Chapter 7: A Monster At Heart...
(Lost Silver's P.O.V)
Amber crackled with insanity as (Y/n) floated into the air.
Her head darted side to side in panic as she hovered in the blue like orb.
Amber tilted her head back to where she could see me.
"This never would have happened if you just killed her from the start...why do I always have to clean up after you?" She raised an eyebrow with her smile growing wider than Jeff's.
"The monster you've become..." I frowned approaching her.
Suddenly from below, I heard a familiar voice.
"Is there a way we can reverse the dare?" The girl with pink asked while running.
Amber shot a glare down at the gang and out of nowhere Amber jumped up doing a 360 turn using her telekinesis to pull a beam from the roof and threw it at Tiff knocking her dead in the face.
"OW!!" Tiff held her mouth looking up at Amber, Tiff pulled down her hand reveling her mouth, her lip was cut badly from a nail that was sticking out of beam of wood.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Dark link roared drawing his sword and his eyes turning completely black.
Right then Dark link Glitched up to Amber and striked her right in the face.
Amber's head flung to the side but instantly shot back, and just with that they were fighting like cats in dogs.
While Amber was distracted and the rest of the gang on the way I decided to try and help (Y/n).
I glitched up to the blue orb and (y/n)'s eyes widened when she saw me.
I brought finger up to my lips and pulled my hands out in front of me.
I looked back at Amber, the whole gang had made it to the top of the roof and we're trying to pin her down.
I breathed heavily turning back to (y/n) and tried to glitch through Amber's Telekinesis.
It started to making a Budding error noise as I tried to pull her out.
My hairs stood on end feeling like someone was watching me.
I turned back to see Amber Staring me square in the face with an insane smile the stretched all the way to her ears.
Amber tackled me to the roof top breaking through a beam and crashing through shelves of boxes.
Through the collision Amber lost grip of me and we went tumbling in opposite directions and rolling into to cool cement.
I rolled over onto my forearms looking up and letting pieces of my hair cover my face.
Amber was getting to her hands and knees when she saw me.
I huffed and hustled to my feet as she charged at me.
When we collided if was nothing but fist on fist.
It was nothing but punch, kick, block repeat until I let my guard down for one second and ended up getting kicked in the face.
I growled greatly letting Amber take a hit to the face making her roar like a lion and tackle me to ground but I was able to flip us to where I was ontop and just throwing punches like my life depended it.
Once Amber had enough she blocked both of my fists and kicked me off.
Amber flipped herself onto her feet with her hands and power up her left hand about to strike me as she edged closer.
Out of nowhere she hit was a lava ball and sent flying into the shelves of carts and boxes.
That left me time to get up and see Ellie brine standing near the hole where Amber and I fell in.
All she did was nod before jumping down with the rest of the gang following.
Amber crawled her way from the all the broken boxes that covered her looking more mad than ever.
Mindy floated down in between the gang and Amber her hair flowing like water and her eyes paler than the moon.
"Amber! Stop this!" She boomed as thunder roared with her.
"I'll never stop...until her head is ripped from her shoulders." Amber hissed.
"So be It...." Mindy huffed and right then lightning crackled and from the hole I was standing it started to pour.
Lightning crackled in the distance and right along with it, Amber glitched up wars and out the roof with us following frantically.
We met Amber on the roof to see her hand balling into a fist making the air contract out of (y/n)'s orb suffocating her.
The whole gang charged at her at once with knives, swords and powered up natural abilities.
Amber left (y/n) to choke to death and turned to face us before her eyes turned dark purple summoning dark purple shadows of Creepypasta creatures.
They all roared a battle cry and charged leaving an all out death match the I was able to slip through and slide to (y/n). Her face turned red begging for air.
If I pull her out too fast the bonds of the orb could kill her...if I pull out to slow she could die from lack of air...
I took the risk of trying to pull her out as steady but quickly with out killing her.
I looked back at Amber fighting Mindy, and losing terribly but from the Corner of my eyes a purple beast tried to jump me but with a flash of my eyes I glitched him to dust since he was nothing but a shadow of the real Creepypasta.
Then another jumped on my back, making growl and try to thrash him off.
From another side of me a girl with a backwards hat and red flannel threw her light saber at the shadow turning it also to dust.
"Thanks Roxy!"
"Don't mention it!" She smirked summoning her lightsaber back like Thor.
Out of nowhere I was knocked to the ground with Mindy ontop of me shaking her head, my back soaked from landing in a small pool of water I looked at Mindy.
She looked up, and was very pissed when Amber walked toward us while the other battles shadow demons.
Mindy growled and pulled her hand up and motioned it like she was choking someone.
Amber coughed and held her neck as Mindy choked her.
I watched as she fell to her knees coughing and gagging for air, but what drew everyone attention through the pouring rain.
But then the sky roared and dark blue lightning filled the sky.
Everyone stopped and looked toward the blue orb to see there was none.
To my horror (Y/n) laid on the roof lifeless.
"No..No.NO!!!" I screamed getting up and running to her to cradle her in my arms.
Until I finally got through my head I needed to give her air.
I pinched her nose closed and breathed into her mouth with all the air I had before pushing down her chest repeatedly and breathing in her mouth again.
"NO NO COME ON DAMN IT!!!" I growled feeling myself on the end of real tears.
What really made me snap from anger was Someone snickering from behind.
I whipped around onto my feet feeling fire in my eyes like nothing before.
My mind was flooded with anger and words just started to pour from my mouth.
Amber just stared into my black hole of eyes as if searching for an answer.
I was About to say more from from the thickness of the Rain a tall figure of Blue and another of black approached behind Amber.
I took a step back my eyes widening in horror.
"Violation of conduct?" A deep voice unlike any other rang in our ears .
Amber twirled around to see Mr.Creepypasta and Slenderman approach.
" you have witnesses of this?"
My eyes looked at Amber who looked back at me with a blank expression making me frown and look back at (y/n) then the dare gang.
They looked back at me with concern and thought.
"Y-yes.." I looked at my feet still frowning.
"Who are these witnesses?" Mr.Creepypasta asked looking toward the dare gang and Mindy.
I pointed feeling guilt but relief that this was going to be over.
"Very well...there will be court of judgement..." Mr.Creepypasta's growl was low and could be felt through the rooftop of the warehouse as he looked toward Amber.
Slenderman just stood there, he may be faceless, but he did look hurt.
With a snap of Mr.Creepypasta's fingers Him and Amber were gone.
That's when Reality had set in, and there was no turning back from this decision I had made.
The dare gang just stared except for Mindy, she hopped from the roof and walked away.
I sighed looking at (y/n)'s body.
I pulled off my hat and threw it to the ground.
The dare gang walked over standing by me.
Ellie had placed her palm on my shoulder
I snaked my hands through my hair and just collapsed to my knees.
"What have I done.."
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