The Stubborn And Blind Durin
As you were one of the best fighters in the blue mountains Thorin allowed you on the journey with them, but was that the only reason he let you come...?
You never thought Thorin would allow you on the quest to reclaim Erebor, let alone him and his nephews constantly checking on you throughout the journey.
"We set up Camp here tonight, get a fire started!"
Thorin demanded, he had that grace about him which just seemed so regal yet he still regarded us all as equals to him.
"Fíli, Kíli go tie up the ponies and scout around the perimeter. Y/N could you come help me with this firewood."
Thorin always seemed to have a soft spot towards you but you guessed it was just because you were a Dwarf woman and they were getting rarer each year, or because you were a good fighter?
As you and Thorin worked on moving the wood to make space for a fire he, as always, questioned you on how you were.
"Are you okay Y/N? Not too tired, if you want you can go rest while I finish? Have you had enough to eat and drink?"
"Thorin I'm fine, don't worry! Now what about you?"
You really did appreciate his consideration but you could look after yourself perfectly well.
"Me? I'm f...fine thanks."
Wait did Thorin Oakenshield just stutter whilst talking to you?
"Uncle we seem to have a slight dilemma, we had 15 ponies but now we only have 13..."
And that was how the whole being captured by trolls started. Well it wasn't really Fíli or Kíli's fault for getting distracted with...whatever those two trouble makers were doing.
But now you were stuffed in a sack being squashed by Thorin whilst the trolls decided on how to cook you all, just perfect.
"Oi Bert lookie here, this one looks different I think it's a girl?"
You tried to scream but the trolls massive hands grabbed you and covered your mouth. Now moving was impossible as you struggled to carry on taking in oxygen.
"I think it is, I've heard that them ladies taste much sweeter, let's eat 'er first!"
"You will do no such thing you vile creatures!"
Thorin shouted from where he was tied up in a... Wait he had gotten free along with half of the company who had taken up their weapons and charged at the trolls.
Which unfortunately for you meant the troll dropped you, but fortunately Thorin was there again to save you.
"Thank you Thorin."
You had no time to say anything else before you and Thorin were grabbed again and shoved into a sack, again.
"I guess they don't want us to eat the lady first, how about we do exactly that?"
You held your breath not wanting to be in the hands of those filthy trolls again.
"Y/N don't move!"
Thorin said as he moved so he was laying on top of you, shielding you from the trolls sight.
"Thank you Thorin."
You said as you got a sudden urge to kiss him, not denying that you wanted to you leant up and kissed the dwarf softly on his lips.
"I.. Wha.. I.. I didn't think you thought of me like that Y/N!"
"Why else would I put up with someone trying to take care of me 24/7? Remember last time Dwalin tried that, he ended up with a broken wrist!"
Thorin was about to say something when the deep voice of Gandalf rang out,
"The dawn will take you all!"
"Who's he?"
"I dono?"
"Can we eat him too?"
As the sunlight pored over the horizon you and Thorin were too busy getting lost in each other's eyes to notice.
"Promise me that you won't leave me Thorin."
"I promise Y/N, when we reclaim Erebor I will make you the ruler by my side so I'll never have to leave you."
And in the end he kept that promise.
samwise_gamgee Thanks for your help with unblocking my semi permanent writers block, I'd like to dedicate this short (and kinda bad-ish) story to you, keep on being amazing 😉
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