Talking to Louis
Here it is guys i hope you guys vote it up at the end and it is a work in progress as always
Angel waved bye to the babies that were sound asleep
"That was cute Angel" he says as he was leaving with her in his arms
"The babies loved having her since she seemed like a big sister to them" the nurse says to Niall
"She has a baby sister she loves a lot and she can't wait to hold her when she is better" he says as he was talking to the nurse
"Those babies are orphans they were both born here in the hospital and the mother's have left them here" the nurse says to Niall
"My word" he says as he goes back to the nursery window where the babies were cause they were waiting on their own baby to come into the world soon
Niall wanted to take them home cause he had fallen in love with them and one of the babies woke up from their slumber
"Both of them are little girls" the nurse tells Niall
"Quite adorable" he says as he picks up the fussy one of the bunch
"They are" the nurse tells him
Niall was going to talk to Louis about this when he got back to the room with ANgel
(Angel's room)
"Hey Niall" Louis says as he was holding the baby
"Hey Lou" Niall says as he kisses Louis
"Where we you two?" Louis asks him
"Angel doesn't like her medicine so she hid from the nurses and she was in the nursery with the cutest babies you have ever seen" Niall says as he was working up to his question cause he wanted to ask Lou if they could take the babies in as their own
"They can make it tast better love" Louis says as he was talking to her
"They are, and that brings me to the question i want to ask you" Niall says as he was going to take Louis outside to ask him the questions
"Sure Niall" Louis says as he was following Niall outside of the room
"Louis i wantr to adopt the babies as our own they need a family their mother just dumped them here at the hospital after she gave birth to them, and i don't want them to go to the orphanage they are just so cute and so little and they will be perfect in our family" Niall says as he was explaining his reasons to Louis
"Is there more?" Louis asks him
"Yes there is just come with me they are in the nursery" Niall says as he t akes Louis to the nursery where the girls were
"There they are Louis aren't they just perfect" Niall says as he heads in cause the one was really fussy
Louis picked the other one up and he fell in love with the other one
"Okay Niall i think we can adopt them since we see about the one tomorrow and everything" Louis says to him as he was rocking the baby in his arms
"Thank you Lou you will love them they are so easy and just cry when they need something" Niall says as he was looking at the one that was not happy either
"I love them already" Louis says as he was going to feed the one since she was hungry
"We have to come up with names for them" Niall says as he was changing the one since she had a stinky
"I have to say yes" Louis says to him
"One of the girls can be named after your mom" Niall says as he was still changing the one baby
Louis was touched
"I think the one you are holding is Johannah" Niall says as he was swaddling the one baby
Louis looked down at Johannah and he knew that was her name
"Hi Johannah" Louis says as he was going to swaddlw her as well
Johannah moved but kept her eyes on Louis the whole time
"what should we call the other one?" Louis asks as he was going to dry his tears
"Madeline" Niall says as he was holding Madeline
"It fits her since she is so small" Louis says as he was looking at her as well
"Yeah she is" Niall says as they were going to rock the newest members to bed
"The one you are holding as dwarfism so she is always going to be smaller" the nurse says to Niall and Louis
"That's okay she is already loved" Niall says as he was looking at Maddy who was quite happy as papa was rocking her
Jahnannah was fast asleep so Louis tucked her in her bassinet and kissed her good night and Niall did the same with Maddy
"Now to see Angel and Chrissy" Niall says as he was washing his hands since he had to change Maddy before he tucked her in for the night
"Plus tell her about the new babies" Louis says as he was hugging Niall close to him a little bit
"Yup i am sure she is going to be thrilled about the new babies" Niall says as he kisses Louis as they were heading back
"I know she is" Louis says as they were on the elevator going back to the room
(Angel's room)
"Hey princess daddy and me have something to tell you" Niall says as he was going to tell her the news
Anegl was listening since she had her medicine
"The babies you saw earlier are now apart of our family" Niall says to her
Angel was really happy that the babies were joining the family
"You got to be with sissy too since we are going to be busy with the babies, and taking care of them"" Louis says to her
Angel nods cause she loves Chrissy with all her heart too and she loved the babies too so she was okay with that
"Now for family pictures with the girls" Louis says as they were going back to bed once again since they were going to be there a while
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