Nurseries fo Johannah and Maddy
"I think the one you are holding is Johannah" Niall says as he was swaddling the one baby
Louis looked down at Johannah and he knew that was her name
"Hi Johannah" Louis says as he was going to swaddlw her as well
Johannah moved but kept her eyes on Louis the whole time
"what should we call the other one?" Louis asks as he was going to dry his tears
"Madeline" Niall says as he was holding Madeline
"It fits her since she is so small" Louis says as he was looking at her as well
"Yeah she is" Niall says as they were going to rock the newest members to bed
"The one you are holding as dwarfism so she is always going to be smaller" the nurse says to Niall and Louis
"That's okay she is already loved" Niall says as he was looking at Maddy who was quite happy as papa was rocking her
Johannah was fast asleep so Louis tucked her in her bassinet and kissed her good night and Niall did the same with Maddy
"Now to see Angel and Chrissy" Niall says as he was washing his hands since he had to change Maddy before he tucked her in for the night
"Plus tell her about the new babies" Louis says as he was hugging Niall close to him a little bit
"Yup i am sure she is going to be thrilled about the new babies" Niall says as he kisses Louis as they were heading back
"I know she is" Louis says as they were on the elevator going back to the room
(Angel's room)
"Hey princess daddy and me have something to tell you" Niall says as he was going to tell her the news
Anegl was listening since she had her medicine
"The babies you saw earlier are now apart of our family" Niall says to her
Angel was really happy that the babies were joining the family
"You got to be with sissy too since we are going to be busy with the babies, and taking care of them"" Louis says to her
Angel nods cause she loves Chrissy with all her heart too and she loved the babies too so she was okay with that
"Now for family pictures with the girls" Louis says as they were going back to bed once again since they were going to be there a while
"Yes of course but first we have a nursery to put together" Niall says to Louis as they were heading back to the room
(Next day)
Louis and Niall left before the new security guard came cause they had to go home and see what room was going to work for the babies so they could come home
"Niall are you up for the challenge?" Louis asks as he was pushing Chrissy out of the hospital and to the car which was going have to be upgraded at one point
"I am Lou i can't wait until we can bring them home" Niall says as they shared a kiss since they were so much in love
"I am going to give Chrissy a bath and maybe put her down" Louis says as he looks at Niall when they had gotten home
"I am going to look at the rooms too cause we have to get started on the other room too" Niall says as he was going to look at the perfect room for the girls so they were going to have their own space when they came home from the hospital in time when they did not know right now since they were getting treated
"I will join you later" Louis says as he was headed for the bathroom so he could give Chrissy her bath
Niall was able to see what room was going to work since half of it was going have to be mofified for Maddy down the road and that was perfect cause they were going to do the bathroom remodel later when the girls were potty trained cause she was going to need her own sink so she can brush her teeth and get ready like her sister
"Lou i have the perfect room and it is perfect cause if the other baby is a little person they can share the sink with Maddy too" Niall says as he looks at Louis cause the bathroom was connected to the other bedroom so it was jack and jill themed which was perfect
"I don't know Niall i think Johannah will love to have her own and this room can be Maddy's" Louis says as he was thinking of Johannah since she was average size and was not going to be little like her sister was
"I see your point Louis and this bathroom can be little person friendly if the other baby is a dwarf" Niall says as he looked looked at the bathrrom and how it can be done just in case the other baby was different like Maddy was and that was okay in Louis and Niall's eyes cause they loved their kids just the same no matter what happens
Louis heard the phone ringing so he went to answer it
"I will start working on the rooms later on" Niall says as he was going to see what was going to go where in the room so they could bring the girls home from the hospital and get them settled in
Louis came back a little later
"That was the clinic and they said our baby already has a birth defect" Louis says as he looks at Niall
"What kind of birth defect/" Niall asks him
"The baby will have turner syndrome as well as cerebral palsy and dwarfism" Louis says as he looks at Niall and doesn't cry at all
"Oh no" Niall says as he comforts Lou
"The baby will be born early they are testing to see if it is a girl or a boy" Louis says as he calms back down
"I hope for a girl so Maddy isn't alone" Niall says to Louis
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