Down Memory Lane
-10 years ago- | School Fair
Sunhee, who was working at the smoothie stand, hands a seven year old Jungkook a cup and straw.
"Thanks mom! I'm going to go find Jiminie!" Jungkook says in a cheerful tone.
Sunhee pats Jungkook's head, says with a smile, "Okay, sweetie. Be careful and make sure not to wander off too far."
JK: "I won't, mom." Jungkook waves and heads down the opposite way, following the path.
Jungkook walks for a few minutes, looking through the crowd of other children who were walking with their parents; keeping an eye out for Jimin and Eunmi.
After walking for several more minutes, he notices a nicely shaded area that would be a good place to stop and wait. He walks over and plops down in the grass underneath a big tree; it being out of the way, but not too far where he couldn't see all the people who passed.
Jungkook scoots backwards against the tree and crossed his legs, lifts the cup he was holding onto up to his mouth. As he was wrapping his lips around the drinking straw, he hears a faint "Psst.."
Jungkook looks side to side, but doesn't see anything. So, thinking he was just hearing things, he proceeds to suck from the straw.
As Jungkook was still drinking his smoothie, he tilts his head back and looks up to see a boy sitting up in the tree, looking down at him.
"Hi boy from class I've never talked to before." The boy says to him.
Jungkook removes his lips from the straw, still looking up at him, he waves and says, "Hello!"
The boy swings his legs back and fourth, says, "What are you drinking??"
Jungkook looks down at his cup then back at him, says, "It's a strawberry and banana smoothie. Do you want to try some?"
The boy nods his head, "Mhm."
Jungkook stands up and gets on his tippy toes, trying to make himself as tall as possible as he held the cup up to him. Unfortunately, though, the boy's outstretched arm didn't even come close to it, so he frowns.
Jungkook lowers the cup back down, say, "Why don't you come down here with me?"
The boy looks down and gulps, says in a shaky voice, " about you come up here." He puts his hand above his eyes, blocking out the sun and looks around the school courtyard, says, "It's really pretty view from up here."
Figuring he would be able to spot Jimin and Eunmi better from up there, Jungkook says, "Ok!" Before attempting to climb up the tall tree, he places the little cover over the straw's hole and shoves the cup into his oversized coat pocket.
Noticing that the cup was half way out of his pocket as Jungkook was climbing up, the boy says, "You're going to spill it."
JK: "No I won't." Jungkook grabs onto the branches and begins pulling himself up, making sure to be extra careful that the cup didn't fall out. When Jungkook got close enough, the boy reaches down and grabs onto his hand, giving him extra support.
Jungkook swung his leg over the branch and pulls himself up onto it, rotates himself around to face towards the courtyard. The boy gives Jungkook a goofy looking, open mouthed smile and says, "Hiii."
Jungkook giggles at his goofy smile, says, "Hi again." He pulls his cup from his pocket and hands it to the boy, says, "Be careful, it's really col-"
Before Jungkook was able to finish, the boy flipped the little cover from the straw open, wrapped his lips around it and took a big sip from the straw, creating loud sucking sounds as he sucked up the thick smoothie.
The boy removed his lips from the straw and let out a "Ahhh..!" He touches his temple, says with his eyes pinched shut, "Brain freeze..!"
Jungkook reaches over and rubs his back, says, "You're supposed to drink it slowly, silly!"
After a few seconds the brain freeze subsided and the boy opened his eyes, says, "Ow...that hurt.."
JK: "Are you going to be OK?"
The boy nodded his head and handed him back the cup, he says, "Yeah I'm OK. It was just soo good I couldn't stop drinking it."
JK: "My mom makes the best smoothies in the world. She works at the "Groovie Smoothie" so she offered to make smoothies for the school fair." He takes a sip of the smoothie.
The boy slumped his shoulders and swung one of his legs back and forth. He says, "Aww lucky...I always ask my mom to take me there, but she says no.."
Jungkook removed his lips from the straw and swallowed. He says, "My mom sometimes brings me a smoothie during lunch time. So, I can ask her to bring two smoothies next time. One for both of us."
The boys eyes lit up as he looked over at Jungkook, "Really??"
Jungkook nods, says, "Mhm. What is your favorite flavor??"
The boy touched his chin and looked up, thinking, "Uhhhm...I like...bangopple smoothies."
Jungkook looked at the boy with a confused expression. He tilts his head, says, "Ban..gopple?"
The boy nods his head, says, "Banana, mango and pineapple smoothie. Bangopple. Everyone knows that."
JK: "Oh...uh...yeah..of course. I knew that.."
The boy gives Jungkook another smile, says, "So...your name is Cookie?? I wish my mom named me cookie...cookies are so good."
Jungkook laughed as he took a drink of his smoothie, causing him to choke and cough. He wipes his mouth and says, " name is Jeon Jungkook. 'K'ookie is what my friends and family call me."
The boys mouth form into an 'o', says, "Oooh. I always hear that one annoying short boy call you that a lot."
JK: "That's Park Jimin." He giggled. "Jiminie is my best friend."
Tae: "Kookie and Jiminie?? I want a different name.."
Jungkook swung his legs back and fourth in sync with the boys. He says, "Ok we can think of one! What's your name??"
The boy puts his hand out, says, "My name is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."
Jungkook shakes his hand, says, "Nice to meet you Kim Taehyung."
Taehyung gave Jungkook a big hand shake, says, "Nice to meet you too Jeon Jungkookie."
Taehyung continued to shake Jungkook's hand for longer than the usual time two would typically shake hands, but, Jungkook says, going along with it, "Soooo...Taehyung huh..? How about..." He bit his lip, thinking. "...Tae Tae??"
Tae perked up as he continued to shake Jungkook's hand, "I like it!"
JK: "Tae Tae it is then!" Jungkook looked down at their hands that were now just resting on the branch, Tae still having a good hold on his.
Tae looked down at their hands, and says, "Oh..! Sorry..." He let go of Jungkook's hand.
JK: "It's ok." He looks back up at Tae and gives him a shy smile as he sipped on his smoothie.
Tae tilts his head to the side and leans forward, examining Jungkook's face closely. Jungkook leans back a little bit, says through a chuckle, "What are you looking at..?"
Tae: "I like your moles. They're cute."
Jungkook pokes one of Tae's moles that was on his nose, says, "I like yours what are you doing here in a tree all by yourself?"
Tae looks down at his lap and twiddles his fingers, says, "I'm actually not really supposed to be here.."
JK: "Why not??"
Tae: "Well...if I tell you, you promise you won't rat me out..?"
JK: "I promise."
Tae: "Pinky promise..?" He put his hand out and stuck out his pinky.
Jungkook wraps his pinky around Tae's, says, "Pinky promise."
Tae: "...I snuck in."
JK: "What do you mean you snuck in?"
Tae: "My parents wouldn't buy me I snuck in."
JK: "So, you're...breaking the rules.." He covered his mouth, kind of in shock.
Tae: " can't tell anyone. You pinky promised."
JK: "I won' you can't play any of the games or anything, huh?"
Tae: "'s ok though. I like watching.."
Jungkook tapped on his chin, thinking..."Aha!" He put his index finger up.
Jungkook put his smoothie cup back into his pocket and started to head down the tree, but Tae stops him by saying, "Wait..! Where are you going..??"
JK: "We are going to go find something that we both can do. Now come on!" He motioned him down.
Jungkook drops down when he was just a few feet above the ground, looking up at Tae who was still sitting in the tree, not moving an inch. "What are you waiting for??"
Tae digs his nails into the branch he was sitting on, says, "I-I'm fine up can go without me.."
JK: "What? No...don't worry, I know a way we can go where people won't see you."
Tae looks down, feeling queasy at how high up he was. He shakes his head, says, "I...I'm scared."
JK: "Of what??"
Tae: "The ground is so far...I don't want to fall."
JK: "You won't fall, Tae Tae. I promise!"
Tae: "But.."
Jungkook held his arms out, says, "I'll catch you if you do fall, ok??"
Tae swallowed his saliva and let out a shaky sigh, says, "A-alright...I'm coming down.." He slid down the side of the branch on his butt.
Tae cautiously began climbing down the tree, being extra careful to have a steady area to set his foot on. As he slowly made his way down, he let out a sigh of relief when his foot touched the ground.
Jungkook grabbed his hand and gave him the extra support as he took the last step down.
Tae: "Hey that wasn't so-" As Tae was stepping back away from the tree, he steps on a rock and lost his footing, falling backwards onto the ground, pulling Jungkook down along with him.
The two boys slowly opened their eyes, coming face to face with each other. Jungkook puts both of his hands on either side of Taehyung and lifts up a little bit, says, "A-are you ok?"
Tae nods and rubs the back of his head, says, "Yeah...are you?"
JK: "'re actually really squishy."
Tae: "Well...I'm glad I can be your squishy pillow then."
The two boys were giggling when Jungkook spots something on Tae's shoulder. Noticing Jungkook went quiet, Tae says, "What's wrong..?"
Jungkook lifted his arm up, says, "Be still..." He places his index finger up to a spider that was crawling on Tae's shirt. After letting the spider crawl onto his finger, he brings it up to his face, examining it.
Seeing the spider on Jungkook's finger, Tae gasps and starts to get up, but Jungkook pushed him back down with his free hand and held him down, says, "No sudden movements. I don't want it to bite me...I still don't know what kind it is. It might be poisonous."
Jungkook rotates his finger around, getting a close look at the spider. "Ahhh wow! It's a jumping spider! These little guys aren't from around here...she must have been someone's pet that escaped!"
Tae gulped, says, "P-pet?? Who would want a pet spider??"
JK: "Because..." Jungkook sticks his finger in Tae's face, says, "Look at how cute it is!!"
Tae pulled his chin back, says, "G-get that thing away from me!! Spiders are ugly!"
Jungkook frowned and used the very tip of his finger to pet the spider, says quietly, "Aw it's ok...he didn't mean it." He picks up the smoothie cup that was laying next to them on the ground and poured the rest of it out into the grass.
Tae: "What are you doing..?" He says as he watches Jungkook placing the spider into it.
JK: "It will never survive out here. Plus, you don't come across this species every day." He placed the lid back on and stuck the cup back into his pocket.
Tae: "You're weird.."
JK: "I can say the same about you. You climbed a tree, yet you're afraid of heights." He smiled down at him.
Tae: "...I didn't realize it was so high."
Jungkook lifted himself off of Tae and held his hand out and Tae grabs onto it. After pulling him up, the two boys wipe their clothes from the dirt. Jungkook says, "Lets go find something fun to do."
Tae: "Like what? I can't play any of the games...I don't have any tickets.."
Jungkook grabbed onto Tae's hand and starts walking with him down the path away from the crowd of people and activities, says, "We can find something else to do. Away from here so you don't get into trouble."
Tae: "But don't you want to play games..?"
JK: "I do...but I wouldn't have fun knowing that you couldn't play."
The two boys wandered towards the school field direction; Jungkook going completely against his mothers' rules.
One hour later
Sunhee comes running up to Eunmi who was speaking with another child's mother, frantic she says, "Eunmi..! Jungkook isn't with you??"
Eunmi shakes her head 'no', says, "I haven't seen Jungkook at all today."
Sunhee puts her hands on her head, panicked. "Oh my goodness..."
EM: "Why, is something wrong?? Jungkook's missing??"
SH: "He was supposed to be finding you two!"
Eunmi places her hand on Sunhee's back, says, "It's ok, Sunhee. I'm sure he's, what direction did he go?"
Sunhee pointed towards the path Jungkook took, says, "He went that way. I seen him sitting under that big tree but when I looked back, he was gone!"
EM: "Everything will be OK. I'll help you find him, OK?"
The two woman split up, looking for Jungkook.
Yohan: "I know he's here."
Jina: "Are you sure??"
YH: "Of course. Where else would he be? He caused such a fit after we told him we couldn't take him.."
JN: "He's going to be in so much trouble when we find him."
Yohan sighs, says, "We can't be too harsh on him. He's just being a kid... I'm sure I would have done the same thing if I were his age again."
Jungkook lays down at the top of the hill along with Tae who, too, was laying there. The two counted down from 5, when they reached 1, they began rolling down the large hill.
Instead of getting up and repeating the process after reaching the bottom, the two laid there laughing to themselves. Tae scoots over to Jungkook, laying closely next to him.
Tae: "Hey, look! It's a butterfly." He says as he pointed up to the clouds.
Jungkook looks up at the specific cloud he was talking about, says, "Oh yeah!" He looks around the sky and points towards a different cloud, says, "That one looks like a rocket ship."
Tae: "It kind of looks like a banana to me."
Jungkook tilted his head, says, "Yeahhh. I guess your right."
The two boys laid there in silence, looking up at the clouds. A couple minutes pass and Taehyung looks over towards Jungkook, says, "Jungkook?"
Jungkook turned his head to face him, says, "Yes?"
Tae: "Thanks for being nice to me. Not many people like me.."
JK: "Why not?? You are really nice."
Tae: "I don't know...I don't have a lot of friends. I only have one...his name is Min Yoongi."
JK: " can be my friend if you want."
Tae propped himself up on his elbow, facing Jungkook he says, "Really??"
Jungkook, too, props himself up with his elbow, says, "Mhm! I like you already."
Tae: "I like you too!"
As the two boys were gazing at each other with smiles on their faces, the sound of a man calling out caught their attention; causing them to look over.
Yohan quickly comes walking up to the boys (him and Jina had split up.) Tae gasps and stands up, says, "D-dad.."
YH: "Taehyung..! What are you doing here??"
Tae: "I was just spending some time with my new friend.."
Yohan looked over at Jungkook who was standing up, says, "And who are you?"
JK: "My name is Jeon Jungkook, sir." He gave him a bow.
YH: "Was this your idea to get my son to come here?"
Tae: "No dad. It was mine...I'm sorry."
YH: "Your mother and I were worried sick! You know better not to disobey us like this."
Tae: "I'm sorry dad.." He put his head down in shame.
YH: "I hate to do this, but, no movies for a whole month."
Tae: "W-what?? B-but that's the only fun thing I get to do..!"
YH: "I'm sorry Taehyung, but actions have consequences."
After he looked over and noticed how sad Taehyung was, Jungkook says, " was my fault that Taehyung came here."
Tae looks over at him, says, "Jun-"
YH: "Is this true?"
Tae: "N-"
JK: "Yes. He told me that you two wouldn't allow it, but I begged him to come with me anyways. So, please don't blame him. I should be the one who gets into trouble."
Tae: "But Jung-" Jungkook gave him a "shut up" look, making him go quiet.
YH: "That's a realize I am going to have to tell your parents, correct?"
JK: "Yes sir."
Yohan motioned for the boys to follow them, so they did; Jungkook picking up the cup as he passed it.
As the boys were following a few feet behind Yohan, Tae sheepishly looks over at Jungkook and whispers, "You didn't have to do you're going to get into trouble.."
JK: "I have lots of fun things to do...I don't want him taking away your only fun thing." He whispers back.
As the boys made their way back to the courtyard, Sunhee spots Jungkook and comes running up to him. "My baby!!!" She threw her arms around Jungkook and gave him kisses all over his face.
Jungkook pinched his eyes shut, says, "Mom.."
Sunhee cups Jungkook's face with her hands, says, "I was so worried about you!! Where were you?!"
Yohan clears his throat and speaks up, "Your son convinced my son to come here. Despite him not being allowed to."
Sunhee looks back at Jungkook, says, "My Jungkookie wouldn't do that. You must be mixed up."
Yohan crosses his arms, says to Jungkook, "Tell her."
JK: "It's true mom. I asked Taehyung to come here."
As Jungkook was explaining, Hojin comes walking and says, "What's going on?"
YH: "Your son almost got mine into trouble."
SH: "Let's just all be happy everyone is safe and sound." She gave Jungkook a kiss on the forehead.
YH: "You're not going to punish him? My son was going to be in deep trouble because of him."
SH: "I don't believe in disciplining."
Yohan looked over at Hojin, says, "Surely you do? Because it would be a shame if the boy isn't taught proper lessons."
Hojin grabs Jungkook's arm, says, "We'll make sure to give him the proper discipline. I sincerely apologize for what he has caused you."
Yohan nods and motions for Taehyung to come with him.
Before Tae walked away, he takes one last glance over at Jungkook who was looking at him over his shoulder with a smile on his face.
Despite his guilt, Tae couldn't help but to smile back at Jungkook as he was being pulled away; the two giving each other a wave before losing sight of one another.
a/n: nope, this wasn't the finale. I wanted to do a history part, so I figured if I was gonna do it, now would be the perfect time since I am still figuring out what to do with the finale. Sorry if you were hoping for an update to the actual storyline, but, I was really wanting to do this, so....yeah. Sorry if you found it boring. I might do another one of these, before I end this for good, so...hope you liked it. 😉
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