Chapter 2
Sun shining brighter than before, who knew not seeing it for weeks would make it so bright.
Grian lowered his hand and he took in his surroundings, nothing but trees for as far as you can see "we're in the middle of nowhere" the long silence finally broken. "We should start moving before it gets dark" Cleo walked forward dragged Ren with her, Doc and Grian followed behind. The chilly wind blowing against the group as they traveled down a gravel road with no buildings in sight.
Night fall came quickly, they decided to camp next to the treeline, fire being the only thing keeping them warm against the cold night.
Grian sat beside the fire hovering his hands over it hoping to keep warm. Doc leaning against a tree looking up at the night sky, the stars sparkled in the sky. Finally feeling some peace after being cooped and trapped inside a room for so long "it's almost like you forgot what the sky looked like" Cleo walked up besided Doc and started up at the sky as well "you've been staring at it for awhile" Doc glanced down at Cleo before going back to looking at the stars "I know, it's just calming" Doc being able to see his own breath when he sighed.
Snap of a twig breaking behind where Grian sat catching their attention and everyone looked over, a zombie walked out of the woods and up to the group. Zombie just wondered passed them "it's still weird knowing zombies won't bother me anymore" Grian watched the zombie walked by as if they're not there "you'll get used to it" Doc looked at the zombie, it was carrying a bag. Doc walked up to it taking the bag off it's back, he walked back over and sat down "you just robbed a zombie" Cleo chuckled a little while sitting down beside Grian "it's empty and besides we might need the bag, never know" Doc shrugged placing the bag down.
The sun raised above the trees, daylight shining down apon them. Grian didn't sleep as he really didn't need it, he stood up putting the campfire out as the other slow woke up. "Morning already?" Doc sat up stretching "gravel definitely isn't comfortable" - "sticks isn't any better" Doc grabbing the bag he practically slept on and pushed himself to his feet "we ready to start moving again?" Grian asked glancing at the others who are now standing. "Yeah we're ready" Cleo untied Ren from the tree where he stood at all night "why'd we tie him to a tree again?" - "so he wouldn't wonder away while we slept" Grian nodded forgetting Cleo had told him that before.
~More walking~
Standing outside of the city line "is that Scarland?" Cleo questioned unsure as she doesn't remember seeing a city "no, Scarland is far much smaller" Grian started walking forward "but maybe we can find someone and ask" The others followed him "if there is anyone" Doc added looking at the city, it looks destroyed and warn out. The small group made their way into the city, cars scattered everywhere some flipped and some looked like they caught fire or blew up. Zombie infested the city and traveling among the empty streets.
Walking down the vacant streets had an eerie feeling, such a uneasy feeling.
"What happened here?" Grian looked around, buildings looked charred, fliers scattered the walls of buildings that were destroy.
Grian picked up one of the fliers "zombie apocalypse?" Confused Grian kept reading it "guys.., I don't think the world is the same anymore" Grian dropped the flier "what do you mean Grian?" - "A zombie virus broke out weeks ago and it's infected the world" Grian paused at the thought that the other hermits could be zombie too just not awake like he is. Grian felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked over "I don't know what you're thinking but calm down, let's not overthink things." Doc looked down at Grian who nodded "we need to keep moving" Cleo spoke up as she began to move forward with Ren right behind her.
Grian and Doc caught up to the two and they continue down the street looking at their surroundings, this city was a total wreck.
Entering a market looking for some supplies as Doc is still alive. Whatever they could find they'd stuff it into the bag that Doc was carrying and headed out of the market.
Traveling back down the streets and weaving through the many vehicles scattered across them.
~Yeah I know, another time skip~
Sun fall, they cautiously entered a small building that was once a family home. Grian and Cleo walked further into the building searching each room to make sure it's safe from Zombies.
Grian putting one hand on the door while the other held onto his weapon, could be zombies or untrustworthy individuals. You can run into anything in a city you're unfamiliar with.
Slowly pushing the door open Grian heard a loud sound, almost like a gunshot. Flinching to the sound while his ears rang, Grian felt his shoulder progressively get more wet and he looked down a little confused. Placing a hand on to his and moving it to see it covered in blood, his own blood. He was just shot but yet he can't feel it, looking up to see who just shot him that when his eyes meet with someone familiar. Grian paused while registering who he's staring at "Mumbo?!" Grian shocked and he dropped his weapon.
Mumbo lowered his gun as he heard Grians voice call out, looking at him as his eyes adjust onto Grian was when he was a green taint to Grian and his gun immediately went back up. He saw Grian stand there not moving as a pair of footsteps get closer "Grian you okay?! I heard a gunshot!" Another voice.. It's deep though..wait Doc!?
Doc looked into the room stopping at the sight of Mumbo standing there stunned but with shaky hands pointing a gun at Grian. "Mumbo don't, put it down" Doc walked into the room getting in front of Grian who hasn't moved. Grian wanted to run forward and hug Mumbo but be knew if he did he'd freak Mumbo out and probably get shot again. "He's..He's a zombie Doc!" Mumbo held onto his gun tight but you can see it in his eyes that he didn't want to shoot Grian, Grian is his best friend. "Lower the gun, I am with Grian." Mumbo stared at Doc before slowly lowering the gun "Oh man, I thought I was gonna die..again" Grian let out a relief sigh, Doc looked back at Grian seeing that he had already gotten shot once "We'll find you bandages in a minute" - "How- How is he talking?!" Mumbo completely confused but shocked, zombies can't talk. Doc stepped aside so Grian was in view who smiled and waved at Mumbo "zombie but not dead" - "Eh?! How!?" Grian shrugged "full honesty, I don't know. I think Cleo had something to do with it" Grian thought about it "I don't really remember what happened before I woke up like this, Doc knows but he won't tell me" Grian walked up to Mumbo and just pulled him into a hug. Mumbo hesitated but hug Grian back "sorry for shooting you G" - "it's all good, I understand why."
Mumbo was now apart of the group, they brought him to the Cleo and Ren who waited in the living room, Cleo watching Ren as they didn't need him wondering off. Though now there is Mumbo who is human so Ren does try to go after Mumbo. They had to tie up Ren so he won't bite Mumbo even though Ren has a mask on, still better safe then sorry. "Can't believe you guys are a still alive. You've been gone for so long" - "how long was in? I don't really know how long it's been" Cleo asked "well Cleo, you've been gone for four weeks while the other three were gone for three weeks" Mumbo pulled a chair out of the kitchen and sat down on it "Your hair seemed to grow a lot in those three weeks" Grian noticed that Mumbos hair was quite long than what he remembers "yeah, my hair grows faster than most. Haven't been able to cut it in awhile" - "if we can find a pair of scissors I'll help you cut it" Doc offered "thanks, that'd be great" Mumbo gave a smile agreeing to the offer
"You two should get some rest now though, Rens in another room. Grian is too watch him while I'll keep a look out for out front" Cleo walked back into the living room "why am I to watch Ren?" Grian whined "Grian you're also a zombie, I think it'll make Mumbo a bit more comfortable if you stayed in the same room as Ren" Cleo crossed her arms as she spoke in a serious tone. Grian sighed "yeah, guess you're right. We'll goodnight guys" Grian walked off and into the room Ren is in. "There is two bed rooms at the end of the hallway" the two nodded and walked off. Cleo walked outside sighing now having some peace and quiet.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day as they now have to worry about the zombie since Mumbo is now around.
(Would've made this longer if I had more ideas for this chapter. Well I guess now Mumbo is in the picture. You now know he's alive well ateast human :) 1602 words-)
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