Sweet." He grabbed it.
Hoseok, and Namjoon let go of Jungkook. Them and the other 2 boys, Jin and Yoongi, grabbed their homework from their bags and started copying Jungkook's answers onto their worksheets.
Jungkook stood there, not really able to do anything. Taehyung waited for the boys to be done so he could copy it. While he was waiting, he looked down at the other stuff that was scatter around.
Jungkook and him both spotted a small book at the same time. Jungkook heart dropped. Jungkook thinking to himself: "Idiot! Why did you put that in your bag??" Jungkook quickly went to pick it up, but Taehyung put his foot on it before he was able to grab it~
Tae: "What's this?" He took his foot off of it and reached down and pick it up.
JK: "I-it's nothing!"
Jungkook tried grabbing it from Tae's hand but Tae put it behind his back. The two looked at each other.
Tae: "Why are you so reluctant to let me see it if it's nothing?" He smirked.
The boys looked up at Tae, their interest sparked. Jungkook felt increasingly nervous as Tae opened the book. Jungkook went to grab it again but Tae held it away from him~
Tae: "Ooo. A diary?"
Jungkook's face got red as Tae skimmed through the pages.
Namjoon (NJ): "What does it say?"
Jin: "Yeah, tell us!"
Taehyung ignored his friends, as he was too intrigued in the diary. He skimmed through some more pages until he came across his name in a few paragraphs~
Entry #10:
I don't understand why Kim Taehyung and his friends have to bother me. I haven't even done anything to them...and it's not like they bully anyone else. Why is it just me?
Entry #15
Today I seen Kim Taehyung at a shop with what I'm assuming was his grandmother. He was so kind and respectful to her...he seemed like a completely different person. I hope he didn't see me watching...I was just so shocked.
JK: "Please I have to get going!"
Jungkook reached over but Taehyung wasn't about to give it back. He turned away from Jungkook and kept reading~
Entry #17:
Jiminie keeps telling me to stand up to Taehyung...and to be honest, I'm getting really annoyed. I already know I shouldn't let him treat me like he does, but Jiminie needs to stay out of my business...even if he is just trying to help.
Jungkook felt his stomach drop as Tae skim to the last page. He felt desperate to get that book back, since the last page had something very personal to him written on it. He looked down and notice Taehyung had some tickets sticking out of his back pocket. He quickly reached down and pulled them out.
Taehyung looked away from the book and turned towards him~
Tae: "Hey! Give those back!"
The boys looked at Jungkook and went to grab him, but Jungkook held the tickets with his index fingers, ready to rip them in half~
JK: "Not another step or I will rip over the book."
The other boys put their hands in a defensive position, "OK OK." They said and looked over at Tae.
Tae: "If you rip those, you will regret it."
JK: "Then give me back the book."
Taehyung stood there, thinking about what to do. Tae thinking to himself: "Would he actually do it?" He looked back at the page, just to test it.
Jungkook didn't actually want to rip entirely, so he started to make a tiny little tear in it to scare him. Taehyung looked over at him~
Tae: "No!" He dropped the book and tackle Jungkook to the ground.
Jungkook landed on his back, he grunted from the impact. Tae, who was now straddling him, pinned his arms to the ground. Jungkook maintaining his grip on the tickets in one hand.
Tae: "Let go of them!" He tightened his grip around his wrists.
JK: "Do you promise you won't read my book then??"
Taehyung lean down close to his face~
Tae: "Let. Them. Go."
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