Chapter 6: Who Do You Think You Are?
(Lost silver's P.O.V)
It's Been 2 hours since I've last seen (y/n)..... Or Amber, and I've been searching everywhere.
Especially all of (Y/n)'s favorite places around the mansion.
I was starting to feel more worried by the second.
What if Amber finally got what she wanted? What if my love life is completely destroyed, and (y/n) never even knew how I much felt either. What if she doesn't want to know?
I shook my head walking through the woods.
No don't think like that...even if she says No, all that matters is keeping her safe from a bloodlust sister...
I can't believe she turned into a prick like that, she's usually so nice to everyone,She usually works stuff out, now she's just....Not the Amber I know.
Thinking about (y/n) and Amber finally clicked in my head where they might be.
Amber always figures out how to get what she wants...even if that means....
I stopped in my tracks and stared at nothing in particular letting common sense sink in.
Oh shit.....
I immediately opened a portal to an abandoned mall and looked around violently before summoning one of Amber's best friends Mindy.
"what's Up Anti-Dipper?" A multi pitched voice echoed behind me.
"I'm not dipper and where's Amber and (y/n)?" I turned around searching her dark blue eyes looking for an answer. She almost reminded me of Raven from Teen Titans, but her hair was longer and black with Dark blue Highlights.
Plus she was wearing ripped shorts under her cloak.
"Um...I don't know let me trace Amber's thoughts."
Mindy's eyes glowed almost white and small whispers of every pitched past through as if she was flicking through channels on a Television.
"Found her." Mindy looked toward me before teleporting us to a warehouse.
"What the...why would they be here?" I looked around noticing Mindy put us in a tree.
Looking down at the branch I got a glimpse of movement a couple a feet below me.
(Y/n) and Amber.
"This is where you get your pizza?" (Y/n) turned to Amber with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, this is where I get it when Mindy is not around."
I looked back a Mindy, she had confusion overwhelm her face.
I looked back and silently jumped down landing on my feet.
"Who's Mindy?"
"Only the best soul taker ever." Amber chuckled guiding (y/n) to the warehouse.
A cliff into the lake was on the left and the warehouse was dangerously close.
The smell of fresh water flooded my nose and a gentle cold breeze found it's way through my hoodie and to my skin making me shiver.
Should I do something? Should I wait? No...there's no way that could just snap to being friends like that...that's impossible...especially with the way Amber's been acting toward her.
I started to dart toward them when all of a sudden Amber glitched the two of them out of sight.
"Their inside." A female voice ringed in my ear making me look to see Mindy.
A frown former on my face, I know what Amber was doing, and for the first time in Creepypasta history....It was something wrong.
(YOUR. p.O.V)
Out of nowhere we were inside the warehouse, it was old broken down and reeked of mold.
This is where She's eats? Ah,Creepypasta's, what did I expect? Loony tunes?
I walked around slightly disturbed that Amber wasn't at my side.
"Amber!?"I called out scanning the selves of boxes and carts.
Suddenly there was a shuffle between the boxes.
"A-Amber?" I stalked toward the boxes.
There was this errie feeling that something was up.
Something that I was completely blind to.
I moved the boxes to see where the sound came from, nothing.
"What the.." I turned around and all of a sudden the warehouse got a lot scarier real quick.
"Haha! Very funny Amber! You got me! Can we get that pizza now..." I swallowed hard continuing to walk around the warehouse.
Suddenly something fell and broke a couple a feet behind me.
I twirled around feeling sweat start to seep down my forehead and my heart started to pound.
"C-come on A-Amber you got me! Y-you can stop n-now!" I began to back up with my eyes darting side to side looking for any form of Amber.
Suddenly I bumped into someone my heart sank and I jumped forward turning around.
"OH THANK GOD." I huffed about to just fall to my knees and hug myself.
"Silver what are you doing here?"
Silver looked around cautiously, "Probably here to save your life...where's Amber?" He looked around violently.
" I don't know! She brought me here to eat some pizza! Next thing I know we glitch in here then she's gone!"
"The oldest trick in the book..." Silver growled frustrated and took my hand guiding to the entrance of the warehouse.
"Leaving so soon?" A demonic female voice echoed through the warehouse.
Silver and I turned around looking up to see Amber leaning on one the warehouse carts cross armed.
"Yes we are!" Silver hissed, "you're nothing but trouble!"
"No I'm not...we came here so we can get some pizza..."
"You don't eat pizza here! You never do!"
Amber chuckled evilly before hopping and landing in front of us perfectly.
Silver got in front of me protecting me like I was a life line or something.
"But we do eat pizza here....All the time actually...especially.....During kills." Ambers red eyes shrank to insanity size.
"What happened to you? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE AMBER??"
"I'm the one and only bro! The one you can't replace! But apparently you can't see that...but I'll show you! This is all for you!" Out of nowhere Amber glitched behind me grabbing the back of my shirt and glitching us on the roof of the warehouse with silver following.
"AMBER NO!" It was unstable there, with a creaky wooden surface, holes and broken beams were scattered across the roof top.
"AMBER YES!" Amber laughed
"Daremosphere?" Amber looked into the sky with the most wicked smile I could see on a person.
And as if it heard her, the sky rumbled in response to Amber, and lightning crackled as if laughing with her.
"I dare (Y/n) to have a slow and gruesome death by me no matter what the cost! NOTHING ON EARTH CAN REVERSE IT!"
"NO!!" Silver roared his eyes also shrinking to insanity.
The sky crackled and rumbled in response, blue lightning filled the sky and right then a woman in a blue and yellow cloak was in front is us.
"Mindy? Have you come to watch my dare?" Amber asked tilting her head slightly.
"No...I came to stop you Amber, you've gone mad..."
"I thought all the best people were!"
"Not like this Amber...." The woman so callled Mindy growled letting her eyes glow a pale gray.
Amber rolled her eyes, "oh great! Now both of my favorite people are against me..." Amber gripped my neck making it burn, I winced agony and gritted my teeth but didn't make a peep.
"You've been nothing but pain to me....but there's a pain reliever to everything...your death will be my Advil....."
"Amber, Don't do this..."
"ITS ALL READY BEEN DONE! And there's nothing you can do to stop it!!"
Suddenly from the thickness of the woods a gang ran toward the warehouse.
"Amber Stop!" Someone of them called running as fast as they could some glitching here and there.
"She's done nothing wrong!" Someone else yelled from below.
"She's done everything!"
"Amber, Don't.." Silver growled from behind.
"I WILL!" And right then I was surrounded by blue and lifted into the air.
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