Chapter 27
I woke up to the sound of screams and banging. I opened my eyes and saw hands hitting the windows and people climbing on the cars. I shot up and the screaming only got louder. I wrapped Louis jacket closer around me. I started feeling trapped and suffocated. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. I started to fade into a flashback.
"Let me out! Please. I can't breathe. I'm sorry. I'll never take food without asking ever again. I won't eat for a week! Please!" I started banging on the top of the wood crate, while the small cracks of light were being covered up, by shovels of dirt. "Please!" I started screaming and crying. Choking on my own tears. The sounds of my foster parents laughter getting more distant. They were burying me. "Dan, Cindy. Please! Kill me, please. Don't leave me to suffer, Just end it." I started trying to bust the crate open with my legs and my hands. my hands were dripping blood. My head was bleeding from when they threw me in here. "Let me up! Let me up!" My last plead, to my evil foster parents. I laid my head down, in what might as well be my casket. And slowly started to drift out of consciousness. Right at that moment, the moment I gave up... I started to hear screaming. "Noel" they called over and over.
"Noel! Honey, Wake up. Noel!" I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was being carried through a crowd of people by Louis. Everything was slow and fuzzy. I slowly closed my eyes again and slipped into darkness.
*Louis' POV*
We were all sitting in the car pulling up to the T.V Studio. Like normal our car was swarmed by fans. Out of no where I heard a scream that made the hair on my neck stand up. Noel. I turned around and so Noel screaming and crying. I unbuckled my seat belt and stumbled to the backseat. I held her in my arms. "Noel, It's just a dream. Wake up, Love!" I said. Her face was pale, all the color was drained from her face, I felt her forehead, she was burning up.
"Let me out! Please. I can't breathe. I'm sorry. I'll never take food without asking ever again. I won't eat for a week! Please! Please! Dan, Cindy. Please! Kill Me, please! Don't leave me to suffer, Just end it. Let me Up! Let me Up!" She started whispering. Tears were running uncontrollably down her cheeks. All the boys were looking at her with concerned looks on their faces. All of a sudden The car stopped and the door flung open, camera flashes blinding me, high pitched screams filling my ears. The security guards were holding the fans back. But, a thousand girls are stronger than ten men by far. I put my beanie on noel and wrapped her in my jacket. I lifted her up in my arms and the boys formed a circle around us. "Noel! Honey, wake up. Noel!" I started saying in a soothing voice. I kept shielding her from the hands of the fans trying to touch me. I was walking as fast as I could to the door, the guards opened them and I ran inside. Once we were all inside, I started yelling orders at everyone. I didn't care how I sounded, Noel needed help. "Liam see if there's a paramedic on set, Niall run and get an ice pack, Harry go find some medicine, or something soothing, anything. Zayn help me find the dressing room!" Everyone ran off in different directions as I followed Zayn, cradling a very Ill, fragile looking girl. Zayn ran through a door, with me following close behind. I found the couch and laid Noel down as softly as I could. Liam came running in with a paramedic. He immediately started taking her temperature.
"Relax Louis, I told him everything. Everything will be fine. The show doesn't start for a half hour. we're on at the end. everything will work out." Liam told me. Giving him a slight nod I brought my attention back to Noel, my daughter.
*Noel's POV*
I woke up to the sound of an annoying melody sound. I reached over and hit the alarm. "Ouch!" The clock yelled... wait, the clock yelled? I opened my eyes and saw six faces staring at me. The boys and a guy with a weird mustache holding a thermometer
"Noel!" Louis yelled. He ran up to me and hugged me. "You had me so worried." I looked around me.
"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, But we need to get her to the hospital right away. Her temperature is dangerously high. It's almost 105° F."
"Yeah, okay. Sorry." Louis said.
Someone popped their head in, sticking out five fingers. "Five minutes till you boys go on!"
"Go without me boys, I'll go the hospital with Noel." Louis said smiling at me.
"No, I told you I'd do the interview, and I will. He can take me after! I'm doing the interview." I said. I'm ready for the world to meet Noel Samu- Noel Tomlinson.
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