Chapter Twenty-Five
*Noel's POV*
I woke up to someone rubbing my back. "Noel, Sweetie. Wake up. It's time to eat and take your medicine." I opened my eyes just enough to see it was dark outside, and Louis was speaking to me. I slowly got up off the couch. I felt unsteady and the room started spinning. I was quickly taken in someone's arms and lifted up, I cuddled into their chest. "Honey, you need to eat. I know you're tired and not feeling well, but not eating will make you feel worse." I nodded my head, and opened my eyes. He set me in a chair in front of a bowl of soup. I took a spoonful of chicken noodle into my mouth, and swallowed. Only to cough, due to my aching, sore throat. I painfully finished the small bowl of soup, and came face to face with a gross looking purple liquid. It didn't smell to good either. "Noel, open your mouth. It's grape flavored come on, It'll make you feel better." Louis said. I shook my head, I didn't care if I was acting like a child, this stuff was gross.
"Just because they put flavoring in it, doesn't make it taste better. I think it taste worse." I mumbled, barely opening my mouth.
"It can't taste that bad." Louis said, He took a small sip only to spit it out all over the place. "Gross! How have you been taking this stuff!" He yelled running towards the kitchen sink, to wash his mouth out. I started laughing, I didn't care if it hurt. This was hilarious. Zayn came and sat next to me and laughed along with me, then he suddenly shoved the spoon in my mouth. The bitter taste of the purple liquid filled my mouth. He covered my mouth and my nose so I couldn't spit it out. I painfully swallowed, cringing. Zayn got up and came back with another spoon, full of ice cream.
"Sorry love, you had to take it. Here's some ice cream to make the taste go away." He said. I took the spoon and graciously ate the ice cream. Zayn took the spoon and kissed my head, walking back to the kitchen.
I put my head down on the cool wood table, relieving me from my fever for a split second. "Louis!" I called, he instantly came running in. "Will you take me to sleep?" He nodded and picked me up like a little kid, I put my arms around his neck and buried my head into his shoulder. He took me up the stairs and to my room lying me carefully in my bed, putting the blankets over me.
"Goodnight Noel." He said kissing my forehead.
"Will you sing to me?" I asked.
"Of Course." He said smiling. He got in the bed next to me and put his arms around me. I put my head on his chest, and he started to sing Through the Dark. "Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love." I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Thinking how much I Loved my new family.
I started to sing Through The Dark, and she closed her eyes, and smiled. "I Love you." She mumbled. Making a smile grow on my face.
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