New Kid
Tanner had been lecturing his class about World War 2 when the door opened. The history teacher, and football coach, turned to the new arrival. All eyes landed on the platinum haired girl. "Thanks for finally joining us." Tanner sarcastically said, staring down the girl, "Why are you late?"
Brown eyes clashed with grey, the girl smiled, "If you would've check your email you would've seen that I was out on a photography trip, excused by the school of course."
Tanner scowled, turning and trudging to his computer as the girl rocked on her feet patiently. Everyone that knew her knew that Tanner had it out for the girl. He tried everything he could to break her down, but nothing he did effected her in the slightest. Like she knew she was above him, that his attitude was simply an overcompensation for something he lacked.
To say it pissed the teacher off would be an understatement.
"Very well, Miss Lyra Lockwood. Take your seat." Tanner gritted, "And since you so kindly graced us with your presence, when did WW2 end?"
"1945." she answered nonchalantly, sliding into the seat beside a certain brunet. She ignored everyone's stares, holding eye contact with the teacher, the sweet smile never leaving her lips.
"Pearl Harbor."
"December 7th, 1941." she chirped, resting her chin in her palm, "Berlin Wall." "1989. You should know by now I'm spectacular with dates." she giggled, lightly kicking her legs.
"Tch, keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act."
"JFK As-" "1963."
"Lincoln." "1865." with every answer Tanner grew even redder, the other students didn't know if it was embarrassment or anger.
"Roe v. Wade." "1973."
"Brown v. Board." "1954."
"Battle of Gettysburg."
"1863." she hummed, now drawing in her notebook.
"Korean war."
"1950 to 1953."
"Ha!" Tanner laughed, "It ended in '52." he smirked, thinking he'd finally gotten her, "Uh, actually, sir, it was '53." the newest Mystic Falls High student chimed in, "Look it up someone, quick!" Tanner snapped.
Lyra's smile widened as a student piped up, "It was 19... 53."
After class, Lyra happily trotted down the halls, her short hair swaying as she skipped. Her grey-black eyes lit up as a brown haired brown eyed teen caught her attention. She jumped on his back, clinging onto him like a koala.
"Ty-Ty!" she cheered, he laughed, "Hey, Ly-Ly." he jumped slightly to adjust her, holding her thighs for support.
"Matt was just telling me how you Tannered Tanner." the brunet mused, she tilted her head, "I only answered his questions." Tyler chuckled, he knew she'd never intentionally obliterate their teacher verbally, but when it happened it was possibly the best thing ever.
The platinum haired girl rubbed her cheek against Tyler's, similar to a puppy nudging someone's hand for attention. "How'd you know all that anyways?" Matt questioned the older sibling, who smiled innocently, "Crossword puzzles."
Both jocks laughed, "Alright, dork. Let's go to lunch." Tyler mused, carrying his older, yet smaller, sister, Matt falling into step beside him.
"Onward, to Narnia!" she beamed, pointing forwards, earning laughter from her peers, brother, and friends.
"Mr. Lockwood, is there anything you're good at? 'Cause it isn't history, and it sure as hell isn't defending the ball!" Tanner snapped, glowering at the Lockwood siblings, mostly Lyra.
"Yes, coach." Tyler retorted, "Now do it again!" Tanner ordered.
Lyra dodged the opposing half of her team, "Ly!" Matt called, she caught the ball, rolling out of the way of a boy trying to tackle her, getting up seconds later, she bolted across the field, dodging and pivoting away from her teammates.
The blonde reached the end zone in two seconds flat. She had talent, she was fast, she was smart, and she was strong. As much as he wanted to, Tanner couldn't deny that.
"Blue 80! Blue 80! Set, hut!" Matt shouted, "Go! Come on Tyler, Ly, Cover it! Let's do it!"
Lyra and Tyler both did as told, "Get it!" Tanner ordered, "Line up!" Matt called.
"I hate to say it, but he's got skills." Matt mused, Lyra nodded, "Uh-huh." "I think he needs a buddy pass." Tyler smirked, "Really?" Matt deadpanned, Lyra hummed as her brother replied, "You don't get to walk on the field and act like you own the place after 5 minutes. Just hang one up there, and I'll take care of the rest."
"Tyler." Lyra frowned, he just flashed her a grin and walked off, "Do it again." Tanner ordered, Lyra sighed and left, venturing from, "Alright, let's huddle up. Set, hut!" her blond friend called.
Tyler threw the ball at Stefan, but Lyra intercepted, not wanting the new guy to get hurt. At that moment, the small blonde had gotten in the way of another teammate, and was taken to the ground hard.
"Ly-Ly!" Tyler exclaimed, him, Matt, and the others rushed towards her. She groaned softly, wincing in pain as she pushed herself up.
"You alright, Lockwood?" Tanner questioned, while he disliked the girl, she was one of his star players. Blood trickled down her nose, she nodded, "I'm fine!" she chirped. A hand came into view, making her look up, grey-black eyes meeting forest green ones.
"Thanks." she hummed, flashing a grin as she gripped his hand, allowing him to help her up.
"Have the nurse look you over. I don't want to be down a player for tonight's game." Tanner said, waving a hand to dismiss the team, Tyler and Matt escorted Lyra to the nurse's office.
"Why'd you do that?" Tyler huffed, wiping the blood from Lyra's face with his sleeve, she gave him a look, "It's not nice to bully people, Ty-Ty. Stef-Stef is new, be nice to him." "Tch.. whatever." he huffed, both pissed off and embarrassed of himself.
"How bad is it?" Matt asks, looking to the nurse, who pulled back from inspecting Lyra.
"Pulled muscle, and a few bumps and bruises. While I wouldn't recommend it, you can still play tonight." the nurse sighed, knowing how stubborn the older Lockwood sibling is.
Tyler and Matt sigh in relief, Lyra giggles, flashing a grin, "Thanks!"
"You're welcome, dear. But please, be careful tonight." the nurse sighed, the blonde nodded happily.
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