20. surprise! it's dinner time
2.17: dead uncles and vegetables
20. ❝ surprise! it's dinner time ❞
"You slay 'em, we lay 'em, how can I help you?"
Everleigh answers the phone, slumping down in the couch. There was a pause from the other end. Almost as if too stunned to respond but then suddenly:
"Richard are you sure you gave me the right number," there's an inaudible response behind the call, "— Then why do I have a funeral home on the phone?!"
It was an unfamiliar voice behind the line but the mentioned name did ring a bell. She couldn't exactly place her mind to it. So she tries to cover her tracks, "Oh, I'm so sorry. My uh... guinea pig accidentally pressed a button for a school project."
She didn't own a guinea pig.
There's a pause, and then the voice, now sharper, responds, "What kind of school project involves funeral homes?"
"The ones involving creative writing?" She offers weakly,
There's a sigh on the other end, exasperated but polite. "Who am I speaking to?"
"I'm Everleigh—Mark's daughter," she adds quickly, hoping to clear up some of the confusion.
"Mark's daughter?" The woman sounds surprised, but her tone shifts slightly, almost curious now. "I see. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting, Everleigh. This is Emily Gilmore."
She instantly knew who she was.
Her whole posture straightens at the name. "Oh! Hi, Mrs. Gilmore," Everleigh says, "I'm sorry about the confusion earlier. My dad's not home right now."
"I see," Emily says, and though she's polite, Everleigh can hear the subtle edge to her voice. "And where, might I ask, is he?"
"Well," Everleigh hesitates but figures there's no point in dodging the truth. "He's, um, out with Lorelai. They're on a date."
A pause. This one's more measured. Everleigh felt as the pause made things seem more intense and almost as she said too much. But then Emily replies with a lighter tome than she expected. "Ah, yes. The famous dates with Lorelai."
"Yeah... They've been going out for a bit now." Everleigh admits, not really knowing how to respond.
"Yes, well," Emily carries on, "That's precisely why I'm calling. We'd like both you and your father to join us for dinner this Friday. Seven o'clock sharp."
Everleigh blinks, feeling like she's just been hit by a wave of formality. "Uh, sure. I'll definitely let him know. I'm sure we can make it." Without wanting to hear a disapproving answer she quickly adds, "If something does come up, I'll make sure that's rearranged."
"Well, I do hope nothing comes up," Emily's tone was polite but nevertheless firm, "It's important that we finally meet. After all, it's not every day one's daughter chooses to keep their romantic life so... private. We've been patient long enough, don't you think?"
"You're absolutely right, Mrs. Gilmore. Thank you for inviting us over." Everleigh's eyebrows crease together. She really doesn't know how to deal with conversations like these, "I'll let my dad know."
"Wonderful," Emily says and Everleigh relaxes. "We'll see you both at seven, then. Goodbye, Everleigh."
"Goodbye, Mrs. Gilmore." Everleigh manages just before the line clicks.
As the line cuts off, the girl couldn't help but stare at the phone for a minute. If her dad will not kill her for agreeing for the dinner, Lorelai sure will.
Everleigh sinks deeper into the couch, aimlessly flipping through a magazine she didn't really care about. Her mind was everywhere but the magazine or the newest scandal in Hollywood. Her mind kept running through many ideas of how to approach the situation when her dad does come home and she has to break the news about their dinner plans.
All of them included of her simply blurring it out but she was slightly afraid of that.
Suddenly she freezes. She could hear laughter, a female one. A Lorelai specific laughter and Everleigh hides her face in the magazine as she groans. She had to face them both at the same time.
The girl sits up, making the way to the front door, at the same time as it opens. Only revealing Lorelai smiling widely along with Mark who looked extremely smitten.
"Heeeey, guys," The teen stars, staring at Mark and Lorelai as they enter the house, "How was your dinner date?"
She puts emphasis on the dinner part, trying to force a smile. Mark helps taking off Lorelai's coat as he says, "It was wonderful, thank you."
Lorelai grins, "Oh, you know, just a quiet little dinner at a place with, like, four forks and a guy in the corner playing the piano. Totally casual. I only had to guess twice which fork was for the salad."
"Ah, A fancy dinner with a Gilmore," Everleigh suddenly gulps, looking at Mark, "— and my dad, of course. Always taking place in evenings. On the dot. —Fancy dinners seem to be in season these days."
Lorelai's eyebrows knit together as she glances at Mark. He eyes his daughter, "You okay? You're speaking weird."
"Me? Why would I speak weird. A person can't speak weird. Everleigh does not speak weird." The girl awkwardly places her hands on her hips and exhales, "I think it's just a Stars Hollow flu. You know how it is with Kirk and his crazy schemes."
Lorelai laughs, "I think someone did an oopsie, wouldn't you agree Mark."
"Yeah, I'm sensing that," Her dad nods at Lorelai, his eyes never leaving his daughter, who was fidgeting more than ever, "Eve?"
"Spill it."
Everleigh glances at Lorelai uneasily and then back at Mark, "So Emily Gilmore called."
Lorelai's eyes widen, voice slightly frantic, "Oh, no!"
Mark glances at his girlfriend, "Isn't that—"
"No, no, no," Lorelai steps closer to Everleigh, "Please tell me it's not what I think it is."
Mark now looks at his daughter, "It's what exactly?"
"I may or may not have accepted invitation to meet Lorelai's parents." Everleigh forces a smile at her dad.
Mark looked at her like she was a ghost.
"Well, here we are. The palace of judgment." Lorelai eyes the front door of her parents' house.
Lorelai and Rory stand side by side, with Mark next to Lorelai and Everleigh beside him. She isn't sure who is more nervous, her or her dad. She is the reason all four of them stand there in the first place.
Everleigh knows Lorelai's parents are wealthy—everyone does—but seeing everything in person is overwhelming. The grand colonial structure looms above them, its white columns stark against the dusky sky. The brass lion-shaped knocker gleams in the soft light, and the elegant archways frame the entrance. It all feels intimidating, a world of high standards and expectations.
"Let's just hope they're in a good mood tonight," Rory remarks, glancing at the door.
Mark shifts, eyeing Lorelai. "Is it too late to run?"
Everleigh chuckles nervously. "Please don't. I'm already dead for dragging us all here."
Lorelai turns to the Morgans, a mischievous smile on her face. "Don't worry. We'll survive... Probably."
Everleigh and Mark exchange panicked glances, but before they can interrogate Lorelai further, the door swings open. Emily's eyes land on Lorelai, her smile sharp. "Well, Lorelai, I see you've decided to grace us with your presence on time for once." She glances at Everleigh and Mark. "I wonder if this has anything to do with our tonight's guests."
Lorelai remains unfazed. "Hello to you too, Mom." She turns her gaze to the Morgans. "I want you to meet—"
Emily cuts her off, addressing Mark directly. "Mark, it's finally nice to meet you."
As Mark opens his mouth to respond, Emily shifts her focus to Everleigh. "And you must be Everleigh. We spoke on the phone, is that right?"
Everleigh hesitates, glancing at her group before meeting Emily's gaze. "Yes, that's right, Mrs. Gilmore. It's lovely to finally meet you."
"The pleasure's all mine," Emily replies, observing Everleigh closely. "How's that creative writing of yours coming along? It's a very bizarre subject to write about."
Everleigh tries to laugh it off. She really felt like she was under the spotlight that determined hers and her dad's statuses in Gilmore world.
Avoiding the odd looks she received from her dad, Lorelai and Rory, she replies, "Well, schools try to push you to do your best even with strange subjects."
"Very well," Emily says, opening the door wider and stepping aside. "Come on in. I'd like to know our new guests better."
Emily strides off, leaving the four of them standing in the doorway. Rory turns to Everleigh, a raised brow questioning. "Creative writing?"
Everleigh scratches the back of her ear, glancing sheepishly at her dad. "I may have answered the phone with a funeral home catchphrase."
They all stare at her for a moment before breaking into giggles, the tension easing.
Emily and Richard Gilmore took pride in showing their house around — or the mansion as Everleigh liked to called. According to Lorelai they usually walk into the guest room for some drinks before they are seated to the table for their evening meal. But considering they have new guests, Rory and Lorelai had no other choice but follow around them.
Everleigh and Mark were amazed by everything they saw and that involved a painting that stopped the girl dead in her tracks;
"I'm sorry, is that a Paul Cézanne painting I'm seeing?" Everleigh points at the framed 'Still life with fruit dish' painting. Her eyes wide.
Richard smiles at the recognition, "Why yes, it is."
"Is that the actual still life with fruit dish painting? As in auction sold painting?"
"Of course, we don't own any cheap phony items." Emily chimes in, next to Richard.
Richard sighs, looking directly at Everleigh, "What Emily was trying to say, it was a present from my mother."
Everleigh's mouth drops, surprise taking over as she observes the look of the framed item. Lorelai chuckles, "It's just a painting."
Emily was ready to argue back with Lorelai, however the teen beats her to it, "Lorelai, his work is worth millions. Matisse and Picasso practically raised them, — not literally... obviously. They looked up to his work." Emily and Richard exchange surprised looks at her knowledge, "He was one of the few who's style would change significantly over the lifetime. His art is an inspiration to everyone."
"Quite right," Emily nods approvingly. "Not many your age would know that."
"Oh, I love art." Everleigh admits, her excitement written all over her face, " I could spend days exploring museums dedicated to artists. Oil canvas is one of my favourite."
Mark by her side, nods, speaking up, "She knows how to paint herself."
That perks Richard's interest, "Oh, really?"
Everleigh shrugs, "Psh, it's no big deal."
"Well, a talent like that shouldn't be ignored." Richard says, "Maybe next time you could show us a few pieces of yours."
Everleigh looks at Mark, both wearing the same expressions; raised eyebrows with a surprise on their faces at the mention of 'next time.'
Even Lorelai picked up on it and leans more into Rory's side to whisper, "They have been here, what? Ten minutes? And my parents are practically wagging their tails."
That didn't go unnoticed by Emily. She gives a pointed look to her daughter, "Lorelai."
Lorelai simply shrugs, "Just a thought."
Emily and Richard sit at opposite ends of the table, with Everleigh's dad and Lorelai seated across from both teenagers. As the meal continues, Richard shifts his attention to Everleigh's dad. "So, Mark, what exactly that you do for a job. Rory's mentioned you travel quite a bit between New York and Hartford?"
Her dad takes a moment to respond, setting his wine glass down and offering a polite smile, "I'm a corporate lawyer. I specialize in mergers and acquisitions, so I'm often called in for negotiations and corporate restructuring."
Richard's eyebrows lift, he leans back with a satisfied nod. "Corporate law. That's quite a field. I imagine you must be working with some of the top companies in the nation."
"Yes, we've handled a few high-profile cases over the years. It's demanding, but it's also rewarding." Her dad replies.
Emily beams, clearly pleased with Mark's career choice. She glances at Everleigh. "Well, Everleigh, you must be so proud of your father. Corporate law at that level is no small feat."
Lorelai, rolls her eyes just slightly at Emily's comment. "Oh yes, very impressive. I mean, who doesn't love a good merger, am I right?"
Everleigh smiling, "Yeah, you'd be surprised at how riveting corporate restructuring stories can be."
Mark smiles at his daughter before glancing at Lorelai. "It's not as glamorous as it sounds, but it definitely keeps me on my toes."
Richard, oblivious to the light teasing, "A sharp mind for business—quite the valuable asset. It takes someone of your caliber to navigate those deals."
Lorelai rolls her eyes again, more dramatically this time, as Rory and Everleigh share a glance. "Right, because nothing says 'living on the edge' like corporate negotiations."
Emily shoots Lorelai a disapproving glance, her tone sharp but poised. "Lorelai, not everyone runs an inn. Some people prefer something a bit more... refined."
Lorelai smirks, clearly unfazed by the jab. "I do enjoy a good pillow fluffing."
Everleigh and Rory look down, trying their best not to laugh as Richard nods, "Well, no matter how you look at it, corporate law is indeed a respectable career. Mark, we're delighted to have someone of your stature at our table."
Emily nods in agreement, her disapproving look toward Lorelai fading into a polite smile. "Yes, it's a pleasure to have you here, Mark."
Lorelai leans into the table, her focus on the two teens sitting together, "If we make a run for it, my parents won't even notice our absence. We can use Mark as bait."
Emily sighs, "The girls might find you amusing, Lorelai, but I do not."
Lorelai simply shrugs, playing with her food, "It was a good suggestion."
As the conversation around the dinner table shifted back to business and travel, Rory glanced across at Everleigh, who sat quietly next to her, fidgeting slightly with her napkin. The Gilmore household was overwhelming even on a good day, and Rory could see the weight of the formality wearing on her.
Feeling the need to break the ice, Rory leans in slightly, her voice low so as not to interrupt the others. "So... this is kind of intense, huh?"
Everleigh looks at her, a flicker of surprise in her eyes. She hadn't expected Rory to engage in conversation with her the slightest. "You could say that," she replies, offering a small smile. "I've been to some of my dad's events before and it's similar, but not... this."
Rory chuckles, glancing at her grandparents, who were in the middle of a debate about corporate law with Mark. "Yeah, they can be a bit much sometimes. But don't worry—they mean well. Mostly."
Everleigh smirks, lowering her voice as well. "I've never been to a dinner where the food and the conversation are both equally hard to digest."
Rory laughs quietly, her eyes brightening. "You'll get used to it, trust me. The key is to nod, smile, and let them do most of the talking."
Everleigh raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Is that your strategy?"
"Yep," Rory nods playfully. "I've got it down to an art. You'll be a pro in no time."
Everleigh chuckles under her breath. "I'll take notes."
Coming back home after the meal with the Gilmores, she went straight to her room. The weight of everything sat heavy on her shoulders, and adding Emily and Richard into the mix became too overwhelming.
After the meal and the drive back home, she noticed how her dad was around Lorelai. Being behind the wheel she saw the way he looked at Lorelai, the way he grabbed her hand and kissed it. Along with Lorelai watching him lovingly.
So much change was happening in her life, the upcoming changes — everything was becoming too much. And she needed to talk to someone. Someone who didn't judge her, who would listen or distract her, like always.
She hesitates for a moment, staring at the phone. Inhaling sharply, she dials the digits and let the phone ring.
It rings once — she starts biting her nails.
It rings twice — her heart starts picking up a faster pace.
It rings three times — maybe it was a bad idea to call.
By fourth time;he picks up and she relaxes hearing his voice.
"What's wrong?" Jess asks instantly.
"Why would you automatically assume there's something wrong?" Everleigh wonders, her lips tugging upwards.
"You don't call this late." Jess notes from the other end.
"Do you keep track of time when we do call each other?" Everleigh leans back, getting comfortable in bed.
"No. It's just...odd."
"I can easily hang up if you don't want to talk." Everleigh teases.
"I didn't say that. I'm glad you called." His tone felt lighter as he said that, almost as she could hear him smiling.
That only made the girl smile wider. The words itself made her heart skip a beat. A feeling she was trying to bury deep inside, "Good."
"So how was the dinner with the Gilmores?" Jess asks.
"We passed the test." Everleigh nods, even though he couldn't see her, "Emily and Richard Gilmore were so pleased with us they even want us to come around more."
"I am not surprised, you tick all of their boxes." The girl looks down to her lap as he comments. The warmth creeping up on her cheeks.
"And my dad." She adds.
"Definitely your dad." He laughs, "So when's the next dinner."
"Hopefully not anytime soon." She could hear him chuckle, again. Which only made her chuckle back. With the way she was feeling right now, it was comfortable and... nice. She realised it days ago, her feelings more clear now. But with those nice feelings there was guilt underneath. She sighs, "Hey, uhm... I was thinking about something the other day."
She pauses. Not knowing the best way to approach the conversation but he didn't rush her either. So once she gathered her thoughts, she finally starts, "Have you ever felt like you're just... waiting for something to change, for the grand finale if you may say. Like... I don't know, you're stuck between what you have and what you think you want?"
There was a silence from his side. She couldn't tell whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. She could hear him inhaling sharply, "You're asking me? You know I don't do the deep talks."
"Yeah, I know. It's Just... it's been on my mind a lot. " She says quietly.
"Let me guess, this is about your perfect little life falling apart?" He teases.
She couldn't help but laugh, "Something along the lines."
"So, what, you're trying to figure out if you're making the right choices?"
The teen nods at first but when she realises he can't see her, she replies, "Yeah. I mean, it's like... I know things aren't the same anymore. Things have changed. — People have changed."
Jess is quiet for a moment, and Everleigh wonders if she's said too much. She probably has.
"Sounds like you need a sign to shake things up." Jess comments before her thoughts spiral.
"Basically," She presses her lips together, drawing patterns on her thigh with the finger, "Like I'm just waiting for something to give me direction."
"Yeah, like that part in Catcher in the Rye where Holden's just stuck waiting for something real to happen, feeling like he's on the outside of everything." Jess rumbles on.
"That's exactly how it feels." She groans.
"But Holden was too proud to reach out. You're not going to do that, are you?" He adds, curiously clear in his voice.
"No, but sometimes it feels like I might as well be." She mumbles.
Jess pauses again, "Look, I know it's hard to figure things out. You don't have to have all the answers right now. Just take it one step at a time and trust your gut."
His reassurance allowed some of the weight to lift off from her shoulders. He never outright says anything comforting, but she knows his way of showing he cares is through little comments like that.
"I don't know... sometimes I feel like I've got no idea what I'm doing. I just didn't really know who else to talk to about it." She says honestly.
"And you decided to call the one person who's not good at this," She giggles but then she could hear hesitation from him before he continues. "— I can't tell you what you can or should do but you're smart. You'll figure it out."
His words, the light fullness of his voice, everything felt so comforting and easy. She really needed that and she was happy Jess knew how to talk to her. "Thanks, Jess."
"Don't make it a habit." They share a small laugh and a comfortable silence falls between them, before he asks, "Is there anything else?"
"No," She says softly, "You pushed me in the right direction... I think."
"Good," He says quietly, almost as if that was meant for him rather than her, " That was my plan."
"Goodnight, Jess."
"Night, Robin."
Everleigh leans back against her pillows as the call comes to an end. She sets her phone down and that's when she notices her heart is racing. Her chest feeling warmer.
She stays still for a moment, replaying the conversation in her mind. She felt happier, more at ease but the slight confusion was still there.
Mark knocks on the door walking in as he catches her still smiling, "What's with the smile?"
She tries to hide it, "Uhm, it just... it was a good talk."
He raises a brow, "Good talk with Jess or Blaze?" Her smile falters, "Did you make your choice yet?"
She sits up in her bed, crossing legs and looks down. Slightly feeling guilty now. He burst her little bubble and sucked her back to reality, "No."
Mark approaches her bed and sits down next to her, "I think you have." She looks up at him, "You really need to break up with him."
All the nice feelings she just had were swept away with her dad's comment. More weight got dropped on her shoulders, her heart tugging painfully.
"But I do love him. I know I do."
Mark ponders for a second, trying to find a different approach and then asks, "Do you love me?"
"Yes, of course."
"Do you love your sister?" She nods her head, her eyebrows creased, "Dean?" She nods, "Your friend Lydia?" She nods again. "Are you in love with any of them?"
"No." She laughs, very confused at the questions.
He sighs and slowly says, "You can love anyone but you can't be in love with everyone." She sharply inhales. She tried not to think about Blaze and she didn't but her running away was slowly catching up on her, "For the relationship as long as yours to work you have to be in love with them. That type of love has to be there."
"What if I hurt him?"
Mark gives her a look, half sympathetic, half expectant, "You'll hurt him even more if you don't break it off."
She groans, leaning back, "Can you do it for me?"
He chuckles, "You want me to break up with your boyfriend?" She nods, he gives her a half of smile and places his hand on her cheek, "You know I can't do that."
She was afraid to break up with Blaze, she knew things will end bad and it hurt even more knowing he was telling the truth. She still remembers the first time she realised she was in love with Blaze. That memory stuck to her. But that feeling. That feeling she once felt was gone and she wondered how or when it happened.
"But it would be easier." Everleigh admits and her dad sighs sadly.
"Life is not built to be easy."
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i've been waiting to write this chapter for so long and now it's here yay.
also i found it so entertaining to write the "what you have and what you want" part because im writing this from my own experience. i had the same dilemma before. no literally i was in a relationship and it felt as though i was there for a girlfriend status and then i met my jess... yeah so this is very ... healing.
☕️ everleigh: "I'm sorry, is that a Paul Cézanne painting I'm seeing?"
painter — Paul Cézanne ( 1839 - 1906 )
☕️ everleigh: "Lorelai, his work is worth millions. Matisse and Picasso practically raised them,"
artist — Matisse ( 1869 - 1954 )
painter — Picasso ( 1881 - 1973 )
☕️ jess : "Yeah, like that part in Catcher in the Rye where Holden's just stuck waiting for something real to happen, feeling like he's on the outside of everything."
novel — Cather in the Rye by J.D. Salinger ( 1951 )
fictional character — Holden Caulfield
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