Hospital stay part 4
Okay after working on the preview for the longest time due to work and the views of course here is the next chapter before i go to work this a.m
"Let's play hide and seek" Niall says as Louis had Chrissy in his arms at the moment
Angel loved that game a lot
"You hide and i will find you" Niall tells her as Louis sat down with the baby right now
Angel went to find her hiding place that was perfect and away from daddy and papa
"Ready or not here i come" Niall says as he tries to find her as she was hiding really good from papa
Niall was able to find her in no time and he hid and she would find him and it went on like that for fifteen minutes when she was getting tired of playing games and she wanted to do something else what she didn't know right now
"Let's walk around some more okay" Louis says as they headed to the cafeteria part of the hospital where a snack might be the ticket to get her to sleep and she had to be hungry after all that running around she did earlier
Angel loved the snack that she had and she was able to cool down a little bit since she was doing a lot of running
"Back to our floor okay" Niall says as he was going to walk with her this time since Louis was going to go up with the baby who was fast asleep in his arms and was okay
Angel nods as she rubs her eyes cause sleep was setting in for her a little bit
"I think someone is ready for bed" Louis says to Niall as they headed up to the room again
"I think a little rocking action will help her go to sleep tonight" Niall says as he was carrying her cause she started to get sleepy as they left the cafeteria after she had her snack and she was a happy girl once again
"She loves to rock and in the morning i hope she is better" Louis tells Niall as they got on the elevator to go to their floor and tuck her i her crib for night night
"Me too i hate to see her like this" Niall says as he hits the button to go to their floor for bedtime
They reached the floor a few seconds later and started to head to her room
'Would she like a snack?" a worker asks them
"She had a snack downstairs in the cafeteria earlier" Louis says as he brought her in so she could go to bed
The worker left a snack just in case for later on if she got hungry during the night and she might get hungry for a midnight snack to help her get back to sleep once again
"Okay big girl time for bed" Louis says as he tucks her in her crib for the time being
"Story daddy?" she asks as she looks up at him with her pretty eyes
"Okay one story and one song but that is it cause it is bedtime princess" Niall says as he got a storybook for Louis cause she won't fall asleep without a story from daddy or papa as well as a song to help her sleep too
Angel snuggled in close to daddy as he was reading the story and she began to suck her thumb in the process as well since she was comfy as could be right now with daddy holding her and papa close by with baby sister in his arms too
"That was a great story now for the song what song would you like princess?" Niall asks her as he tucks her in for the night
Angel wanted steal my girl and Louis and Niall sang to her and she was out within minutes before the song was over
"Night baby girl" Louis says to her as he covers her up as Niall tended to the baby who was not happy at all
Niall was able to get the baby to settle down and go to sleep on her own once more cause she felt safe with papa
"She is too cute" Louis says as he looks at the baby that was being held by her papa
"I know she is and i love her to pieces cause she is just the perfect baby" Niall says as he tucks her in her car seat for the time being
"I want to have another one" Louis says as they went to get ready for bed since the girls were sound asleep right now so they were able to have some alone time
"Lou we have Chrissy and she is little and she needs us" Niall says as he was going to get a shower before they go to bed that night
"Of course maybe when she is older we can adopt one of our own" Louis says to Niall as they were going to get a shower together to make it quicker just in case one or both girls would wake up from their slumber and they needed their parents
"All of the girls are still asleep like little angels" Niall says when he sees the girls still asleep in the bed or in their car seat
"Let's get some sleep cause the nurses would want to wake Angel up for her medicine later on during the night" Louis says as they went to the pull out couch to get some sleep
Niall was okay with that cause sleep was welcome right now cause with Chrissy going to be waking up to be fed as well and there was a chance that she was going to wake her sister up from her slumber as well
"Night Ni" Louis says as he looks at Niall
"Night Lou" Niall says as he kisses Louis before they go to sleep that night
Louis turned off one light so there was only one light in the room and that was by the hospital bed for Angel
(Much later)
"Okay Chrissy I'm up I'm up" Louis says as he gets out of bed to get the baby that was not very happy at all
Angel woke up as well
"I'm taking her for another walk" Niall says as he was going to tend to Angel since she was up as well
Louis was grateful
"Angel it's time for your medicine" the nurse says as she comes in the room with the medicine
V & C
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