The castle was warmed with a sweet smell, and the sound of your humming. You had been in the kitchen all day, making a wide range of pies. From apple pie, a classic, to whooper pie, and ice cream pie, you made it all. The kitchen had been your domain, and Hunk wasn't too happy about that.
Not that you cared.
Reaching into the oven, you pulled out two more pies.
"What are you making," Lotor asked, sneaking up on you.
He scared you so bad that you almost dropped the pies. Luckily for you, and for him, you caught both of them...with your bare hands.
"Ah-ha-ha!!! Hot, hot, that's hot."
Dropping the desserts onto the counter, you ran over to the sink and started to run the cold water.
"Are you all right?"
"Do I look alright!?! See, this is why I bake alone. Stupid...little," you voice trailed off into mumbled insults.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you harm yourself."
You took in a deep breath, before letting it out slowly.
"It's fine. A little first degree burn isn't that big a deal."
"...May I see," the prince asked, holding his hand out for your own.
"...Nope," you said as you turned off the water with the back of your hands, before shaking them off a bit, and then drying them with a dish towel.
When you uncovered them, you got a good look at how bad the burn really was. Both of your hands were neon red, and tender to the touch.
A timer went off, and realizing you still had several pies that needed to be made, you rushed back over to the ovens and tried to pull one open. Only to pull you hand back with a yelp.
"Damn it," you hissed out between gritted teeth. "Lotor, could you help me real quick. I need you to use the hot-pads and take out the pies. Try not to burn yourself."
The prince scoffed at the last remark.
"Do you think I am a fool?"
"...Do you really want me to answer that question?"
He shot you a glare as he opened the oven and reached for a pie.
"Not that one!"
His hand jerked back, narrowly missing the edge of the pan.
"S-sorry! That one's not done yet. The one below it is though. Could you grab that one, and then move the other one into its spot?"
The prince gave you an odd look, but did as was told. When he was finished, and had closed the oven, you thanked him for his help. Although, you wouldn't have even needed it if it wasn't for him, but we can get into that latter.
"You're welcome. Thought I am still confused. What exactly are you doing?"
"Making pies."
"Yeah. They're this dessert dish from our home planet."
"Alright. But why make so many?"
"In all honesty......I have no clue. I just started to make them and haven't been able to stop. It was this thing back on Earth, were March 14th was national pie day. So people would go out and eat pies."
"And that's why you're making them today?"
"Well, yeah. I thought it would be nice for the team. Y'know, to have a little piece of home all the way out here."
"Why is the date so specific thought?"
"Oh, March is the third month in our year."
Lotor gave you a blank look.
"Y'know. The third month on the 14th day."
He still didn't get it.
"3 point 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 9. I can keep going if you need me to."
The sudden realization dawned on his face.
"Aaah, that makes sense."
"Dumb ass."
"Nothing, nothing."
Seemingly satisfied, Lotor turned and made his way to leave.
"Hey, Lotor," he stopped. "Do you.....think you could help me out some more. I still need to make some pies, and I can't really do that with the way my hands are right now."
He seemed to think about it for a moment. And it made some irrational part of you think he was going to say no.
Was he going to say no? You sure hoped not. Cause then you would need to call in Hunk, and he would pitch a fit about how you wanted his help now, but not earlier, and then he would get to your hands, and then you would never be allowed in the kitchen again!
"What do you need me to do?"
"Huh," yeah, you weren't paying attention.
"What do you need me to do," the prince repeated. "Did you think I wasn't going to help?"
"What-no, I knew- of course you would."
"Alright, so let's get started."
God, this was going to be fun.
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