18. crap shack diplomacy
2.15: lost and found
18: ❝ crap shack diplomacy ❞
"You've reached the Batcave. Alfred isn't available right now," Everleigh answers the ringing phone, her legs resting on Blaze's lap. Both teens are situated on the couch. Sometimes, even the teen herself is impressed with how quickly she comes up with these phrases.
Without hesitation, Lorelai, on the other line, adds her own twist, "Well, that's a bummer. I was really hoping he could recommend a good dry cleaner for my superhero tights!"
"Yeah, sorry. I'll have a word with him when he's back," Everleigh shrugs, playing with her boyfriend's fingers, his eyes glued to the television.
"That's the spirit."
"Are you looking for my dad by any chance?" Everleigh asks.
"Yes, is he there? It's urgent." The woman sounds desperate.
"Uh, sure." Her eyebrows crease together as she pulls the phone away and shouts, "Dad! Your lover is on the phone." Suddenly, there's a thud, some murmuring, and finally her dad's face appears from the other room. Blaze and Everleigh glance at each other in amusement.
Blaze looks at her dad, "Did you just run?"
"What—no. It—the box..." He scratches the back of his neck. "Did you say Lorelai was on the phone?"
The teen girl holds back a smile, "Yeah, the same one."
Her dad grabs the phone from her to go speak with Lorelai in private. As he disappears from view, Blaze turns to Everleigh, "So your dad and Lorelai are actually getting serious?"
Everleigh's attention drifts to her boyfriend, "Yeah, I think they are."
Blaze watches his girlfriend for a second, "And what do you think?"
"Like, Lorelai and your dad. Will you be okay if things get serious?" Blaze repeats.
"I'm not sure." She shifts her position on the couch, pulling herself closer to him, her legs dropping to the floor, her head resting on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around her. "I think I will. I like Lorelai, she's nice, but I heard a rumor that when she gets with a guy, they usually last for two months on the dot—"
"They've been seeing each other a lot longer than that, so they're safe," Blaze reassures her.
"Yeah, I know." She plays with the fabric of her jeans. "But then there's also that time when I just moved here, and Lorelai called off her own wedding by going on a road trip instead."
"Yeah, I heard it was Rory's English teacher. Apparently, he was the longest guy she was with, besides Rory's dad," Blaze notes.
Everleigh sighs heavily, lifting her head to look at him. "That's what worries me. I just hope my dad and her are solid. No bailing or anything."
"Hey," Blaze gently rubs her cheek, his eyes softening as a warm smile forms. "They're perfect together... kind of like us, you know?"
And in that exact moment, she feels as if someone just stabbed her through the heart. If she had heard those exact words a year ago from Blaze, she'd be overjoyed and on cloud nine right now, grabbing her 'my happy ending' book and adding more details she wanted at her and Blaze's wedding.
But today, she feels nothing.
(And that scared her a lot more.)
Everleigh always knew how to respond, even to his cheesy comments, but right now she had nothing. Instead, she does what she thought was right and kisses him, hoping that alone distracts him.
"So, that was Lorelai." Her dad reappears in the living room, glancing at Blaze uneasily, then at his daughter.
"That's the only Lorelai we know," Everleigh comments, smiling at her dad.
Blaze chimes in, "Well, technically Rory's full name is Lorelai as well."
The girl looks at her boyfriend. "I keep forgetting Rory's name is not actually Rory."
"Anyways," her dad claps his hands together, drawing attention back to him. "So, Lorelai needs someone to do the rain gutters, and apparently that diner guy you work for suggested Jess." Everleigh stiffens, glancing at Blaze, who sits up straight at the mention of her friend. Her dad notices the shift but continues, "But because Lorelai doesn't know him all that well, Rory suggested you come over to keep him company."
Everleigh asks, "Why me?"
Her boyfriend's tone is more aggravated. "Probably to babysit him."
"He doesn't need anyone to babysit him," she jumps to her friend's defense. "He's very independent."
Sensing the tension building, her dad tries to ease it. "It's for Lorelai. She doesn't know him well, but she knows you. Unless you don't want to go. I can just tell Lorelai you can't make it."
Everleigh can feel Blaze becoming more still by the second and links her arm around his to calm him down. She knows he has all kinds of scenarios running through his head right about now. Under her touch, he visibly relaxes. "No, I'll be there."
Her dad nods, somewhat relieved. "Good. Because I already told her you would."
The couple rolls their eyes at the comment, both for different reasons.
The next morning, Everleigh is politely asked to just walk into the Gilmore household without knocking, but when she does, she's not exactly sure what to expect.
As the front door swings open, she's instantly met with a 'mooing' sound coming from the living room. "Did I just step into Old MacDonald's Farm, or is this your new way of calling the cows home?" Everleigh asks as she steps into the living room, seeing both Gilmores sitting on the couch with an alarm clock in front of them. "Gotta be careful these days. Next thing you know, we'll have a whole Babe situation in here."
"Hey, don't knock it. It's all part of my new 'rustic chic' vibe. Just wait until the sheep chime in—it's gonna be a real party," Lorelai replies.
"Do I even wanna know?"
"Mom got a new alarm clock," Rory explains, smiling next to her mother. "She's easily pleased."
"Shhh..." Lorelai quiets the girls, her eyes glued to the clock, and suddenly a 'quacking' sound fills the room. Rory and Everleigh exchange concerned looks as Lorelai giggles. "Isn't this fun?"
"Thrilling," Rory deadpans as the doorbell rings. "I'll get it."
"No." Lorelai grabs her daughter's arm, stopping her. "You stay, there's more. Everleigh, can you get it?"
"Sure." Everleigh shrugs, laughing at Rory's wide-eyed expression. She walks to the front door and opens it, finding Jess standing there. "Hi, Jess."
Jess, surprised, asks, "What are you doing here?"
Everleigh's tone turns sarcastic. "Wow, you sound so happy to see me."
"I didn't say that."
Everleigh arches her brow. "Oh, so you are happy to see me."
"I didn't say that either." Jess looks away.
She grabs his arm, dragging him inside with a wide grin. "It's okay, Mariano. I know you are."
As she closes the door, Jess eyes her. "Did you get that out of your system?"
Everleigh nods. "Yes, I did. Thank you."
"So now will you tell me why you're here?"
"I'm here to babysit you." She raises her hands in surrender before Jess can think she's lying. "Scout's honor."
The sound of sheep interrupts their conversation, followed by another giggle from Lorelai, who shouts from the living room, "Ha! I told you, Everleigh! A real party out here."
Jess raises an eyebrow at Everleigh. She simply shakes her head. "You, my friend, have just stepped into Lorelai Gilmore's world. Where all the abnormal things are totally normal."
"I gotta go," Rory announces, stepping out of the living room. She notices Jess and Everleigh by the door. "Hi, Jess."
Everleigh frowns. "You're not staying?"
Rory reaches for the door but pauses, glancing at Everleigh. "Oh no, I have to meet up with someone."
Everleigh chuckles. "That someone wouldn't happen to be Dean, would it?"
Jess notices Rory fidgeting, playing with the bracelet on her wrist, but keeps quiet. "Actually, no. It's just someone you probably haven't met."
Everleigh, oblivious, replies, "It's Stars Hollow. I know everyone by now."
"Really? You only moved here less than a year ago," Rory says, surprised.
Everleigh shrugs. "What can I say? I'm a curious person."
"I'm starting to notice," Rory mutters more to herself than to anyone else as she glances out the window.
"Sooo, is this person new here?" Everleigh tries to peek out the window herself, but Rory blocks her view.
Rory panics, unable to respond quickly enough, so Jess sighs. "Jeez, Robin, some people enjoy a little privacy."
Everleigh straightens up, looking at Rory and feeling guilty for prying. "Sorry."
Before Rory can respond, Lorelai shouts Everleigh's name, and she excuses herself from Jess and Rory, leaving them alone.
Once Everleigh is out of sight, Rory lets out a relieved sigh and smiles at Jess. "Thank you, Jess."
"There's nothing to thank me for," Jess shrugs, slipping his hands into his jean pockets. "You'd be stuck here all day if I didn't stop her interrogation."
"Duly noted." Rory glances at the door before turning back to Jess, a small smile still on her face. "I'm sorry, I really have to go meet someone before I see Dean. But I appreciate what you did there."
Jess smirks, lowering his voice. "That someone wouldn't happen to be Robin's boyfriend?"
Rory's smile falters.
"Jess is here," Everleigh says to Lorelai as she enters the kitchen.
"Yeah, kinda figured with how long you were gone." Lorelai shrugs, pouring a cup of coffee.
Everleigh squints her eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," Lorelai hands the coffee to the girl, "Just that you're the only one that can hold a conversation with the guy."
Everleigh sighs, "Well I kinda forced him into this friendship."
"Must've been hard." Lorelai comments.
"Not really. I liked annoying him," The girl shakes her head, "Once you get through that tough wall he builds up, he is a really nice guy. He is a lot smarter than he lets on."
"That's one hell of a wall to break." Lorelai mumbles.
"You should at least try and be nice to him."
"Aha! The key word try," Lorelai smiles mischievously but it fades as soon as she saw the girl's pointed expression, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Rory gave me the same speech."
Jess finally makes an entry, after Everleigh left him with Rory, so the girl says, "Glad you could finally join us."
Jess just glances at her and the girl and Lorelai share a look before Lorelai asks, "Would you like a drink? Rory and I did some shopping yesterday and in addition to a case of Maybelline Fresh Lash Mascara, I also bought some of that new freaky coke with a lemon in it. It's very addictive."
Lorelai opens the fridge door, taking out two cans of soda. Everleigh gladly accepts one of them while Lorelai holds onto the second one, waiting on Jess to say something.
But with no surprise to anyone, he stays silent.
Everleigh sighs, looking down. Lorelai glances at the girl before asking again, "So, Jess, what's new?"
"Not much."
Everleigh arches a brow at his response, so she speaks up, "Jess was telling me last night on the phone, Luke went a little cuckoo and planned to go apartment shopping today. Isn't that right, Jess?"
"I suppose."
Everleigh hangs her head back at another dry response, so Lorelai tries again, "Oh, you guys see anything good yet?"
Lorelai approaches him and hands him the second can of soda, "You know, there's some really cool places over on peach...or on plum." Lorelai chuckles at her own joke, however her friend wasn't amused nor he made a sound, "Or orange. — Basically, any of your fruit-named streets are pretty nice." Lorelai turns back around, both girls sharing another look as Everleigh scratches the back of her ear at the awkwardness, "Okay, well, I guess you should get started. There's a ladder right out front and some buckets and gloves and stuff on the porch. If you need anything else, just walk against the wind."
Jess simply walks through the doors, sighing. Both females wait on him to be gone until Lorelai comments, "Wow, he is a real talker."
"I couldn't even defend this if I tried," Everleigh says truthfully and points at the door, "I'm gonna go speak him."
"Good luck." Lorelai sends her two sarcastic thumbs up as she sits down at the table.
Everleigh follows after her friend who she finds throwing a garden hosepipe on the ground, "What's wrong with you?"
Jess doesn't even glance at her, "According to your tone, everything."
"This is what I was talking about."
"Are you feeling okay?" He finally looks up at her.
The girl points at the house, "Jess. The house. — With Lorelai? No talking. With me? Talking loads."
"If you strung together a full sentence, we might actually get somewhere."
Everleigh rubs her temples, "Has anyone ever told you, you're infuriating?"
The boy casually shrugs, "Yeah, this town actually."
She ignores his comment, "Lorelai's paying you to be here; the least you could do is try making conversation with her."
"Lorelai's paying me for the work, not the conversation. You? I guess you get both." Jess smirks as he eyes her reaction.
The girl slightly thrown off guard by the comment, trying to fight off the smile, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm just saying."
Everleigh sighs heavily, " Look, can you at least try. She is dating my dad and I'm sure my dad will know all about today."
The girl explains, "Meaning, you're in my life, and my dad has opinions about who I hang out with. I want him to like you because, well, I like you."
That perks his attention as he smiles, "Oh, so you like me?"
She groans, stepping back into the house, "Ugh, go do some work."
The girl slumps down, opposite Lorelai in the kitchen. She has been wandering around the house for a while, and slowly she's getting bored. She wasn't the greatest babysitter and even on the times she actually has babysat someone, usually it was at her house. This wasn't her house and she didn't know what else to do.
So, sitting down at the table was the last option. Even Lorelai found things to do — her job related things but it still was something. Everleigh? Not so much.
As she watches Lorelai scribble things down in a notebook, she remembers the conversation she had with her boyfriend last night. And quite frankly, she wanted to know. Just as Lorelai picks up her mug to drink the coffee, the teen blurs out:
"Are you in love with my dad?"
Lorelai chokes.
There was a pause from Lorelai, eyes wide. The woman adjusts herself in the chair, "Wow, no small talk. Just straight into the deep end, huh? You could've at least asked about my coffee first."
"Sorry," The teen winces at how blunt she was. "I just mean... you two have been seeing each other for a while now."
"Oh, hon," Lorelai says softly, "It's not as easy as it might seem. Your dad and I are doing this slow."
"So you're not in love with him?"
"No." She shakes her head, but the question confuses herself, "I don't think I am — well, maybe... I don't know." Everleigh eyes her. Lorelai tucks hair behind both ears, "What I'm trying to say is we're doing this thing slow and seeing where the wind takes us. We're just dating. We haven't even considered dropping the L bombs."
"Oh," Everleigh slumps in her seat.
"Is there a particular reason why you're asking me?" This time, Lorelai observes the teen.
"No." She lies, trying to redirect the attention back to Lorelai, "Can you just promise me if things do get serious between you and my dad and you're considering to drop the L bomb, you'll think it through."
"What do you mean?"
Everleigh exhales heavily. "I just don't want my dad to get hurt. I like you and like being around you but he is also my dad. I'm the one who's going to be there when things go south."
"You're a good kid," Lorelai says, reaching out to squeeze Everleigh's fidgety hands. "I'm not sure what the future holds, but I can promise you this: I do hope there's a future for me and your dad. He is wonderful."
She feels happy to hear that.
"A little help would be appreciated," Jess shouts as he stands on the roof.
"Nope. I'm all good down here, " Everleigh crosses her arms, smirking, " I prefer my view at ground levels."
Jess glances down at her and then away, his mind wandering, "If you're going to be no help, why don't you just go hang out with your boyfriend instead?"
Her smirk fades. After the conversation she shared with her boyfriend last night, he didn't stay much longer either. Deep down, she feels relieved because she isn't sure she feels comfortable being around Blaze, knowing how emotionally distant they are in their relationship.
She brushes off his comment. She hasn't really spoken to him since last night. "Remember, Lorelai asked me to babysit you, so you're stuck with me."
Jess raises an eyebrow before focusing back on the task. "Lucky me," he mutters under his breath.
She uncrosses her arms, changing the subject. "What do you need help with, anyway?"
"I don't know. Maybe holding the ladder. It's kind of a two-person job, you know?" He steps back, leaning against the roof's edge. "But if you have other plans, I guess I can manage."
"Yeah, yeah,yeah." She rolls her eyes but steps closer to the ladder anyway. The girl knew he was just joking it being a two-person job but she was bored. Jess was her only available entertainment now. "Just get back to it."
Jess looks down at her, seeing her actually holding onto the ladder, looking down at her feet as she draws small circles on the ground. He couldn't help but to smile as he gets back to cleaning the gutters.
As Jess carries on doing his thing, Everleigh was left with her thoughts again. She was doing just fine at least two days ago. She didn't think much—just said what she was thinking—but today she can't.
"They're perfect together... kind of like us, you know?"
Blaze's words struck a chord in her; they opened a door she didn't know she needed to open. The feeling after hearing those words wasn't pleasant, and it made her evaluate her relationship. She didn't mean for it to happen but that's all she could think about.
"You good down there, or did I lose you?" Jess teases, breaking the silence, his voice a lot softer.
Everleigh snaps out of her thoughts and forces a grin, "I'm just soaking in the view."
He rolls his eyes. "Right. You keep telling yourself that."
She shifts her weight, looking up at him. She wanted to be distracted and Jess was a good distraction, so she asks, "You're really into this, huh? Playing handyman. Didn't know you had it in you."
Jess shrugs, "I'm full of surprises."
She knew she was babysitting Jess—that was her main task, clarified by her dad and Lorelai. She hadn't expected to search the entire house for Rory's bracelet. She'd seen parts of the house she didn't think were possible to see. Rory made a big deal over a bracelet she never takes off, one that Dean gave her. But Everleigh also knew Dean and how sensitive he was about these small things.
So she had no choice but to join the bracelet hunt. Her location? Around the house. Lorelai was at the Independence Inn; Rory? She was around town.
She was so busy searching the house that she didn't even notice the scene unfolding outside:
"What do you want?" Blaze asks, noticing Jess walking towards him as he was walking past the Gilmore house.
"Give it back." Was Jess's response.
"The bracelet."
Blaze huffs, "Running around my girlfriend has given you a brain hemorrhage."
Jess points a finger at him, amused, "That's a big word even for you. I'm talking about Rory's bracelet." He then points at Blaze's hand. "If you put your grandma's glasses on, you'd see it's right there."
Blaze glances down at the bracelet he's holding. "How do you know it's Rory's and not Eve's?"
"We both know she doesn't like wearing them." Jess says casually.
Blaze stays quiet, the chewing inside of his cheek, "I'll give it to Rory myself."
"Have fun with that." His voice drips with sarcasm.
"What's your problem with us anyway? You always wanna start something with me." Everleigh's boyfriend glares.
"I don't." Jess shrugs out, "I just don't approve of how you treat your girlfriend." He raises his hands in mock surrender. "But hey, I'm not the one in a relationship with her, so what do I know?"
Blaze steps closer, fists clenched, "Yeah, you don't know a thing about my relationship."
This time Jess squints, his lips curling into a knowing smirk "How's Agnes, by the way?" His voice lowers, turning razor-sharp. "Heard she hasn't been able to reach either of you. Makes me wonder what happened."
At the mention of Agnes, Blaze's posture stiffens, his fists tightening until his knuckles turn white. He steps forward, just inches away from Jess, who doesn't even flinch.
Everleigh's friend stays put, his calm expression only fueling Blaze's anger. His smirk widens, enjoying every second of Blaze's frustration.
Suddenly unaware to them, Everleigh rushes in between Jess and Blaze, the tension palpable. She quickly grabs Jess by the arm, pulling him back before anything escalates.
"There you are, Jess. Let's go." She instantly realises what she did. She grabbed a hold of Jess rather than her boyfriend's and she knew he'd read into it. She gives Blaze a quick glance, her voice more panicked than she intends. "Hi, Blaze. Gotta go, Blaze." She releases her grip on Jess's arm and stands on her tiptoes, brushing a quick kiss on her boyfriend's cheek. "Love you, Blaze."
She quickly drops back down, takes hold of Jess's arm again, and pulls him away from the confrontation, leaving Blaze standing there, fists still clenched, glaring at Jess's retreating figure.
Before they can leave, Blaze calls out, his voice calmer, though his eyes still narrow as they flick between Everleigh and Jess. "Eve, wait a second."
The girl hesitates, turning back, her grip loosening on Jess's arm. Jess remains quiet, watching the scene unfold, his usual smirk replaced by a more thoughtful look as Blaze steps forward.
He looks down at his fist and opens it, revealing a bracelet. "I, uh, found this when I was out with Babette. Thought you might want to give it back to Rory."
The teen blinks in surprise, taking the bracelet from his hand. "How did you get this?" she asks, her voice laced with confusion.
Her boyfriend doesn't make eye contact. "Saw it on the ground when I was heading out earlier, helping out Babette. She recognised it as Rory's," he says, shooting a quick look at Jess.
She clutches the bracelet. "Thank you," she says, stepping forward to give him a quick hug. "I never thought there would be such an uproar over the bracelet."
Jess, on the other hand, stands back, watching Blaze with sharp, unreadable eyes but not saying a word. He simply raises an eyebrow as Everleigh pulls away from Blaze, who laughs nervously
Everleigh glances between the two, feeling the lingering tension. "I'll, um, catch up with you later." She steps back, tugging Jess's arm again, eager to get out of the uncomfortable situation. Leaving Blaze watching the two.
As they walk away, Jess keeps silent for a while, his hands in his pockets and it was bothering the girl.
Once they were finally back inside, she finally breaks the silence and releases his arm. "What was all that about?"
He tilts his head toward her, raising an eyebrow, "You buying that story?"
She frowns slightly, looking down at the bracelet in her hand, "Why wouldn't I?"
Jess gives a noncommittal shrug "No reason. Just seems a little too convenient, don't you think?"
Everleigh narrows her eyes at him, suspiciously, "What are you trying to say, Jess?"
"Nothing. Just making an observation." He throws a quick glance back at her "Let me know if your boyfriend finds anything else interesting."
She watches him walk away, leaving her alone with the bracelet. Everleigh can't help but ponder his words, trying to make sense of what just happened.
"Where did you get that?" Her gaze shoots up as she sees Lorelai approaching.
"Uhm...Blaze actually gave it to me," Everleigh says, handing the bracelet to Lorelai.
"Blaze?" More shocked than anything, grabbing it from her hands, "Why would he have Rory's bracelet?"
Everleigh shrugs, "Apparently, he found it while he was out with Babette."
"Babette?" Lorelai blinks rapidly before she can say anything else. Her mind races with questions. She laughs dryly. "I can't believe it." She clenches the bracelet and sighs, "Thanks, I'll give it to Rory when she's back."
The way Lorelai reacted made Everleigh wonder if maybe her boyfriend had lied to her.
"Do you think this tie looks good?"
Her dad approaches her in the living room, holding up a silk paisley tie in burgundy. His attention is on his daughter, sprawled on the couch with her eyes glued to the screen, chin resting on her arm propped up on the armrest.
"Mhm, sure." She doesn't even look up.
"What about the green one? You remember it, right?" He asks.
"Uh-huh, sure."
Her dad arches an eyebrow at her response and walks closer. "I was thinking maybe I should try a new look for the meeting."
She sighs, "Yeah, sounds good."
"And maybe I should get into farming full-time." He tests her focus abilities.
"That one, for sure."
He places his hands on his hips. "Okay, what's wrong?" When she doesn't respond, he adds, "Eve?"
That seems to bring her back to reality, and she sits up, trying to act casual. "What's up?"
"What's up?" He repeats as he sits down, "What's up with you?"
She looks back at the television, "Nothing."
"You didn't even hear what I said," He explains, his tone warm and gentle, "Something's on your mind."
She pulls her legs closer to her chest, glancing at him. "I'm okay." He gives her a pointed look. "I will be okay."
"You always tell me stuff."
Now she felt guilty. She always shares things with him, and he always listens, offering advice no matter how difficult the topic. But this time feels different. So she huffs, "You'll judge me."
"Try me."
That snaps her attention to him. She does need advice—someone with more experience in this area. If she thinks it over more, her mind will start to unravel. So Everleigh simply looks down as she says:
"I think I made a mistake getting back together with Blaze."
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
guys, there's only six more chapters left of act one and season two will be done. which only means this is where i'm going to have all the fun. (evil laughs coming from me).
also sorry for such a long chapter but a lot went down during this episode. i did try to shorten it.
☕️ everleigh: "Did I just step into Old MacDonald's Farm or is this your new way of calling the cows home?"
nursery rhyme — Old MacDonald Had A Farm ( 1706 )
☕️ everleigh: "Next thing you know, we'll have a whole Babe situation in here."
movie — Babe ( 1995 )
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