Meeting Greg
I am going to have him go by Greg for short or Mark depending on the day and what my mood is like as well
"There were no more little boys on the floor so Niall was going to ask Louis the question that he wanted to ask him
"Louis can i talk to you?" Niall asks him
"Sure Niall what is it?" Louis asks him
"There is a little boy Angel's age and they will be perfect together" Niall says to him
"Can i see him before i make my final answer?" Louis asks him
"Yes he is right down here close to Angels's room" Niall says as they headed to the room in question
(Radar's room)
"That's him the one with the mask on his face" Niall says to him
Louis started to break down in tears cause he was so helpless and so small
"Go in Lou" Niall says as he came behind him cause they needed to get to know him cause he was going to be the perfect fit for their little family and he was going to be the final piece of their puzzle
Louis heads into the room to be with Radar
"Hi little guy" Louis says as he came into the room
Niall was going to put the girls in the stroller for the time being and let Louis get to know him cause Niall wanted to let him know him cause Niall had his answer
Radar waves at him as he came into the room
"I hear you are sick little guy" Louis says to him as he was going to sit with him for a little bit
Radar nods as he looks at Louis
"That's okay buddy I have a sick little one too her name is Angel she is a sweet little girl and she has the best heart of anyone i know" Louis says to him as he was talking to him
Niall was going to see if the lady from the orphanage was here cause he wanted to have the papers in case Louis fell in love with him
"Niall I want to adopt him" Louis says as he was holding the little boy cause Radar fell asleep in his arms a while ago from crying his little eyes out while they had rocked since he was so upset
"I thought you might say that" Niall says as he shows him the papers on Radar and they could adopt him that day and Radar was going to be with Angel in her room once it was all final and set in stone as well
Louis read the papers carefully before signing his name to anything cause this was going to be a life changer for the both of them
"No turning back now" Louis says as he was going to sign his name
"Nope there isn't he is going to be ours, and we are going to have two little boys" Niall says as he was waiting to sign his name after Louis signed his name
"I know it is going to be exciting for us" Louis says as he signs his name so the adoption could start and when Radar was better and was released he was going to go to his new home away from the other kids that were teasing him, calling him names, and the grown-ups were not any better they would put him down so hard he would hide from everybody for days on end and that was going to stop
Niall signed his name after Louis and they were going to think about a new name for him as well cause he needed a new name
"What should we call him?" Louis asks Niall
"Greg can be his first name" Niall says to him
"Middle?" Louis asks him
"You can pick that one" Niall says as he was looking at him
"He looks like a Mark with his eyes" Louis says as he was still holding him
"Gregory Mark will be his name" Niall says as he was still looking at him
"I guess so i love it for him" Louis says as he was still going to hold him cause he was happy on his shoulder right now
"Let's see if him and Angel can be together" Niall says as he was going to get the I.V the little boy was hooked up too
"Yes that will be perfect and they can get to know each other" Louis says as he was looking at Niall cause he had the same idea about Greg
Niall was going to get a nurse, so they could take Greg in his bed to the room and Louis was going to be with him
"It is going to be okay buddy" Louis says as he looks at him
The nurses came to take Greg to the room in question
"Angel we have a roommate for you pretty girl" Louis says as he was talking to her as she was sitting up and watching cartoons on the telly at the moment
"Meet Greg your brother" Niall says as he was going to be with Greg for a little bit
"Will i have to share my toys with him?" Angel ask them
"No baby he will have his own toys" Louis says as he was looking at her
Angel was happy about that a lot cause she was happy she had a brother
The kids get released is next and that is up
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