Is It All A Dream
You shot up and gasped as the cold night air hit your face. Looking around you saw you were in bed and it was all just a nightmare.
The sound of your husbands scream was trapped in your head.
"It's not real, none of it was real, Fee's still here."
You repeated trying to get the haunting image out of your head.
"Hey, darling calm down, I'm here don't worry."
You turned to see Fíli sitting next to you smiling sadly.
"Now get some rest beautiful."
He said as you breathed a sigh of relief and closed your eyes, falling into a deep sleep.
*time skip to morning*
"Y/N wake up lass."
Balin said opening the door to your room.
"I'm up."
You said jumping out of bed and going over to the mirror.
"Oin wants to check you over again."
Balin said suddenly getting nervous.
"I've told him already, me and Fee are doing fine."
Balin looked like he was about to say something but instead he sighed and walked out.
"I don't get it Fee, why are they so worried?"
"I don't know darling."
Fíli said still laying in bed.
"Well we better go see what they want, come on."
You said brushing through your hair and opening the door.
Walking towards the medical chambers of Erebor you felt a cool breeze pass over your shoulder.
"Did you feel that Fee?"
You ask turning around to see him just behind said shoulder.
"No Y/N I didn't, sorry."
He said as we walked down the long beautiful corridors.
"Ah Y/N I've been meaning to check up on you."
"I can't see why master Oin, I've been doing fine, me and Fíli are so happy here."
You said smiling and taking a seat, whilst Fíli stood behind you.
"That's just the problem lass."
"I don't understand what you are trying to say?"
You said confused, looking up at Fíli who just shrugged.
"Fíli Durin is dead Y/N."
"I don't know what you are talking about Oin, he is standing right behind me!"
You said motioning to where Fíli was standing.
"That's not him Y/N, that's your imagination because the truth was too horrible for you to accept."
"I..I..I don't k..know wh..what you're saying... He is real, he's right here!"
You said panicking.
"If this is some kind of joke, I must say it is in very poor taste."
You said getting angry that he was lying.
"If he's real, touch him, hold his hand and tell me what you feel."
Oin said sadly.
You turned around to face Fíli and tried to grab his hand. A spike of cold ran through your arm every time you tried, yet your hand just went through him.
You asked before collapsing into the chair and the image of Fíli disappeared.
"I'm sorry Y/N, your husband died in the Battle Of The Five Armies."
Oin said when the nightmare you had came back to you and you realised it wasn't just a nightmare, your heart shattered into a million pieces and a million more tears poured from your eyes as reality finally hit you.
"It was was all real, he's gone...."
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