Chapter Fifteen
I slid down so that I was standing on the elevator. I motioned for Andy to cover me. So, Louis wouldn't see me. I slowly Dropped myself into the elevator right as it came to a stop. Andy covered me and I quickly went to the buffet.
"Noel!" Louis called. I turned and waved. He ran up to me. "Why'd you leave the room?" He asked as I picked up a plate filling it with bacon and waffles.
"I was hungry." I simply stated. Going over to the drinks and getting some water.
"Alright, just let someone know next time alright." He said. I nodded trying not to roll my eyes. If you weren't MIA (missing in Action) And Niall and Harry weren't clinging to me in their sleep. I would've told someone. Andy ran over to me.
"That was so cool. That was some James Bond Shit." Andy whispered in my ear. I laughed. He started wiping my face with a cloth.
"Ow! What are you doing?" I said. As he put down the napkin that was now covered in blood. "When'd that happen?" He just shrugged. "Okay then." I said as I went and sat down at a table eating.
We were all sitting at a table together eating breakfast. The rest of the boys and crew came down to eat. I looked over at Noel and he and Andy were having a thumb war. Andy was on his knees crying in pain as Noel was bending his thumb back laughing.
"Okay everybody packed? We have to get back to London for the Alan Carr; Chatty Man show." Everyone muttered "yeah' and 'whatever' in his direction. "Well come on! We have to get to the airport soon!"
"I'm Eating!" Niall and Noel yelled in unison. Everyone at the table fell silent for a minute, until they all erupted in laughter. Paul got up and grabbed their plates throwing them in the garbage can. They just sat there with their jaws dropped
"What's the matter, with you?" Noel yelled.
I'm literally about to burst into tears. That was the first decent meal I've had in weeks and Paul goes and dumps it in the trash, All my waffles and bacon... gone. I walked back over to the buffet.
"If you get another plate of food, It'll go straight in the garbage." Paul said. I smirked. So, I just walked up to the buffet and started picking stuff up and eating it. Louis burst out laughing
"One Point to Noel!" Louis shouted. Paul ushered us all upstairs like we were a herd of cattle.
"Moo!" I said. Everyone laughed. My one simple 'Moo' soon resulted in everyone in the Elevator making Animal noises.
I was sitting in a plane staring out the window. We would be landing any minute,It was only about noon.. I was Listening to Mirrors ; By Justin Timberlake. I don't know why, but I still feel empty inside like there's no emotion or anything. I'm just alone. Like I always am. Sure, I have Louis. But, I barely know him or anybody. Andy is all grown up probably won't even have time for me because his new clothing line. I'm just alone. No one is even sitting next to me on the bloody airplane. I pulled up my sleeve and traced my scars on my wrist. I was ashamed I cut myself, It seemed like a good idea a couple months ago. Now they're all there... permanently. Reminding me how I felt, and that I harmed myself. I looked back out the window pulling down the sleeve to my jumper. I felt nothing but sorrow and loneliness. I felt the wheels of the plane hit the pavement.
"Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to London. You may now exit the airplane to your left. Thanks for flying with us. Hope to see you soon. Have a Lovely day." The flight attendant announced over the intercom. I grabbed my backpack slinging it over my shoulder and walked off the plane. I walked through the gate and screams almost burst my eardrum. I groaned in annoyance. The boys walked out and suddenly I was pushed to the ground falling hardly on the floor. I got back up and Louis walked up to me,
"Noel are you okay. Are you hurt?" He asked while fans try to push me away from him
"Would you stop acting like you care. We all know you don't you only adopted me because you felt sorry for me. I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me! I was better off alone." I said as I pulled my skateboard out of my backpack and rode it as fast as I could through the Airport. I got to baggage claim and got my suitcase. I dug through it picking out some clothes and money and put them in my back pack. I walked outside and saw our personal driver.
"Schmidt!" I yelled. He yelled and waved at me. His last name is Schmidt and I'd always make fun of him for it. Because 21 Jump Street.
"Jenko!" he joked. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. I handed him my bag.
"Make sure my bag gets home, please." I said trying to be polite,
"Of course, but if you don't mind me asking. Why aren't you riding in the car with everyone else."
"I want to go explore. See London." I said. He nodded understandingly
"It's a beautiful place. But, don't get in too much trouble. Alright?
"No Promises!" I yelled riding off in my skateboard going into town. Honestly, I don't know if I have any intentions of going home to the boys. I've never felt at home any where.
I ended up on a Train going from London to the beach. Water always relaxed me. Especially the Beach. One of the boys would call or text non stop. So, I just turned off my phone. I honestly don't think they care if I'm there or not. He only adopted me because he felt sorry for me. Simon and Liam made it pretty clear they didn't want me either. So, why be some where you aren't wanted. The train came to a stop and I got out of my seat grabbing my back pack and skateboard. The minute I stepped out I took off straight to the pier. I put my skateboard in my backpack and walked down the beach heading towards the pier. I was looking at my feet when someone ran straight into me. Both of us falling into the water.
"I'm so sorry." someone said reaching out his hand for me to take. I gladly excepted their kind gesture. I looked up and saw that the person I collided with was a cute brown headed boy, I noticed he had a bit of a black color to it as well. And he had the most gorgeous brown eyes. He looked at me and smiled.
"I'm sorry. I should of been watching where I was going." I said.
"No its my fault. I shouldn't have been running away from a seagull." he said. I giggled. What. Did I just giggle! Oh God.
"I'm Alfie Deyes." He said. (A/N Alfie Deyes is my favorite YouTuber. He's 19. But, for the story just pretend he's 16)
"Noel." I said shaking his hand.
"Oh your wrist! I'm sorry. Here." I looked down and my wrist was scraped. Alfie pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wrapped it around my wrist making it look like a bracelet.
"Thanks." I said. He smiled.
"So, do you come her a lot?" he asked sitting down in the wet sand, so the ocean could still reach his feet. I sat down next to him
"No, this is my first time here. I came on the train from London." I said.
"I live in London as well. With my mates Marcus and Caspar."
We ended up talking for a long time. Alfie was such an amazing guy. I found out he was a YouTuber as well. We talked a lot about our lives, I told him about all the adoptions. The one thing I didn't tell him was that my dad was Louis Tomlinson, At the moment we're sat at an ice cram shop. My phone kept ringing.
"I thought I turned the ringer off. I'm sorry." I said reaching into my pocket.
"If you don't mind me asking. Who keeps calling." he asked
"Promise you won't freak out. or treat me any different." He nodded and I picked up the phone and put it on speaker. This time it was Niall
"What's up Nialler?" I asked.
"Come home please! Everyone's freaking out. Where are you?"
"Not in London." I muttered.
"WHAT!?" he screamed into the phone. I guess he heard me, I looked up at Alfie.
"Is that Niall from One Direction?" Alfie asked. I nodded.
"I'm telling your father!" He said.
"Don't call Lou my father. Its weird." He kept going on asking me about where I was and then he went to get the other guys to talk to me so I quickly hung up.
"So, Louis Tomlinson adopted you?" Alfie asked. I nodded. I then told him everything from the adoption to now. "So you ran out of the airport and came to the beach?" he asked.
"I just like the ocean and just water in general. it really gives me time to think."
"I understand. I come here a lot to do that too." he replied. "Its almost five. You want to hang out around the beach and the boardwalk and catch the midnight train back to London together?" he asked. I really liked the idea of spending more time with Alfie.
"Yeah, I'd like that." I said. He smiled at me and we walked out of the ice cream shop headed toward the boardwalk.
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